September 9, 2003
PRESENT: RlH, K.D., S.R, J.C., N.C., lE., RF., lK, AND E.K
1. Memo from Joseph Stankavage regarding the Spook Hill and Martz Playground
Units ADA accessibility
2. Letter from Hudson Valley Renegades regarding our request for Halloween
3. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero regarding placement ofCarnwath Farms
dedication plaque.
4. Letter from S. W. Johnson Engine Co. thanking us for invitation to Community
Day parade but they are unable to attend.
5. Flier from Denise Schirmer regarding Introduction to Babystitting Course.
6. Letter to Mr. Rottkamp from June Ellen Notaro thanking him for meeting on July
2nd to discuss Swim program and stated that the Town is In Compliance. She also
offered help to develop a program for the Town teen center.
7. Received the Certificate of Insurance for the Special Olympics.
8. Letter from Red Cedar regarding clearing property at Castle Point.
S.R lK
lC. E.K
N.C. RJ.H.
Well at Airport
Playground Unit at Martz Field
Lights at Robinson Lane
Safety Inspection
Reese Park Easement
1. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero from Kathi DeLisa regarding Dial A Ride.
2. Thank you letter to Dr. Seth Bizer for providing the Glaucoma and vision
screening for the seniors and Town employees.
3. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. to purchase beam clay.
4. Letter to Deputy SheriffTJ Hanlon from Mr. Rottkamp thanking him for the Bike
Rodeo at the End of Summer Picnic.
5. Sent a copy of the last survey we did to Frederick Clark Associates.
6. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding a broken window on an employees car at
Montfort Road.
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held September 9,2003 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt.
Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation
Director, and Commission Members James Chappas, Nancy Cito, Joseph Ennesser,
Ronald Friedman, and Ellen Korz.
The minutes of the August 5, 2003 meeting were approved on a motion by
Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor with the following corrections:
Mr. Friedman's name on page 1 misspelled and the addition of the words "would be
needed" after 3-4" of item 4 under Rockingham Park.
A memo from Joseph Stankavage of Paggi, Martin & Del Bene stating
that the playstations at Spook Hill Road and the proposed one at Martz Field both meet or
exceed the Americans with Disabiities Act Accessibility Guidelines and that no changes
in the design are called for.
A letter was received from the Hudson Valley Renegades declining our
request for a donation for the Halloween party. They stated that they have exceeded their
2003 budged and suggested that when we have an event in October we make the request
in January and hold it for the fall.
A memo was received from Supervisor Ruggiero asking that Recreation
take whatever steps necessary to have the Carnwath Farms plaque mounted. This memo
was given to Mr. Tompkins on September 3rd and Mr. Tompkins said that he would look
into doing this after Community Day.
A letter was received from the S.W. Johnson Engine Company No 2 in
Wappingers Falls thanking us for the invitation to the Community Day Parade.
Unfortunately, they have another function on that day and were not able to attend.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
September 9,2003
A flyer was received from Denise Schirmer regarding an Introduction to
Babysitting Course that she teaches. This was given to Mr. Rottkamp.
A letter was received from June Ellen Notaro thanking him for meeting
with her on July 2nd to review the Swim Lessons Program. She stated that she found the
paperwork to be well organized and the program to be running smoothly. She stated that
after reviewing the results of the monitoring visit with the Youth Bureau staff, the
program received a rating of In Compliance which indicates the program is fulfilling its
contractual obligations. Mrs. Notaro also mentioned that she would be interested in
developing a teen program when the Town is ready.
A Certificate ofInsurance was received from the Special Olympics for the
use of Robinson Lane on August 17th.
A letter was received from Red Cedar, Steven Relyea, stating that he is
proposing to volunteer to clear the property directly across from the entrance of the Town
of Wappinger Recreation facility on South River Road. Red Cedar Landscapers are fully
insured with valid liability and worker's compensation policies.
1. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero from Kathi DeLisa regarding Dial A Ride.
2. Thank you letter to Dr. Seth Bizer for providing the Glaucoma and vision
screening for the seniors and Town employees.
3. Memo to Town Board requesting a P.O. to purchase beam clay.
4. Letter to Deputy SheriffTJ Hanlon from Mr. Rottkamp thanking him for the Bike
Rodeo at the End of Summer Picnic.
5. Sent a copy of the last survey we did to Frederick Clark Associates.
6. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding a broken window on an employees car at
Montfort Road.
Mrs. DeLisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of
August. This report is attached to these minutes.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned the following discussion items:
1. Running 2 camps for longer period from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We will need
to think about the impact regarding personnel, salaries, cost etc.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
September 9, 2003
2. Thoughts on running a 13-15 year old camp at Robinson Lane. Again
the impact on personnel, salaries activities etc. Maybe we hold it one
week, two weeks for a start.
3. Roller hockey what we will need to do for such a program i.e. who
will run it.
4. Concerts and family fun nights. Is everyone pleased with the
programs we had last year? Does anyone have thoughts on new
5. Would like to have a Recreation Banner Town of Wappinger to be put
in front of stage for different events. Mr. Enneser will look into the
cost for one.
6. He will be working on the 2004-2005 recreation guide soon. If anyone
has any ideas or information please let him know. He has already been
approached by the bridge club to put something in for them.
7. At last meeting we discussed having someone come in to do a
professional safety inspection on the playground equipment. John Jay
has a gentleman who is certified but he doesn't have insurance. The
Town would have to cover him for insurance. We would have to
discuss this with him further. Mr. Rottkamp will contact him to get
more information. He mentioned that he also called the state for some
information and got the run around. He did find a page in one of the
recreation booklets on safety and will call this number.
8. A new program for the summer - a fishing camp. It could be one
week and be held at Old Apple Orchard, Rockingham, by the Barn, or
at Reese Park. We have to discuss the liabilities etc.
Mrs. Cito asked about the basketball hoops at Spook Hill and was told that
they have been put up. She again questioned about what we were going to do about the
bridge and it was stated that it meets regulations so we decided to wait for the safety
inspector before we make a decision on whether to remove it or not.
She again mentioned that the parking lot on the right side has a lot of big
holes and suggested that they be filled or paved. Mr. Holt will discuss this with Mr.
She also mentioned that the picnic tables have rough edges on them and
they are dangerous.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that there was a break in at Reese Park recently.
Someone took bolt cutters to snap the locks. The only thing that was outside was the first
Recreation Comm. Minutes
September 9,2003
aid kit. Nothing else seems to be missing. Mr. Ennesser has been trying to get in touch
with Joe Legere. This was reported to us from the Sheriffs department. The locks have
been changed on the unit.
Mr. Ennesser said that he attended a meeting with the title company with
Attorney to the Town Al Roberts, Engineer Jay Paggi, Highway Superintendent Graham
Foster regarding the easement at Reese Park. It was decided that we would install the
Mr. Ennesser met with Mr. Paggi and Patrick from Camo to check on the
sewer and water lines at Reese Park. There is a sewer line there but to pump up hill
might be too much. There was discussion on a holding tank. Mr. Friedman said that the
Health Dept. might be reluctant to approve a holding tank. Mr. Ennesser said that he
will put together a package regarding this discussion so we can get moving on this
$15,000. matching grant for the Reese bathrooms.
Mrs. Korz said that she talked with Barry Casowitz regarding the tennis
program and everything went well. They also discussed having a fun day at the end of
each session and everyone would get trophies or ribbons. We will have to work out the
details etc.
She also mentioned that we should have some type of sign up sheet for the
use of the courts. We also need to have a sign to show when the courts are being used for
Mrs. Korz said that the letters had gone out for Halloween donations and
she has called several places. We have already received donations from Party City and
Mr. Holt thanked everyone for their help on Community Day. There are
several things that we need to review and change. A couple of suggestions were to have
the reviewing stand moved closer to Old Myers Comers and to have the rides on both
Saturday and Sunday.
Supervisor Ruggiero mentioned that the lights at Robinson Lane are
working and they look great. It was decided that they will not go on until next year. That
will give us time to get everything cleaned up.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
September 9,2003
We noticed that the lights on the outfield are pointed toward the batting
cage area and we think that is where the roller hockey and basketball courts are to go.
We have not heard any more on these improvements as to when they will be done.
Highway Superintendent Graham Foster was to do a track around the
perimeter of Robinson Lane and to date nothing has been done about this.
Budget items for the 2004. We will be working on the budget and Mr.
Holt asked each member to bring in any information or requests to the recreation office
by Friday, September 12th. Several items that we need to put in the budget are a person
to manage the lighted fields at Robinson Lane, money to put in a new 8' fence at
memorial field at Robinson Lane and to move the current fencing to Castle Point, money
to extend the water lines to the new girls fields
The new playground unit is not in place at Martz Field. The last we knew
was that they were still waiting for some of the playground unit.
The well at Airport Park has not been done yet. We called Mr. Paggi's
office to see if we could find out anything and they couldn't say when it would be done.
We have received a complaint about the Fleetwood Park. We will have
Mr. Tompkins go down there and replace the swings and put in a couple of baby swings.
They will also paint the equipment and do some cleaning up.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that we should be taking out the stumps at
Robinson Lane, Castle Point and Airport Park. They are a safety hazard.
We should also install the runway at Airport Park for the handicap. Mr.
Ennesser had already received some prices on something that can be put down.
The letter for donations for the Senior Elks Party has been sent out. We
have already received a few donations.
We should be putting in warning tracks on the fields at Robinson Lane.
We will be calling Craig O'Donnell to see if we can set up a meeting with
him on Friday to go over the building at Reese Park.
Mr. Ennesser said that the docks have been overwhelmed with usage this
year. Mr. Sheridan of maintenance has been checking them weekly for any loose
hardware and keeps them in ship shape.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
September 9, 2003
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser
seconded by Mr. Chappas.
Peggy Roe