AGENDA - MARCH 6, 2001
PRESENT: RIH., KD., S.L., IC., IE., RF., E.K, S.M., IV.
APPROVE MINUTES: February 6,2001
1. Received fax from Superior Sanitation cost for rental of porta johns - Reg. Unit $75. Handi
unit $120.00
2. Copy ofletter to Supervisor Smith from D. C. Planning - regarding $20,000. C.D.Grant.
3. Letter from Hudson Valley Express for use ofRL. for tournament 7/13-7/15
4. Letter from Frozen Ropes Training Center -re: baseball/softball camp
5. Letter from D. C. Youth Bureau re: Proposed State Budget
6. Letter from Kenmar Shirts with quote for shirts
S.L. S.M.
lC. lV.
OLD BUSINESS - Proposal for closing camps
Phones for camps
Family Fun Night - March 30, 2001
Shirts for Playground
Water Cooler for Schlathaus was approved at 2/26/01 T /B meeting
NEXT MEETING - April 3, 2001
MARCH 13, 2001
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
March 13,2001 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Those
present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director, and
Commission Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, Stephen Miller and Joanne
The minutes of the February 6,2001 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Ennesser seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor.
A letter was received from the Hudson Valley Express Girls Fastpitch Softball
requesting the use of the Robinson Lane Recreation Complex from July 13, 2001 through July 15,
2001 for the purpose of holding their annual Invitational Tournament. Jane E. Merlino and Jim
Seifts attended the meeting to explain this request. Mr. Seifts explained that this is a Home
Tournament for the Express and last year they had 60 teams participating (so far this year they
have 48 teams) and to have it all at one site is certainly a plus. They mentioned that they would
request that Little League work the concession stand. Mr. Holt mentioned that the fields are
dedicated to Little League and we would have to get their schedule. Mr. Friedman mentioned
that this would be in the middle of All Star season but Mr. Seifts said that they would work
around that. He also mentioned that they would bring in additional porta johns and would notify
the ambulance services that they are holding a tournament. He said that in the past they have used
Little League bases but if need be they would supply their own. Mr. Holt mentioned that there is
no way that we could be in a position to commit tonight. We will have to get with Little League
and see their schedule.
A proposal was received from Superior Sanitation of Pine Plains for the rental of
portajohns for the 2001 season. The quotes received were $75.00 a month for the regular units
and $120.00 for the handicap unit. Mrs Roe explained that after figuring the costs of all three
vendors that Superior Sanitation was the lowest bidder. She has already sent a letter to the Town
Board requesting approval for P.O. ' s for Superior which has been approved. This was done since
we will be needing units by the end of March.
A copy of a letter received by Supervisor Smith from Dutchess County Dept. of
Recreation Minutes
March 14,2001
Planning was sent to us. The letter advised the Town that Wappinger has been awarded $20,000.
for the Martz Field Handicapped Restroom project. This $20,000. will be combined with the
2000 Community Development Grant of $25,000. for this project. Mr. Holt mentioned that the
balance of the project would have to come from Parkland Trust Fund.
A quote was received from Kenmar Shirts - Apparel Printing with quotes for the
summer playground shirts. The quote was received for a Tee shirt best by Fruit of the Loom
medium weight 50/50. The cost for the youth size was $3.63 each and the adult was $4.27. Mr.
Lowery mentioned that he has been having a hard time finding a third quote. He already has one
from Anaconda Sports but Millman' swill not give us a quote since they did not get the order last
year. It was suggested that we write a letter to the Town Board giving the two quotes and note
that we are unable to get additional quotes. . He has received one from Anaconda Sports, and
finally found a company in the Bronx that would do this type of work. . It was decided that we
will write a letter to the Town Board including the two bids that we have received and state that
we are unable to get another vendor to bid on this job.
A letter was received from the Dutchess County Youth Bureau asking all Youth
Board Members, County Legislators and OCFS Contract Agencies and Municipalities to write to
their elected state officials to support increasing the OCFS funding during the State Budget
review process. This letter will be given to Mr. Lowery for follow up.
A letter was received from Marcy I. Byrne of Frozen Ropes Training Center with
information on their company. They also stated that they were interested in developing a
relationship with families in Wappingers Falls and would like to speak with us about a summer
softball camp. This letter was given to Mr. Chappas for follow up.
1. Letter to Town Board Members for P.O. ' s for porta johns for 2001- Approved 2/26/01
2. Fax to Superior Sanitation for quotes for rental of porta johns for 2001
3. Letter to Wappinger Jr. High with P.O. for custodial services for 2/23/01 Family Fun Night.
4. Letter to Marshall & Sterling Insurance Company with a list of vehicles other than trucks
which are registered for recreation.
5. Letter to Cindy A. Dewey returning check for $25.00 for the gymnastic program at Myers.
6. Letter to Dynawatch to suspend service at Robinson Lane. (Need to do upgrading work)
7. Letters to Enviro-Clean and M. & O. Sanitation thanking them for submitting a quote for
2001 portajohns.
8. Letter to the Town Board requesting P.O. for the purchase of clay for Robinson Lane, Castle
Point and Martz Field. (For their March 26th meeting.)
Recreation Minutes
March 14, 2001
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior Activities for the month of
February. This report is attached to these minutes.
She indicated that she would like to start a decorative painting class for the Seniors
and there is money in her budget for specialty personnel which she would use for this purpose. In
order to have some commitment for the class it was suggested that each person interested pay a
materials fee which would be $10.00 and would possibly cover the cost of the paintbrushes.
Another suggestion was made was to have a CPR class for seniors. Mrs. DeLisa
said that the only problem was where to hold it and asked if we could use Schlathaus Park. This
was readily approved. She will work on scheduling this class.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he is keeping on top of things with regard to the
bridge at Reese. He has been keeping in touch with the cement people and hopes to get the work
done as soon as the weather permits.
He has also put together a schedule for the Reese Park attendant who will be
working April to October, 4 hours a day for 50 days at $15.00 an hour. He has also set up a
schedule for the Community Transition Center and they will be there on the same schedule. They
have also gone over the work scope and short and long term objectives for maintenance. They
have also discussed the construction of a lean to.
The park attendant is also a teacher at the Randolph School and Mr. Ennesser
said that he would write a letter to them to request the use of their carriage house for some of the
programs in case of inclement weather or in case they want to show films.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he is working to recoup the $3,300. that was paid to
Ecological Specialties Corp. from the grant in Albany.
Mr. Ennesser has also been working on the dock interface and the design is now
Recreation Minutes
March 14, 2001
complete. He would like to get the fabricator to retrofit the hardware on site and after the
season is over we will do the permanent fixture at his site. It is hoped to get the work completed
by the end of April middle of May at the latest. Mr. Ennesser plans to put an article in the paper.
regarding the inconvenience with the dock and explain that we are upgrading the facility. Mr.
Holt suggested that Mr. Lowery also put it in his column.
He noted that the poles are gone.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we now have the 3 bids for the new sign at
Schlathaus Park and Sign Language is the lowest bidder. Mr. Holt said that we will start allover
again and send a letter to the Town Board to go ahead with this project.. We really need this as
soon as possible as our busy season is now coming up.
Mr. Lowery thanked Mrs. Korz and Mrs. Vazquez for the help in contacting
businesses to help distribute our Recreation Guide.
He reported that the Family Fun Night on February 23,2001 had approximately 75
people in attendance and noted that the Poughkeepsie Journal did a nice write up for us. The next
Family fun night is scheduled for March 30,2001 at 7:30 p.m. at Roy C. Ketcham. It will feature
Paul Venier, Comedian. We hope to get another good write up in the Poughkeepsie Journal for
this night.
Mr. Lowery reminded everyone that the Town trip to Mohegan is scheduled for
this coming Sunday and next Thursday (the 22od) there will be a sign up for the June 3rd trip to
Foxwoods. The cost is $13.00 and there will be a $30.00 package for the Foxwoods trip. He
also reminded everyone that he will be holding a sign up on April 5th for the Yankee/Met game
which will take place on June 16th. Tickets are for upper tier and the tickets are $26.00 each
Mr. Lowery reminded everyone that the Easter Egg Hunt will take place at
Schlathaus on Saturday, April 7th at 10:00 a.m. The rain date is the 8th. We have shifted the time
and day so we will see how it goes. A discussion was held regarding possible changes in how
we run it. We have cut it back this year to 11 years old. Last year we had asked the children to
get only 5 eggs each and many of them would go under the rope, give the eggs. to the parents and
go back in to get more. We found that most of the problems were with the parents. W e will be
Recreation Minutes
March 14, 2001
putting up some type of fencing around each area. to make it difficult for them to get in and out.
Mr. Lowery suggested that maybe we should make 4 groups instead of3 and spread them out a
bit. It was suggested that we make a group up as follows: 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-11 and have each
group with an entrance and an exit. We need at least 5 prizes for each group or at least 20
prizes in total.
He is still interested in purchasing a digital camera so that he can get his web site
going. We still have to get (3) quotes on similar cameras. It was suggested that we ask the
camera club for some help with this. Mrs. DeLisa will speak to them.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that he would like to purchase some telescopes (4) to use
at Schlathaus Park for a program. Mr. Holt again mentioned that we would need information on
these telescopes. We need some information on the program as to who, what, where etc. His
thoughts that it would start in June when school is out and he said that he has a couple of
teachers who are volunteering their time to come to Schlathaus to answer questions.
A discussion was held regarding the Summer playgrounds and in particular the
closing of Evans and Robinson Lane as proposed by Mr. Lowery in his letter dated February
2001. Mr. Holt said he had no problem with the closing of Evans but he felt that Robinson Lane
has the best facilities for the children. No one had any problem with the closing of Evans but
there was some discussion regarding Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt mentioned that he will go along
with the closing of both camps but if we ended up with a large sign up we would consider
reopening Robinson Lane. We will go with 4 camps. The key emphasis was to have sufficient
staff to keep the parks open while children go on outside trips.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that we still have to go after a projector for the family fun
night and he was reminded that we have to get three quotes for the camera. We should start on
that as soon as possible.
Mrs Vazquez and Mr. Ennesser will be attending the N.Y.S. Recreation & Park
Conference on March 19-22 at the Nevele. Mr. Holt asked that they attend different classes and
upon returning share their information with the rest of the Commission.
Mr. Friedman and Mrs. Roe met with Joseph Quagliano from Nextel regarding the
Recreation Minutes
March 14, 2001
communications for the recreation department and summer .program. Mr. Friedman handed out a
presentation on his meeting for the members to read. Nextel's "group net" provides standard
cellular phone service and direct radio contact between all phones within the group. The direct
radio contact is called "private minutes". With private minutes, the user just dials the special
number of the one they want to contact rather than the cellular phone number. The sender can
contact just one other user or all users at the same time. Mr. Friedman recommended that we
consider using this service and provided a cost estimate for 14 phones. After a discussion on
these phones, it was recommended that we write a letter to the Town Board to request permission
to go ahead with this service. Mr. Holt will write a letter for the next Town Board meeting which
is March 26th and he will also speak to Mr. Foster about his communication system.
Mr. Friedman stated the following important features which include:
Battery life - 8 hours use, 50 hours standby (lithium battery, no memory problems)
Charges based on nearest second, not rounded up to the next minute
Coverage presently from Atlantic City up to Kingston, then across to Springfield,
Mass - to be expanded next year to include all of New England.
The rate plan/program can be changed at any time.
Charge for deactivated phones is $5.00 month (i.e. camp phones shut offfor 9
Additional phones/users can be added to the group at any time (could be any Town
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
1. He attended a recent Town Board workshop and there was discussion on the
new Community Center. At the end of the discussion it was authorized that the Town Planner,
Frederick Clark Associates to do the SEQR first. Mr. Holt mentioned that there seems to be a
problem about where the building will be. The Supervisor indicated that parking could be a
problem at that site. There will only be 110 parking spaces and the building could hold 400. Mr.
Holt said that additional parking could be made behind the two tennis courts and across the street
at Martz Field we could park an additional 100 or so cars.
2. Mr. Holt mentioned that he has spoken with Mr. Farrell regarding the Little
League Opening Ceremonies which will be held on April 2181. Letters will be addressed to each of
the Town Board members and all members of the Commission are invited. Mr. Holt said that the
ceremonies will be held on SL 1 field and a presentation of a plaque will be made to the family of
Melissa Bisaccia. This plaque will eventually be mounted on SB-l. Andy Castellano will be the
~. .
Recreation Minutes
March 14, 2001
Master of Ceremony. The store this year will be run by Little League. He has spoken with Mr.
Tompkins and the plan is to turn the water on at Robinson Lane on April 1 sl depending on the
3. Little League also stated that they would like to put in 6 slabs for dugouts for
the T -ball fields. They will be doing the excavating and will put in the slabs. We will have to look
at our budget to see what we can do for the construction of the dugouts. At one of the Town
Board meetings Councilman Bettina, who is in construction, volunteered to help with the
excavation. Little League is paying for the all the material needed to put in these slabs.
4. A comment was recently made by the Supervisor that we are not up to all the
other towns in the terms of recreation. For the money that we are given, we have enough money
to keep what we have going. We do not have money to build for rollerblading. Rollerblading is
going to cost $100k. The only things that other Towns have better than us is swimming and
rollerblading. The programs that we do run are better than any others.
5. Rich from New York Tick Control called and gave Mrs. Roe a Web site for
information on "Goose Chase" which we requested due to a big problem at Rockingham with
"goose droppings" . The information received stated that it is a biodegradable, food-grade taste
aversion agent, made from a bitter tasting, smelly part of concord grapes. It renders food sources
unpalatable and inedible to geese. It was suggested that maybe we try a gallon of this and see
what the results are.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr.
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary