APRIL 1, 2003
PRESENT: RlH, KD., S.R, lC., lE., RF., E.K., S.M.
APPROVE MINUTES - March 11,2003 (not ready yet.)
1. A letter was received from Pat Brown from the D.C. Office for the Aging confirming
that the Senior Picnic will be held July 16th at Robinson Lane.
2. A letter was received from the Town of Wappinger Little League inviting the entire
Recreation Commission to attend the Little League Opening Day ceremonies
scheduled for April 26, 2003 at 9:00 a.m.
3. A certificate of insurance was received from the Wappinger Central School District
for use of facilities for baseball activities.
4. Certificates of insurance were received from the Little League National & American
5. An application was received from an Andrew Pacilli for summer work in the
maintenance dept.
6. A letter was received from the D. C. Health Dept. evaluating Reese Park for potential
field trips for the Town Camps.
7. A letter and resume was received from Jackie Alfano to be a member of the
Recreation Commission.
8. A copy of a memo sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from Jay Paggi in regard to the water
system at Robinson Lane.
9. Letter from Waverly Pest Control with quote for tick spraying $4,495.00 per visit.
10. Application from Frozen Ropes for use of RL. July 28 -Aug 1 9 am to 3 pm
R.J.H. r:
",""'" '
Agenda Recreation Commission Meeting
Aprill, 2003
Field Use Applications - Frozen Ropes, NKFD, Drew Marino
Special Olympics, Peter Gilman, Soccer
NEXT MEETING May 6, 2003
I. Letters were sent to AAAA Lou Grotto Pest Control, WaverIy Pest Control, Craig
Thomas Pest Control"N.Y. Tick Control with specs for spraying for ticks.
2. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board with quotes for portajohns recommending we
go with Superior Sanitation.
3. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding the hiring of John Youngman, Full Time
4. Letter to Supervisor regarding the purchase of two new computers and software.
5. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding starting new Yoga class for seniors
6. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding new part time position for Field usage.
7. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to obtain a P.O. payable to
Bracaden Construction to repair roofs on dugouts at Martz Field.
8. Letter to Pat Adams of Adams Fairacre Farms regarding plantings for Greystone.
9. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding projected work schedule.
, .
APRIL 1, 2003
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held on April 1, 2003 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were: Kathi Delisa, Senior Citizen Director, Comm. Members James Chappas,
Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, and Ellen Korz. Skip Rottkamp, Recreation
Director was absent since he was attending the NYSRPS Conference in Hauppauge, New
The minutes of the March 11, 2003 meeting were not available and will be
acted on at the May meeting.
A letter was received from Pat Brown, D. C. Office for the Aging
confirming that the Senior Citizen's summer picnic will be held on July 16,2003 at the
Robinson Lane Park. A chicken BBQ lunch will be served at noon.
A letter was received from the Town of Wappinger Little League inviting
the entire Recreation Commission to attend their opening day ceremonies scheduled for
April 26, 2003 at 9:00 a.m.
A certificate of insurance was received from the Wappingers Central
School District for use of facilities for baseball activities. Mrs. Roe mentioned that she
had not received any request for the use of fields from the school and asked Mr. Chappas
ifhe or Mr. Farrell had and no one had received any request.
A certificate of insurance was received from the Town of Wappinger
National and American Little League.
An application was received from Andrew Pacilli for seasonal work in the
maintenance department. At this time we don't know if there will be any openings.
A letter was received from the Dutchess County Health Dept. evaluating
Reese Park as a potential field trip site for the Wappinger Day Camp. The letter gave
specifics on the steps that must be taken to have the site acceptable per the NYS Sanitary
Code. A copy of this letter was given to Mr. Rottkamp and Mr. Ennesser for follow up.
Recreation Minutes
April 1, 2003
A letter and resume was received from Jackie Alfano to be a member of
the Recreation Commission.
We received a copy of a letter sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from Peter
Paggi regarding the water system at Robinson Lane. The purpose of their field inspection
was to inspect the condition of the existing pressure tank, which was reportedly leaking.
The letter gave the following findings:
1. "While no leaks were evident at the time of our inspection, it is
obvious that the tank condition has deteriorated over time. The tank is
a Harvard Bonded Glass Lined type, approximately 20" in diameter
and 62" in height. From a review of specifications provided by the
manufacturer, it is most likely that this tank is a Model M-I0-82 with a
volume of 82 gallons.
2. While there are various methods that could be employed in an attempt
to fix the tank, the results would likely provide only a temporary cure
. It is our belief that it would be more effective to simply install a new
pressure tank at the site.
3. We would recommend that the Town install one (1) Well-X-trol
Diaphragm Type Pressure Tank: Model WX-350, 26" diameter by 62"
high, or approved equal. This tank is the same make and model that
was installed in the Town Emergency Services Building. We would
further recommend that the new tank be furnished with a safety tank
cross including relief valve, pressure switch, pressure gauge and drain
4. Additionally, we would recommend that the Town install a meter on
the inlet line to the new tank. Said meter should be installed in a
meter setter type installation, with a check valve and two isolating gate
or ball valves. A meter size of %" would be sufficient. Acceptable
meter makes would be Sensus, Invensys, Badger, Rockwell or
approved equal.
5. Once the new tank and meter is installed, we would recommend that
the system operators take regular meter readings to determine actual
usage rates. Based on said data, a determination can be made as to
how the entire system should be configured. Revisions and/or
additions to the systems could then be made, in conformance with the
recommendations of our October 9, 1998 report. The ultimate system
would be similar in nature to those previously installed by the Town in
the Emergency Services Building and the Castle Point Bathroom
6. We would estimate that removal of the old tank, installation of the new
tank, meter and piping installation and appurtenances would cost
approximately $5,000.
. "
Recreation Minutes
April 1, 2003
A service agreement was received from Waverly Pest Control to provide
exterior power spray maintenance service for the control of ticks during the seasonal
months of April-October only. The cost is based on a flat rate for treatment of $4,495.00
per visit.
An application for use of facilities was received from Frozen Ropes for the
use of Robinson Lane for a Baseball clinic, July 28 to August 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Frozen Ropes indicated to Mrs. Roe that they had spoken to Mr. Farrell and it was okay.
A discussion was held on what the charges would be for this usage and it was decided
that the fee would be $50.00 for each field being used. This was given to Mr. Chappas
for follow up.
1. Letters were sent to AAAA Lou Grotto Pest Control, Waverly Pest Control, Craig
Thomas Pest Control. N.Y. Tick Control with specs for spraying for ticks.
2. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board with quotes for portajohns recommending we
go with Superior Sanitation.
3. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding the hiring of John Youngman, Full Time
4. Letter to Supervisor regarding the purchase of two new computers and software.
5. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding starting new Yoga class for seniors
6. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding new part time position for Field usage.
7. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to obtain a P.O. payable to
Bracaden Construction to repair roofs on dugouts at Martz Field.
8. Letter to Pat Adams of Adams Fairacre Farms regarding plantings for Greystone.
9. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding projected work schedule for John Ferrara
starting at Robinson Lane.
Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of
March. This report is attached to these minutes. Mrs. Delisa mentioned that she is still
waiting for approval to start the yoga class and she has found mats for about $11.00 and
she asked for approval to purchase 10 mats. If the Town Board approves the yoga class
the commission approved the purchase of the mats.
Mr. Chappas has been in contact with Mr. Farrell of Little League several
items were brought up:
Recreation Minutes
April 1 , 2003
1. He would like to know who is opening and closing Robinson Lane and
Mr. Holt said that John Ferrara is doing this and gave Mr. Chappas his
phone number. Mrs. Roe indicated that he started working this week.
2. Mr. Farrell also asked about the porta johns and was told that they
would be delivered this week and should be there by Friday 4/4/03
3. Mr. Chappas asked if the water had been turned on and Mr. Holt said
that new tank will be installed on Wednesday 4/2 and the water should
be turned on after that.
4. The fencing on SL-l needs to be repaired. Mr. Farrell thought that
there was a problem with the job A-I did when installing the outfield
fence. We will check this out.
5. Mr. Farrell mentioned that they are not taking responsibility for the
batting cages and they want us to lock them or whatever. Mr. Holt
said that a lot of people raised the money to put them up and Little
League was very happy at that time to receive them. When it was
originally installed Little League agreed to maintain them. Now all of
a sudden they do not. It was stated that everyone has a key and they
get in there and abuse it. The Commission felt that they should stay
and be used. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the Little League
Board of Directors with a copy to the Town Board. Mr. Friedman
mentioned that the Board of Directors should take the position of
whether they will maintain them not Mr. Farrell. Every year we will
write a letter to the Board of Directors asking if they are going to
maintain it. If they are not going to maintain it, we should chain and
lock it. Mr. Chappas will draft a letter on this.
6. Mr. Chappas mentioned that Little League is banking on having the
lights on May 15th. He said that Big League has increased to three
teams this year and they are looking to use the lights. Mr. Friedman
said that the Commission and Town Board have no control over this as
it is a contract. Mr. Holt said that they are scheduled to dig out there
on Monday, April 7th.
7. Mr. Chappas was told that Little League has made some improvements
in the store. They have purchased a new electric stove to replace the
one that they had and new stainless steel tables. These improvements
amounted to $1,000.00.
8. The girls field will not be ready for the fencing to be installed by
opening day.
9. Mr. Farrell has been talking to Mr. Tompkins and they are getting little
things done around the fields.
10. Mr. Farrell is still working on getting someone to line the fields. Mr.
Holt said that we would like to do the hiring. We feel that last year the
boys were taking too much direction from Mr. Farrell instead of us.
11. Mr. Chappas said that he will be setting up an appointment for Special
Olympics to see the Robinson Lane Complex to see if it will suit their
needs. He will then work with Mr. Farrell to schedule them. Mr.
Recreation Minutes
April I , 2003
Chappas said that Mr. Farrell seems enthusiastic about them using our
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has received the formal paperwork and
vouchers to get the $2,000.00 grant that has been out there for a while.
Mr. Ennesser said that the Community Transition Group has put up the
bulletin board at Reese Park and he has put the recreation schedule up. He will be
making up a couple of keys for Mr. Rottkamp and Mr. Iverson so that they can post
information on the board. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the ATV's are at it again and he
has found building materials way back inside the park. He doesn't know how it is getting
back there. We had a problem with someone dumping and Mr. Ennesser called the
Sheriff and they looked through to check for names. They did find a piece of wallpaper
and was able to match it to someone locally who is doing construction work. They
ticketed the resident and it was cleaned up.
Mr. Ennesser is trying to set up a meeting with Mr. Tompkins regarding
the construction of a pole barn at Reese Park.
He is waiting for a layout for toilet facilities at Reese Park. We have a
grant for $15,000.00 from the state and he is looking into a modular concrete vault
system. He is waiting for the layout to review it and go forward with the Town Board and
Engineer to the Town. He said that he checked with Mr. Tremper of Camo about water
available in the right of way and he was told that it was strictly sewer lines there. Based
on the information given to the Supervisor a well was included in the grant application.
Mr. Ennesser called DiPiet Fencing today to let them know that we have
the P.O. in the amount of$I,475.00 to redo the fencing at Reese Park off South Avenue.
We will be doing the first 4 sections of the fence. He also has a call in to the Attorney to
the Town Al Roberts to review the deeds looking at the supposed easements.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has contacted Legion Fireworks for a
display for Community Day on September 7th.. He wanted to know what we had in the
budget for this and we said that we should keep it under $2,500.00.
Recreation Minutes
April 1, 2003
Mr. Holt mentioned that the trailer at Rockingham Park has got to be
removed. It is in terrible shape and is a haven for unwanted activities.
Jason Price is ready to start working by the creek at Rockingham. He has
submitted a plan to his scoutmaster to get their approval and once approved we will get a
copy to review. He might have it available at our next meeting.
Mr. Ennesser has been asked to be a member of the Town of Wappinger
Master plan and if anyone has any information or input for this, please get the
information to him as soon as possible. He said that it might be a 15-16 month process.
It was decided that we should be at the Town Hall at 8:30 on Saturday,
April 12th for set up. Weare still looking for some pools. If anyone has one that we can
borrow please let Mrs. Roe know. She will be able to get one from her granddaughter but
we still need another. In the meantime, we will still check the stores.
Mr. Rottkamp sent a note and said that he was able to obtain the orange
drink machine from McDonalds. He has been in contact with Ketcham and they are
going to do the cookies that we will be giving out. Mrs. Lepardi will tell Mr. Rottkamp
what supplies she will need and we will provide them. He is still waiting for a call from
Patty Wells of the Ketcham Interact Club to see how many members will be helping out.
He said that he tried on the Bunny Suit and it fits "for now". Most of the eggs are
stuffed but we will need a lot of help on the 12th. We will be moving the crafts into the
Court Room thereby giving us a little more room in the meeting room. We will have
raffle tickets for 2 age groups 3-5 and 6-8 and the ticket will have room for the telephone
number therefore, they do not have be here to win.
Mr. Holt mentioned that there are a lot of kids using the courts at Pye Lane
and we are not sure if they are Ketcham players. We have no problem with them using
the courts but we like to know when they are. We need a better working arrangement
with the school district. They don't seem to understand that there are avenues that must
be taken and paperwork to be filled out.
. ,.
Recreation Minutes
April 1, 2003
Mr. Ennesser asked why Pop Warner needs a place to play. Don't they
still have the fields at the School? Mr. Chappas said that they use it on a year to year
basis and they don't know until that year if they have a home. They get restricted hours
and play time etc. They don't have a guaranteed home. We had discussed about
putting something in at White's Corners but we have not hear anything more on that land.
Mr. Rottkamp was unable to attend the meeting but he sent the following
items to be discussed.
1. He mentioned that the Recreation Guide turned out "Great" and now we need
help to get them distributed to the residents. Please take them and give them
to your neighbors.
2. He is still looking to hire an Arts & Crafts person for the Summer. The salary
will be $2,000.00. If anyone knows of someone let him know.
3. There was no basketball camp on the last day March 29th since the school was
unable to locate an available custodian in the district.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
1. We need to get some people in place who are interested in working on
the Commission.
2. He met with Central Hudson and the engineer that are working on the
lights at Robinson Lane. They are scheduled to start digging on
Monday and all of the wiring for this will be underground. He said
that they are aware of where the water lines are. They will also be
installing 4 electric meters one for the memorial field, one for SL 1, one
for the store and one for the girls field. The poles will be placed down
the road to the playground area. He said that it will be messy out there
for some time.
3. He wrote a letter to the Town Board to create a new position to cover
field usage. We don't feel that Mr. Farrell is the person for this
position and since it will be a big job that none of the Commission
members would be able to give that much time. The person would
work with Mr. Farrell and report thru Mr. Rottkamp. It is estimated
that the salary for this position would be approximately $4,000.00.
This person would monitor who would use the fields and make sure
. ,
Recreation Minutes
April 1, 2003
everyone sent in their money and proper paperwork. Weare also
pushing to see about installing a higher fence around Memorial Field
and post advertising signs on it to raise funds for the cost of the
lighting. Mr. Norris is already going around getting names of people
who want to place signs out there. The estimate that came from
Central Hudson for the lights is $20,000. 00 a year. That is worse case
for all three fields. It was suggested that a timer for the lights be set
for 11 :00 p.m. Everyone will be told that the lights go off at that time.
4. We are in the process of hiring a full time maintenance person, John
Youngman who will be starting in the next few weeks.
5. Everyone will be invited to attend the dedication of the Greystone
Property, now known as Carnwath Mansion. The dedication will be
June 12th and 14th. The 12th we will be inviting dignitaries from the
State and County. On the 14th it will be open to the residents of the
Town. Mr. Ennesser is working on getting a plaque made for the
6. We are looking for 2 young men to do the lining at Robinson Lane and
Airport Park.
7. The dock should be cleaned next week and we hope to get the dock in
8. We will be having a dinner for Joanne Vazquez in the near future.
9. The water tank at Robinson Lane has pinhole leaks. Mr. Tremper of
Camo suggested that it be replaced and we found that Mr. Ossenkop
would replace it for $700.00. Then we found that Mr. Paggi was
working on a plan that would cost us $5,000.00. Mr. Tremper said that
what Mr. Ossenkop was doing was sufficient and if we change the
system at a later date, we could still use it.
10. We should be receiving the new truck in the next few weeks.
11. We are working on the Memorial Day Program. . Mr. Parsons still sets
up the program but we take care of the bills and ordering the wreaths.
12. They are working on the new playground equipment for Martz Field.
It should be a replica of Spook Hill. It will be done in the Fall
13. The rest rooms were completed at Martz Field but we are not happy
with this work. There are several items which we are not happy with
i.e., the left the area messy with ruts etc. They left the inside filthy.
They also put the ramp over the entrance to the septic system. The
entrance is now at the end of the building and they have pine boards on
the outside and the kids have already taken some off.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.n. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded
by Mr. Friedman.
Peggy Roe