OCTOBER 2, 2001
PRESENT: RlH., KD., S.L., le., lE., RF., E.K, S.M., lV.
APPROVE MINUTES: September 4,2001 Approved:
Comments from Audience:
1. Received approval for use of Sheafe Road School for Boys & Girls Basketball program
starting in January 2002.
2. Received approval from Wappinger Jr. High for use of their facilities for the Aerobic program
starting October 2nd along with dates available.
3. Received a copy of Certificate of Insurance which was sent to Wappinger Central School
District- 15 Myers Corners Road - Was sent by Marshall and Sterling
S.L. S.M.
le. lV.
lE. RlH.
OLD BUSINESS - Halloween Party
Equipment for playground at Spook Hill
Speaker System update
NEW BUSINESS - Joint Concert with East Fishkill
Tick Spraying on October 9th - Raindates 10th and 11 tho
Received safety report for Castle Point Park
OCTOBER 2, 2001
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was held on
October 2, 2001 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt at 7:00 p.m. with the
following persons present: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Stephen Lowery, Recreation
Director, and Comm. Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz and Joanne
The minutes of the September 4,2001 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Friedman seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
We received approval from Sheafe Road School for use of their facilities for the
Boys and Girls Basketball program which will start in January 2002.
We received approval and a list of available dates from the Wappinger Jr. High
School for use of their facilities for the aerobic program which was scheduled to start on October
A copy of the Certificate ofInsurance was sent by Marshall and Sterling to the
Wappinger Central School District Offices on 15 Myers Corners Road. They are listed as
additional insured for general liability for the use of their premises.
1. Letter to Curves for Women in LaGrangeville acknowledging receipt of 5 gift certificates for
the Senior Christmas party.
Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the senior's activities for the month of
September. This report is attached to these minutes.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 2, 2001
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the 1st trail ramble was held at Reese Park with the
Hudson Valley walk and bridge recognition. There were 18 to 20 people in attendance for this
past Sunday's event. Mrs. Reese cut the ribbon and was pleased with what is going on at the
Park. Mr. Chris Iverson gave a talk and took everyone on a walk. Several people from Albany
came down and brought refreshments and we obtained cider from Meadowbrook. Mrs. Schmalz
and her historians had opened Mesier Park for this activity. An article should be going in the
paper about this activity.
The resurfacing of the ramp has been put on hold until we can get the docks out.
We received a notice about the $2,150. Grant from the DOT and Mr. Ennesser is
in the process of getting P.O.'s for this work. The funds will be initially taken from our budget
now but will be restored after the work is done.
Mr. Ennesser requested that we purchase a custom set of letters for the new signs
at Schlathaus Park. They have to be cut special to fit the sign and would run about $400.00.
He also mentioned that he would contact the County to see if he could get some more tick signs.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that we should get some more handicap signs and paint the lines on the
parking area at Schlathaus. We also should repaint the handicap markings at Robinson Lane and
Spook Hill in the Spring.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that he has some information on a splash park and he
brought in a video which we watched.
Mrs. KOTZ gave a progress report on the upcoming Halloween Party to be held at
Schlathaus Park on Saturday, October 27th. It was noted that we have not received any contract
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 2, 2001
from the entertainment. Mrs. Korz will E-mail him to see if she can get the contract sent. Mrs.
Korz mentioned all the places she has visited for donations and said that she is having a hard time
getting them. In many instances she has had to go back several times. Mr. Holt said that the
judges are all set. Mrs. Roe will get the P.O. for the supplies from Meadowbrook and will get
that to Mrs. Korz. Since we have purchased the popcorn machine, we should see about getting
that running and have it available for that day. (We will need bags) We will also need to see
about the numbers and make sure the tapes are there. Mr. Holt mentioned that both Little
League and Soccer will be doing something.
Mrs. Vazquez brought up proposed senior/recreation center and a discussion
followed. Mr. Holt mentioned that as far as he knew the Town was going out for bonding on this
Mr. Lowery mentioned the following:
1. The Schlathaus Race will be held on Saturday, October 6th. He asked if anyone
would be available to meet the Director Linda Stow at Schlathaus at 9:00 a.m. to give her the
trophies and Mr. Ennesser said that he would be able to do that.
2. The bus trip to Mohegan Sun will be held October 14,2001 and since there
were no seats left, Mr. Friedman will be the escort for the trip.
3. Family night will be held on Friday night, October 19th at the Wappinger Jr.
High School. Mr. Lowery noted that school space is very tight.
4. Mr. Lowery presented a proposal for a concert request which would be a joint
venture with the Town of East Fishkill. The concert would be a promotion to "uplift" the spirits
of the residents in light of all that has happened since September 10th. The group (Bob Martinson
Trio) is not going to charge anything for the concert. The proposed date would be October 21
from 1 to 4 p.m. at Schlathaus Park. Mr. Lowery apologized that this event was inadvertently
published in the Poughkeepsie Journal before he was able to get this proposal to our meeting and
to the Town Board. Everyone felt that this was a good idea.
5. The trip to Cooperstown was a good trip but Mr. Lowery mentioned that there
were a lot of cancellations at the last moment.
6. Mr. Lowery mentioned that we have to start thinking about the registration
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 2, 2001
process. There was an incident this past summer and when he looked into the situation he found
that someone had registered children with 3 different names and addresses. We need to set up
more controls and see if we can come with some ideas on how to solve this problem. Maybe we
need to see the child's report card or birth certificate. Mr. Lowery was asked to state the problem
and write up some alternatives and get them to the members before the next meeting. We will
then be able to discuss it further at that time. Since the 2001-2002 school calendar is different,
(the last day for teachers is the 25th and for the kids it is the 24th) there was a discussion on only
having a 6 week program. He also suggested doing registrations as follows: the first one the
last Fri in April, a second one on a Saturday in May, and late registration two full days in June.
Mrs. Roe stated it would have to be early enough to get the paperwork done. It is really hard to
keep up with the paperwork when we keep enrolling children the first few weeks of the camp.
7. He suggested that we think about making some paved walking paths in one of
our parks. He mentioned that East Fishkill has a walking path around their park and it gets a lot
of use. Mr. Lowery suggested that we take a look at what they have done. Some suggestions for
sites were Greystone, Castle Point, Robinson Lane, and Reese Park.
8. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he was approached by someone in the school
that is involved in the Community Action Team. They are interested in painting one of the parks
and have a local artist paint a mural. It wouldn't cost us a dime. Mr. Holt said that this wasn't
something that wasn't tried before but we are willing to try again. They pick a community each
year to spruce it up. We are certainly interested. Mr. Lowery mentioned that he has kids who
are willing to work in the parks if he could be supplied with what needs to be done. The kids are
willing to work at the end of the month or in the spring it would be after school. Mr. Holt said
that we have a lot of painting to be done.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has recently seen in the Flaghouse book an instant
10 x 20 tent for $900.00. The tent has sides which could be purchased for $99.00 each. It was
thought that this might be a great idea to use it at Christmas time, Halloween, and it could be used
at the summer picnics and at the playgrounds as needed. It was suggested that we look into
purchasing it.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following;
1. He thanked Mr. Friedman for sitting in for him while he was on vacation. He
also mentioned that Mr. Friedman has been elected to the Sports Hall of Fame and that the
ceremony will take place this coming Sunday at 1 :00 at the Italian Center.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 2, 2001
2. Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt met with the Eagle Scout at Robinson Lane and the
sign is complete and will be set on Sunday. October 7th.
3. Supervisor Smith will be holding a Candlelight Vigil and Flag raising ceremony
on October lOth at 7:00 p.m. here at Schlathaus Park. Everyone is invited and asked to bring a
4. The water situation at Schlathaus Park on Community Day has been corrected.
It was found that we had to replace the water pump.
5. Mr. Holt also noted that the Senior Citizen float in the Community Day parade
won 3rd place.
6. At the present time we have hired a new full time person. His name is Jason
Casterlin and he is 22. We are still looking for a couple more part time people.
7. Weare still planning on constructing 2 dugouts at Robinson Lane and we
should either repair or rebuild the dugout on the left at Memorial Field. Mr. Ennesser mentioned
that we should make sure the roofs are anchored correctly.
8. We should see if we can purchase more of the fence guard for the top of the
fences. We need to get that done for safety concerns. Mr. Friedman mentioned a safety concern
with the fence on Holt Field. Mr. Holt will have it checked out.
9. Bonding for the new recreation building has been approved.
10. It was mentioned that the roller hockey and skateboarding was left in the 2001
budget so far and he said that he had spoken to Supervisor Smith regarding insurance. He
discussed plans for where we will put the skateboarding and a suggestion was Martz Field.
Another suggestion was to put it at Rockingham.
11. We should notifY both soccer and Little League that we will be spraying for
ticks on Tuesday, October 9th with a raindate of the 10th.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by
Mr. Friedman.
Peggy Roe