JANUARY 2, 2001
PRESENT: RIH., KD., S.L., IC., IE., RF., E.K, S.M., IV.
1. Letter from D. C. 911 stating that previous number for Airport Park is incorrect. New number
should be 61.
2. Winter newsletter from D. C. Youth Bureau.
3. Letter from John Schatzel, of West Point unable to accept invitation to play during summer of
4. Letter from Village of Scarsdale - recruiting Superintendent of Recreation.
5. Copy ofletter from Marion Balone to Dominick Letterii applying for position of ADA for girls
6. Fax from D.C. Planning regarding a 2001 Recreation Trail Program grant for trails that are
legally and physically accessible to the public. Grant due 2/28/01
7. Letter from Centurion Security Inc. with a quote to upgrade alarm system at Robinson Lane.
8. Notice from NYSR&P regarding the 2001 Conference at the Nevele in Ellenville, N.Y. from
March 18-21.
OLD BUSINESS - Geese at Rockingham
JANUARY 2,2001
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
January 2,2001 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director and
Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, Ellen Korz, Stephen Miller, and Joanne Vazquez.
The minutes of the December 5,2000 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs.
Korz seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
A letter was received from the Dutchess County Enhanced 911 stating that the
letter forwarded to us last month with the number for Airport Park was incorrect. The correct
number should be 61 not 31.
We received a copy of the Dutchess County Youth Bureau winter newsletter
December 2000.
A letter was received from John A. Schatzel, Lieutenant, U. S. Army stating that
the USMA Band was unable to perform for us during the summer of 200 1.
A copy of a letter addressed to Dominick Letterii from Marion Balone was
forwarded to us for our information. Mrs. Balone is applying for the position of ADA for girls
softball in Little League's District 17. Mr. Holt mentioned that he had spoken to Mr. Letterii
regarding this appointment and felt that Mrs. Balone would do a good job.
A fax was received from the Dutchess County Planning and Development stating
that the NYSOPRHP has announced the 2001 Recreation Trail Program. Under this program
money is available for trails that are (or will be) "legally and physically accessible" to the public.
The deadline for this grant is February 28,2001 with the minimum grant of$5,000. This memo
was given to Mr. Ennesser for follow up. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has reviewed the
application and there is a lot of information needed. He will see what he can do with it.
A quote was received from Centurion Security, Inc. to upgrade the security system
at Robinson Lane. The quote was for $125.00 plus $60.00 labor. It was agreed that we get a
Recreation Minutes
January 2,2001
P.O. to go ahead with this work.
Notice was received from NYSR&P regarding the 2001 conference which will be
held at the Nevele in Ellenville, N.Y. from March 18-21. Mr. Holt asked the Commission
members if anyone would be interested in attending. Mr. Holt said that he would like to have two
representatives attend this meeting. A letter has to be written to the Town Board requesting
permission to attend the conference.
1. Letter to Ecological Specialities with P.O. in the amount of$3,300.00 to be signed for work
done on Reese Park Bridge including site inspections, measurements, staking, engineering
layout, design etc.
2. Thank you letter to Sunny Gardens for the donation of the poinsettias to the Senior Center.
3. Letter to Ed Kleinbaum for donation of greeting cards and calendars to Senior Center.
4. Thank you letter to Fred Urbin for donation of computer to Senior class
5. Memo to Larry Kotkin, Stop & Shop for contribution to Senior Holiday Parties
6. Letter to Nicole Scozzari regarding the bike jumps at Reggie Drive.
7. Tax exemption certificate for diesel fuel to Agway Energy Products.
8. Letter to Richard Leute of Suburban Charters for payment of buses for trip to N.Y.C.
9. Memo to Town Board requesting P.O. for purchase of vacuum attachment for new mower.
10. Memo to Supervisor Smith regarding choice for additional day for extra bus.
11. Thank you letter to Exalted Ruler Alan Schrock of the Elks for assistance & support in
providing the two holiday dinners.
12. Letter to the Editor of the Poughkeepsie Journal for the Senior Christmas Party.
13. Letter to the Editor ofthe Southern Dutchess News for the Senior Elks parties.
14. Report to the N.Y.S. Division for Youth for the 2000 YDDP grant money in amount of
15. Fax to Peter Shea with information on golf to go in the 2001 Rec. Guide.
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities forthe month of
December. This report is attached to these minutes. She also mentioned that Dial -a-Ride is
adding an additional bus and they have decided that Tuesday was the additional day that would be
added. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she can now expand the program on Tuesdays.
Recreation Minutes
January 2,2001
Mr. Lowery mentioned the following:
1. The bus trip to New York went well.
2. Friday night, January 5th Mr. Lowery will be holding a summer staff reunion at
Schlathaus Park. If anyone wants to stop by they are more than welcome.
3. We need to get quotes for the T-shirts for the summer program. If anyone has
any ideas of places to go, please let Mr. Lowery know. Several of the businesses are not
interested in giving quotes any more. Mr. Miller mentioned that maybe we could get a catalog
from Mr. Pauldine at Roy C. Ketcham. A lot of the catalogs have shirts but they do not put the
screen print on them. Mrs. Roe said that she would check in the Larry Fox catalog. They have
done some printing for us before.
4. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he has one quote from Signal Graphics and Mr.
Ennesser has one from ABC for the Recreation Guide. Mr. Lowery asked Mr. Ennesser ifhe
could get him another quote.
5. A new program was suggested using telescopes. Perhaps purchasing a couple
and having nights where people could come and look at the universe and have someone explain
what they are seeing. We need more information on the program.
6. We have scheduled a Family Fun Night which will be held at the Wappinger
Junior High on Friday, February 23, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Lowery has scheduled Steve
Johnson, Magician and Ned Gelfars, Juggling.
Mrs. Korz mentioned that she has spoken with Barry Casowitz and he would like
to change the dates for the tennis. Mrs. Roe mentioned that she had not heard from him and will
give him a call. Ifhe wants to change dates and classes we should have it for the Rec. Guide.
Mrs. Vazquez asked about the status of the roller hockey that was suppose to be
put in Rockingham. Mr. Holt said that there is no news on that but that it was on the list we gave
to the Town Board to go out to bonding. Mrs. Vazquez said that East Fishkill has a long waiting
listand it is really expensive for the Town of Wappinger residents to be involved. She mentioned
that the Town of Poughkeepsie is doing roller hockey at their park on Jackson Road. Since the
Recreation Minutes
January 2,2001
parking lot is blacktopped they just bring in the barriers.
Mr. Holt mentioned that the purchase ofthe vacuum attachment was approved by
the Town Board and we are going ahead with the purchase.
The senior dinners at the Elks went well and was a great success.
The basketball court at Castle Point has been paved.
Mr. Chappas did a great job as Santa for the parties. Mr. Holt also mentioned that
he helped out the Rotary party at the VFW in the Village.
A discussion was held regarding purchasing procedures and getting 3 quotes for
various items. It is up to the person requesting the purchase to obtain the 3 quotes for the item
We have encumbered the money for Reese Park for the bridge.
The purchase of the flat bottom boat was approved and the boat has been
Mr. Holt mentioned that the Town Board approved the purchase of the audio
system for the Senior Center. It was also noted that although Mrs. Smith and Mr. Ruggiero
voted for it they were really not convinced that it should be done.
A letter has to be written to the Supervisor requesting the use of the Town Hall for
summer registrations on Saturdays in May.
We have not received any information from Mrs. Smith on the sign for Schlathaus.
Mrs. Smith is getting information from BOCES and someone else in the Village regarding the
construction of the new signs.
A discussion was held regarding the request to Mr. Foster from both Mr. Holt and
Mr. Ennesser for the material from the roadway in Mr. Ennesser's development. We could use
some of the material for the roadway at Rymer. Mr. Foster said that he also needs it for the
recycle center at the Highway Dept. but would see what could be done about getting some for us.
Mr. Ennesser will write a letter to Mr. Foster to remind him oftheir discussion.
Recreation Minutes
January 2,2001
We still need to do the paving projects at Robinson Lane and Schlathaus Park.
Those projects will have to be addressed again with Mr. Foster and the Town Board.
Mr. Holt mentioned that he has not received any information on the status of the
Community Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. on a motio by Mrs. Korz seconded by
Mr. Ennesser.
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary