PRESENT: R.lH., K.D., S.L., lC., lE., R.F., E.K., S.M., AND J.V.
1. Copy of letter sent to Supervisor Smith from Jack Peluse of Marshall & Sterling requesting
information on recreation programs etc.. Letter given to Supv. Smith 1/27/00.
2. Memo from D. C. Youth Bureau regarding nomination for youth and adults.
3. Approval for use of facilities from Myers Comers School for Gymnastics program Jan to May
4. Letter from D. C. Planning and Dev. regarding award of$25,000. From Community
Development Funding for Handicapped accessible Rest Rooms at Martz.
5. Application for use of Robinson Lane fields from Beekman's Hardball League (Charlie
Cornacchio) with check for $150.00.
6. Copy ofletter to Supervisor Smith regarding use of Robinson Lane for D. C. Classic.
7. Letter from Bill Farrell, Little League President, for use of Robinson Lane fields 3/15 to 10/28.
8. Letter from M. & O. Sanitation, EnviroClean and A-Portable Toilets with prices for porta
johns for 2000. ..
9. Memo from Betsy Brockway regaiing new Youth Bureau Monitoring Form (gave copy to
Steve L.)
10. Letter from Spiegel Brown & Fichera requesting appropriate responses/materials for the case
Williams vs Wappinger per Notice to Produce. (See outgoing correspondence for reply)
1]. Agreement between Deer Hill and Town of Wappinger- $8,000. for season
12. Letter from Skip Rottkamp regarding use of fields.
13. Letter from Communications Workers of America re: Sign for A1 Kersting Field.
Page 2
March 7, 2000
OLD BUSINESS - Skyhawks Program
Drivers Training - Seniors
Teen Program
NEW BUSINESS - Bridge Club (extra day at Schlathaus)
Easter Egg Hunt
West Point Concert - (buffet)
Opening Day of Little League
MARCH 7, 2000
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
March 7, 2000 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director and
Commission Members James Chapp as, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, and
Joanne Vazquez.
The minutes of the February 1,2000 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Chappas seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor.
A copy of a letter received by Supervisor Smith from Jack Peluse of Marshall and
Sterling was forwarded to us. The letter requested information regarding various recreation
programs so that quotes for insurance coverage for participants in the various programs could be
obtained. The insurance would provide coverage for those injured as a result of the town's
A memo was received from Dutchess County Youth Bureau seeking nominations
for youth and/or adults to be publicly recognized in the youth development field on a county wide
An approval for the use of the Myers Corners School gym on Saturday mornings
from 9:30 to 12:30 for the Boys and Girls Gymnastics program was received.
A letter was received from the Dutchess County Department of Planning and
Development stating that the Town of Wappinger has been awarded $25,000. for Handicapped
Accessible Rest Rooms at Martz Field. They also indicated that we will be receiving notification
shortly of the date of the annual orientation seminar which will be held at their office on High
An application was received from Charles Cornacchio of the Beekman Men's
Hardball League. They would like permission to use the Senior League Field at Robinson Lane
on Sunday mornings April 30 to November 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Mr. Friedman
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
moved to okay the request and that they use Holt Memorial Field. A letter of approval will be
sent to Mr. Comacchio. They will have to provide the Town with a Certificate of Insurance
before using the facilities.
A letter was received from William Farrell, President of the Town of Wappinger
Little League stating that Little League will be using the fields at Robinson Lane from March 15th
through October 28th, all day, everyday. He also stated that they realize that other programs may
request the use of the Town's fields and they will be happy to work with them to make proper
Quotes were received from several vendors for the use of porta johns for the year
2000. They are as follows
Handicapped Unit
M. & O. Sanitation
Enviro Clean PortaPotty
A-I Portable Toilets
It was suggested that a letter be forwarded to the Town Board recommending that they approve
P.O. ' s payable to Enviro Clean for the 2000 season. We were much happier with the service we
received from them.
A memo was received from Betsy Brockway, Dutchess County Youth Bureau
with a copy of the new on site monitoring form and evaluation procedures.
A letter was received from Spiegel Brown and Fichera requesting information
pertaining to the case Williams V Town of Wappinger. This information is in conjunction with
the deposition of Town Clerk Elaine Snowden which was held October 12, 1999.
A copy of the agreement between Deer Hill Center and the Town of Wappinger
for the 2000 use of the Deer Hill pool for our swim program was received. The cost for the
season will be $8,000.00
A letter was received from Skip Rottkamp of the physical education department of
the Wappinger Central School District. This is in response to the letter Mr. Friedman wrote
regarding the school's use offields at Robinson Lane. Mr. Rottcamp's letter mentioned that they
were looking forward to the Spring season and that they were looking for practice as well as
game fields. This letter was forwarded to Mr. Farrell.
A letter was received from the Communications Workers of America regarding the
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
donation of a permanent sign to commemorate the AI Kersting field. It was mentioned that the
sign that is on the backstop at the present time has deteriorated. It was suggested that it should
be something similar to what is already there metal or plastic. Mr. Ennesser will look into this.
1. Letter to Aristocrat Tours with P.O's for their signature for the senior trips for 2000.
2. Letter to Barry Petrillo with signed contract and P.O. for concert at Schlathaus on 8/3/00
3. Letter to Skip Rottcamp at W.C.S.D. regarding use of facilities at Robinson Lane.
4. Letter to Town Board requesting P.O.'s for concerts.
5. Letter to Deer Hill for use of their facilities for swim program.
6. Letter to George Doerre and Anthony Tesan for helping at Senior Millennium party.
7. Letter to June Ellen Notaro, Dutchess County Youth Bureau enclosing 1999 Program Annual
8. Letter to Town Board requesting P.O. for 3 loads of clay for Robinson Lane.
9. Letter to Town Board requesting P.O. for purchase of post hole digger.
10. Letter to Spiegel Brown & Fichera with information requested for Williams V T/O/W
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior Activities for the month of
February. This report is attached to these minutes.
Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that the SIPP program (Senior Injury Prevention
Program) will be ending in April and that the Office of the Aging has informed us that the weights
our seniors used will remain at the Center. Many of those in the study would like to continue and
there are many on a waiting list for the program. The problem is that we do not have the space to
use for the program. At the present time we are using the meeting room but we already use it for
the exercise and line dancing programs and there are other Town areas that need the use of the
room. A suggestion was to look into renting a hall (Masonic etc.) but then there is the problem
of staffing. We will have to look into this problem further and possibly send a letter to the Town
Board to see what the status is on the Senior Building.
A request was received from Joseph Paoloni, Sr. of the bridge club to have another
day at Schlathaus. The only time left there would be Friday afternoon. We already have it
booked with photo club, computer classes, Greenway meetings, and bridge club. The only times
left are in the afternoons and everyone seems to only want the mornings.
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she would like to do a Tai Chi program but there is no
The bus schedule is now finished and available at the Senior Center or the
Recreation Office. There are 10 trips this year and since there have been so many complaints
regarding our sign up procedure, we have decided to do a lottery system. Tickets will be handed
out upon the arrival at the Senior Center and a corresponding numbered ticket will be placed in a
box. At 9:30 a.m. we will start drawing numbers and each person called will be able to make a
reservation for themselves and one other person until the bus is filled. Payment will be received at
that time and a receipt given for each reservation. There is also a special Oktoberfest being held
at the Villa Borghese in October. This trip is open to all Town Seniors but there will be no
transportation provided. We will be accepting the reservations but will not provide
We finally have Mrs. Manning set up at a desk in the Senior Room and John
Macek has spent a lot of time trying to make the old computer that she is using compatible with
the one in Mrs. Roe's office. He has been able to work something out but it is not time
efficient. What we really need is 2 computers that have the same programs which are compatible.
Mrs. Manning has to type the information on her computer and then place it on a disk which is
then brought to Mrs. Roe's office and then printed either on the recreation printer or the one in
the building department. We will have to look into the cost for at least 2 computers, software and
at least 2 printers.
Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she met with the gentleman regarding the possibility
of holding a Senior's drivers training class but we couldn't come up with a suitable location to
hold it. The instructor for the class felt that Schlathaus was not big enough. Mrs. DeLisa said
that this is another situation where she does not have room for some of the programs that she
would like to run.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that the Skyhawks program that he spoke about at
February's meeting is no longer available in New York and as far as he knows is only in Texas.
He still feels that the Town should have some type of after school program. Mrs. DeLisa
mentioned that Fishkill runs an after school program and she will speak with Cindy to get some
information. We all felt that the program should include sports and academics and that there
should be a mandatory study time.
We need a proposal for the buffet for the West Point Concert which will be held at
Roy C. Ketcham High School on April 14th. Mrs. Roe mentioned that she has spoken with Mr.
Miller and has sent him a sample menu. He will be getting a quote from the person we had before
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
(Roma Deli). If we need more or can't get information from him Mrs. Korz volunteered to
contact C.J. Caterers to see if they are still doing this type of work. Letters will be sent to the
Town Board inviting them to the concert.
The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 9th at 2:00 p.m.. It was mentioned
that we should have a separate area for latecomers and that we should limit the number of eggs
that the children can get. Last year the first ones into the area found all the eggs and those who
went in last didn't get any. We also have to make sure that the parents are not allowed into the
area. Mr. Holt mentioned that we also need to get more eggs --that we should have at least
1000 eggs and to double the prizes. Another suggestion was that we only let 20 kids into the area
at a time. Final plans will be made at the April meeting.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that he will be putting off the teen center idea until the
fall. There just isn't enough time to properly work on this.
The "Recreation 2000 Guide" is now available at the Town Hall and at Schlathaus
Park. The guide is a good start for our first year .
The YankeeIMets Baseball game is scheduled for July 8,2000. Sign up will take
place on April 13th at Schlathaus Park. The price for the trip is $17.00. The Mohegan Trip on
March 19th is filled.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that he would like to have a series with volunteers giving
talks about the various different parks or historical sites in the area. Maybe in June on the stage.
He will follow up on this.
Mr. Chappas mentioned that Mr. Rottcamp has been in touch with Little League
regarding the use of the Senior League fields. Mr. Farrell does not have any problem with the
School using the field at Robinson Lane as long as they are finished by 4:30 p.m. It was decided
that we would not give them Memorial Field as it will over utilize the field since we already have
4 leagues on the field already. In addition to the 11 scheduled games they are also looking for
practice fields. It was suggested that Mr. Rottcamp be given SL 2.
Mr. Chappas mentioned that he spoke with the Road Runners Club and asked
them to contact Mr. Farrell to go over the field usage in September. Mr. Farrell, if possible,
J . I I
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
would like to have some games on Saturday if possible. He will follow up on that later. It was
requested that a letter of approval be sent to the Road Runners.
Mr. Holt mentioned that we are looking for someone to open and close Robinson
Lane. The job would also include the cleaning of the rest rooms, raising and lowering of the flag,
and general cleaning up of the fields. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had been given a couple of
names and will interview them for the job as soon as possible.
A representative offootball stopped Mr. Chappas and again asked for fields. They
would like to attend one of our meetings to make a presentation, i.e. number of children, fields,
schedules etc. They mentioned that they are at the mercy of the School District and everything is
always uncertain.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the flotations for the docks have been ordered. The
interface on the docks are being worked on and should be ready soon. He mentioned that he has
asked White's Marina for an estimate to install the piling that came out during the winter and
needs to be replaced before the docks can go in.
A workday is scheduled for March 23rd for the scouts and adults to work at Reese
The new booklet for Reese Park is completed and Mr. Ennesser has picked them
up. We have ordered 500 of these booklets. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that at this Thursday's
Greenway meeting, they will be setting up the education program to use the booklets.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has just completed 2 grant applications. One is
for $2,000. for Reese Park trails and additional signage for Greenway. He also just completed
an application to resurface the boat ramp and to finish the design to eliminate the pilings. This
grant is for $10,000. and is through the Hudson River Estuary.
i . " .
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has contacted Superior Sign for an estimate on a
new set of letters and to fix the tracks on the sign at Schlathaus Park.
Mrs. Vazquez mentioned that she was very disappointed when she went to
gymnastics on Saturday to watch her daughter and was told that she was not allowed to stay. She
was told that because of insurance, parents were not allowed in the gym. We will follow up on
this on Saturday.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
1. Weare in need of maintenance people and will be placing an ad in the paper for
part time (seasonal) help.
2. He was told that the Town Board might address our letter where we requested
to purchase mats and medical kits.
3. He might be asked to clarify the request for clay.
4. Mr. Farrell will be in to the next Town Board workshop to discuss lights at
Robinson Lane.
5. He will be asked to talk with the Town Board about the purchase of a mower
and backhoe. One of our mowers has 3,000 hours on it and we have to cut 200+ acres twice a
week. At this time we do not have the man power to do this.
6. The Santa suit has been cleaned and Mr. Chappas suggested that we order
another set of accessories. We will have to look for this in the fall.
7. Little League will probably be holding their opening day on April 15th.
8. The new lights have been installed at Schlathaus for the computer class. We
will check with Bob Smith to see if we can have a second switch installed.
~' \ ....
. .
Recreation Minutes
March 7, 2000
9. We are working on the construction of the new bridge at Reese Park. We
have the money from the grant and the funds that we encumbered. We also have estimates and
they will be forwarded to the Town Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded
by Mr. Ennesser.
Peggy Roe
Robinson Lane 12/26-1/25 227-9434 17.53
BELL ATLANTIC - 12/25-1/24
Castle Point 831-9915 2.34
Quiet Acres 297-7780 4.24
Martz Field 297 -9928 2.34
Castle Point 831-9915 2.34
Summer Director 456-6732
Recreation Director 456-6733
Playground 456-6734
Maintenance 456-6735
Robinson Lane 1/26-2/25
Montfort Road
Long Court
Petty Cash
Williams Lumber & Home Center
Dan Zag - Royal Auto Parts
Kimberly Auto Parts
B & H. Tire Service
Wilson Multi Power Oil Co.
Wilson Multi Power Oil Co.
Wilson Multi Power Oil Co.
Williams Lumber & Home Center
Williams Lumber & Home Center
Williams Lumber & Home Center
Dan Zag - Royal Auto Parts
Dynawatch Inc.
Dynawatch Inc.
Centurion Security, Inc.
Page 2
February Bills
Poughkeepsie Journal
Petty Cash
Williams Lumber & Home Center
Krause Publications
A. C. Moore, Inc.
Petty Cash