JULY 1,2003
PRESENT: RJ.H., K.D., S.R, J.C., N.C., lB., J.K., E.K.
1. Letter from protection one regarding changes on monitoring information.
2. Memo from Ron Friedman regarding Americans w/disability Act Accessibility Guidelines.
3. Letter from Paggi, Martin & DelBene regarding modular playground unit at Martz.
4. Received Certificate ofInsurance for the Wappinger Yankees
5. Request for use of facilities from the Mid Hudson Road Runners for Sept. 21 st.
6. Safety report from Ron Friedman for Martz Field.
7. Certificate of Insurance from Frozen Ropes.
K.D. RF.
S.R lK
lC. E.K.
N.C. RlH.
NEW BUSINESS - West Point Jazz Knights - Buffet on 8/14 at Schlathaus
JULY 1,2003
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held July 1,2003 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, N ew York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt.
Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation
Director and Comm. Members Nancy Cito, Joseph Ennesser, and James Kennedy.
Mr. Holt introduced our two new members Nancy Cito and James
Kennedy and welcomed them.
A letter was received from Protection One to list any changes for the
alarm system at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt explained that at several of the recreation sites
we have an alarm system and there are specific names to be called in case of an alarm.
This list will have to be changed and returned since some of the people are no longer with
Little League/Recreation.
Mr. Friedman was unable to attend but sent in a letter regarding the
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines in relation to the new Spook
Hill Playground Unit and the unit that will be placed at Martz Field. He says there is a
problem on the accessibility of the unit now at Spook Hill.
A letter was received from Joseph Stankavage of Paggi & Martin
regarding the new playground unit that will be placed at Martz Field. Mr. Holt said that
the equipment will not be installed until after the playgrounds close this summer.
A certificate of insurance was received from the Wappinger Yankees for
the use of the Robinson Lane fields. Mr. Holt explained to the new members that each
group that uses the Town of Wappinger recreation areas must submit a certificate of
insurance and a fee prior to using the property.
An application was received from the Mid Hudson Road Runners Club for
the use of Robinson Lane facilities for their annual race on September 21 st. They will be
using the facility from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on that day. We have also received a check
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July 1, 2003
in the amount of $1 00.00 to cover the fee due. We will still need to receive their
certificate of insurance and they said that will be in our office prior to that date.
Mr. Friedman handed in a safety report on Martz Field. This report was
copied and given to Mr. Tompkins for follow up. There are a lot of things that have to be
looked at and corrected/fixed.
We received a certificate of insurance from Frozen Ropes for the use of
Robinson Lane for their baseball/softball camp that they are running at Robinson Lane
July 28th to August 1 st. We still need to receive their check for this camp. Mrs. Roe will
call Mr. Mauro. This certificate of insurance was sent to Marshall & Sterling for their
review and they came back and said that everything was okay.
1. A letter was sent to Peter Kennedy regarding him meeting with the Supervisor
and Mr. Holt to review the soccer program in general and Airport Park. This
meeting was scheduled for June 14, 2003 at 11 :00 a.m.
2. A thank you letter was sent to Marjorie Sitler for the donation of craft supplies to
the senior center.
3. A thank you letter was sent to Scott, in the Bakery Dept. at Sam's, for the
donation of cookies, pies, muffins and rolls to the senior center.
4. A letter was written (To Whom It May Concern) regarding David Felipe. He was
applying for unemployment and they were requesting a letter. The letter stated
that Mr. Felipe worked for the Town of Wappinger as a Summer Camp Counselor
in the years 2000 and 2001 and as a Camp Director in 2002. This is a six week
position running from the end of June until the second week in August. Mr.
Felipe did not apply for a position in 2003.
5. Letters were sent to Mrs. Cito and Mr. Kennedy welcoming them to the
Mr. Chris Iverson was at the meeting and gave out a package that told
about the upcoming Wappingfest which will be held on July 7, 2003. This is the 3rd
annual fest that we have held at Reese Park and Temple Field. He thanked Mr.
Rottkamp for arranging for the participation from the town campers. The Wappingfest is
a free all-day festival celebrating Wappingers' connection to the tides and featuring canoe
tours, nature activities, music and educational speakers, a community dance and a rhythm
parade with giant puppets. The theme for the fest is "The trails and open space is
everybody's business". Mr. Ennesser and the Greenway are sponsoring the program. A
discussion was held regarding transportation of the children. Mr. Iverson suggested that
the parents bring their children directly to the fest and say that camp will be held at the
fest. Mrs. Cito said that she felt that the children should have a specific drop off/pick up
site. After a discussion it was decided that the children go to the camps and then the
children interested would be bused to the site with the appropriate counselor ratio. It
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July 1, 2003
was decided that the buses will pick up the children at 9:15 at the camps and will bring
them back to camp at the normal camp closing time. If the children are interested they
can have their parents' take them back for the evening activities. We will take care of the
vouchers for the Rhythm Instructor, Puppeteer as part of the summer playground special
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of
June. This report is attached to these minutes.
Mr. Rottkamp reported that the Yankee!Met game was a success.
He mentioned that there are 463 children registered for the 4 camps so far
this summer. We will be doing a final registration on July 3,2003 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at
Schlathaus Park. He also noted that we have already had 5 registrations already.
The concert on June 26th with Joseph DeAngelo was a big success. There
was a good crowd.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that everyone did a great job on the Greystone
The swim program is off to a good start. Mr. Rottkamp is meeting June
Ellen Notaro of the Youth Bureau next week to review the program for our grant.
He has hired an Arts & Craft director for the summer Camps. Her name is
Denise Efantes.
The first Town of Wappinger night at the East Fishkill Golf Center was
held from 6-9 p.m. on June 11th. Mr. Rottkamp was there and welcomed 3 residents. It
really is a wonderful opportunity 3 hours of activities for $10.00. There will be another
Town of Wappinger night on July 16th.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that the camps had already attended the center
on one of their outings and he was very pleased with the counselors and the kids that
On July 7, 2003 there is a meeting that he was encouraged to go to by Mr.
Paoloni to a softball meeting at the East Fishkill Town Hall. Mr. Rottkamp spoke to Mr.
Paoloni several times and he is interested in getting softball in the Town. Mr. Rottkamp
has since checked his schedule and is unable to make this meeting. The meeting is on
how to develop softball programs. If anyone can attend, please let him know.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July 1, 2003
Mr. Ennnesser mentioned that Jason Price has done his work at
Rockingham toward his Eagle Scout Badge and has done a great job. They have placed
1" blue stone around the pump house and installed a bench along the waters edge.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the dock usage is very high. We will try to
have a patrol at the ramp during the July 4th weekend from 6 - 10 a.m. and 6-10 p.m. on
Friday and Saturday. Mr. Holt explained that the dock is open to everyone and there is
no fee to use this facility.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Reese Park easement issue is still in the
hands of the Attorney, Al Roberts.
Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt met with a local builder regarding the
construction of a shelter at Reese. We will then get the information and meet with the
Supervisor to discuss this project. The proposed shelter will be approximately 20 x 46
and will be open on 4 sides.
We were also reminded that we still have grant money to put in bathroom
The Community Transition Group will still be working at Reese and Mr.
Ennesser said that he has planned a meeting with their Director in the next few weeks to
review the work.
Mr. Holt reminded everyone that there will be a delay in installing the play
unit at Martz. It will be scheduled for August.
They are getting ready to dig holes for the poles at Robinson Lane and
hopefully the lights will be in by the end of August. We just can't keep the park in shape
as long as they are working there. There will be at least 2 dump trucks worth of soil from
each hole. Each hole will be 8-10'wide and 17 ft. down. The workers out there have
asked us if there was a place where they could dump the dirt. Mr. Holt thought first of
Rymer and spoke with the Engineer to the Town Jay Paggi and was told that he doesn't
think that it should go there. The next thought was Airport Park. Peter Kennedy met
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July I, 2003
with Supervisor Ruggiero and various other soccer people on June 14th. The next week
there was a meeting at the Town Hall with the Engineer to the Town, Attorney to the
Town, Highway Superintendent and Mr. Holt and it was decided that we will be digging
a well. The first quote that was received for this was for $9,000. To dig the well. We
will get another quick estimate for this project. The plans are to dig the well and run the
lines to the building. Once we have water to the building we will run lines down the
fence. We are hoping that soccer will meet with Mr. O'Donnell regarding plans for the
building. Mr. Kennedy said that this water is not for drinking but for watering the fields.
In the summer when the fields are not in use it is not the time to try to grow grass
especially when there is no water. To crown the field at Airport we will need about 250
truck loads of material. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Kennedy if there was some place at Airport
where we could put the 36 truck loads of dirt from Robinson Lane. At least it would be a
start toward the big job. Mr. Kennedy said that we could dump the material by the big
tree. He said that he will meet with soccer and denote an area. Mr. Kennedy said that
soccer would be ready at any time to remove the top soil
During the fall we will be working at Robinson Lane to fix it up. Mr. Holt
said that he has spoken with the Highway Superintendent about paving in front of the
Mr. Holt mentioned that he had talked to the neighbor at Quiet Acres and
he asked about moving the gate from the top of the hill to the end of the roadway. In
doing this, the patrol will be able get down there to check out the area where the kids
hang out. As it is now they just ride by and never enter the park to see what is going on.
We will have Mr. Friedman look at this and see if we can do something about this and
also look at the parking situation. The gentleman asked if he could have a key.
Community Day is scheduled for September 7th with parade line up at
1 :00 and step off at 2:00 p.m. We will be having a meeting next Thursday at noon at the
Town Hall. We are doing this as Recreation but we will not impose on anyone to have to
participate. If interested everyone is welcome.
We will be having our end of summer picnic at Schlathaus Park on August
5th. The maintenance men will again be doing the cooking and we thank Super Stop &
Shop for helping us out with the food. They have again come through for us. If anyone
can help that day we would appreciate it.
Mr. Holt explained to the new members that we also do events for
Halloween and Christmas so our plate is always full. Halloween is scheduled for
October 26th at 2:00 p.m. The Town Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December
7th at 5 :00 p.m.
Every Thursday we have concerts during the summer at Schlathaus Park.
If anyone can help out Mr. Rottkamp on Thursdays for the concerts or on Friday Fun
Nights he would appreciate it.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July 1, 2003
The new truck is in and it great. It is a 4 wheel drive and we will now
need to look into getting a plow.
The volleyball program is going great.
The schedule for the next tick spraying is July 14th and 15th. Camps will
be done after 3 :00 p.m. and other sites will be done in the morning so that they will be
usable in the evening.
There are several parties at Christmas time. There are two parties for the
Town seniors at the Elks Club on Route 376 and one at the Villa Borghese for the Center
seniors. There is another at Schlathaus for the Town Children. Gifts have been ordered
for all parties. Mr. Chappas will hopefully be Santa.
Regarding the trailer at Rockingham - Mr. Ennesser said that if the
recycle people don't get it that he would like it to haul the docks. He would like Mr.
Tompkins to check with Royal Carting about stripping it and using the chassis to move
We had vandalism at Spook Hill. Someone got in the rest rooms and used
them inappropriately. It seems that we are always cleaning up glass.
The volleyball program is going great. The courts especially on the
weekends are always filled.
Tennis is always getting a big play. Mr. Holt mentioned that there were
two young men teaching. It was stated that people are not allowed to give private
lessons using the Town courts.
Mr. Holt mentioned that there are 6 residents at Camwath and as soon as
they are placed the Town will completely take over the site. They are currently doing
their own maintenance and Mr. Holt said that all of the maintenance personnel there are
asking him to keep them on. There is no way that we will be able to do that without more
help. We will need a caretaker there permanently. The dormitory is in good shape, the
chapel is in decent shape and the administration building is in great shape but the
mansion as everyone knows needs a lot of work. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that Colleen
Cannon of Deer Hill will be out of a job soon as the Randolph School takes over Deer
Hill. She has run Deer Hill for many years and is a human resource person. Mr.
Rottkamp suggested that she speak with Supervisor Ruggiero and knows that she went
down but doesn't know if she was able to talk to him. She is in the process of putting her
resume together. Mr. Holt said that this will be a big undertaking.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
July 1, 2003
We have the West Point Jazz Band coming on August 14,2003. We
usually have a buffet for the Band. They give a great concert for the residents and the
payment for that is a buffet. Mr. Kennedy agreed to call Roma Deli to get a quote.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary