1999-07-06 J;. RECREATION MINUTES JULY 6, 1999 NEXT MEETING AUGUST 2, 1999 AT SCHLA THAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held July 6, 1999 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairman Ralph Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director and Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, James Chappas, Ronald Friedman and Ellen Korz. The minutes of the June 7, 1999 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs. Korz seconded by Mr. Chappas with the correction of "play" to "plan" on page 6 #9. Dr. Arman Manasar attended the meeting and discussed concerns at Robinson Lane and the various recreation areas regarding the tick problem in the area. The nymph stage of the ticks is during April, May and June. At this stage they are the smallest and the hardest to see. The high risk area for most recreation areas and people's yards is the area adjacent to the woods 3 yards in and 3 yards out of the perimeter. The adult ticks are found more in the fall and they are easier to see since they are a little bigger. Dr. Manasar said that it takes a tick approximately 60 seconds to go from the ankle to the neck. He also gave some information on the pesticide Tempo II which is commercially used to reduce the tick abundance. He mentioned that ticks will not survive more than a day without water (liquid) and noted that white footed mice are one of the main spreaders of Lyme disease. He mentioned that he has received a lot of information from Dr. Kirby Stafford of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven, Ct. Dr. Manasar has talked to the Town Board and they would like us to look into spraying our recreation areas. Dr. Manasar gave us a couple of phone numbers so that we could get more information. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Lowery mentioned that the playgrounds have run quite smoothly for the first few days. He is already working on the barbeque for August 10th and is looking on maybe having a type of Community Day and have people from the fire company, police, and Sloper come to Schlathaus and set up tables and booths and possibly have demos until lunch and the lip sync contest. He also suggested that a placque be given to Sloper to thank them for all their help in getting the Directors and Counselors Certified for the Playground. Concerts are well under way but the attendance has been low. It might be the fact that there is still a lot going on with graduations etc. Maybe next year we should start the concerts a week later when school is out and graduations etc are over. He mentioned that he would like to invite the former principal of Ketcham, John McCarthy, to a special concert and family show to honor and thank him for all he has done for Recreation i.e. registrations, helping with setting up a pick up point for swim. He has been very flexible. Mr. Holt mentioned that we should not get involved in the politics of this. We have no problem with a letter being sent thanking him for his support of the Town Recreation programs but to single out one person like that is not a good idea. He is working on a brochure and information for year 2000 and also on an interactive web site in cooperation with Ketcham students which will have pictures of things we do, survey etc. That will take some time to get it ready but he is already working on it. He mentioned that if we have money he feels that it should be used to upgrade the equipment for the playgrounds. Mr. Holt mentioned that we should be thinking of how we can use the $10,000. as soon as possible. Everyone was asked for their ideas and it should be something that would benefit all the children involved in the playgrounds. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT. Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior Activities for the month of June. This report is attached to these minutes. She also noted that we have hired Eileen Manning to help with the Senior Activities and to cover in the Recreation Office. Mr. Holt mentioned that we also need a list of people who are willing to come in to help us as needed. We are writing a letter to the Town Board requesting approval to make a list of people who would be willing to come in on an as needed basis and be paid. CHELSEA DOCKS Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the last piece of the docks have been added today. He also mentioned that someone backed into one of the railings and broke one of the welds. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we will have that piece fixed and he will write a note to the Town Board to tell them that the dock is as complete as far as we are going. We are already getting a great response on this. He also mentioned that the young man that works for Ecological lives up this way and stops by frequently to check on the docks and keeps a running list of what is going on. SCHLA THAUS PARK Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the fan and the light work has been completed for the Photo Club. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that the club is thrilled with the work that has been done. The sign has been installed by the driveway for the Schlathaus Office. 2 REESE PARK Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the security light has been installed at Reese Park. He is attempting to put together a grant for Reese Park for the upgrading of the road and the parking area under park improvements. The grant will be put in for approximately $6,000. The money received from the previous grant will be used to restore the bridge. He mentioned that he has already had someone down to look a replacing the bridge. HUGHSONVILLE PLAYGROUND Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we still have to do something about the equipment at Hughsonville and Mr. Holt said that it has to come out. That means that we have to go in and pick up the pea gravel, level and seed the areas. Mr. Holt said that he has spoken with Steve Tompkins about doing this as soon as possible but first we have have to set up a meeting with Hughsonville to discuss this with them. CASTLE POINT The swings are in at Castle Point. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he reviewed with Mr. Tompkins the location for the slide and the climber but they put it back where they were previously located. By doing this they have closed down the service areas between the equipment. Mr. Ennesser indicated that they may have to remove the climber because the clearances between the climber and the swings are not right. We will look further into this. Mr. Holt asked if the slide had been removed and Mr. Ennesser said that it had. Mr. Holt mentioned that he has written a letter to the Engineer to the Town regarding the slide. ROCKINGHAM Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he keeps hearing about the traffic problems at Rockingham but he doesn't think that we should not use it. Most of the problems that he hears about has to do with speeders rather than parking problems. He feels that we should think about putting in some traffic control and the money should be added to our future budgets. We have the park, we should be able to use it. TENNIS Mrs. Korz mentioned that tennis is really slow this year. She said that there are 13 children signed up for each session but a lot have not been showing. A little may have to do with the heat and the holiday weekend. It is early in the session so we will have to see what happens from now on. She mentioned that Mr. Casowitz would like to have the key to the 3 bulletin board case at the courts so that he could put up some notices. Mrs. Korz said that she is working with him regarding the tournaments. ROBINSON LANE Mr. Friedman asked about the letter that was sent to the Town Board about the naming of Fields. Mr. Holt and Mr. Miller attended the meeting and it was sent to a workshop which so far has not been scheduled. Mr. Friedman mentioned that the alarms went off at both Schlathaus Park and Robinson Lane and he responded to both alarms. He said that no one showed up i.e. police etc. He felt that the alarm firm should be contacted regarding these alarms. He said that he was told that the police were notified and he waited at least 25 minutes but no one arrived. 7/7/99 alarm at Schlathaus 12:30 a.m. 7/8/99 alarm at Robinson at 3:10 p.m. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he has heard that both the Express and the Debs have told the girls that if they play for the Town of Wappinger All Stars that they could not play for them. But that they have made an exception for Fishkill and some other Town. Mr. Friedman felt that there is a problem and that it should be addressed. Mr. Holt mentioned that this year is the first year that the Town of Wappinger did not field a team for the All Stars and that they had to forfeit their games. We need to find out what is going on between the two leagues. Mr. Ennesser felt that it really wasn't a problem of Recreation but with Town of Wappinger Little League. Mr. Holt felt that they have not paid their fee or submitted their insurance so they are not authorized to use the Fields at Robinson Lane for their tournament. We should consider having them both in to discuss the situation. RYMER The entrance to the Rymer Recreation Ares has been put out to bid and they will be opened on July 16th. Mr. Friedman suggested that we have someone (Engineer) design the new road to go into the Rymer Playground. After a discussion on the roadway it was agreed that Mr. Holt will write a letter to the Town Board requesting that the Engineer to the Town work up a design for this road. AIRPORT PARK Mr. Holt mentioned that there was vandalizm at Airport Park. He said that last Friday there were 4 boys out there ages 16, 17 and 18 with pellet guns that shoot paint. They were shooting at the building and the equipment box. They didn't realize that they had activated the 4 alarm and the State Police and Sheriff arrived and caught them. Mr. Holt mentioned that by the time he arrived Mr. Hathorne of Soccer was there. Mr. Hathorne got them some rags and water and they were set to cleaning it. This was reported by Mr. Holt to the Supervisor. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt reported the following: 1. The truck body at Evans was broken into. There wasn't any damage but a new lock was needed. 2. We have received paving estimates for the blacktop work at Spook hill and we will be getting quotes for the purchase of the trailer that will carry the tractors/mowers. 3. The soccer people have donated the trailer which is at Rockingham. It will be moved to the barn area. Mr. Holt mentioned that maybe it could be used at the Rymer property for storage when the time comes. 4. Mr. Holt made sure that all members had copies of the budget and requested that everyone make any notations for the 2000 budget and return to him as soon as possible. 5. He mentioned that the Greystone issue is still alive and that the Town has applied to the State for a grant for the property. . 6. Mr. Holt mentioned that he needs imput on how to spend the money received from the registration of the summer playgrounds. It must be something that will benefit all playgrounds. 7. Mr. Holt mentioned that there are still a number of people on the waiting list for the summer playground. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Lowery if we would need to hire more counselors for the playgrounds if we let these people register. OUTGOING LETTERS I. Letter to the Town Board regarding the appointment of Eileen Manning as Recreation Assistant. Approved at Town Board meeting 6/28/99. 2. Letter to Town Board regarding permission to have Central Hudson provide a street light for Reese Park. Approved at Town Board meeting 6/28/99 3. Letter to A. C. Moore removal of Maureen Irvin's name from the account and adding Doug Salvati as Craft Insrtuctor. 4. Rental contract returned to Jim Stark at Guardian Trailer Rentals. 5. Request for use of Myers Corners School for Boys and Girls Gymnastics for period Jan. 9 to May 9, 2000. 5 6. Letter to Steve Lowery regarding use of cellular phones. 7. Letter to Town Board Members regarding the Special Olympics at Robinson Lane October of the years 2001 and 2002 8. Letter to Town Board Members regarding the Schlathaus Park Grant Improvements. We are under a time frame with the County to get this work done. 9. A letter was sent to the Town Board containing a plan for the Senior Center Building. Mr. Holt mentioned that Mr. Ennesser has done a lot of ground work obtaining information on this project. It has been put to a workshop meeting. Mr. Holt said that Mrs. DeLisa would make copies of the Senior Center Building report and send a copy to each of the Commission Members. 10. A report has been sent to the Town Board regarding the lighting of a field at Robinson Lane. This report has been referred to a workshop meeting. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was forwarded to us from Supervisor Smith which she received from Daniel O'Connor of the Dutchess County Health Department. The letter advised the Town that the water system at Castle Point Recreation Site was approved on June 25, 1999 as a public water supply and a Completed Works Approval was issued. Supervisor Smith also requested that Mr. Tompkins does whatever is required for testings. A discussion was held regarding the Biscassia Tournament which is coming up. They are (Kathy Smith) looking for a schedule so that they can set a date. Mr. Holt mentioned that the tournament would be held in September and would not interfere with the Little League program. It was also discussed that we should be charging them $50.00 for the use of the fields for the use of Robinson Lane. It was also mentioned that they would also need to provide us with a certificate of insurance. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mrs. Korz. Peggy Roe Secretary 6