PRESENT: RlH, KD., S.L., lC., lE., RF., E.K S.M., and lV.
1. Thank you from Sue and Chet Albertson for Elks Christmas Party 12/6/00.
2. Invitation to attend Little League Opening Day 4/21/01
3. Quote for Porta johns from M. & O. Sanitation, Inc.
4. Letter and resume from Diana M. Romano for employment in Senior Center.
5. Fax from Enviro Clean with quote for porta johns
S.L. S.M.
lC. lV.
lE. RlH.
OLD BUSINESS - Summer Playground - Evans
Recreation Conference March 18 - 20 in Ellenville
NEW BUSINESS - Tennis Program
Use of Fields at Robinson Lane by W.C.S.D.
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
February 6,2001 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Chairman Ronald
Friedman. Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery,
Recreation Director and Commission Members James Chapp as, Joseph Ennesser, Ellen Korz,
Stephen Miller and Joanne Vazquez.
The minutes of the January 2,2001 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor.
A thank you was received from Sue and Chet Albertson for the great Elks
Christmas Party on December 6th. They thanked all the groups who contributed to it and hoped
that they would be able to attend another fine occasion
Quotes for the rental of porta johns have been received from:
M. & O. Sanitation, at $75.00 for a regular unit and $125.00 for a handicap unit.
Enviro Clean PortaPotty at $69.00 for regular unit and $175.00 for handicap unit.
A letter has been sent to Jones Septic for quotes but we have not received anything in response to
the letter. Mr. Friedman suggested that we send a letter for quotes to Superior Sanitation, Inc.
A letter was received from Karl Balone, Vice President of Little League, inviting
Mr. Holt, and the members of the Recreation Commission to Opening Day ceremonies to be held
at Robinson Lane on April 21st with the rain date of April 28th. He also requested that
arrangements be made for porta johns for that date and also noted that he has been in touch with
the Supervisors Office to request ambulance coverage.
A resume was received from a Diana M.. Romano relating to employment in the
Senior Center. She had read in the papers that the Town is in the process of constructing a new
senior center and would be interested in employment. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she has
spoken to Ms. Romano and we will put her resume on file.
Recreation Minutes
February 6,2001
1. Memo to Town Board requesting permission for two or three members to attend the NYS
Recreation and Park Conference on March 18 - 21. (Approved at Town Board Meeting 1/22/01).
2. Memo to Town Board notifYing that Mr. Friedman will be acting chairman until 3/5/01
3. Letter to Jones Septic Service, Enviro-Clean, and M. & O. Sanitation, Inc. requesting bids for
rental of porta johns for 2001.
4. Memo to Supervisor Smith requesting use of Town Hall facilities for summer program
registration on Saturday, May 12 and 19. (Approved 1/22/01 Town Board Meeting)
5. Letter to Colleen Cannon Executive Director of Deer Hill requesting use of their facilities for
our swim program. 6/25/01 to 8/9/01
6. Memo to Town Board Members requesting permission to obtain a P.O. to Eastern Offset, Inc.
for printing of Recreation Guide. (Approved 1/22/01 Town Board Meeting.)
7. Memo to Supervisor Smith requesting permission to obtain a water cooler for Schlathaus
8. Letter to June Ellen Notaro, D. C. Youth Bureau enclosing 2000 Program Annual Report.
9. Memo to Town Board Members requesting P.O. for Paul Venier (Family show 3/30/01) and
Dorraine Scofield (Thunder Ridge Concert 7/5/01)
10. Memo to Town Board Members requesting P.O. for Wappinger School District - Myers
Comers School for custodial services for gymnastic program Jan to May. (Approved 1/22/01 Town
Board Meeting.)
11. Letter to Gene Noone thanking him for the donation of greeting cards to senior center.
12. Memo to Town Board requesting a workshop meeting in March to discuss salaries.
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior Activities for the month of January.
This report is attached to these minutes.
Recreation Minutes
February 6, 2001
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has been in touch with the contractors to do the
footings for the bridge and the dock work. He will be looking to get that work started as soon as
weather permits.
Mr. Ennesser has been working on setting up the new program for Reese Park and
setting up schedules for the director. He is trying to work it so that the director is at the Park at
the same time that the Community Transition Center is there to do their work.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that the new Recreation Guides are now in and the
requested some help in delivering them to various businesses. Mr. Miller volunteered to distribute
them to Myers Comers School and take some to Sheafe Road School. Mrs. DeLisa said that she
would contact Stop and Shop to see if we could place some there and Mr. Lowery asked Mrs.
Korz and Mrs. Vazquez to call and see if some of the businesses who contributed to the
Halloween Party would let us place some at their place of business.
Mrs. Roe mentioned that she has received a call from Nextel regarding the use of
phones for the playground program. Mr. Friedman said that he would be available and a meeting
will be set up to get information on this system.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that he has a Family Fun Night scheduled for the
Wappinger Junior High on February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. The scheduled entertainment will be Ned
Gelfars, Comedian and Steve Johnson, Magician. A second Family Fun Night has been
scheduled for March 30th at Roy C. Ketcham at 7:30 featuring Paul Venier.
Our first town bus trip is scheduled for March 18th to Mohegan Sun. The cost is
$13.00 which includes $1.00 for the tip.
Mr. Lowery asked if anyone knows of a business who does shirts. He is trying to
get the summer playground shirts ordered and is having trouble getting quotes from 3 businesses.
So far the only quote he has been able to obtain is from Anaconda Sports. Millmans won't give
a quote because they didn't get the bid last year. Mrs. Vazquez suggested that we try the Soccer
Recreation Minutes
February 6, 2001
Store. We have also looked in a couple of magazines but they don't do the custom printing i.e.
Wappinger Logo that we use.
Mr. Lowery presented a report on the statistics of the various playgrounds
including the registration numbers and the daily average attendance. He suggested that
consideration be made to eliminate two of the camps (Evans and Robinson Lane). Since Evans is
only a temporary site and we are not sure that it is even available for this year, he is suggesting
that we close that site and transfer the children to the Castle Point or the Spook Hill Camps. Both
of these sites have rest rooms, water and better facilities. Robinson Lane because of the small
numbers could be moved to the Martz Field or Quiet Acres Playgrounds.
A discussion also took place regarding keeping the sites open for those who do
not attend the off site trips i.e. bowling, movies, Fun Central etc. It was felt at the last meeting
that we should have a camp open for those who are unable to attend the off site trips and at that
time it was suggested that Spook Hill be the site that is open. After considering this, Mr. Lowery
felt that there was too much room for error especially with the health slips etc. Every registration
would have to be copied and the counselors would have to be aware of health problems ofa
greater number of children. He suggested that each camp have the number of counselors
depending on the number of children registered as required by the Board of Health. Each camp
would then be assigned an "A" and a "B" team of counselors. The "A" team of counselors would
go on the trips the first week and the "B" team would stay at the camp with those children who
did not want to go and the next week they would switch. By doing this the permission slips
would stay at the same camp and the counselors would know of the needs of the children. There
also would not be a need to have an new orientation each time a trip was held because the
children would stay at their own camp.
Mr. Lowery will write up a formal proposal giving the pros and cons about the
consolidation of the Robinson Lane and Evans Playgrounds. Mr. Friedman moved that the
Recreation Commission supports the consolidation of the summer camps as proposed by Mr.
Lowery seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor.
Mr. Chappas suggested that maybe we should be looking into something for the
children ages 12-15. A summer camp just for that age group.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that Mr. Holt had been talking with Mr. Ruggiero
regarding the opening day ceremonies for Little League and Mr. Ruggiero would like to present
the plaque and have the dedication for the Melissa Bisaccia field. He would like the ceremony to
be held on the Girls Senior League Field. Mr. Holt said that he did not feel that this field was big
enough and he suggested to Mr. Ruggiero that he discuss this with Little League since they plan
Recreation Minutes
February 6, 2001
the day.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by
Mrs. Korz with all in favor.
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary