OCTOBER 15, 2003
PRESENT: RJ.H., K.D., S.R. lC., N.C., J.E., R.F., J.K., E.K.
1. Letter from Barbara Kendall to Mr. Ennesser enclosing check for $2,000.00 for
2. Letter from Wappinger Junior High with available dates for aerobics.
3. Copy ofa Notice of Claim and Verification Buckley vs Town of Wappinger
4. Copy of memo to Supervisor from Joseph Paggi re: Well at Airport Park
5. Letter from Jay Renfro of Al Roberts Office regarding the Use of facilities
6. Copy ofa letter sent to P.F. Beal & Sons from Joseph Paggi re the well
Installation at Airport Park
7. Letter of resignation from Maria Borges
8. Approval for use of school facilities from
Sheafe Road School Jan-Mar. - Boys & Girls Basketball
Roy C. Ketcham Sept - April- Dancing
Myers Comers School - Jan-May- Gymnastics
Myers Comers School Oct-June Volleyball
Wapp. Junior High - Sept-May - Aerobics
9. Information to Skip Rottkamp re: Playground safety Inspectors
10. Copy ofletter to Supervisor from Fred Dahl with Pop Warner Contract
11. Call from Dutcess Landscape Supply - donation of paving stone, wallstone
12. Hemansu Shah wants information on Rockingham Lake
13. Thank you from Carl Garofolo for Community Day
OLD BUSINESS - Halloween
Martz Field Playground Unit
Well at Airport Park
Steven Relyea - Red Cedar working at Castle Point
Building at Reese Park
Budget for 2004
NEW BUSINESS- Christmas - Entertainment
1. Letter to D. C. Personnel enclosing the "Seasonal Summer Form" for summer
2. Letter to Paul Cassitto of the Mid Hudson Road Runners Club giving approval to
have race at Robinson Lane and asking for their Certificate of Insurance.
3. Letter to Supervisor stating that Marleelle Diaz has taken over the duties at
Robinson Lane from Rebecca Cole
4. Letters to the following thanking them for assistance with Community Day:
Terje Gran of Laerdal
Carl Garofolo
Performance Motorcars of Dutchess
Peter Shea of Beekman Country Club
Roger Humeston
Friendly Motorcars
Poughkeepsie Nissan, Inc.
Eileen Ennesser
Frank Alfano
5. Letters to the following with check for working inflatable rides
a. Hudson Valley Council Band $326.03
b. Boy Scout Troop #56 $326.04
c. Cadet Senior Girl Scout Troop 359 $326.03
6. Fax to Tim Middlebrok of Selective Insurance re the Jillian Buckley Claim.
7. Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Urbin for donation of cameras and Leximark printer.
8. Letters to the following for donations for the "Victorian Christmas"
a. A. C. Moore - Jason Erney, Manager
b. Home Depot - Mark Sherman, Manager
c. Lowes - Jude Miko Manager
d. Namco - Attention Bill
e. Treasure Island - Attention Josie
. .
OCTOBER 15, 2003
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held October 5, 2003 at Schlathaus Park, All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt.
Others present were Kathi DeLisa, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation
Director and Comm. Members James Chappas, Nancy Cito, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald
Friedman and Ellen Korz.
The minutes of the September 9, 2003 meeting were approved on a motion
by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Chappas with all in favor.
A letter was received from Barbara Kendall, Executive Director of
Greenway Conservancy enclosing a check in the amount of $2,000.00 representing the .
full payment on the grant #2000-D-26 Trail Signage for the Town of Wappinger
Greenway. This check has been turned over to the Comptroller.
A letter was received from Ursula Platz, Assistant Principal of Wappinger
Junior High School enclosing the approved building use application and the dates the
building will be available for the aerobics program September 2003 to May 2004. Of
course, all dates are subject to change.
A copy of a letter and fully executed Notice of Claim and Verification of
Thomas J. Buckley was received for our information from the Town Clerk's Office.
This relates to the injury of Jillian Buckley who fell from the monkey bars at Quiet Acres
on July 3, 2003 and injured her left arm.
A copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor Ruggiero from Peter J. Paggi
regarding the proposed irrigation well at Airport Park. He mentioned that he spoke with
Perry Beal ofP.F. Beal & Sons and that the tentative date for drilling the well will be the
week of September 15-19. He will call and confirm the date.
A letter was received from Jay Renfro ofVergilis, Stenger, Roberts,
Pergament & Viglotti, LLP with a revised form for the Use of Facilities. The form
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 15,2003
5. Letters to the following with check for working inflatable rides
a. Hudson Valley Council Band $326.03
b. Boy Scout Troop #56 $326.04
c. Cadet Senior Girl Scout Troop 359 $326.03
6. Fax to Tim Middlebrok of Selective Insurance re the Jillian Buckley Claim.
7. Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Urbin for donation of cameras and Leximark printer.
8. Letters to the following for donations for the "Victorian Christmas"
a. A. C. Moore - Jason Erney, Manager
b. Home Depot - Mark Sherman, Manager
c. Lowes - Jude Miko Manager
d. Namco - Attention Bill
e. Treasure Island - Attention Josie
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that there has been some discussion recently
regarding the Epi Pens and the Town being obligated to administer it. A Mrs.
Schackenberger (who has two children that are extremely allergic to peanuts)has been
doing a lot of research and said that she has gone to the State for a ruling. She said that
next year we would be obligated to train our counselors to give the epi pen. So far we
have not heard of any ruling from the Health Dept. and we will check with our attorneys
if not mandated. Mrs. Korz and Mrs. Cito mentioned that they are not obligated to do
this at the schools but of course they have a nurse.
There are two trips coming up with the first going to Radio City Music
Hall to see the Christmas show on November 15th. There will be 2 buses for this trip.
The next trip is a "New York City Shopping Spree" on Saturday, Dec. 6th. Ifanyone
would like to be an escort on any of these trips, please let Mr. Rottkamp know as soon as
possible. The December 6th trip had a full bus the frrst night of signups and waiting list.
Weare looking to see if we can get a larger bus and also if we can get an escort.
Aerobics which started in early September has 28 registered. Because of
increased interest in this program it started earlier than normal and when the 1 st of
October came (the ususal starting date) we had another 8 or so register. The instructor
felt that this was too much for her to handle space wise and safety wise and has asked if
she could run two classes each night with the first from 6 -7 p.m. and the second from 7-8
p.m. We don't seem to have enough money in the budget to okay this. When the new
year starts, we can probably handle it. Mr. Rottkamp has contacted Jennifer Simmons
from WCSD to see if there might be another gym we could use. We will have to
remember to put the note in the recreation guide that all dates are subject to change.
Baton twirling has over 30 girls registered and they are doing great.
Ballroom dance so far has only 2 couples signed up. For some reason that is not going as
well as we would like. Volleyball program is filled up with Walter Leczinski again
running the program.
Recreation Cornm. Minutes
October 15,2003
Mr. Friedman mentioned that he would like to see the counselors
take a rake and spread out the pea gravel under the playground equipment. This should
be done in the morning before camp starts, in the middle of the day and just before they
leave. Most times the kids move it from the center when they are playing. When they
are not there the maintenance people should do it.
The banner for the stage is done and Mr. Ennesser will pick it up on
Friday. Also the tennis court signs are ready. These signs show when the courts are
being utilized for lessons and which courts are being used.
Mr. Rottkamp asked if the lights on the tennis courts can be on earlier
since it is getting dark earlier. We can do this but we usually turn them off completely by
the end of October.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the docks should be taken out next week.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the frame is up on the new shelter at Reese
Park. All we have to is put the roof on it. Once the building is done we will be putting in
some item 4. The gate and entrance poles at the South Avenue entrance have been
completed. He is also looking for something for the main gate at Reese. Mr.
Friedman mentioned that Dutchess Landscape Supply called and is willing to donate
some paving stone. Maybe we can get some item 4 from them for Reese.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Eagle Scout has decided not to work on
the trailer at Rockingham but he will do the pond project. He will be meeting with the
scout to set up a schedule to clean up the area and get it ready for skating.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that there are still stumps at Robinson Lane that
need to come out. Mrs. Roe indicated that someone was coming from Albany to clean
up and were looking at removing the brush and wood. If they don't do the stumps, then
Mr. Tompkins will do it or get someone to remove them.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
October 15,2003
Mr. Holt mentioned that he has made the frrst pass of the 2004 budget
with the Supervisor and we are scheduled to be before the Town Board on Wednesday
night October 22nd. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Rottkamp ifhe would also be available that
When Mr. Holt went through the plan with the Supervisor it was noted
that we didn't put roller hockey in our plan and the Supervisor said that we would not be
bonding for it for 2004. He also took out our request for the the dump truck and the
totville play area. We were told that we could get that in 2005. The water spray systems
were also removed. Of course, this was the first pass on the budget.
The men have done some work around Carnwath - cleaning up around the
carriage house and buildings. We have started to work on holding a Victorian
Christmas on December 12th and 13th. At first it was only going to be one day but the
Supervisor would like to do a fundraiser on Friday night. Weare just starting to look at
On Saturday we will have a program from 3 to 7 p.m. If there is snow, we
will work on having a hill ready for tobogganing for the younger children or possibly hay
rides if there is no snow. We will have people dressed in Victorian costumes and Mrs.
Cito volunteered to be one of the volunteers. We will be having hot cider, hot chocolate,
cookies and a Victorian Santa who will give the children bags with a peppermint stick,
raisins, apple and a scroll. We hope to have items to raffle off along with entertainment.
Since we didn't know about the Friday night program, we haven't looked
at what we will be doing yet.
Because of Election Day, the next meeting will be held on Wednesday,
November 5, 2003 at 7:00.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 on a motion by Mr. Chappas seconded
by Mr. Ennesser.
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary
A-1620.40 CENTRAL HUDSON G. & E.
Castle Point 4/2-9/2 7243-1676-00-5 $34.84
Regency Drive 6/6-8/6 7224-0950-00-5 $47.29
Schlathaus Park 6/13-8/13 7110-0450-00-7 $108.08
Myers Corners/All Angels 6/13- 7110-0440-00-8 $73.07
Stage 6/13-8/13 7110-2180-00-8 $29.72
Myers Corners/All Angels 6/13- 7110-1600-00-6 $31.23
Tennis Courts - 7/18-8/18 7690-0425-01-8 $183.79
A-7110.4 Waverly Pest Control final tick spraying $4,495.00
Bracaden Construction fascia wrap at Martz $750.00
DiPiet Construction repairs on C.P. fences $975.00
Prime Stripe marking paint $566.40
Schnoor Plumbing snake Martz Field $275.00
Superior Sanitation Aug. - Rockingham $150.00
Superior Sanitation Aug - Reese Park $75.00
Superior Sanitation Aug - Boat Ramp $75.00
Superior Sanitation Aug - Schlathaus $120.00
1---- Superior Sanitation Aug - Airport Park $150.00
Steve Tompkins Clothing Allowance $177.95
James Baisley Remove dead tree at Rock. $800.00
Camo Pollution Control Maintain water system-July $620.00
A-7140.1 Peter Shea golf 8/5-8/15 $980.00
Robert Yang Tennis assistant $168.00
A-7140.4 Anaconda Sports 2 front mount goals w/nets $131.00
Aristocrat Tours Senior tri Aqua Turf $575.00
Ned Gelfars Family Fun Night 8/15 $400.00
Skip Rottkamp Supplies Family Fun. Etc. $233.91
Party Time Tours Bus to Shea $760.00
A-7620.1 John Macek computer instructor $150.00
A-7620.4 A. C. Moore, Inc. Craft supplies $59.06
Coffee System of H.V. coffee - decaf $72.00
1---- $822.86
Mt. Ellis Paper Co. paper products
Williams Lumber wood senior float $13.91
D.C. Office for the Aging Senior picnic $1,425.00
Page 1
B-7310.4 Durants Tents & Events supplies for Summer Picnic $454.45
Frontier Comm. 9/26-10/25 Phone R. L. 227-9434 $19.53
Verizon - 8/25-9/24 Phone C.P. 831-9915 $75.35
Verizon - 9/4-10/3 Phone M.F. 297-9928 $75.35
Verizon - 9/4-10/3 Phone Q.A. 297-7780 $32.95
Verizon - 9/4-10/3 Phone S.H. 297-9861 $75.35
A. C. Moore craft supplies $251.32
Skip Rottkamp 7/8-8/12 Mileage $119.93
Skip Rottkamp 5/27-7/7 Mileage $62.73
Anaconda Sports Tee Shirts $500.00
Central Poly Garbage Bags $735.00
Verizon - 8/4-9/3 Phone Q.A. 297-7780 $52.05
Verizon - 8/4-9/3 Phone S.H. 297-9861 $75.35
Williams Lumber Cleaning Supplies $22.72
Kimberly Allen Mileage $167.05
Clare Rottkamp Mileage $149.83
Andrew Nikola Rental Sound System $250.00
Nextel 7/2-8/1 Phones $781.95
A-7550.4 Tina McVey Singer 9/11 Ceremony $100.00
AIVize Bagpipes 9/11 Ceremony $150.00
Sir Speedy Posters Comm. Day $21.32
Aladdin Tent Rentals Tent Comm Day. $750.00
Images Color Guard, Inc. Band for Parade Comm Da~ $875.00
Hudson Valley Council Band performance Comm. Day $400.00
Joseph DeAngelo performance Comm. Day $450.00
The Klassics performance Comm. Day $850.00
The Klassics rental sound system $600.00
Southwest Sand Art inflatable rides $1,800.00
Grassy Plain Drum Corp. Band for Parade Comm Da) $700.00
James DiSanto Dixie Dandies Band for Parade Comm Da) $800.00
Legion Fireworks display for Comm. Day $2,500.00
Prospect Drum Corp. Band for Parade Comm Da) $925.00
Wappinger Dist. Band Band for Parade Comm Da, $200.00
A-2001 Angeli Kalra refund for Tennis $20.00
T -0912 Gourmet Society/Culinary Inst. Services for Greystone $300.00
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