APRIL 2, 2002
PRESENT: RJ.H., K.D., lC., lE., R.F., E.K., S.M., lV.
APPROVE MINUTES: March 12, 2002 Approved:
1. Letter from T/O/W Little League re: Opening Day 4/20/02 at 9:00 a.m.
2. Letter from John A. Beale, Office for the Aging re: Senior Picnic on Wednesday August 14, at
Robinson Lane
3. Letter from Sloper Willen re: CPR and First Aid Training
4. Letter from Joseph Ludington re: a skate park
5. Letter and check for $2,000. from the Hudson River Improvement Fund Grant.
6. Letter and contract from Legion Fireworks Co., Inc. for display at Community Day 9/8/02
7. Letter from Jennifer Simmons ofW.C.S. District confirming the use ofRL. fields. Also
included a schedule and certificate of insurance.
8. Spring Newsletter from Dutchess County Youth Bureau
K.D. E.K.
lC. S.M.
lE. lV.
OLD BUSINESS - Playground - Registration form
Help with registration 4/26 and 4/27
Roller Hockey - Quote from Flaghouse for borders, goals and nets
NEW BUSINESS - Call from Richard Henrichson regarding ATV's
APRIL 2, 2002
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee was held
April 2, 2002 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, TownofWappinger, Dutchess County,
New York.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Ralph J. Holt at 7:00 p.m. with the
following persons present: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Commission Members Joseph
Ennesser, Ronald Friedman and Ellen Korz. Stephen Miller and James Chappas arrived at 7:20
The minutes of the March 13,2002 meeting were approved on a motion by Mrs.
Korz seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
Letter from the Town of Wappinger Little League stating that Opening Day is
Scheduled for April 20, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. All members of the Committee are invited to attend.
Copy of a letter sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from the Dutchess County Office for
the Aging stating that the Senior Picnic will be held at Robinson Lane Park on August 14,2002.
A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Mr. Farrell for his information.
A copy of a letter sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from Sloper Willen informing us
that Sloper will again offer several different levels of CPR and First Aid training for the
Recreation Dept. They also included a current schedule of courses being offered.
A letter was received from a Joseph Ludington of Davies Drive in Wappinger.
In his letter he stated "I am writing to you on behalf of all ofthe skaters, bladers and bikers (not
motorcycle riders) ofWapp. Falls. We need a skatepark. The only place we have are streets and
drive ways. That way we get in trouble from cops and neighbors. Ifwe have one we would not
get in trouble." A discussion was held and a letter will be sent to Mr. Ludington that we are not
in a position to develop a skate park at this time.
A letter and check for $2,000. was received from the Hudson River Foundation.
The check represents the final payment for the grant H30:00A. The check was turned over to the
A letter and contract was received from the Legion Fireworks Co., Inc. for their
display for the Community Day celebration on September 8th with a raindate of September 15th.
We will take the contract to Supervisor Ruggiero for his signature.
Recreation Minutes
April 2, 2002
A letter was received from Jennifer Simmons, Coordinator Health, PE and CALS
of the Wappingers Central School District. This letter was to confirm their request to use the
senior league fields at Robinson Lane. A certificate of insurance was also received.
The Spring newsletter was received from the Dutchess County Youth Bureau.
I. Letter to M. & o. Sanitation and Enviro Clean thanking them for submitting bid for porta
2. Letter to Frank Paulo, New Hackensack Fire Co. with approval for using R.L. fields and
requesting a certificate of insurance.
3. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board requesting a P.O. payable to White's Marina for the
assembly and installation of the metal surface panels.
4. Letter to Frank Coluccio of Legion Fireworks confirming conversation to provide fireworks for
Community Day.
5. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board members informing them of the Easter Egg Hunt on
3/23 at Schlathaus Park
6. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board re: continuation ofTai Chi for seniors.
7. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board re: replacement of Recreation Director
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he will be picking up the dock hardware on Aprillllh
and that they hope to put the docks in on April 12. He will be getting the float retention straps,
additional pins, plates for underneath the floatation and lifting fixture cables .
White's Marina has the plates from Dutchess Metal and will be welding them
together. They will put support straps on them with a couple of hold downs. They will then take
them by barge and lift them off and put them in place. Hopefully this will be done next week..
We received the $2,000.00 check for the balance due us for the grant monies for
the boat ramp. Mr. Ennesser has given it to the Comptroller.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he is starting to work on another matching grant for
$2,000.00 for Reese Park. He mentioned that there is a clean up set for Reese Park starting at 10
Recreation Minutes
April 2, 2002
a.m. on April 20th. They might need some help with a truck on that day. He said that he will be
asking Mr. Tompkins to move some of the stone to the areas of the roadway so the volunteers
can lay the stone in the swale.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned he had a meeting this afternoon with Supervisor
Ruggiero, Attorney AI Roberts, and a Deputy Sheriff about the vandalism at the Parks. He
mentioned that a cell phone was picked up at Reese Park that belongs to one of the A TV people
but Mr. Roberts said that we couldn't do much about that because we didn't actually see him
drop it. They are going to try to put on extra patrols and Supervisor Ruggiero will be putting an
article in the paper expanding on the rules and regulations and the fines. He is also asking the
Deputy to see if he could get someone to patrol the area in an A TV in the park to see if they can
catch them. The Deputy would have to be qualified to do this work. Mr. Ennesser mentioned
that it is very frustrating and that all the parks are getting hit.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we need to make sure that we have signs that say no
motorized vehicles. We also need to get a sign to put on the post at the entrance to the bridge at
Reese Park which restricts the vehicles.
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the Senior activities for the month of March.
This report is attached to these minutes. She emphasized that the new Tai Chi class is growing
and everyone has asked that it be continued. She said that a letter has been sent to the Town
Board asking to continue the class.
Mrs. Korz questioned the procedure of purchasing the tennis balls. She will
discuss this with Mr. Casowitz.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
1. It was suggested that each person get out and look over their parks to see that
everything is in good shape.
2. A letter has been sent to the Town Board with a recommendation that Mr. Cyril
"Skip" Rottkamp be appointed to the position of Recreation Director. Mr. Holt met with all
Recreation Minutes
April 2, 2002
applicants and Mr. Rottkamp has all the skills and requirements necessary for this position. He
mentioned that there were several other good applicants but their availability did not meet
requirements. Mr. Holt met will all the committee members and discussed the candidates and
their interviews and all agreed that Mr. Rottkamp be hired. We hope that this is on the April 8th
Town Board agenda.
3. A letter has been sent to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding the hiring of a full time
maintenance person. We have two people who are interested in this position. The first is a David
Pilon who has done a lot of work with machinery and would be very good and the second is
Robert Sheridan, Jr. who is currently working part time with us and would be a good addition to
our staff It was mentioned that neither person would take the position for less that $22,000.
We felt that they should be treated like the Highway Dept. personnel when it comes to salary.
4. We have hired Danny Passes and Tom Vitolo to do the lining offields at
Airport Park and Robinson Lane. They will also do some light maintenance work such as weed
wacking etc. We also have a third person, a Brian Travis, who can work as a fill in.
5. We have been asked again and again when we would be starting our senior
computer classes and we still do not have any programs to work with. Earlier in the year a letter
was sent to the comptroller listing the items needed to get the computers going and stating that
we would like to purchase 2 additional computers. Another letter was sent to the Town Board
and they thought we were spending $4,600. just for the computers so they tabled the item.
We just don't seem to make any progress in getting the equipment we need to re-start the
6. At the last meeting Mrs. Vazquez spoke about the fees for the playground and
how she felt that we were wasting money because we had to hire counselors for children who
never attended camp. Many parents felt that for $30.00 they could send their child once or twice
and still get their monies worth but because of the Health Department ratio we have to hire a
certain number of counselors. Mr. Holt mentioned he had spoken with the Supervisor about this
and was told that he would entertain another proposal for fees. It is too late for this year's
program but we should start thinking about this for the near future.
7. We have spoken to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding the water at Castle Point,
Robinson Lane and Schlathaus Park and have suggested that Camo Pollution be contracted to do
the checking of the water at these sites. Mr. Holt is waiting to speak with Mr. Michael Tremper.
Mr. Friedman suggested that he be asked about putting in an ultra violet light system at
8. There has been some question regarding the Village children using the Town
playground program. Several people have called the office and have said that they were told by
Recreation Minutes
April 2, 2002
the Village Offices that since our program is different that they could attend the Town program.
Mr. Holt discussed this with Supervisor Ruggiero and was told that since the Village has their
program, no matter what it is, they have to attend their program. If they have a problem with this
they should be told to speak to their village trustees and then the Village and Town officials
would have to meet to discuss this further.
8. Mr. Tompkins is in the process of getting estimates for fencing in the fields at
Castle Point. It is one way to try to deter the ATV's from ruining the fields.
9. So far there hasn't been anything further on the Shamrock Estates but they
have been in to the Planning Board and we still want to discuss the property on Airport Drive.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that we have to be careful because of the wet lands there.
10. Everyone was thanked for their help on the Easter Egg Hunt. It was
suggested that the cut offage be 8. Mr. Friedman said that he had about 15 children in the 9-12
age group. Everyone agreed that the coffee and hot chocolate were a plus that day and we
should continue with the refreshments. Of course, we will look at the weather to determine
what to have - hot chocolate or cold cider. We will still get the donuts.
II. Last year Mr. Holt and Mr. Ennesser met with an Eric Fellinzer, Engineer to
discuss the lighting of the Memorial Field at Robinson Lane. Mr. Fellinzer later came in with a
proposal which was given to the Town Board. Mr. Ruggiero spoke with Mr. Holt and mentioned
that if we do lights at Robinson Lane, that he would like it to be an all purpose area and would
like to also put in a tennis court and basketball court. Mr. Holt will be meeting again with Mr.
F ellinzer on Tuesday of next week to develop a plan to light Memorial Field, SL-l, the store and
the area to the left of the store where the basketball and tennis court would be placed. Mr.
Friedman mentioned that the septic system is in that area and we wouldn't be able to pave there.
Mr. Miller suggested Central Hudson and Mr. Holt said that they would not be interested in this
project any more.
12. The 4 bids were opened today for the playground equipment at Spook Hill
Park and they ranged from $25,900. to $91,000. with Sun Up being the lowest bidder. We hope
that the bids will be approved at the April 8th Town Board Meeting and that the work will be done
by June.
13. Supervisor Ruggiero mentioned that on April 27th there will be a work party at
the Spook Hill park to clean the park, paint it. Mr. Holt said that the Supervisor would like to
have people come in to paint murals on the building. We are hoping to upgrade a park each year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded
by Mrs. Korz.
Peggy Roe