PRESENT: RJ.H., K.D., S.R., J.C., N.C., J.E., R.F.,lK., E.K.
GUESTS- Melaine Rottkamp and Triumph Twirlers
Nick Bisaccia
1. Invitation to Little League Opening Day Ceremony 4/17/04 at 9:00 a.m. Also to
the dedication ceremony of the new lights to start at 5:30 p.m.
2. Letter from Tom and Julie Joseph regarding the lights at Robinson Lane.
3. Notice from New Holland regarding a potential concern on MC284F mower.
4. Letter from Joel Miller regarding the HVFCU and their free seminar on identity
5. Copy of a letter send to Bill Farrell from Eric Fellenzer regarding lights at
Robinson Lane.
6. Letter from Legion Fireworks Co., Inc. with executed contract, certificate of
insurance and invoice for the Little League dedication of lights.
7. Letter from Peter Dubaldi, Myers Comers School regarding programs run by
outside groups. - more supervision, and clean up trash.
8. Letter from Lane Lorefice regarding the Triumph Twirlers.
9. Letter to Skip from Frozen Ropes Training Center.
10. Fax from Dutchess Co, Youth Bureau, Rosemary L. McMann requesting free
programs Town is offering.
11. Letter from Royal Carting Service Co. requesting an Exempt Organization
12. Letter from ViJay Lalchandani of Alpert Drive regarding aYoga and Meditation
13. News Release from State Senator Steve Saland stating that legislation naming the
Peter C. Furnari Memorial bridge has passed the Senate.
OLD BUSINESS - Safety Officer- Easter, Lights
NEW BUSINESS - Registration for Summer Programs
Next Meeting
APRIL 13, 2004
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
April 13, 2004 at Schlathaus Park, 136 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were: Kathi DeLisa, Senior Cit~en Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation
Director, and Commission Members Nancy Cito, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman and
Ellen Korz.
There were no minutes to approve.
Melaine Rottkamp, the instructor for the baton twirling program attended the
meeting to tell us that her girls had entered the New York State Baton Twirling
Championship in Carmel, N.Y. She said that they placed 1 st in three divisions and came
home with several trophies. The trophies they won were presented to the Commission
for display. She said that both the girls and their parents are extremely happy with the
An invitation was received from Little League to attend their Opening Day
ceremony which will be held on April 17, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Holt was also asked to
speak on behalf of the Recreation Commission. We were also invited to attend the
dedication ceremony for the new lights which will start at 5:30 p.m. There will be a short
ceremony, then there will be games on each of the lighted fields and at dusk the lights
will be turned on.
A letter was received from a Tom and Julie Joseph who live at 50 Crown Hill
Road, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590. They mentioned that they feel that sports playa
valuable role in the community and are glad to see so many people participating locally
in so many activities. They are also appreciative of the fine facilities that our local towns
(they are East Fishkill Residents) provide. They do have a concern with the newly
installed field lighting at the Robinson Lane Recreation Area. They have two requests: 1
the field lighting only be on when the fields are in use and only on the fields being used
and 2. That the lights be shut off at 10 P.M. every evening. Mr. Holt mentioned that the
first issue is not a problem. We will only have the lights on when a field is in use. As far
as turning them off at 10 p.m. that is a problem as the plan right now is to turn the lights
off at 11 p.m.
A notice was received from New Holland regarding the New Holland Mower
Model MC284F Serial #TEOO214. The letter stated that there is a potential concern
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
where the lower ROPS frame assembly may fail. To eliminate this concern, the New
Holland dealer will replace both the right and left lower frames.
A letter was received from Joel Miller regarding the HVFCU and their free
seminar on identity theft. Mrs. DeLisa mentioned that she has scheduled the HVFCU
Community Relations Coordinators, Kathy Ferrusi and Maureen Cairl to come to speak
to the seniors on April 16th at 11 a.m.
We received a copy ofa letter that was sent to Bill Farrell of Little League from
Eric Fellinger. Mr. Fellinger stated that pursuant to his conversation with Jim Furguson
of Little League, he was sending the following information in reference to the sports
lighting at Robinson Lane.
1. Little League checklist for installation of the lighting systems for fields #6, 10
and 11.
2. Show drawings of installed lighting
3. Design drawing of installed lighting.
Mr. Fellinzer stated that it is his professional opinion that the installed lighting systems
for these fields are installed in accordance with applicable Little League standards. He
asked that Mr. Farrell forward this information to the Little League District Administrator
for approval.
A letter and executed contract was received from Legion Fireworks for the
display to be held for the dedication of the lights at Robinson Lane on April 17th. Along
with the contract was a certificate of insurance and an invoice for $2,500.00. Mr.
Ennesser has been working with them and they will be setting up between 3 and 4 p.m.
on the lower fields on Saturday. Mr. Ennesser will meet them.
A letter was received from Peter Dubald~ Myers Comers School regarding
programs run by outside groups. The letter stated that the youngsters needed more
supervision and that the trash that is generated during the after school activity must be
cleaned up. Mr. Rottkamp said that he has had no problem with the school with his
A letter was received from Lane Michele Lorefice thanking the Commission for
supporting the Triumph Twirlers recreational activity. "The program coached by Melaine
Cancellari Rottkamp has been awesome. Not only has the group been undefeated (at the
New York State Championship) since it started two years ago, but it has continued to
grow in number of participants and in skill level.
A letter from Guy Mauro to Mr. Rottkamp was received. The letter stated that
they were holding a baseball camp at the Robinson Lane recreation area during the weeks
of July 5-9 and July 12-16. The camps are for youngsters ages 7-12 and the camp hours
would be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a cost of$185.00 a week. He requested that if we
hold a summer registration for our programs that he be allowed to be there to register for
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
his camp. After a discussion it was decided that we could not let him do that. When we
do registration we have enough going on. He also requested that Mr. Rottkamp put the
information in his column. It was stated that if we do it we will open Pandora's Box and
we will have to do it for everything..
A fax was received from Rosemary McMann of the Dutchess County Youth
Bureau stating that every year she receives inquiries from citizens and organizations
looking for free programs for youth over the summer. She requested that we fax to her a
list of any programs that the Town runs for free. A recreation guide was forwarded to her
for her information.
A letter was received from Royal Carting requesting a tax exempt certificate so
they can update their files. This was sent April 7, 2004.
A letter was received from ViJay Lalchandani of Alpert Driver regarding a Yoga
and Meditation class. He mentioned that he was willing to offer his time at no charge
once a week in the evening for residents of Wappinger so that they can learn Yoga. He is
willing to meet with the Recreation Committee after 7:00 p.m. on week days or suitable
time on week ends. Mr. Holt mentioned that we should invite him to attend a meeting to
discuss this.
We received a copy of a news release from State Senator Steve Saland stating that
Senator Saland along with Assemblyman Joel Miller has announced that legislation
naming the Peter C. Furnari Memorial Bridge has passed the Senate. The bridge passes
over Wappingers Lake via Route 9.
A letter was sent from to Supervisor Ruggiero from Joseph Ennesser regarding
the restroom facilities for Reese Park. The letter stated that the Town has received a
Greenway Grant MOU for 15k matching funds dated 4/29/03 for restroom facilities at
Reese Park. He mentioned that he has researched five different national companies that
can provide the town with a facility that is environmentally sound, meets ADA
requirements, fits the nature park environment and is highly rated against vandalism. He
mentioned that these are the companies that he contacted:
Romtec, Oregon... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...no response
CXT, Spokane, Washington..................... .no response
Modem Concrete, Bethlehem Pa... ... ... ... ... ....15k
Walcon Inc., Scottsdale, Az... ......... ...... ..... .30k
BMS, Fort Collins, Co. ...... ................... ..22k
It was also noted that the above does not include site prep. He mentioned that it was his
recommendation that the Town look into considering Modem Concrete.
A letter was sent to Judith Garrison from Mrs. DeLisa thanking her for sharing
with the seniors a plant in memory of her mother.
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
Letters were sent to EnviroClean and M.& 0 thanking them for submitting a bid
for the portajohn rental for 2004. They did not get the bid for this year but we said that
we would welcome a bid from them next year.
A letter was sent to Chief Michael Valentino of the New Hackensack Fire Co.
r~uesting that the Fire Co. be on stand by for the dedication of lights/fireworks on April
17 .
A letter was sent to Umberto's Mamma Marissa from Mrs. DeLisa thanking them
for the enjoyable Easter/Spring luncheon.
A thank you letter was sent to Sunny Garden for the donation of mums for the
Easter Egg Hunt at Carnwath Farms.
A letter was sent to Jason Erney of A. C. Moore thanking him for setting up a
"make and take" craft for the Easter Egg Hunt.
A thank you letter was sent to the Fishkill Senior Center, Cindy Starke thanking
her for the use of their greenery for the Easter Egg Hunt.
A letter was sent to the Town Board requesting approval for a P.O. in the amount
of$2,984.00 payable to Pine Plains Tractor for the purchase ofa new mower deck for
one of our older tractors.
Letters were sent to Betsy Finger, Frank Worthman, Mike Boccia, Gary Trudell,
Roland Norris and Bob Martin to attend the dedication oflights at Robinson Lane.
A letter was sent to Linda Leopardi, Roy C. Ketcham for the delicious cookies her
class baked for Easter Egg Hunt.
Mr. Nick Bisaccia attended the meeting and Mr. Holt mentioned that he will be
taking over the lighting of the fields at Robinson Lane. He will be working on leasing
signs at Robinson Lane. He mentioned that he is working on getting prices for the signs.
Mr. Holt, Mr. Ennesser, Mr. Rottkamp and Mr. Biasccia will meet to work on this
Mrs. Delisa handed out a report on the senior activities for the month of March.
This report is attached to these minutes.
Mrs. DeLisa thanked everyone for their support during her time as Senior
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned the following;
He has looked over the applications received for the summer programs. He noted
that last year we had a staff of 44 and of that number 32 have reapplied. We have
received 32 returning applications plus many new applicants. We have also received an
application for the Arts & Crafts Instructor.
This session of ballroom dance has gone well and Mr. Mintz the instructor would
like to do an extension of this class. It was decided that we would give it another chance.
Mr. Friedman mentioned that he felt that the Town trip to Mohegan Sun was not
full because there is a senior trip to Foxwood that same week. He felt that we should try
not to plan similar trips so close together. Mr. Rottkamp brought up a suggestion of
having a non-resident list in case we don't fill the bus with Town residents. Mrs. Korz
mentioned that if we did that we would have to have a cut off date for Town residents
before letting non residents go. We would have to check on liability.
The Saturday morning basketball program went well and everyone, parents and
children, was very happy with the program. This year the program went for two hours
and it was suggested that next year we split the group into 2 hour and a half sessions.
Because the ages are so different (ages 7-12) it was discussed that we make two different
groups thereby making it easier to teach the different skills.
A letter was received from the Board of Health regarding epi pens and a
discussion was held regarding this. The letter stated that if we are going to give epi pens
that our counselors must be trained to do this. Mr. Friedman mentioned that he read an
article recently in the paper regarding the training needed and felt that it is too much. Mr.
Rottkamp said that we have to come up with a philosophy and documentation that can be
presented. It was decided that the information can be stated in our rules and regulations.
It was suggested that we should discuss this with the Town Board and the Attorney to the
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he has set up a babysitting program to be held at the
playgrounds as part of their entertainment. He mentioned that he has always felt that
this would be a good program so he will set it up for the afternoons. The instructor would
be Denise Schirmer, who has done the program before for us. She will be paid under our
playground entertainment line. He mentioned that she charges $2.00 for the hand outs
and the children will pay her directly for this. Mr. Rottkamp asked if we could do
something like this for the older children 13-15 year olds.
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
Deer Hill Conference Center has been sold. This time not to Randolph School but
on June 1 st it will belong to the Charity Baptist Church. Mr. Rottkamp said that he has
talked with Colleen Cannon and we can still use the facility.
He mentioned that the Easter Bunny had a really good time this year at the Easter
Egg Hunt.
Our fIrst summer program registration is April 22nd and Mr. Rottkamp said that he
is unable to attend. He urged everyone to help. If we think we are short maybe we could
ask counselors and directors to help. Mrs. Roe asked everyone to be at Town Hall by
6:30 p.m. so that they can fInd out what they will be doing that evening. Mr. Rottkamp
said that he has delivered the Recreation Guide to a lot of the schools in the area.
Mr. Rottkamp apologized that the members of the Interact Club did not show up
to help at the Easter Egg Hunt. He mentioned that he e-mailed Patty Wells about this but
hasn't heard from her.. He said he spoke to a young lady several times and sent her
directions so he doesn't know why no one showed up. He did hear that the young lady
was away that weekend.
Mrs. Cito mentioned that the bridge at Spook Hill is gone. Mr. Holt said that we
took it out. He said it is out temporarily. She also mentioned that the big wall needs to
be painted and fIxed and that the dome on the new playground equipment was cracked
and now the plastic is shredded. There are jagged edges. The wooden fence between the
playground and the resident is down and it might need a new section. She also
recommended that the parking lot be all fInished with pavement. Mr. Rottkamp
mentioned that he received a complaint that the picnic tables are in bad condition. The
tables are metal and have sharp edges. We will have to have maintenance look at them.
It was also mentioned that the overhang on the building where the tables are placed
seems to be very crowded. Maybe in the future we should make it larger.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that each camp will have a refrigerator this year.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he is working on having the dock pulled away on
April 22nd or 23rd to be fIxed. He said that he hopes to have it back the followingdMonday and put in the water the last week in April.
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
Mr. Ennesser is trying to contact masons to put in a cement floor in the shelter at
Reese Park. He has spoken to C.J. Masonery, and will be talking with Craig O'Donnell
to see if he knows of someone.
The CTC group did a nice job fixing up the trailer at Reese Park. They also
worked on the bank across the road for more visibility.
Mr. Ennesser noted that Reese Park is included in the 25th Clean River Sweep
along Creek Road.
Mr. Ennesser suggested that we get walk signs for "fisherman's walk" at
Rockingham Park. He also mentioned that the benches and material had been delivered
to Rockingham before Easter but they haven't been installed yet.
Mrs. Korz mentioned that she had visited Martz Field and noticed that there was
not a hookup for a hose. She said that the Counselors had requested one so that they
could use water during the playground when it is hot.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
The residents at Camwath will be there most of the year possibly leaving in
September. We have resumes in for the caretaker position but we won't be looking to
interview the applicants until July. Hopefully, we will work on the administration
building. We are looking at either Craig O'Donnell or Vincent Bettina to come up with a
plan with two bedrooms, living/dining room, kitchen and bath. It would have a separate
We will be holding a craft show at Camwath on October 9th in the top parking
area. There will also be art displays in the chapel and vendors to sell food and drink.
A meeting was held with Supervisor Ruggiero to discuss a proposition from a
group in New York City. They would like to use the carriage house for horses and bring
up children whose parents perished in 9/11. They want to make a deal to fix up the
carriage house and corral. We are not sure where this is going at this point.
Recreation Minutes
April 13, 2004
Mr. Holt said that he has received permission to purchase a golf cart. It can be
used at Carnwath, during the Comnll:nrity Day.tarade and at other Town functions.
We don't have a final plan on how we are doing the signs for the outfield fence at
Robinson Lane. They are still working on a plan to submit to Supervisor Ruggiero.
We have hired a new seasonal part time worker. His name is Jeremy Fikar and is
20 years old.
There is a water leak at Robinson Lane by Memorial Field that has to be fixed.
They have put down the new sod on the field and it has to be watered regularly.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded
by Mrs. Korz.
Peggy Roe
Recreation Secretary