2003-12-02 ,. .'r.., ,; AGENDA RECREATION COMM. MEETING DECEMBER 2, 2003 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RJ.H., K.D., S.R, J.C., N.C., J.E., RF., J.K, E.K. APPROVE MINUTES November 5, 2003 Approved Corrections: COMMENTS FROM GUESTS CORRESPONDENCE None REPORTS K.D. RF. S.R J.K. lC. E.K. N.C. RJ.H. lE. OLD BUSINESS - Dutchess Landscaping Donation Safety Officer Reese Park Shelter Rockingham Park Eagle Scout Trailer at Rockingham Backstop at Fleetwood Playground Equipment at Martz Easement at Rockingham NEW BUSINESS 2004 -05 Rec. Guide 2004 Budget Field Coordinator MEETING ADJOURNED: Seconded NEXT MEETING 1/6/04 ,;if" . OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE- November 2003 1. Memo to Supervisor & Town Board requesting P.O. for $2,540.00 payable to Statewide for refrigerators for 4 playgrounds 2. Letter to Jesse Knapp of Super Stop & Shop requesting donations for Elks Parties. 3. Invitation to Supervisor and Town Board Members to attend the Christmas Tree Lighting on 12/7 at 5 p.m. 4. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board requesting permission to pay W.C.S.D. for summer transportation. - Approved at T/B meeting 11/10/03 5. Letter to Supervisor inviting him to Elks Parties on 12/3 and 12/9 6. Invitation to Supervisor inviting him to attend Senior Center party at Villa on 12/5 7. Memo to Mark Liebermann with specs for shelter at Reese Park. 8. Letter to President New Hackensack Fire Co requesting permission to use firehouse facilities on 12/7 9. Letter to Bob Lewis of Super Stop & Shop. 10. Letter from Mr. Rottkamp to the following regarding concerts in 2004. a. Klassics for 6/24 b. Johnny Dell for 7/1 c. Hot Rod Band for 7/8 d. Switch in Time for 7/5 e. Bob Martinson Band for 7/22 and Family Fun Night f. 7/29 open date g. Thunder Ridge for 8/5.h. West Point Jazz Knights for 8/12 Recreation Comm. Minutes December 2, 2003 A discussion took place regarding advertising in the Southern Dutchess News. Mr. Friedman mentioned that a lot of families do not receive this paper and he mentioned that he felt we would do better by advertising in the Poughkeepsie Journal. We should try to get an article in the "Our Towns" section and the "Enjoy" regarding the Tree Lighting on Sunday the 7t1t. Mr. Kennedy agreed with this and mentioned that most people read the "Enjoy" section for what is going on. We can also try to advertise on the "Community Bulletin Boards" on the radio stations. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the Senior activities for the month of November. This report is attached to these minutes. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Rottkamp was unable to attend but sent in a report as follows: 1. Follow up on the playground safety inspector. Did we talk to the attorney regarding having someone part time to do the safety inspections? 2. Ballroom dance Session III and IV were canceled. We will try to hold the program on a different day to see if that makes a difference in attendance. The day we are trying to get is Tuesday nights. 3. Radio City Music Hall trip on November 15t1t was a big success with 2 buses going. Thanks to Nancy Cito for the great job as an escort. 4. Saturday, December 6t1t is our New York City "Shopping Spree" trip (8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.) If you are interested in escorting this trip let Skip know. 5. He is still looking for instructors for the Boys and Girls Basketball and Gymnastics program. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please call him. Mr. Kennedy mentioned that his son might be interested and he will check with him and let Mr. Rottkamp know. 6. Mr. Rottkamp will be starting to work on the Recreation Guide for 2004. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to help, please let him know. He sent in a copy of the guide for Unionvale and mentioned that they have it done by a company that sends it out to all residents. What do we think? Mr. Friedman asked about their cost. We will have to check on this. We have to find out who will 2 Recreation Comm. Minutes December 2, 2003 be doing our guide this year and how they want it presented to them _ if on a disc, or hard copy and if we need to do graphics or not. 7. Tonight he is doing the registration for the Women's Aerobics at the Evans Elementary School and he is looking for a very good turnout. If the turnout is large we might look toward having 2 sessions in January. 8. Deer Hill Conference Center did not sell to Randolph School. Colleen is looking for us to have additional programs other than our swim classes. Are there any suggestions? How about offering an Adult swim lessons in the evening or a program for Junior High age students? FENCES Mr. Friedman indicated that in the new budget we should get protective covers for all fences to prevent serious accidents. He said that he travels around the County and Wappinger is about the only Town that does not provide complete coverage. He mentioned that we place ourselves in a greater liability if we have some done and others not. If we get bees in them in the summer, we will have to spray or look for another type. He also mentioned that 2 fences at Castle Point are rusted and have points on them. They should be fixed immediately. The two fence problems at Castle Point are the one along the road and the other on the field on the right hand side. ROBINSON LANE It was mentioned that we still have to set up a meeting with Central Hudson regarding the electric at Robinson Lane. We also have to look at hiring someone to schedule the fields etc. Several names were brought up that would be good for the job. BUDGET Several members mentioned that we should do things early in the year and prioritize what has to be done. It was suggested that we review the budget with the members at either our January or February meeting. There was an in depth discussion on the process of the budget and prioritizing the work load and new items that we want to 3 Recreation Comm. Minutes December 2, 2003 do. It was mentioned that we felt that we could do a better job if one of the Council people could attend our meetings. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt mentioned that he has spoken with Dutchess Landscape on Airport Drive regarding their call about giving the Town a donation. He said that the donation would be decorative blocks and he felt that we would need a project in mind before going back to them. We just don't want to take the blocks and pile them at the Barn. It was again brought up that the trailer at Rockingham is a safety hazard and we really need to do something with it. We have talked with Royal and they will not take it to strip it. Mr. Ennesser will check to see if the transition group will work on it Mr. Holt mentioned that the men have been working at Fleetwood recently but he is not certain that the backstop has been removed. We think that it has but we will check on this. They have cleaned up the park. Mr. Friedman mentioned that there is a mound of dirt with rocks and broken glass in it at the edge of the basketball court and he said that he hoped that it was cleaned up. Rockingham Eagle Scout is coming along with the work at the pond. He is waiting for the benches to arrive so that he can place them. Mr. Friedman asked if they had removed the wooden bench that was falling apart and Mr. Holt said that they had. He also asked about the walking path that was getting overgrown. We still have something to do there. Mr. Friedman mentioned that we need to put up some signs indicating there is a path to the creek. We will put this on the agenda for spring. Mr. Holt indicated that we haven't gotten any information on the easement at Rockingham. As far as the Martz Field playground, Mr. Holt said that it is finally getting completed. They were dumping the chips yesterday and Steve was moving it around. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Kennedy. Peggy Roe Secretary 4