2000-12-05 AGENDA - DECEMBER 5, 2000 RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RJ.H., KD., S.L., lC., lE., RF., E.K, S.M., lV. APPROVE MINUTES November 6, 2000, APPROVED: CORRECTIONS: SECONDED: CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Nicole Scozzari regarding bikes at Spook Hill 2. Thank you letter from Pat DeHaven Mid Hudson Road Runners 3. Letter from Mr. & Mrs. David Doyle regarding Rockingham Park 'I. ~~ql' -Q..d~ 'fr'1~ ~iA 31 ~ [)I\, REPORTS K.D. E.K S.L. S.M. lC. lV. lE. RlH. RF. OLD BUSINESS - Maxi Whirl Christmas Parties NEW BUSINESS - MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ::A" ~ --:i - RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 2000 NEXT MEETING JANUARY 2, 2001 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held December 5,2000 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director and Commission Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz and Joanne Vazquez. Stephen Miller arrived at 7: 15 p.m. The minutes of the November 6,2000 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was received from Nicole Scozzari, a 14 year old resident of Wappinger and a Roy C. Ketcham student. In her letter she noted that she has made many new mends in Wappinger and they have found a way to have fun and stay out of trouble. She stated that she and her mends ride their bikes at the park on Spook Hill. They have worked many hours to make jumps. She said that they don't do drugs, drink or disturb the peace. On October 27,2000, they went to the usual spot to ride only to find that the Town had blocked the entrance with tons of brush making it impossible for them to ride. Mr. Holt mentioned that where they were coming out was at the intersection of Reggie Drive and Dara Lane and we had received calls stating that there were concerns that someone would be hit by a car. Mr. Lowery said that he sees a lot of kids there and they don't use helmets. Mr. Holt will go over with Mr. Tompkins to see what can be done and he will write a letter to Nicole. A letter was received from Patrick DeHaven, Director of the Dutchess County Classic thanking us for our support in making the race a success. A letter was received from Mr. & Mrs. 'David C. Doyle stating that they are concerned about the geese population at the Rockingham Park. They stated that the entire park, swing set area, and road are covered with geese feces/feathers and that it is dirty, foul and unsanitary. They asked if there were any measures that can be taken to control or eliminate the problem.. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he read somewhere that there was a spray that can be put on the grass which makes it taste bitter to the geese. Mr. Holt asked if it was dangerous to the children. Mr. Friedman said that he wasn't sure where he saw the article but thought that they were using this on the golf courses. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would contact a couple of golf courses and Mrs. Roe will contact N.Y. Tick Control. 1 Recreation Minutes December 5, 2000 A letter was received from the Dutchess County Emergency Response stating that the new address for Airport Park is 31 Airport Drive. OUTGOING LETTERS 1. Invitation to Town Board Members to Christmas Tree Lighting 12/3/00 at 5:00 p.m. 2. Invitation to Supervisor Smith to Elks Parties 12/6 and 12/13 3. Letter to Town Board requesting permission for a P.O. for DeLeno Bros for $4,000.00 for Basketball area at Castle Point. CW as approved) 4. Letter to Town Board requesting permission for a P.O. for Ballantine Communications for $2,309.50 audio system for Senior Center. CWas approved) 5. Letter to Town Board requesting permission for a P.O. for Sign Language for $4,200.00 for new signs at Schlathaus Park. (Was discussion on this at Town Board Meeting -Not passed) 6. Letter to Town Board requesting permission for a P.O. for Jack Steward for $860.00 for purchase or flat bottom boat. (Was approved at Town Board meeting after discussion) 7. Letter to Town Board requesting permission for a P.O. for Windsor Machinery Co. for $3,660.00 for renovations on the boat ramp with money to come from $10,000. grant. (Was approved) 8. Thank you letter to Paul Tobin, James Evans School for "Make a Difference Day" 9. Thank you letter to Fred Paesano for donation of white pastry bags for "goodie bags" for the Elks Parties. 10. Thank you to Dutchess Diner for donation of gift certificate for Elks Party. 11. Thank you to Irene Reis regarding information on investment options. 12. Letter to Wappinger Super Stop and Shop re: Elks Christmas Parties. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out at report on the senior activities for the month of November which is attached to these minutes. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Lowery mentioned that the Christmas Tree Lighting went well and thanked everyone for their help. He also suggested that we think about having a Candlelight procession next year. It was suggested possibly battery operated candles. This was tabled until later. He mentioned that he would be holding a summer staff reunion party at Schlathaus on January 51b. He usually provides snacks (which he pays for). They just drop in see each other 2 ~------- . . Recreation Minutes December 5, 2000 have some fun. Mr. Lowery invited the members of the Commission to stop by. The gymnastic program and basketball program will start on January 6th at 10:00 a.m. The gymnastic program will be held at Myers Comers School and the basketball program will be at Sheafe Road Elementary School. Mr. Lowery will handle the registration for basketball while Mrs. Roe will do the registration for gymnastics. A discussion was held regarding corrections and information for the 2001 Recreation Guide which Mr. Lowery hopes to have available in late January early February. He mentioned that he would like to make the calendar section a pull out section. We are looking at a white booklet with green printing. Mrs. Roe mentioned that it would probably be early February because we will have to get approval for a P.O. at the Town Board meeting the end of January. Suggestions: 1. It was suggested that the age limit for the Easter Egg Hunt be age 10. 2. It was agreed that the Halloween party age limit be age 12. 3. It was agreed that the parties be held on Saturday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. leaving Sunday for a rain date. 4. If anyone has registration dates for soccer, little league pop warner please call Mr. Lowery. Mr. Lowery will be going out shortly to get estimates for the printing of the booklet and asked Mr. Ennesser if he could go to ABC. Mr. Lowery will take it to Signal Graphics. A discussion was held regarding the T-shirts for the summer program. Mr. Lowery said that he would like to get them ordered as early as possible. He would like to get 250 of each size for the first year. It was decided that we would go with the one color with the Town of Wappinger on the shirt. That way we can use the extras over each year. A winter family fun night has been scheduled tentatively for February 23rd at the Junior High. It may switch to February 2nd or 9th depending on the performer. It will run from 7 - 9 p.m. Applications for the summer program will be available starting January 1st with the deadline for turning them in of March pt. Interviews will be scheduled between March 12 and March 29th and hiring will take place the first part of April. We will request that all new employees take the First Aid/CPR the end of April or end of May. Mr. Friedman suggested that the information is put in the Recreation booklet. It was stated that on the application we have 3 ~ I'""'~--- " j~ Recreation Minutes December 5,2000 written that the job is 7 weeks and it is required that all employees commit to the 7 weeks. Exceptions will be made for college interviews etc. Mr. Chappas suggested that it be put in the policies and procedures. A discussion was held regarding the possible printing of the safety plan. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he figured that the cost would be $600.00. It was suggested that we try to type the plan and keep it on the disc first. It was decided that we will keep one camp open when there are field trips scheduled in case someone is unable to attend the trip. All were in favor of keeping Spook Hill open because of its central location. Mr. Lowery said that he would work on some of his planning based on this decision. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he will need 2 additional first aid kits. One for the summer director and one to be on site at Deer Hill for the swim program. We still have not been able to get the digital camera. We received a note from the Supervisor that we need to get 3 quotes for the camera. It has to be someone who will accept a P.O. and who deals with the Town. Mr. Miller mentioned that Circuit City and Service Merchandise but we need someone who will deal with the Town. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he is planning on expanding his office hours in January to be Monday or Tuesday from 7 - 8:30 and Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00. REESE PARK BRIDGE Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the concrete work at Reese Park has not been started yet. The contractor will monitor the situation and if he can still do it he will proceed with the work. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has spoken with Ecological Specialties and that they are ready to go ahead with the bridge. BASKETBALL AT CASTLE POINT Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he checked the progress on the basketball court at Castle Point and the item 4 has been delivered and rolled. It looks good. Mr. Miller said that they can still do the blacktop work. 4 ~ Recreation Minutes December 5,2000 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Mr. Miller asked about after school programs and presented an outline of information on the program that is run by the Town ofFishkill. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he had been working on this but it has been hard to coordinate the schools and to get someone to run the program. Mr. Miller mentioned that Fishkill runs a program in 3 ofthe Wappinger schools and the cost is $60.00 for each session. The kids have to sign up for separate sessions. We will keep on this. . CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. Mr. Holt thanked everyone for their support at the Christmas Lighting Ceremony. It was very cold that night.. Mr. Chappas did an excellent job. Mrs. Korz mentioned that the heater that we had this year did not really do a good job. Mr. Friedman suggested that we move the tables toward the back of the tent. Mr. Holt did mention that we ended up having too much help but next year we will have to discipline it a little better. He mentioned that Mr. Tompkins has been approached by Tim LeRoy, who once was employed by us and it seems that he is looking for employment. Mr. Tompkins told him to come back in Marchi April time frame. Mr. Holt said that he was a good worker when he was here before. The. Town Board has given us permission to purchase the small flat bottom boat and Mr. Ennesser said that it should be in next week. A discussion was held regarding the purchase of the audio system for the senior center. Mr. Holt mentioned that it was brought up at the Town Board meeting and they discussed the need for one at the Town Hall if we were going to be building the new Community building. Mr. Holt told the Town Board that it would be a system that could be used in the new building. After a discussion, the Town Board voted to approve this purchase with the Supervisor going on record that she was not 100% in favor. It was stated that it was hoped that the new community building would be ready in a year and a half They asked AI Roberts to draft all the papers needed for bonding. They also asked Mr. Paggi to get the specs ready by the end of December. The hope is to break ground the end of March for the building if the bids come in properly. Mr. Holt mentioned that one of the Elks parties will be tomorrow, December 6th and the second party will be December 13th. We start sending letters in July for donations to hold these parties and Mr. Holt wanted it noted that this year Wappinger Stop & Shop joined in by donating the turkey for the parties. They also donated some plants etc for the raIDes. We have 5 . - . ... . Recreation Minutes December 5, 2000 invited the manager of the Wappinger Stop & Shop to join us at one of the parties along with the owner of Liquor Exchange who also has helped us for many years. Mr. Holt discussed lyme disease and some information that he has recently received from Dr. Manasar. At the last meeting Mrs. Vazquez brought in information on the purchase of some new equipment for the parks. The type of equipment that was discussed was the purchase of a couple of Maxi Twirl one for Spook Hill and the second for a park to be determined. Mrs. Roe mentioned that in calling for prices on this piece of equipment that several of the companies would not sell them because of liability reasons. It was therefore decided that we would not go ahead with this purchase but would try for some other type of equipment i.e. chinning bars, etc. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Friedman with all in favor. Peggy Roe Recreation Secretary 6