2002-05-07 \. ~ AGENDA RECREA nON COMM.. MEETING MAY 7, 2002 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: R.IH., K.D., S.R., IC., IE., R.F., E.K., S.M. AND IV. APPROVE MINUTES: April 2, 2002 CORRECTIONS: APPROVED SECONDED COMMENTS CORRESPONDENCE 1. Copy ofletter addressed to Town Board from Paggi's Office recommending that the contract for Spook Hill Improvements go to Sun Up. 2. Copy ofletter sent to Sun Up by William Simione, President of Play Pro stating that they are proposing to install a different unit than what was specified in bod. 3. Copy ofletter sent to Sun up from Paggi's Office awarding them the bid for Spook Hill and asking for the necessary bonding and insurance. 4. Copy of letter sent to Town Board from Peter Paggi regarding the differences between the bid for equipment submitted and the specified unit. 5. Copy ofletter sent to Supervisor, Town Board, Attorney, and Town Clerk from Graham Foster regarding a complaint on the boat ramp. 6. Letter from D. C. Health Dept. enclosing variance for health records. 7. Letter from Camo Pollution regarding their daily residual and record keeping for water at the Town Parks. 8. Letter to Chief Andrew Mihans requesting New Hackensack standby for the Community Day fireworks display. 9. Letter from Anthony Visciglia requesting use of field at Robinson Lane. (Men's Senior Baseball League. (Called Jim Chappas regarding this request.) IO. Application from Brian Powers for use of Senior League Field from April - August. (Called Jim Chappas to follow up on this.) I I. Application from Sal DiPressi for full time maintenance work. I2. Letter from Cindy Russo requesting that her 13 year old son accompany her 11 year old developmentally delayed son to the Spook Hill camp. I 3. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero stating that there will be a meeting on the Robinson Lane lights on May 181 at 7:30 p.m. 14. Letter from Roland Norris, Wappinger Yankees, requesting use of Hold Field and SL 2 on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-7 p.m. for June, July and August. (Need Certificate of Insurance.) 15. Accident report for gymnastics. 16. Letter from Herman London, Senior Center, requesting use ofa public address system for Community Day. , . 17. Application from Patricial Todaro for employment in the Senior Center. 18. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero with copy ofN.Y. S. Dept of Labor Bureau Public Works list of employers who are ineligible to bid on public work contract REPORTS: K.D. E.K. S.R S.M. IC. IV. IE. RIH. RF. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS - Patrol for Memorial Day West Point Jazz Knights Concert - June 9th at 4 p.m. Buffet MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING .. RECREATION MINUTES MAY 7, 2002 NEXT MEETING JUNE 4,2002 AT SCffi,ATHAUS PARK AT 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held on May 7,2002 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt with the following persons present: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, and Commission Members Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, James Chappas and Joanne Vazquez. The minutes of the April 2, 2002 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor with corrections sent in by Mr. Ennesser as follows: Under Reese Park page 2 paragraph should be changed as follows: Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he is starting to work on another matching grant for $2,000.00 for Reese Park. The $2,000. grant monies we received were due for the boat ramp and this check was given to the Comptroller. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Copy of letter addressed to Town Board from Paggi's Office recommending that the contract for Spook Hill Improvements go to Sun Up. The bids for this improvement were as follows: Sun Up Enterprises, Inc. - $25,930.00, Advanced Contracting Concepts, Inc. - $36,555.00, Danny Clapp Landscaping, Inc. - $51,612.00, and Northeastern Contracting - $91,200.00 2. Copy ofletter sent to Sun Up by William Simione, President of Play Pro stating that they are proposing to install a different unit than what was specified in bid. 3. Copy ofletter sent to Sun Up from Paggi's Office awarding them the bid for Spook Hill and asking for the necessary bonding and insurance. 4. Copy ofletter sent to Town Board from Peter Paggi regarding the differences between the bid for the playground equipment submitted and the specified unit. 5. Copy ofletter sent to Supervisor, Town Board, Attorney, and Town Clerk from Graham Foster regarding a complaint on the boat ramp. 6. Letter from D. C. Health Dept. enclosing variance for health records for the summer playgrounds. Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 7. Letter from Camo Pollution regarding their daily residual and record keeping for water at the Town Parks. They will provide the following services for a fee of $20.00 per day: 1. Provide the daily services of aN. Y. S. Certified Water Operator. 2. Provide daily chlorine residual analysis and all appropriate record keeping. 3. Submit all reports to the D. C. Health Dept. in a timely manner. 4. Meet with the D. C. Health Department at any of these sites upon their request. 5. Provide a monthly coliform sample at each park. 6. Provide all necessary chemicals required to complete these tasks. 8. Letter to Chief Andrew Mihans requesting New Hackensack standby for the Community Day fireworks display. 9. Letter from Anthony Visciglia requesting use offield at Robinson Lane. (Men's Senior Baseball League.) Called Mr. Chappas regarding this request. He mentioned that he has spoken with Mr. Visciglia and he doesn't need the field any more. 10. Application from Brian Powers for use of Senior League Field from April - August. Mrs. Roe called Mr. Chappas to follow up on this and he reported that there are kids from Wappinger in this league. The Commission approved this application. Mr. Powers is to work with Little League for field availability. II. Application was received from Sal DiPressi for full time maintenance work. 12. Letter from Cindy Russo requesting that her 13 year old son accompany her 11 year old developmentally delayed son to the Spook Hill camp. Everyone was in agreement that we should discuss this with the Summer Director and Counselors to see if there was a problem with this. If they were okay with it the Commission members agreed that they both be allowed to attend the Spook Hill Camp. 13. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero stating that there will be a meeting on the Robinson Lane lights on May 1st at 7:30 p.m. 14. Letter from Roland Norris, Wappinger Yankees, requesting use of Holt Field and SL 2 on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1-7 p.m. for June, July and August. (Need Certificate of Insurance.) He will work out field availability with Little League. 15. Accident report for gymnastics. It was noted that a Rebecca Colon of 102 All Angels Hill Road was dismounting from the pole beam when she struck her head on the end of the beam. She was transported the hospital where she received several staples. Mr. Goldner, director of the program called on Saturday afternoon to follow up and Mrs. Roe called on Monday and 2 Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 spoke with the mother. Rebecca seemed to be okay. 16. Letter from Herman London, Senior Center, requesting use of a public address system for Community Day. We will look into the sound systems to see what we can let them use. 17. Application from Patricial Todaro for employment in the Senior Center. 18. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero with copy ofN.V. S. Dept of Labor Bureau Public Works list of employers who are ineligible to bid on public work contract OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letters to Councilman Paoloni, Bettina, Colsey, Valdati enclosing photos taken during the January 1, 2002 inauguration. 2. Letter to Peter Mack, Dutchess Co. Health Dept., requesting a variance or waiver for medical history forms for playgrounds. 3. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero and Town Board Members regarding reappointment of Joseph Ennesser and Joanne Vazquez to Commission/Committee. 4. Memo to Town Board members requesting permission to obtain a P.O. for Legion Fireworks Co. for Community Day 9/8/02. 5. Letter to Sgt Gary Corbet, Town Patrol, regarding dirt bike and ATV activity in the Town Parks. 6. Memo to Town Board requesting P.O.'s for $4,575.00 for the May and July spraying for ticks at Town parks. 7. Memo and resumes to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding full time maintenance. 8. Letter to Anthony and Marie Romeo for purchasing numerous rubber chair leg caps for the metal chairs in the large meeting room. 9. Memo to Michael Tremper regarding the daily residuals and record keeping at Town Parks. 10. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero from Kathi DeLisa regarding the Dial A Ride Meeting. 3 Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 11. Thank you letter from Mrs. DeLisa to Jack Barmello for hosting the day of bowling for the Seniors at Wappinger, Zion and Fishkill. 12. Memo to Town Board requesting permission to obtain a P.O. in the amount of$8,000. payable to Deer Hill Center for the use of their pool facilities for our swim program. 13. Letters to Mrs. Nancy Cito, Ms. Denise Charles Efantes, Mr. James Kennedy, Mr. Jason Jutt, Mr. Mike Perkins, Mr. Nicholas Bisacia, Mr. Joseph Incoronato, thanking for their interest in the director position. 14. Letter to Mr. Cyril 1. Rottkamp advising him of his appointment as Recreation Director. 15. Memo to Town Board Members requesting a P.O. in the amount of$10,000.00 payable to Wappinger Central School District for transportation charges for the summer playground and sWim program. 16. Letter from Supervisor Ruggiero to Mr. Francis Gildea, Executive Director of Sloper Willen requesting someone to fill the position of Health Director for the Summer camps. 17. Certificate of insurance sent to Oak Grove Grange as respects Senior Program. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of April. This report is attached to these minutes. SAFETY REPORT Mr. Friedman handed in a safety report on the Castle Point and Quiet Acres Playgrounds for 2002. MARTZ FIELD Mrs. Korz mentioned that the back gate is open and Mr. Holt said that we try to close it only when the playground is in session. She also said that the basketball nets need to be replaced and that the metal bleachers are in bad shape. The tennis courts are being used quite a bit already. 4 Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 ROBINSON LANE Mr. Chappas mentioned that he was told that the grease hood in the store was leaking and a couple of the workers had gotten burned. We will have to look into getting this fixed as soon as possible as it is a safety hazzard. Mr. Chappas mentioned that the Robinson Lane fields are getting maximum usage. BOATRAMP Mr. Ennesser was absent but sent the following report: The expanded metal mat has been installed at the Boat Ramp by White's and seems to be helping to stabilize trailer wheels over the River bed. He said that he has received positive feedback on this improvement. The docks have been installed and are being used heavily. Our maintenance people did a great job along with help from the Highway Department installing them. A letter has been sent to Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent thanking him and the machine operator for their help. REESE PARK Mr. Ennesser mentioned that there were only a few people for the Reese Park clean up. He attributed this to the fact that there were so many activities going on the same day. He did say that there were a few bags of garbage to be picked up as a result of this clean up.. The Community transition group has been working in and around the walk bridge and Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he will shortly start working on the D.O.T. papers to reclaim some of the $2, 1 00. grant money still out there. Mr. Ennesser said that he has met with Charlie Del Bene to see what it would cost to have them re-survey the South Road entrance to Reese Park so that we can install fencing. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned the following: 1. There has been some discussions on the construction of the new 5 Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 recreation/senior center and the earliest it could be done is the early part of2004. 2. This Friday, the art classes and volunteers will be working at the Spook Hill Park to clean up the area and they will be painting a mural on the building. 3. A meeting was held on the Robinson Lane lighting. They are hoping to authorize Fellenzer Engineering to prepare plans and specifications for public bid on May 13th Town Board Meeting. It was discussed that they might do the project in 3 phases as follows: I. Lighting SL I and the playground area and area between the road and the store. They would also like to install a rollerblading area, basketball court, volley ball and tennis at the park in this area. 2. They would light memorial field and install a higher fence where we could place signs for advertising and collect rent. 3. Lighting of the girls field on the right. 4. We have reclassified the maintenance people from a Grade 2 position to a Grade 4 position and therefore their starting salary will be $11.88 an hour. 5. We will be holding the second playground registration for summer programs on May 10th and 11th at the Town Hall. 6. The West Point Jazz Band is scheduled to play at Schlathaus Park on June 9th at 4:00 p.m. We will have to look into having a buffet. Mrs. Roe will call Mr. Miller to see ifhe can get cost for the buffet from Roma Deli. If they are not available, maybe we could look into the Blue Fountain. We will also have to prepare an ad for the Southern Dutchess News and see about getting an article in the Poughkeepsie Journal. 7 . We are still working on getting information out to architects to do the specs for the Martz Field handicapped rest rooms. We have $45,000. from Community Development grants and the balance will be taken from Parkland Trust. If any of the architects have any questions on the proposal we will have them call Jay Paggi. 8. The Chelsea Fire Company has requested the use of the Castle Point fields for their league. Mr. Holt said that the Chief of Chelsea, Todd Paulin, has requested to do some work on the field. They would like to enlarge the infield. Mr. Holt said that he has no problem with this as long as they finish what they start. We will also have to take some clay down there. 9. Mr. Holt mentioned that the maintenance men are now doing the grass cutting 6 Recreation Minutes May 7, 2002 at the Town Hall and the State Police building. 10. We have to do some fencing repairs at Airport Park. 11. Four roofs on dugouts at Robinson Lane have to be repaired and we still have to build one more dugout. 12. We are working on the Memorial Day celebrations for the Town of Wappinger and have been in touch with Ray Chase and Bill Parsons. Don't forget the ceremony at Schlathaus is at 2:00 p.m. on May 27th. 13. Mrs. Roe will be setting up a party for the departing Recreation Director, Steve Lowery. We will plan on having it at Greenbaum and Gilhooleys and Mr. Friedman will try and get a date suitable for Mr. Lowery. The meeting was adjourned at 9: lOon a motion by Mr. Chappas seconded by Mr. Friedman. Peggy Roe Secretary 7