JULY 2, 2002
PRESENT: RlH., KD., S.R, le., lE., RF., E.K, S.M. lV.
APPROVE MINUTES - June 4, 2002,
1. Notice from Verizon Pay Phones - Beginning 8/1/02 cost win go from $64.95 to $75.00 per
2. Letter from Gloria F. Dunes - requesting refund for daughter for camp.
3. Letter received from Linda M. Ungaro, 112 Pye Lane regarding homes being hit by bans from
Martz Field.
4. Received contract for 2002 soccer season which was given to Supervisor.
5. Received Certificate of Insurance for Chelsea Fire District.
6. Letter from l Ennesser stating Wappinger Greenway is participating in Great Hudson River
Paddle 2002 Event by providing Reese Park as an overnight encampment on July 2nd.
7. Letter from Grace & Kert Peterman regarding refund for Little League
S.R S.M.
lC. lV.
lE. RJ.H.
OLD BUSINESS - Summer programs
. ~
JULY 2, 2002
The regular meeting of the Recreation Comm. was held July 2, 2002 at Schlathaus
Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7: 10 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director and
Comm. Members James Chappas, Stephen Miller, and Joanne Vazquez.
The minutes were not available and will be voted on at the next meeting.
A memo was received from Verizon Communications stating that the monthly
charge for the pay phone at Castle Point will increase to $75.00 per month beginning in August
2002. We pow pay $65.30. (This will probably be the same for the phones at Spook Hill and
A letter was received from Gloria F. Dunes requesting a refund for the summer
camp for her daughter. She was under the impression that camp ran until the end of August when
she signed up and her daughter was not going to be here for most of July. It was decided that the
money be refunded to her.
A letter was received from Linda Ungaro of 112 Pye Lane. She lives directly
across from the ball field on Pye Lane and she said that they are constantly getting their homes
and cars hit from baseballs. This was discussed and it was decided that we put up signs stating
that the field use is limited to players not exceeding 12 year old Little League age. We will have
Mr. Ennesser follow up on this.
The contract was received from the Wappinger United Soccer Club for the
2001/2002 season. This was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office.
A certificate of insurance was received from the Chelsea Fire District.
A letter was received from Joseph Ennesser stating that th~appinef)Greenway is
participating in the Great Hudson River Paddle 2002 event by providing Reese Park as an
overnight encampment on July 2nd. Mr. Holt mentioned that he and Mr. Ennesser had been at
the Encampment and they had decided not to pitch their tents at Reese. Although it had been
mowed, we are in the hE~ight of tick season so they decided to use Temple Field.
A tetter was received from Grace and Kert Peterman regarding a refund for Little
Recreation Minutes
July 2, 2002
League. Mr. Holt mentioned that he has sent a letter to Mr. Farrell. There was a lengthy
discussion about this because this really is not under the purview of the Recreation Comm. It
was stated that we have no governance in this matter and that this is a Little League matter so if
they don't get the answers they need from our local Little League they will have to go to Bristol
or Williamsport.
1. Letter to Joseph Ennesser, Chairman Greenway extending our support for the Great Hudson
River Paddle 2002 event.
2. Letter to WilJiam Farrell regarding a letter from Mrs. Peterman requesting a refund for Little
3. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. for Bracaden Construction in the amount of
$3,510.00 for repairs to 4 dugout roofs at R. L.
4. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. To Bracaden Construction in the amount of
$2,700.00 to construct a dugout at Robinson Lane.
5. Letter to Aladdin Tent Rentals inclosing P.O. for tables and chairs for Senior Picnic in August.
6. Letter to Deborah Foy enclosing tax exempt forms for Soccer and Little League as requested
7. Letters to Vincent F I ancese, Heather Kitchen, and Michael Leonard asking them to be judges
for the Community Day Parade on September 9th.
8. Letter to Richard 1. Robbins of Health Department enclosing renewal application for the
Summer Program.
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of June.
This report is attached to these minutes. < She mentioned that the attendance has dropped since
they have movecl to Oak Grove. She also mentioned that the Seniors have been working on the
Comm~nity Day Float and it looks great.
Mr. Rottkamp thanked everyone for their help at the West Point Concert on June
9th. He mentio'lcd tha' the band was very grateful to come here and they enjoyed the food.
The bus trip to Shea Stadium for the Mets/Yankee game went well and the Mets
He said that Mr. Tompkins took him around to visit all the camps and he was very
Recreation rvliml'.es
July 2, 2002
impressed with them. I-Ie also showed him around the barn and he was impressed with the
cleanliness and organization of the equipment. He also thanked Mrs. Roe for all her help during
the past couple months.
He mentioned that it has been a very good start for all the playgrounds.
]\'1r. Chappas mentioned that Little League is very happy with the new range hood.
He asked if Mr. Tompkins could look at the louver doors on the fan because they don't stay open
and close by themselves.
A discussion took place regarding the roller hockey program. In light of what we
are planning to do at Robinson Lane and when it might come to fiuition, it was decided to go
ahead with the portable equipment. It was also suggested that we invite some people in to discuss
how we \\ iJI nm the program etc. It would be nice to start a fall league.
It was me ntioned that we know of a person who is willing to teach twirling to the
children. She would be '.:villing to go around to the various camps and teach those interested. The
only thing vnt:ld he \\iC \vould have to purchase batons in various sizes for the children to use as
soon as possible. If we have enough time, maybe they would be able to march in the community
day parade.
Mrs. Vazquez mentioned again the after school care program and she has received
some information from Fishkill on how they run their program. This is something that we have
to look into. 1\1'"'-s. Vaszquez will discuss this with Mr. Rottkamp as soon as the camp load has
decreased a bit.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
J. Little League is winding down and the 2 boys that we hired to work out there
are through We had expected more from them and hoped that they would stay on and work
through the summer but they indicated that they were not interested.
Recreation .Minutes
July 2, 2002
2. We have hired 2 other people to help in the maintenance dept. We have hired a
young college stlldent and he will stay with us until the end of August. He is a fantastic worker.
We have also hired another 58 year old retired city fireman and he will be working only 2 or 3
days a week. With this other older gentleman we are getting a lot done. Mr. Sheridan and this
gentleman have been wurking with the safety issues at each camp.
3. Over the weekend vandals painted vulgar things on the building at Spook Hill.
We have contact~d Mr. Bob Monaco and he has fixed up the building.
4. Mr. Holt mentioned that he met with soccer the other night and they brought
up the subject of the well. We will have to pull the information we have on the well and see what
we have to do. They abo mentioned that they had heard that we had someone line the fields at
Robinson Lane during the Spring and why can't they have someone do their fields. We agreed to
do their fields once a wf.~k in the Fall. The parking at Airport needs to be fixed. We need to
scrape and bring in more item #4.
5. There was a problem with the dock and Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt met with
Mr Roberts and Mr. Foster to discuss the situation. Mr. Holt said that Mr. Ennesser has done an
excellent job on 1 he boa: ramp and the engineering work is solid. It was decided that we need to
paint the angle iron yellow and encase it in rubber so if they bump it they won't damage anything.
6. We will be starting to work on the 2003 budget very soon. Mrs. Roe will be
handing out worksheets to Mrs. DeLisa, Mr. Rottkamp and Mr. Holt. If anyone has any input on
updates or thing for their parks, please let Mr. Holt know as soon as possible.
7. We hwe requests in to the Town Board to repair 3 dugout roofs and to
constmct one more dugout on the T -Ball fields.
8. The Community Development grant to build rest rooms at Martz Field has been
given to Mr. Swartz and he is proposing to use the existing equipment room and the existing
plumbing instead ofbuiLling a whole new addition. We have a grant of$40,000. to do this
9 West ill need to get fence guard for the fence at Martz Field.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 on a motion by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr.
Peggy Roe