1999-06-07 AGENDA CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RlH., K.D., S.L., lC., 1.E., R.F., E.K., S.M., 1. V. APPROVE MINUTES: May 3,1999 Approved: Corrections: Seconded: COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Sloper - Timothy Scannell EMT -P will be Health Director for ] 999 2. Received approval from Sheafe Road School forpse offacilities for Basketball Camp 7/]2-16 3.' Received Ctf Of Insurance for Women's Softball League. 4. Letter from WFn-1 re: construction at School all summer and they are not allowing any activities insiJe, on fields or in parking lot. 5. Letter from Mid Hudson Road Runners for use of Robinson Lane facilities on Sat., Sept. ] 8 and Sept. 19. 6. Copy of Letter sent to Supervisor Cmith from John A. Beale, Office of Aging stating that the S. C. Picnic for Town of Wappinger is scheduled for 9/] at Robinson Lane. Media One is sponsor. 7. Received a variance from the Dept. Of Health for immunization records. 8. Letter from Ed Doyle regarding use of Robinson Lane for 2001 and 2002 Special Olympics. 9. Letter from Little League re changes at RL. Park. 10. Resolution offinal approval from Planning Board re Evergreen Subdivision Section II REPORTS: K.D. E.K. S.L. S.M. 1.c. 1.V. 1.E. R1.H. RF. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ,it. :,.':? /'jj" RECREATION MINUTES JUNE 7, 1999 NEXT MEETING JULY 7, 1999 AT SCHLATHAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held June 7, 1999 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman, Joseph Ennesser at 7:00 p.m. with the following people in attendance: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director, and Commission Members Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, and Joanne Vazquez. The minutes of the May 3, 1999 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Vazquez. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Sloper Willen Ambulance Co. stating that Timothy Scannell EMT-P will be the Health Director for the summer camps for 1999. Approval was received from Sheafe Road Elementary School for the use of their facilities for the Basketball Camp from July 12 to July 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. A certificate of insurance was received from the Southern Dutchess Women's Softball League. They are using the Castle Point ball fields this season. A letter was received from the Wappinger Junior High School stating that because of construction at the school this summer they are not allowing us to hold any activities inside the building, in their parking lot, or on their fields. This poses a problem since we have already scheduled the swim pick up and drop off points in their parking lot, as we have in the past. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he has already spoken with the Principal of Ketcham, John McCarthy about changing the site to Ketcham. Mr. McCarthy had no problem with this but since he will be leaving June 30th he suggested that Mr. Lowery also speak with the new principal. A letter was received from the Mid Hudson Road Runners Club for the use of Robinson Lane facilities on Saturday, September 18 and Sunday, September 19 for their race. They also requested that Robinson Lane be closed for this race. The Commission did not have any problem with them using the facilities but suggested that they should contact the Town Board regarding the closure of the road. 1 r. I ", A copy ofa letter from lohnA. Beale, Office of the Aging to Connie Smith was forwarded to us for our information. It stated that the Senior Citizen Picnic for the Town of Wappinger Seniors is scheduled for September 1 at Robinson Lane and that it would be limited to 500 Senior Citizens. The letter mentioned that Media One will be the sponsor and that as in the past they understand that the Town will supply the tables and chairs for the event. A variance was received from the Dutchess Co. Health Department, Peter P, Mack enclosing a Notice of Variance which was granted for the 1999 summer season for immunization records for the playground children. A letter was received from Ed Doyle regarding the use of Robinson Lane for the 2001 and 2002 Special Olympics. The Commission felt that this was a good idea and would welcome the Olympics at Robinson Lane but it was suggested that a letter be sent to the Town Board asking for their approval/comments. A letter was received from Bill Farrell of the Town of Wappinger Little League regarding some changes to the Park on Robinson Lane. In his letter he requested that an electric circuit already in place at R2 (field 5 be extended to both instructional fields). Buried cable could be run to outlets at the fields pitching circle. They stated that Little League would rent and operate a trenching machine to help reduce the cost but that the electrical work should be done by a professional. This work will be done. Mr. Friedman mentioned that we have to make sure that the installation of the outlets are flat and that nothing protrudes from the ground. The second request was that the outfield fence on field 10 (SL-1) be moved back 30 feet where possible and raised to eight foot height where possible. This change is needed because of both the restructuring of age groups in junior and senior leagues and the overwhelming development of aluminum bats which renders the distance to the fence to short. It was stated that this was a large job and one that we could not do this year. It will be discussed at budget time. A copy of the resolution offinal approval on the Evergreen Subdivision Section II was received from the Planning Board. The resolution stated that the Planning Board would require the payment of a fee in the amount of $10,500 ($1,500. for each of the seven building lots in Phase II) in lieu of the dedication of suitable parkland as a condition of final plat approval. OUTGOING LETTERS 1. Letter to Dutchess County Health Dept. requesting a Variance for immunization records. 2. Letter to Colleen Cannon of Deer Hill with P.O.'s for their signature's for the use of their facilities for the summer swim program. 3. Letter to Little League and Soccer Presidents stating that there are interface persons on the Commission and that it might be easier for them to work directly with them. 4. Thank you from the Seniors to Paul Panson for some computer software. 5. Fax to Lori Johnson of Dutchess County Planning with quotes from the bids for the Schlathaus handicap bathroom and ramp project. 2 ..- ., 6. Letter to Hughsonville Fire District stating that we will not be using their facilities for the Summer Program and that we will get back to them regarding the playground equipment. 7. Letter to Stop & Shop asking for help with the purchase of carnations for the Senior Appreciation day. 8. Thank you letter to Stop and Shop for the donation of$25.00 to help defray the cost of the carnations for Senior Appreciation Day. 9. Letter to Town Board requesting a P.O. for the First Aid/CPR training. 10. Letter to Town Board requesting that $6,850 from the parkland trust fund be add to the grant funds for the Schlathaus handicap renovations. This was tabled to a workshop. 11. Letter to Town Board for a P.O. for new clay for Robinson Lane fields - Approved 5/24/99 12. Letter to Town Board for P.O. payable to WCSD for transportation for summer programs in the amount of$7,500.. 13. Letter to Town Board regarding extra funds for improvements at Spook Hill Park and for the purchase of a trailer. - Tabled to a workshop. 14. Letter to Town Board regarding hiring of Kim Allen as Summer Director- Approved. 15. Letter to Supervisor Smith regarding permission for Bill Farrell to use the Town Hall Parking lot on 6/5/99 when he takes his Little Leaguers to Williamsport. Approved. 16. Letter to Debra Deger returning check for playground program. She is not a resident of the Town. She resides in the Village. 17. Letter to Town Board regarding lighting of a field at Robinson Lane. 18. Letter to Town Board regarding permission to place an ad for the Recreation/Senior Assistant and Maintanance help. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior activities for the month of May. This report is attached to these minutes. RECREATION REPORT Mr. Lowery thanked all the Commission Members who helped with the playground registration at Ketcham. He mentioned that there will be two more dates to register the children - the first June 16th at Town Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and at Schlathaus Park from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and the last registration on Saturday, June19th at Schlathaus from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. The swim program is filled to capacity. In one session there are 70 registered. Since the registrations for town bus trips and other events are first held at the office at Schlathaus Park he asked if it would be possible to place a sign by the driveway showing that the office is at that location. He receives many calls from people saying that they could not find the place and were unable to register. Mr. Ennesser said that he would look into this. 3 - . " .. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he would be unable to greet the bands on June 24 and July 1 and asked if someone would be there to do this. Mr. Ennesser said that this could be worked out. The trips are going very well. Mr. Lowery mentioned that his E-mail is going well and he receives at least 12 e-mails each week. ROBINSON LANE Mr.Friedman mentioned that there will be a fall ball program again this year and there are registration dates in July for this program. He gave the dates to Mr. Lowery to put in his column in the Southern Dutchess News. The league will be starting mid-August and run until October. TENNIS Mrs. Korz asked about the tennis lights and Mrs. Roe said that they should be on already. She also mentioned that if we have the tennis tournament, Mr. Casowitz would use the people that are currently registered in the program. SURVEYS Mrs. Vazquez mentioned that she has received a few surveys and have reviewed them. She mentioned that most of the ones that she has received have come from the parents of the playground registration and it was felt that we need to get them out to other residents of the Town i.e. soccer, baseball, concerts. REESE PARK Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has met with Roger Humeston regarding the upgrading of the parking lot at Reese Park with item 4 and doing some grading for the run off He is waiting for a written estimate. He also mentioned that he has made some early runs to Reese Park and has found a vagrant living there. He is not harming anything but this has been reported. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has spoken to Central Hudson about having a light installed in the parking lot at Reese Park. 4 "..-- CASTLE POINT Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we still have to install the equipment at Castle Point. We have tried to get Hudson Canyon out to install it. He also mentioned that he has looked at the one that was taken out and it should not be put in. It is not safe. When it was removed it was ruined and is not safe to use again. We will have to get a new one or see if Hudson Canyon will replace it. DOCK AT CHELSEA Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has ordered the last piece of the dock extension and hopefully complete the network. The cost of this extension will be $1,750. GREENWAY Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has submitted a Greenway Grant for Reese Park with the purpose of upgrading the footbridge. He is also trying to get the National Guard involved in the construction of the bridge. He mentioned that he has scheduled a clean up date at Reese Park for September 11 and 12 with 20-30 people from the National Guard. They will remove the metal hardware that is there. ROBINSON LANE LIGHTS. A letter has been sent to the Town Board regarding the lighting of a field at Robinson Lane. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following notes: 1. The telephone has been installed at the Castle Point building. We are still waiting for the grass to be cut and the swings to be installed. detective) . 2. We have hired a new person for Maintenance (Tony Massa- a retired N.Y. 3. We are hiring a new person to provide help to both Mrs. DeLisa and Mrs. Roe. 4 . We have been given the go ahead to purchase the new clay for Robinson Lane. It is the same clay that they use at Dutchess Stadium and we are told that it will stand up better and that in the long run we will save money. 5 - . ... '. 5. Both the work at Schlathaus and the work at Spook Hill were tabled pending more discussion by the Town Board. 6. There has been some discussion regarding the extra money that we received from the registration of the summer playgrounds. We don't know if we will be able to use it this year or not. 7. We must resume the work at the Rymer Property as soon as we can. Mrs. Roe will get the bid package ready for the construction of the entrance. As soon as the grass cutting slows up we will assign people to again start cleaning around the area that will be the center of the park. 8. We have a person ready to perform the job of opening and closing of the gate at Castle Point Park. He will also raise and lower the flag, clean the rest rooms daily and clean around the buildings. 9. Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt have been working on a play to build a Senior Center building. We hope to have this in the hands of the Town Board this week. Mr. Ennesser has put a lot of effort into this and the plan looks really good. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he thought that Mr. Lowery has done a great job as Recreation Director. He has brought many new ideas and energy to the job. Since July 5 is a Holiday, we will have to change the meeting night. Mrs. Roe will work on setting up a different night. at 8:25 p.m. The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz Peggy Roe Secretary 6