PRESENT: RlH., KD., S.L., lC., lE., RF., E.K, S.M., lV.
APPROVE MINUTES - March 13, 2001
1. Letter/agreement between Deer Hill and Town of Wappinger for use of their facilities for swim
2. Certificate ofInsurance from WCSD Re: Baseball at Robinson Lane
3. Letter from Hudson Basin River Watch re: 4th Annual Mid Hudson Watershed Congress 5/17
S.L. S.M.
lC. lV.
lE. RJ.H.
OLD BUSINESS - Easter Egg Hunt
Mobile Phones
Digital Camera
Hudson Valley Express
Conference at Nevele
NEW BUSINESS - Playground Equipment
.. t~
APRIL 3, 2001
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
April 3, 2001 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York.
The meeting was catted to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation Director,
Commission Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Etten Korz, Stephen
Miller, and JoanneVazquez.
The minutes of the March 13,2001 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Friedman seconded by Mr. Miller with att in favor.
A letter/agreement was received from Deer Hill Center for the use of their facilities
for the 2001 Swim Program. The cost this year witt be $8,000. which will be payable in two
instattments of $4,000. The first payment will be due on June 20th with the second due on July
18th. A letter will be sent to the Town Board requesting the P.O's.
A Certificate of Insurance was received from the Wappinger Central School
District listing the Town as additional insured regarding basebatt at Robinson Lane. A discussion
was held regarding this certificate. Mrs. Roe asked Mr. Chappas if we had received approval for
this usage and if any letter had been forwarded to him requesting the use of the fields. We need
something on file for this request. Mr. Chappas mentioned that he only had a note that was given
to him regarding a telephone conversation with Jennifer Simmons and the Recreation Office. A
catt will have to be made to the School for a request in writing. Mr. Chappas mentioned that they
have worked out the schedule with Little League and everything has been approved.
A letter was received from the Hudson Basin River Watch looking for
participation from a representative from our Town in the 4th Annual Mid Hudson Student
Watershed Congress which witt be held Thursday, May 17 at the Norrie Point Environmental
Center. The Congress runs from 9:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. and students from Wappinger Jr. High
accompanied by their teachers will be attending this year. A copy of this letter was given to Mr.
Ennesser and Mr. Lowery for fottow up.
. ~
1. Letter to Randolph School requesting permission to use their carriage house for the
educational programs at Reese Park this summer.
2. Thank you letter to Jack Barmello, Hoe Bowl Holiday for the great day of bowling for Seniors
on March 12th
3. Thank you letter to Cathy Noone for generous donation of crepe paper for craft projects.
4. Letter to Douglas Weaver, Superior Sanitation with P.O.'s for Robinson, Rockingham and
Airport Park
5. Letter to Town Board requesting a P.O. in amount of$I,650.00 to Philip Ortiz for purchase of
truck body for Reese Park.
6. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. in amount of $4,200.00 to Anaconda Sports for the
purchase of T-shirts for summer program.
7. Letter to Shop Vac for current order form and price list for cartridge filters.
8. Letter to Town Board regarding closing of Robinson Lane and Evans Playgrounds.
9. Letter to Weidner Memorials with P.O. for the inscription of "Sean Kinney" on stone at RL.
10. Letter to June Ellen Notaro enclosing copy of200I Town of Wappinger Rec. Guide
II. Letter to Town Board regarding the status of the Reese Park educational programs.
12. Letter to Town Board regarding target date for the dock installation.
13. Letter to Town Board regarding mobile phone coverage for 2001.
14. Letter to June Nadeau of Hudson Valley Greenway enclosing supporting paperwork for the
$3,300. grant
15. Memo to Supervisor Smith with paperwork for Dutchess County Personnel Department.
16. Memo to Town Board regarding reappointment of Ralph Holt.
17. Letter to Southern Dutchess News and Pennysaver with classified ad for seasonal maintenance
18. Memo to Town Board requesting P.O.'s totaling $8,000. for Deer Hill Conference Center.
19. Memo to Town Board requesting P.O. to Ecologial Specialties for $3,000. for dock interface
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of March.
This report is attached to these minutes.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that the second Family Fun Night went well and he felt that
both of these winter programs were a success. He felt that we should continue this again next
He has ordered the summer playground T-Shirts and they should be available by
May 1st. They will be navy and gold.
There will be a sign up on Thursday, April 5th for the Yankee/Met Game on June
16th. Cost will be $27.00 ($26.00 for ticket and $1.00 for driver's tip).
The Foxwood Trip on June 3rd filled up in about 30 minutes and there are about 20
people on the waiting list. Mr. Lowery felt that we don't have enough to try and get a second
The Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 7th at 10:00 a.m. at
Schlathaus Park. Mr. Lowery mentioned that it was in the Poughkeepsie Journal this week and
they have given us good advertising. Mr. Holt mentioned that he walked the park and as long as
we don't get any more rain it will be okay to told the hunt in the park. Ifwe get a lot of rain on
Friday it will be too wet and it was suggested that we ask the Supervisor if we can use the Town
Hall property (parking lot) for the event. Mr. Lowery asked if people could be at the park by
8:45 a.m. to help hide eggs etc.
Mr. Lowery mentioned that the summer playground counselors have been hired
and letters have been sent. Miss Allen, Miss Rottcamp and Mr. Lowery have gone over all the
applications and have moved some of the counselors to different camps. They have put in place
an A and B team of counselors for each site.
He has also been in contact with Sloper about setting up the CPR classes and has
requested that all new counselors take the course.
The off-site trips have been confirmed and a letter has been sent to the Wappinger
Transportation Dept.
Mr. Chappas mentioned that he has had several discussions with Little League
about the Hudson Valley Express using the facitilities at Robinson Lane on July 13-15 for their
annual tournament. He stated that Little League has stated that the complex will be busy during
that time with All Stars and games and that they could not commit to those dates. Mr. Chappas
was asked to draft a letter to go to Mr. Breland Edwards stating that we are sorry but we must
decline your request for the use of the Complex for their tournament.
Mr. Chappas asked if we are going to have the bathroom finished (electric and a
toilet) before opening day and Mr. Holt said that those items are to be done shortly.
Mrs. Vazquez and Mr. Ennesser recently attended the N.Y. State Parks and
Recreation Conference at the Nevele on March 18th to 211t and both enjoyed the conference and
came back with a lot of information. Mrs. Vazquez went to several classes on teen programs and
programs for children in grades 6-8 which were very enlightening. She also picked up some
information of the construction of a skating rink which was similar to the one we had several
years ago at Schlathaus Park. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we now support the use of the
Rockingham Park pond for skating and Mr. Holt said that Mr. Tompkins has kept it ready for this
purpose. Mr. Ennesser stated that we have tried to divide the pond in two 1/3 for the hockey
players and 2/3 for general skating.
Both Mrs. Vazquez and Mr. Ennesser emphasized the necessity for record keeping
for safety issues. If there is an accident, a report must be made on how, what, where etc. Mrs.
Vazquez mentioned that many communities are dealing with a lot oflaw suits which range from
lack of supervision to not enough padding under playground equipment.
They both attended a session called "Private Estate to Public Park" and received
information on use and maintenance.
Mr. Ennesser provided a written report and Mrs. Vazquez will write up
information on her sessions. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would like to forward this information
to the Town Board and we will keep it on file so everyone can read it.
Mr. Ennesser has finalized the dimensional changes with the interface piece and the
dock changes. The interface fabricator should start within the next week and the dock
modification changes will start in the next two and a half weeks. The target for completion will
be the third week in May. A notice went in the paper to notifY the residents that we are doing this
work and we are trying to accomplish everything as soon as possible. The porta john for the dock
will be placed during the middle of May.
The bridge footings are in and complete. They were finished today. The bridge is
2/3rds completed. Mr. Ennesser went down to White's Marina today to see about using their 75ft
crane to put the bridge in place and was quoted a price of $600. 00 to do the job. If White's
thinks he can get the equipment in we are going ahead with this.
The Community Transition Group was down at Reese today doing maintenance on
the trails. Chris Iverson was also there with a group of children from the Randolph School to
pick up. Mr. Tompkins called and said that the truck body was ready to be brought in and that he
was going down within the next couple of days with the front end loader to clear a spot for the
placement of the box. Mr. Holt asked about the storage of items in the box and Mr. Ennesser
i:' "ill
said that it would be for the equipment for the Transition Group and would consist of rakes, hoes,
shovels etc. It would not be for any tools of any great value. The schedules for the Community
Transition Group and Chris Iverson along with their duties were forwarded to the Town Board
for their information. We will be putting a porta john there at a later date.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following regarding Robinson Lane and Little League.
1. The water has been turned on at Robinson Lane and Karen Roberto will be
again doing the water testing for us as soon as we get Camo out to set up the chlorine system.
2. The bathroom in the store should be completed by Opening Day which is
scheduled for April 21st. Mr. Tompkins still has to hook up the toilet and we still need to put in a
3. The store is being run by Little League this year.
4. We all received an invitation to attend Opening Day on April 21st on Senior
League 1 field. During the ceremony the plaque will be presented in memory of Melissa Bisaccia.
5. Little League has recently put in 6 slabs for dugouts on the T -Ball fields at
Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt said that they will be looking for us to put up at least a couple of
dugouts this year. Mr. Tompkins is in the process of getting estimates for the construction of
these dugouts. Again since there is no money in our budget so we will have to go to the Town
Board to request funds from Parkland.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
1. We have ordered and received 10 of the Nextel phones. They arrived today
and will be charged so that we can call the representative and have him set them up. The
playground phones will be set up for only 3 months (June, July and August) and a few will be set
up for the whole year (Steve L, Steve T. and Peggy R.). Mr. Holt mentioned that if one phone
doesn't use all the time it will be transferred to the other phones (combined minutes). The
phones themselves cost $60.00 but we will get a $20.00 credit for a total of $400.00 for the 10
2. A discussion took place regarding programs and facilities. Mr. Holt mentioned
that recently a statement has been made that other Towns do more that we do. Mr. Holt
mentioned that other Towns have rollerblading and swimming which we do not have and which is
is something that can't be accomplished with our budget. It was felt by the members of the
Commission that our programs are as good if not better than other Towns. It was stated that our
budget does not allow for any new programs or facilities such as rollerblading etc.
3. We have had a couple complaints regarding the equipment at Spook Hill Park
and there is a need for the upgrading of equipment in most parks. Again, to replace equipment it
costs more than what we usually have in our budget. If we are to upgrade parks the funds have to
corne from somewhere else.
4. We are in need of maintenance help. Ifanyone knows of anyone interested,
please have them call as soon as possible.
5. Mr. Holt mentioned that he has spoken with the participants of the photo club
and they are looking into the digital camera to see what we actually need for our purposes. Mr.
Holt said that they are getting back to him on April 9th with the information that they have
received and we will go from there.
6. Mr. Holt said that we have received a couple of complaints regarding the
closing of Robinson Lane and it was suggested that we keep track of these complaints.
7. Mr. Holt mentioned that we are going ahead with the SEQRA Environmental
Statement for the Community Center.
8. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he has a couple of teachers who are interested in
running a program using telescopes. This is a very good idea and Mr. Lowery will write up an
outline of the program.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Miller
seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
Peggy Roe