MARCH 15,2005
PRESENT: R.J.H., N.C., S.R., J.C., J.E., R.F., E.K., G.T.
APPROVE MINUTES - January 4, 2005
1. Letter from Protection One indicating that the next bill will reflect a $2.00
increase in monthly alarm monitoring.
2. Received certificate of insurance from Little League - American and National
3. Request from Bill Farrell to use Town Hall for registration on Jan. 29, Feb. 5 and
Feb. 26 from 9-3
4. Memo to Skip Rottkamp from Doug Haan, Safety Inspector with
recommendations from his December 4th inspection.
5. Memo from Joseph Stankavage ofPaggi & Martin regarding Phase II Stormwater
6. Received Certificate of Insurance from Girl Scout for Schlathaus Park
7. Received contract from New York Tick Control, LLC for spraying for 2005 in the
amount of$15,097.50.
8. Letter from Town of Wappinger Little League inviting Commission to attend the
Little League Opening Day on April 23, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.- Also requesting Mr.
Holt to speak at the ceremonies.
9. Letter from AARP thanking us for the use of Schlathaus Park for their tax
preparation classes.
10. Letter from Joseph Stankavage of Paggi & Martin with copies of information on
the precast restroom for Reese Park.
11. Copy of a letter sent to Daniel Budd Excavating & Contracting from Joseph
Stankavage of Paggi & Martin regarding the Notice of Award for the Restroom
Installation for Reese Park.
12. E-mail from John Miller with information on the Great Hudson River Paddle for
2005 and a request that Mr. Ennesser call him after March 15th.
13. Letter and payment from Hudson Valley Shows for the 2004 Community Day.
14. Contract from Hudson Valley Shows for the 2005 Community Day to be held
September 17tl1 and 18th.
15. Copy of a letter from Florence Graff of the Conservation Advisory Council which
was sent to Supervisor Ruggiero.
Agenda March 15,2005
16. Request for use of Robinson Lan~ Little League field from Allan Kaplan
(schedule attached).
17. Request from Knights of Columbus - Gene Noone for use of field for
tournament April 22,23, and 24th.
18. Request from First Presbyterian Church, Alex Gilchrist, for use of 4 softball fields
for ~ day, 2 softball field s for additional 1 ~ days June 4-5- rain dare June 11-
19. Request from Jennifer Simmons to use Senior league fields at the Robinson Lane
complex for Van Wyck and Wappinger Jr. High Modified Baseball team with
schedule attached. (This was forwarded to Bill Farrell).
20. Memo from Michael Bufi of Cerniglia & Swartz regarding construction schedules
for Carnwath.
21. Employment application from Archie Gallinger for maintenance at Robinson
22. Employment application from Jeff DeChristopher for Summer maintenance.
23. Received check in the amount of $6,757.00 from N.Y.S. for 2004 Youth Bureau
N.C. R.F.
S.R. E.K.
le. G.T.
J.E. R.J.H.
Recreation Guide
Community Day - Date
I '1 l- I ~ Sq) ...
LaCrosse - Mr. Molfeta 298-6255
Signs Robinson Lane
Reereation: Conference
NEW BUSINESS - Little League Opening Day - 4/23
Help with registration - see sign up sheet
NEXT MEETING April 5, 2005
Refreshments - ROil F l~Gdman
S \-< LOP
.... '
Agenda March 15,2005
1. Letter to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero regarding the 2005 budget cuts.
2. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$3,862.00 payable to VPI for fence padding.
3. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$1,100.00 payable to Dorraine Scofield for concert at Schlathaus on 8/4/05
4. Note to Joseph Paoloni from Skip Rottkamp regarding the men's basketball and
softball programs.
5. Letter to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero and Town Board Members for approval to
accept bids from Superior Sanitation for portajohns for 2005
6. Second letter to Archie Gallinger to fill out application for part time employment at
Robinson Lane.
7. Letter and paperwork sent to Accounting Unit NYS Division of Youth with State
Aid Voucher for our 2004 YDDP funds.
8. Letter to Bill Verlin regarding property across from Castle Point.
9. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to use Town Hall for summer
program registration. (was approved)
10. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero from Steve Tompkins regarding the sliding door on
the carriage house at Carnwath.
11. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding new Nextel phones for use of maintenance
and secretary
12. Letter to Supervisor requested permission for Pop Warner to use Town Hall
facilities for their registration on April 30th and May 14th.
13. Letter to Archie Gallinger sending paperwork to set him up for payroll.
14. Letter to Weidner Memorials to have inscription on memorial stone at Robinson
15. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members regarding Easter Egg Hunt at
Carnwath on March 19th at 10:00 a.m.
16. Accident report sent to Supervisor's Officer on 2003 Chevy.
17. Letter to Supervisor Sanitation enclosing P.O.'s for Robinson Lane, Rockingham
Park and Airport Park for delivery the week of March 28th.
18. Memo to Gina from Peggy to put upcoming events on the web.
19. West Point speaker request form for Memorial Day.
20. Thank you letter to Meg Boyce for presentation on "Maintain Your Brain.
21. Letter and check to American Heart Association in the amount of $60.00 for the
seal of red dress pins.
22. Thank you letter to Dr. Eric Ashburn of Ashburn Family Chiropractic for
presentation on nutrition and stress.
23. Sent a Certificate of Insurance to Wappinger Central School as respects use of their
", ~.
MARCH 15,2005
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held March 15,2005 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt
with the following persons present: Nancy Cito, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp
Recreation Director, Comm. Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz
and Gary Trudell.
The minutes of the January 4,2005 meeting were approved on a motion
by Mr. Friedman seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
The following is a list of the incoming letters.
1. Letter from Protection One indicating that the next bill will reflect a $2.00
increase in monthly alarm monitoring.
2. Received certificate of insurance from Little League - American and National
3. Request from Bill Farrell to use Town Hall for registration on Jan. 29, Feb. 5 and
Feb. 26 from 9-3
4. Memo to Skip Rottkamp from Doug Haan, Safety Inspector with
recommendations from his December 4th inspection.
5. Memo from Joseph Stankavage ofPaggi & Martin regarding Phase II Stormwater
6. Received Certificate of Insurance from Girl Scouts for Schlathaus Park
7. Received contract from New York Tick Control, LLC for spraying for 2005 in the
amount of$15,097.50.
8. Letter from Town of Wappinger Little League inviting Commission to attend the
Little League Opening Day on April 23, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.- Also requesting Mr.
Holt to speak at the ceremonies.
9. Letter from AARP thanking us for the use of Schlathaus Park for their tax
preparation classes.
10. Letter from Joseph Stankavage ofPaggi & Martin with copies of information on
the precast restroom for Reese Park.
11. Copy of a letter sent to Daniel Budd Excavating & Contracting from Joseph
Stankavage of Paggi & Martin regarding the Notice of A ward for the Restroom
Installation for Reese Park.
12. E-mail from John Miller with information on the Great Hudson River Paddle for
2005 and a request that Mr. Ennesser call him after March 15th.
13. Letter and payment from Hudson Valley Shows for the 2004 Community Day.
14. Contract from Hudson Valley Shows for the 2005 Community Day to be held
September 17th and 18th.
15. Copy of a letter from Florence Graff of the Conservation Advisory Council which
was sent to Supervisor Ruggiero.
16. Request for use of Robinson Lane Little League field from Allan Kaplan with a
(schedule attached).
17. Request from Knights of Columbus - Gene Noone for use of field for
tournament April 22,23, and 24th.
18. Request from First Presbyterian Church, Alex Gilchrist, for use of 4 softball fields
for ~ day, 2 softball fields for additional 1 ~ days June 4-5- rain dare June 11-
19. Request from Jennifer Simmons to use Senior league fields at the Robinson Lane
complex for Van Wyck and Wappinger Jr. High Modified Baseball team with
schedule attached. (This was forwarded to Bill Farrell).
20. Memo from Michael Bufi of Cerniglia & Swartz regarding construction schedules
for Camwath.
21. Employment application from Archie Gallinger for maintenance at Robinson
22. Employment application from Jeff DeChristopher for Summer maintenance.
23. Received check in the amount of $6,757.00 from N.Y.S. for 2004 Youth Bureau
The following is a list of the outgoing correspondence for the months of January
and February. (There was no meeting in February because there was not a quorum.)
1. Letter to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero regarding the 2005 budget cuts.
2. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$3,862.00 payable to VPI for fence padding.
3. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members requesting a P.O. in the amount of
$1,100.00 payable to Dorraine Scofield for concert at Schlathaus on 8/4/05
4. Note to Joseph Paoloni from Skip Rottkamp regarding the men's basketball and
softball programs.
5. Letter to Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero and Town Board Members for approval to
accept bids from Superior Sanitation for portajohns for 2005
6. Second letter to Archie Gallinger to fill out application for part time employment at
Robinson Lane.
7. Letter and paperwork sent to Accounting Unit NYS Division of Youth with State
Aid Voucher for our 2004 YDDP funds.
8. Letter to Bill Verlin regarding property across from Castle Point.
9. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting permission to use Town Hall for summer
program registration. (was approved)
10. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero from Steve Tompkins regarding the sliding door on
the carriage house at Carnwath.
11. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding new Nextel phones for use of maintenance
and secretary
12. Letter to Supervisor requesting permission for Pop Warner to use Town Hall
facilities for their registration on April 30th and May 14th.
13. Letter to Archie Gallinger sending paperwork to set him up for payroll.
14. Letter to Weidner Memorials to have inscription on memorial stone at Robinson
15. Letter to Supervisor and Town Board Members regarding Easter Egg Hunt at
Carnwath on March 19th at 10:00 a.m.
16. Accident report sent to Supervisor's Officer on the 2003 Chevy.
17. Letter to Superior Sanitation enclosing P.O.'s for Robinson Lane, Rockingham Park
and Airport Park for delivery the week of March 28th.
18. Memo to Gina from Peggy to put upcoming events on the web.
19 . West Point speaker request form for Memorial Day.
20. Thank you letter to Meg Boyce for presentation on "Maintain Your Brain.
21. Letter and check to American Heart Association in the amount of $60.00 for the
sale of red dress pins.
22. Thank you letter to Dr. Eric Ashburn of Ashburn Family Chiropractic for
presentation on nutrition and stress.
23. Sent a Certificate of Insurance to Wappinger Central School as respects use of their
Mrs. Cito congratulated Mr. Rottkamp on the great 2005-2006 Recreation
She mentioned that January was a slow month because of the cold and
snow. A lot of the seniors do not want to go out at that time and a lot have gone south.
She mentioned that the attendance has started to pick up recently.
Mrs. Cito mentioned that she has sent out information to the active seniors
with a survey to be returned on what they like at the center and what they would like to
see added.
She said that she has planned for March 3 speakers and two have already
been in. The first was a speaker from the Alzheimer's Association on how to "Maintain
your Brain" - how to keep it active and healthy. The second speaker was from WellCare,
Inc. with on overview of Medicare Benefits and this Friday, March 18th there will be a
speaker from the Dutchess County Department of Health to discuss portion distortion.
She said that the seniors seem to enjoy these speakers.
She has scheduled two computer classes at Schlathaus the first being
March 14th and 16th an introduction to computers and in April there will be an
introduction to Microsoft Word.
She will also be having an AARP Driver Safety Program on April 14th and
15th from 9:00 am to 1 :00 p.m. with a charge of$10.00 per senior.
She has also spoken with Maryellen Bova, an English teacher at Roy C.
Ketcham High who is willing to work with the seniors to "Create their own Legacy".
Through a series of discussions and writing prompts they will be able to craft a memory
of their life. This will take place on March 28, 30 and April 1 st.
Mr. Rottkamp gave out a list of items for the members to look over. They
are as follows:
He thanked Ron Friedman and Peggy Roe for helping out at the Saturday
registrations for the Boys & Girls programs -gymnastics at Myers and basketball at
Sheafe Road School. These programs have increased tremendously. The registration for
basketball went from the 40's last year to the 80's this year. Gymnastics was about 50
last year and it is 115 this year. We have some really good people doing these programs.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he has encountered a lot of problems with
communicating with Chris Iverson the Reese Park Environmental Director. He just does
not return calls about the program etc. He is an excellent person with the children and
really knows a lot about Reese Park and environmental issues but we just have problems
getting information to and from him. He mentioned that he dropped off a letter at
Randolph School for him telling him about these issues and is waiting for a reply. Mr.
Ennesser suggested that he contact Dave Whalen at Bowdoin Park to see if he has anyone
that might be able to fill this spot if we don't get cooperation from Mr. Iverson. Mr.
Rottkamp mentioned that Mrs. Schmalz said that she might have someone also.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he has been in touch with Roy C. Ketcham
and has delivered to them the ingredients for the cookies for the Easter program. He said
that they are very excited about doing this for us. The cookies will be delivered to the
recreation office on Thursday afternoon. He also mentioned that he has spoken with
Noel Nelson from the Woodstock radio station WDST and he will be there with 2 of his
interns. He told Mr. Rottkamp that he will be bringing a Chocolate Easter Bunny from
Cafe Aurora which is filled with gift certificates from various river restaurants. This will
be raffled off for the adults. Mrs. Roe asked who could help and if they could be at
Camwath by 9:00 to help set up. Those from the Commission that can help are Ron
Friedman, Gary Trudell and wife Marion, Ralph and Sylvia Holt, Nancy Cito and Peggy
Roe. Others that have volunteered to work are Florence Graff, Kathi Delisa, and Gina
Basile and Hilde Droge.
Mr. Rottkamp said that the golf sign ups are going very well. He was very
pleased with the article that was in the Poughkeepsie Journal.
He noted that the Recreation Guides are in and there are 5000 of them to
distribute. He already has put them out at Myers Comers Elementary, Sheafe Road,
Kinry Road, Vassar Road, Oak Grove, Randolph School and St. Mary's for a start.
He met with TransCare and the Health Department during the past two
weeks. We have a Health Director - Todd Mc (couldn't remember the last name). He
is meeting with him next week about our First Aid/CPR classes.
He sent out about 45 letters to last years' summer playground staff and 28
are coming back so far. We have also received applications from 20 new people.
Make a Wish Foundation. He has a letter to make a wish and has called
Chilly Willy (ice cream) about doing something for this organization. He said that they
were very receptive. They might possibly put the change from the camper's purchases
into a cup and at the end of the summer make a presentation to Make a Wish. Of
course, we will notify the parents about this and if the children don't want to participate
that is okay.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he received an e-mail from Isabelle
Sykowski. She is looking for a fishing person to come to her Wolf Den talk about fishing
so the scouts can get a badge. Mr. Ennesser took the papers and told Mr. Rottkamp he
would look them over and let him know ifhe could do it. Mr. Rottkamp said ifhe
can't, he has a few names he can call upon to see if they would like to do it.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the docks still need to be repaired before
they can be put in the water. We also have to make some repairs on the wall. He
mentioned that all of the hardware is in and he has spoken to Mr. Sheridan about this. He
would like to have the docks in by May 1 st.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the bathroom bid for Reese Park is on hold
and the contract is with the Attorney. He said that Mr. Roberts still has some items to
clear up. He mentioned that the facility is all pre cast and shouldn't take long to install.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Greenway Grant(C000358) expired on
January 31 5t and he said that he called to see ifhe could get an extension on the grant.
He said that the extension was approved and so he revamped the numbers. Using the
grant money plus a matching $16,250.00 from our parkland fund he would like to use the
money as follows: Picnic Tables (15 @ $344) $5160, Park benches (15 @ $378) $5670,
Entrance fence for Camwath $11,000, In kind! Administration $4670, and Trail work
Around the first of April he will be looking to see what is available for a
grant to get a mobile stage for Camwath.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that there is trouble in Reese Park with the
ATV's. The fence also needs to be fixed where a truck backed into it. He will also talk
to Mr. Tompkins about having the guys take out the forms from the floor of the pavilion.
A discussion took place regarding fees for non-residents in programs and
on bus trips. The Commission voted to charge non residents an extra $15.00 for bus
trips. They will only be allowed to go on a trip after all Town residents have had a
chance to sign. They will be able to put their names on a waiting list with the cut off
being a week before the trip.
It was also agreed that if non residents register for any programs that they
will pay 50% more.
A letter has to be sent to the Town Board for approval for these two
Mrs. Korz mentioned that she has been talking to some people about the
opening on the Commission. Mr. Holt asked Mrs. Korz to follow up on these people
and ask them to submit a resume.
Mrs. Roe mentioned to Mrs. Korz that there was a problem with the gift
from the Renegades for Halloween. They sent us a gift certificate for tickets for the 2005
season and our Halloween event is after the baseball season. Mrs. Korz will call them to
see what can be done.
Mrs. Korz said that she had spoken with Mr. Casowitz about the Tennis
Program and told him to stop by the office. Mrs. Roe said that he has been in and we
have gone over all the paperwork that needs to be done.
Mr. Friedman said that last year we not able to get new playground
equipment but we were suppose to be able to purchase some this year. He asked if this
was going to happen. Mr. Holt said that we weren't getting the equipment as far as he
knew but he is trying to get a new truck which we will need at Carnwath. The truck he
said should come out of bonding. Mr. Friedman asked why the equipment couldn't come
from Parkland. Mr. Holt will check to see if we can get some and take it from Parkland.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that we have a lot of 50/50 grants that are being taken out of
Mr. Holt handed out a list of the new responsibilities for the commission
members. He asked everyone to look at it and if there are any problems or concerns
bring them to the next meeting.
It was mentioned that the screen door at Schlathaus keeps getting stuck
and we should have Mr. Tompkins look at it.
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent, came to Mr. Holt the other day
and said that he and the Town have access to 30,000 square feet of good soil and he is
looking to see if the Town could dump that on Airport Park. As you know Airport Park
has a problem with drainage and wetland. There are 3 fields there- 2 run parallel to the
road and they are good size the other one is diagonal to the road. Half of the diagonal
field has fallen off into the wetlands. Mr. Foster wants to put this soil on the 2 good size
fields and half of the other field. Mr. Holt said that he wants to speak with Mr. Paggi to
see if we have DEC approval for this. It is a lot of dirt. Mr. Friedman mentioned that
maybe we could stock pile it for future use.
Mr. Holt said that he has a meeting with Soccer and the Supervisor on
Thursday at 4:30. The discussion will be on the new land that the Town hopes to get on
Robinson Lane. They hope to have 2 soccer fields and 2 football fields. They are even
talking about putting in artificial turf.
We are in the process of purchasing a 30' green screen for center field at
Memorial Field. We are also purchasing 2 foul poles for this field.
We hope to get started on the apartment at Carnwath. Weare now
responsible for cutting the grass and upkeep at that site. We hope to be able to hire 2 or 3
people that will be stationed down there. Right now there is no one at Carnwath and it
won't take long for the kids to find that out and do some damage. We have already had
one door broken into with a crow bar. We already have a few applicants for this
Carnwath and all need to be interviewed. The grass is going to need cutting soon so we
will need the equipment to do this as soon as possible.
The first floor of the Administration building will have offices for Mr.
Holt, Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Rottkamp. We are not thinking of closing the offices at
Schlathaus but Mr. Rottkamp can use the office at Carnwath as needed. This is all that is
going down there in the foreseeable future. Before the ladies go down there, we will
have to have several employees. We have had the first floor painted but Mr. Holt said
that he is hesitant to do anything further until we do the apartment. Tomorrow he is
meeting with Craig O'Donnell to look at the building and come back to us with a plan. If
he does the work, we will get a written agreement.
Mr. Rottkamp asked if there were going to be trails and picnic areas etc. at
Carnwath and he was told that there will be. Mr. Ennesser said that they hope to start
work on the trails in late May. Mr. Rottkamp said that he has received allot of inquiries
about this property and wanted to know ifhe could tell them that the property was open
to the public. He was told that the property was open for them to walk around at this
point.. .
Mr. Friedman mentioned that we should do tick spray at Carnwath. Mr.
Ennesser said that if we do tick spray there we will need to do it at Reese Park and at all
our other open areas.
Mr. Holt said that the Supervisor had wanted us to have a concert at
Carnwath last year but we didn't feel we were ready to have something there. He
mentioned that he and Mr. Ennesser have been working with Mr. Brown from Frazier and
Associates to get a portable stage but they run between $70,000.- $80,000. If we have
people sitting out on the ball field, we will have to spray. That area is virgin territory and
no one wants to sit on the ground there. Mr. Holt mentioned that the Supervisor has
asked him to do something at Carnwath on the 4th of July but he was not thinking of a
concert. He would like to have someone read the Declaration of Independence, have
Althea (Hudson Valley Council Band) play some music and have a few vendors. We
still need a complete plan for the Supervisor's approval.
The wall on the Carriage House has been completed but the building still
needs some roof work and a ton of other work.
The workmen have been in the Chapel. When the workmen were
checking for asbestos, they ripped up the carpet that we had just put down. They have
repaired the leaks around the windows and are in the process of repairing the plaster
around the windows. We have been told that they will have the rug back down for the
Easter Program but they will have to go back in to finish the windows and do the painting
after we are finished on March 19th.
The signs for Memorial Field are coming along. We should have between
12 and 20 signs installed by Opening Day. For a 3 year lease for a sign on Memorial
Field it costs $1,250.00. This money will be used to offset the electric bill for Robinson
Lane. The signs are good looking signs made of aluminum.
Mr. Holt has been asked to provide Rotary with a map of Schlathaus Park.
He said that they want to make the park a little like a Norman Rockwell with park
benches, lights, and even a pond. Of course, if they do this it will affect Community
Day but we don't have to worry about it this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 on a motion by Mr. Friedman
seconded by Mr. Ennesser.
Peggy Roe