PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R, J.C., J.E., RF., E.K.
APPROVE MINUTES - September 14,2004 Approved
October 5, 2004 Approved:
Corrections: .' ,
1. Letter from Barbara'Rice regarding instituting a C.LT. program.
2. Call from a John Molfetta -looking for fields to start Lacrosse in T/O/W April 1 st
- June
3. Copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor from Bob Hannon requesting an increase
in the Town's allocation from $4,000. to $6,000.
4. Youth Bureau's Program Annual Report which is due 12/6/04.- Given to Skip.
5. Estimated Bus Bill for $11,718.35 - Given to Skip to review.
6. Letter and check in the amount of$I,OOO.OO from WalMart for Senior X-mas
7. Copy of letter addressed to Bob Hannon of Soccer from Supervisor Ruggiero.
OLD BUSINESS - Carnwath - Craft Fair, Christmas, Site
Appointments to Commission
Robinson Lane
NEW BUSINESS - Christmas Parties - Elks Party I - December 1 st
Children's Party - December 5th
Elks Party #2 - December 7th
Senior Villa Party - December 10th
1. Letter to Kelly Robinson - Wal Mart - stating that the Town ofWappingers
Seniors is a non profit organization and receives its support from the Town.
2. Letter to Girl Scout Troop 359, Hudson Valley Council Band, and Troop 56 BSA
with a check in the amount of$518.78 representing their share of the profit from
the inflatable rides.
3. Memo to Comptroller's office enclosing a check in the amount of$I,OOO.OO from
the Rotary Club ofWappingers Falls as a donation from Community Day.
4. Memo to Supervisor's Secretary, Gina, regarding the appointments for the
Commission - Le. Jim Chappas and Gary Trudell.
5. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero and Town Board Members inviting them to the
Halloween Party on October 24, 2004.
6. Memo to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero regarding the Wappinger United Soccer
Club's misunderstanding about when they last received their funds.
7. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$2,105.90 payable to MASA for Safefoam Fence Guard and Ties. - Approved
8. Thank you letter to the Knights of Pythias Dutchess Lodge #860 for the donation
Of a new DVDNCR to the Seniors.
9. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to purchase gymnastics
Equipment in the amount of $1,180.00 payable to BSN Sports Inc. - Approved
10. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero with the contract and signed voucher for the
Wappinger United Soccer Club.
, ,
NOVEMBER 9, 2004
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held November 9,2004 at Schlathaus Park, 136 All Angels Hills Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt with the
following persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, and Commission
Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman and Ellen Korz.
The minutes of the September 14, 2004 meeting were approved on a
motion by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor.
The minutes of the October 5,2004 meeting were approved on a motion
by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
A call was received from a John Molfeta (298-6255) and he is looking to
start a Lacrosse program in the Town of Wappinger. He would need a field from April to
June at least 3 times a week. It was suggested that maybe they could use Quiet Acres
field or even Castle Point field. We were going to offer the Castle Point fields to Pop
Warner and they would use them in the fall whereby LaCrosse would use them in the
spring. Mr. Holt will call him to get further information.
We received a copy of a letter addressed to Supervisor Ruggiero from Bob
Hannon, Treasurer of the Wappinger United Soccer Club. In his letter he asked if the
Town could increase their allocation from $4,000. a year to $6,000. a year. They stated
that the Club is an all volunteer organization which provides a healthy recreational
activity for 1,102 children and young adults.
A letter was received from the D. C. Youth Bureau with a copy of the
Program Annual Report which is due on December 6, 2004. This was given to Mr.
Rottkamp to work on.
Recreation Minutes
November 9, 2004
We received an estimated bill from the Wappinger Central School District
in the amount of$II,718.35 for the bus transportation charges for this past summer. This.
was given to Mr. Rottkamp to review. Today we received another bill for $6,000.00+.
Mr. Rottkamp said that he has been trying to set up a meeting with the School regarding
the bills.
A letter and check in the amount of$I,OOO.OO was received from Wal-
Mart for the Senior Christmas Party.
A copy of a letter addressed to Bob Hannon of Soccer from Supervisor
Ruggiero was received. The letter pertained to the soccer contract.
I. Letter to Kelly Robinson - Wal Mart - stating that the Town of Wappingers
Seniors is a non profit organization and receives its support from the Town.
2. Letter to Girl Scout Troop 359, Hudson Valley Council Band, and Troop 56 BSA
with a check in the amount of $518.78 representing their share of the profit from
the inflatable rides at Community Day.
3. Memo to Comptroller's office enclosing a check in the amount of $1,000.00 from
the Rotary Club ofWappingers Falls as a donation from Community Day. They
ran the mechanical rides.
4. Memo to Supervisor's Secretary, Gina, regarding the appointments for the
Commission - i.e. Jim Chappas and Gary Trudell.
5. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero and Town Board Members inviting them to the
Halloween Party on October 24, 2004.
6. Memo to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero regarding the Wappinger United Soccer
Club's misunderstanding about when they last received their funds.
7. Memo to Supervisor and Town Board requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$2,105.90 payable to MASA for Safefoam Fence Guard and Ties. - Approved
8. Thank you letter to the Knights ofPythias Dutchess Lodge #860 for the donation
of a new DVDNCR to the seniors.
9. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to purchase gymnastics
equipment in the amount of$I,180.00 payable to BSN Sports Inc. - Approved
10. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero with the 2004 contract and signed voucher for the
Wappinger United Soccer Club.
Mrs. Cito was unable to attend the meeting but sent in the attached report.
Recreation Minutes
November 9,2004
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he has received many compliments on the
signs at Schlathaus Park although we have now doubled his workload.
He said that he has started to update the 2005 Recreation Guide. If anyone
has anything to add or change, please contact him as soon as possible. He mentioned that
he called Dick Wambach to get a timeline of when he wants information and told him
that we needed the books by March 1 st.
On October 13th he met with Pam Tarquini of All Sport in Fishill to see
how All Sport and the Town can work together. It was a good meeting but it was just an
open meeting. He is not sure how we could work together. He mentioned that they have
already spoken with Mrs. Cito and Mrs. Roe indicated that they were here for a
presentation and opened a date for the seniors to come down.
He is trying to push some programs for the 13-15 year old children. He
would like to have a separate page in the guide for this age bracket and maybe we could
tie in something from All Sport.
C.LT. program. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that for the past two years and
more this year when he gave out the summer program questionnaire people have asked
about having a C.LT. program. He mentioned that he has a very good letter in support of
the program. He realizes that we have some reservations on the program but he knows
that other Town's have the program and he will see ifhe can get information on how
their programs work. He said that he would also try and get information from Kim and
Clare. We will have to do a good job of screening the applicants and feelcomfortable
with the staff. He would also like everyone to think over the pros and cons of the
programs and discuss this further. After getting information he will try to blend all the
information into a program and possibly put one at each camp. He feels that this would
be a good program and he will come back with more information at the next meeting.
Mr. Friedman and Bernie Roe were the escorts on the last Mohegan Sun
trip and all went well. The Radio City trip on November 13th is all filled and we have a
waiting list. The N.Y. City Shopping Spree trip is filling in nicely. We might have 7
seats left. The trip that is hurting is the Yankee Candle/Deerfield Inn trip which is
scheduled for November 27th. We only have 18 people signed up at this point. If
anyone would like to escort this trip, please let Mr. Rottkamp know. If anyone has any
ideas for 2005 trips, please let him know.
On October 22nd he had a very interesting 2 hour meeting with Dave
Whalen of Bowdoin Park. He would like to see how we could join some of our
Recreation Minutes
November 9,2004
We also need to look at the camps and come up with plans soon if we are
to open early and close later. We would have to know which parks and the maximum
number we could register. According to the Board of Health we can only have certain
number of children at certain camps because of the size.
Volleyball, Aerobics and Baton Twirling are all going good.
Mr. Rottkamp hopes to meet with Doug Haan in the near future about
setting up a time table for our playgrounds He wants to know how everyone fits into the
schedule. He would also like to work on a 3 year plan for equipment.
He will be meeting with Peter Shea along with Mr. Holt a week from this
Friday to go over the golf program and to see if we can fit in something for the 13-15
year olds.
He thanked everyone who worked on the Halloween Program with special
thanks to Mrs. Korz for all her work. He had a number of pictures that were taken and he
mentioned that there was a picture in the Poughkeepsie Journal.
He has scheduled 5 of the 8 concerts for this summer. Mrs. Roe asked if
Joe DeAngelo had been in and Mr. Rottkamp said that he had left a message for him and
that he will keep him on the list if he has an opening.
At this point the docks are not all out but they did take out the one that
was damaged. The rest of the docks should be out soon. He received the hardware today
for the repairs that are needed - the ball joint that was damaged. The new floats are on
order and will be delivered to the yard. The guys hope to take the one dock up to the
yard to work on it during the winter and not wait until spring.
The concrete platform at Reese Park is completed and we are waiting to
see if Craig O'Donnell is coming back out to take out the wood forms. If not the guys
will do it and backfill with the dirt that we have there.
The new road at Reese Park is great in comparison to what was there. We
thank the people for doing the job that they did. He personally called Mike Tremper for
coordinating the efforts. He also thanked Graham Foster when he spoke with him.
The sleeves are in for the poles as requested by the Road Runners at the
Robinson Lane complex. The men will put brackets under the pavilion to store the poles.
The bid package for the bathroom facilities for Reese Park should be done
soon. We will be determining when it will go to bid. We need to have it finished by May
Recreation Minutes
November 9, 2004
He mentioned that he gave some information to Supervisor Ruggiero on a
portable stage for Carnwath and estimates the cost to be $80,000.
Ted from Frazer and Associates Engineers has been in touch with him to
get information on the trails as they are working on getting a grant. They have already
drafted an application for the grant.
He received an estimate of $450.00 for the sign "O'Donnell Pavilion" for
Reese Park. We will also get a proclamation from the Supervisor.
Mrs. Korz thanked everyone for their help with the Halloween Party. This
year the costumes were very inventive and the witches (judges) did a great job. Mrs.
Korz mentioned that thank you letters have been sent.
Mr. Holt mentioned that the budget submitted to the Town Board has not
been finalized but most of the items were approved. The bigger items requested such as
the truck etc will be taken from a bond.
Mr. Tompkins has been out a couple of weeks with pneumonia and
returned today.
We are still waiting for the Town Board to review the appointments to the
Recreation Commission.
The Holiday Parties are coming up and they are coming together nicely.
The Elks Parties are scheduled for December 1 st and 7th.. The Tree Lighting will be held
on December 5th at 5 :00 p.m. at Schlathaus Park. Little League and Soccer will be asked
to participate. It was also suggested that we contact Rotary to see if they are interested in
helping with the party. A suggestion was made to have someone tell about the different
religions that are on display at the Park but after a discussion it was decided that it would
take too long and it really is for the young children who wouldn't understand.
We received 75 rose bushes from Boscobel and the men have planted
them around the Town signs. A number of them were also taken to Carnwath and
planted around the sign and other various places.
Veteran's Day ceremony will be held at 1:00 p.m. at Schlathaus Park.
Home Depot did some work around the monument at Schlathaus with
plantings and benches. They will be back in the spring to put in more flowers.
Recreation Minutes
November 9,2004
It has been decided that the horse proposal for Carnwath is a no go. The
Town is in the process of drafting a letter.
There have been "No Admittance" signs placed at the Chapel and
Mansion at Carnwath. It has been determined that the quality of the air is not good.
There are also dead pigeons on the upper floors of the mansion. Weare hiring someone
to close up the soffits where the birds are getting in. There are also problems with the
carriage house. The second floor is buckling and there are doubts that it will go through
the winter.
The Christmas party that was to be held at Carnwath will not be held
because of the problems with the buildings. A few members of the committee have gone
to the Supervisor and have requested to hold it at Town Hall on December 3rd. They
have already checked with the Attorney and we can serve wine. The maintenance crew
will help with the trees and the seniors will do their display in the hall.
The Supervisor really wants us to do some concerts and special events at
Carnwath next year. He was a little disappointed that we didn't do anything this year
especially on July 4th. We will have to put something together for 2005 and figure out
where, parking and how to get power to the area. We will also have to arrange for porta
johns and to have the area sprayed for ticks.
The breakers on the lights at Robinson Lane have popped and have been
fixed. Mr. Holt, Mr. Rottkamp, Mr. Bisaccia, and Mr. Farrell met last week to come up
with a plan to put more discipline in place in regard to the games under the lights.
The signs for the outfield fence will be the big source for funds and both
Nick Bisaccia and Roland Norris will work on this early in 2005.
The property next to Robinson Lane still looks promising for the Town. If
we get it we could construct 2 football fields and 2 soccer fields.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 on a motion by Mrs.Korz seconded by
Mr. Friedman.
Peggy Roe