2002-01-08 AGENDA JANUARY 8, 2002 RECREATION COMM. MEETING CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RlH., KD., S.L., lC., lE., RF., E.K, S.M., and l V. APPROVE MINUTES: Dec. 4, 2001 Meeting APPROVED: CORRECTIONS: SECONDED: COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE CORRESPONDENCE 1. Received voucher for refund on the Summer Basketball Camp. 2. Received a copy of the Pop Warner Contract. 3. A memo from D.C. Youth Bureau regarding NYS OCFS Annual Report & Narrative for 2001 REPORTS KD. E.K S.L. S.M. lC. lV. lE. RlH. RF. OLD BUSINESS - Personnel Policy Rymer Sink Hole Recreation Guide 2002 NEW BUSINESS - Recreation Conference - March 10 - 13, 2002 in Syracuse, N. Y. MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING ~'-=-...".- - 'S RECREATION COMM. MINUTES JANUARY 8, 2002 NEXT MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2002 The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was held January 8,2002 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt at 7:00 p.m. with the following persons present: Kathi DeLisa, Director Senior Center and Comm. Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz and Joanne Vazquez. The minutes of the December 4,2001 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor. CORRESPONDENCE A voucher was received from Dolores Willie for a refund on the basketball camp for her two children. information. A copy of the Pop Warner contract was forwarded to Recreation for their A memo was received from the Dutchess County Youth Bureau requesting that the Annual and Narrative Reports be filed by Tuesday, January 15, 2002 by 5:00 p.m. It was requested that the original and two copies be sent by that deadline. This was given to Mr. Lowery for follow up. OUTGOING LETTERS FOR DECEMBER 2001 I. Thank you letter to Sunny Gardens for the donation of beautiful poinsettias for the Senior Center. 2. Thank you letter to Ed Kleinbaum for the donation of greeting cards and calendars to the Senior Center. 3. Thank you letter to Elinor Baurczarski for the donation of hard cover books to the Senior Center. 4. Fax to Southern Dutchess News thanking people for their help with the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. 5. Fax to Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal regarding the Elks Christmas Parties and thanking those who contributed. 6. Memo to Town Board with a copy of resolution which needs to be adopted by the Board for the 2002 Youth Bureau funding. 7. Memo to Town Board requesting to encumber funds from A-711O.4 to purchase a new Recreation Minutes January 8, 2002 Starlite trailer from Congelosi Trailer Sales for $2,756.00 8. Report sent to Accounting Division of the N.Y.S. Division for Youth for the 2001 Youth Bureau monies. 9. Memo to Town Board Members from Mr. Ennesser enclosing the final report for Reese Park spring, summer and fall programs. 10. Memo to Robert Scott of Super Stop & Shop requesting assistance for the 2nd Elks Party. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of December 2001. This report is attached to these minutes. BASKETBALL REGISTRATION Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he had handled the basketball registration and that we had about 36 children register for the program. He also mentioned that the custodian at Sheafe Road School was great and had a table and chairs set up for him. He also mentioned that he had spoken with Chris Iverson and he will not be able to run the program for us this year. Everyone was asked it they know of anyone who could do the program to let Mr. Lowery know. DOCKS Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has a meeting scheduled on Friday with Ecological Specialties to review the enhancements on the docks. He said that they are 90% finished. Mr. Ennesser said that we have 4 metal plates coming for the dock and he feels that we will need an additional 2 more plates from this year's budget. He also mentioned that he has a check in the amount of$2,000. coming from the Hudson Valley Estuary for the balance of the grant. ROLLER HOCKEY Mrs. Vazquez mentioned that she has been working on getting information on the roller hockey. She has also been trying to get 3 vendors for the equipment that we will need. If anyone has any suggestions, please let her know. NEW EQUIPMENT Mrs. Vazquez also asked about the status of the new equipment for Spook Hill Park and how we were going to get 3 like pieces of equipment so that we could compare prices. A suggestion was made that maybe we could get a contractor to install the equipment but Mr. 2 Recreation Minutes January 8, 2002 Ennesser said that it would have to be done according to the safety specs. We would really like to get this equipment in place for this summer. LITTLE LEAGUE Mr. Chappas mentioned that Little League has set their registration dates and they are January 26th, February 9th and February 16th at the Galleria Community room from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Lowery was unable to attend the meeting but he left a report which is attached to these minutes. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt reported the following: 1. He mentioned that Mr. Lowery did an excellent job with the summer program and that he was pleased with the good job the recreation maintenance people did this year. He mentioned that we now have two excellent part time people in the maintenance dept. and we hope to be able to keep them. 2. Mr. Holt mentioned that we need to hire another full time person for maintenance and it would be some one as "Assistant Supervisor" in order to get a decent salary. A suggestion was made to go to the civil service list for this person. 3. It was also suggested that we might look into hiring a couple of high school kids to line the fields at Robinson Lane and do some regular raking and maintenance work at that site. 4. He mentioned that all the holiday parties were excellent. The kids party was the biggest ever and all the senior parties were great. 5. We now have at Schlathaus Park along with the Creche and the Menorah a sign with a star and a half moon which is a sign of the Muslim faith and a lighted neon sign from the Indian faith. The Town owns the creche and the menorah but the other signs will be removed and returned to the owners. It was suggested that they send letters to the Town Board stating what the signs mean and what each of the religions want done with them. We would like to have all the 3 Recreation Minutes January 8,2002 decorations down by next week. 6. Mr. Macek has come in and is putting five of the new computers in service for the advanced seniors classes. He has reviewed what we will need to get them up and running. 7. The personnel policy has been reviewed and all part time employees will receive holiday pay and vacation pay prorated on their actual hours worked during the year. 8. There has been nothing further on the Shamrock Estates subdivision. 9. Mr. Holt will be away on vacation from the end of January to the beginning of March and Mrs. Roe will sit in for him. 10. It is hoped that we will be getting a new P.O. system and that they will up the $50.00 limit for the P.O.'s 11. Mr. Holt asked if the Santa suit had been returned by Johnny Dell and was told that it had not. Mrs. DeLisa and Mrs. Roe will follow up on this. It was also suggested that we look into getting a new santa suit to replace the older one. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 10 on a motion by Mr. Chappas seconded by Mr. Friedman. Peggy Roe Secretary 4