2005-04-05 AGENDA RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 5, 2005 CALL MEETING TO ORDER PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R, J.C., J.E., RF.,.E.K.,.G.T. APPROVE.MINUTES - March 15,2005 Corrections: Approved Seconded COMMENTS FROM GUESTS: INCOMING CORRESPONDANCE: 1. Fax from Fellenzer Engineering containing information to repair downed light pole at Robinson Lane. 2. Fax from KK Signs with specs and prices for Robinson Lane signs. 3. Letter from Coffee Systems indicating thar the price of coffee for the Senior Center will go up $2.50 per box. 4. Letter from Skip to Mr. Paino (c.c. Ralph) as a thank you for the Winter Recreational Basketball Program at Sheafe Road School. 5. Letter/ Gift Certificate from Renegades for Halloween OUTGOING CORRESPONDANCE: 1. Letter to June Visconti including the schematics for Schlathaus Park. 2. Letter to Paul Fahs. He requested copy of previous years Field usage form. 3. Memo to Supervisor requesting use of Town Hall for Pop Warner sign-up. 4. Letter to Mike Cole asking if he will be returning to care for the Castle Point grounds. REPORTS: N.C. R.F. S.R E.K. J.C. G.T. J.E. RJ.H. OLD BUSINESS- C.I.T. Program Signs - Robinson Lane LaCrosse - Mr. Molfeta 298-6255 Little League Opening Day - 4/23 NEW BUSINESS - Help with Registration MEETING ADJOURNED NEXT MEETING May 3, 2005 Refreshments - Ron Friedman RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 5, 2005 NEXT MEETING MAY 3, 2005 AT 7:00 P.M. AT SCHLA THAUS PARK The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was held April 5,2005 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County. New York. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ralph J. Holt at 7:10 p.m. with the following persons present: Nancy Cito, Senior Citizen Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, and Comm. Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, and Ellen Korz. Others present were Eileen Manning and Peggy Roe. The minutes from the March 15,2005 meeting were approved by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor with the following correction: UNDER GRANTS - The paragraph should read as follows: "Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Greenway Grant (C000358) expired on January 31 st and he said that he called to see if he could get an extension on the grant. He said that the extension was approved and so he revamped the numbers. Using the grant money plus a matching $16,250.00 from our parkland fund he would like to use the money as follows: Picnic Tables (15 @ $344.00) $5,160.00, park benches (15 @ $378.00) $5,670., entrance fence for Carnwath $11,000.00 in kind/Administration $4,670...00 and Trail work $6,000.00 Around the first of April he will be looking to see what is available for a grant to get a mobile stage for Carnwath.' CORRESPONDENCE A fax was received from Fellenzer Engineering containing information to repair the downed light pole at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt mentioned that the manufacturer felt the pole base damage was not a manufacturing defect and therefore would not be covered by the warranty. It will cost the Town $850.00 to have a new one installed. We are going to have to go ahead and have it replaced. A fax was received from KK Signs with specs and prices for the signs at Robinson Lane. The 8' x 6' sign would cost $750.00 and the 8' x 4' sign would cost $500.00. It was mentioned that these prices are in the ball park of the other companies we have been talking with. Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 A letter was received from Coffee Systems indicating that the price of coffee for the Senior Center will go up $2.50 a box effective April 11, 2005. A letter and gift certificate was received from the Renegades for Halloween. OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE A letter was sent to Mrs. June Visconti enclosing a copy of the schematics of the Schlathaus Park property. This is in connection with the Rotary making a plan to upgrade the park with benches and lights. A letter was sent to Paul Fahs enclosing the paperwork from the 2004 field usage and a new form for the 2005 field usage. A letter was sent to Michael Cole asking if he will be returning to care for the grounds and open the gate at the Castle Point Recreation site. His scheduled start date will be May 15th. He was also requested to come in prior to that date to fill out the necessary payroll paperwork. Mrs. Roe indicated that he will be returning and has already done the necessary paperwork. A memo was sent to Supervisor Ruggiero with a copy to Town Clerk Gloria Morse stating that Fred Dahl from Pop Warner has requested to use the Town Hall facilities for their registration. The dates he would like are April 30th and May 14th from 9-3. It was also stated that as in the Little League sign ups, we would have one of our maintenance men open and close the building if this is approved. Mrs. Manning mentioned that she has contacted Mr. Dahl to tell him that his request has been approved. A letter was sent from Mr. Rottkamp to Mr. Paino thanking him, his coaching staff and the varsity and junior varsity players for their involvement in the Town's Winter Recreational Basketball Program at Sheafe Road School. He mentioned that the two instructors Mr. Curtis, Sr. and Mr. Curtis Jr. were very grateful for the team's assistance. He also thanked them for inviting the boys and girls in the program to attend the Mahopac HS vs. RCKVarsity Basketball game at no charge. He said that he was sure it was a thrill for them to see the players putting their skills to work. Mr. Rottkamp also sent a copy of this letter to Mr. Pat Mealy the RCK Athletic Director and to Ms. Jennifer Simmons the District Athletic Director. SENIOR CITIZEN REPORT Mrs. Cito said that March was a busy party month for the seniors. The first party was an "Au Revoir to our Favorite Frenchman" a luncheon honoring Gil Bardy sponsored by 2 Recreation Comm. Minutes Apri1S,200S his family. Gil passed away in January and was a member of the Senior Center since 1992. He will be missed by everyone. The second party was a "High Tea" honoring Peggy Roe who will be retiring on March 26th after 24 years of service to the Town. April will bring a Spring Luncheon at Umberto's Mamma Marissa's and a "Rock N Roll Bowling Party at the Holiday Hoe Bowl. Mrs. Cito said that they are going to participate in the March of Dimes Walk America 200S which is being held on Sunday, May 1 st with registration at 9 a.m. and the walk at 10 a.m. They can walk as little or as much as they want and they can also visit the mansion, the Wallace Center and the Library at NO CHARGE. There will also be music and free food for participants.. The first speaker for the Center for April will be "Empowerment: Being in control of your life- Using advanced planning for healthcare and rational decision making. This will be presented by Maggie O'Keefe RN, RDH on April 8th. On AprillSth there will be a presentation by the Alzheimer's Association on Understanding Memory Loss. The talk will cover different types of dementia, what Alzheimer's is and the 10 warning signs etc. On April 22nd, Jesse Knapp, Insurance Representative from Liberty Mutual will present information on Insurance 101 (insurance options). Mrs. Cito mentioned that there is also an opportunity for the seniors to see Calloway Brooks at the Bardavon on Thursday, April 14th at 2 p.m. This is sponsored by Dutchess County Office for the Aging and Assemblymen Tom Kirwin and Joel Miller. It costs the seniors $S.OO and transportation is provided. She mentioned that she hopes to start up the bocce and walking club again since the weather is getting nicer. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Rottkamp said that he had a letter he received from Melaine Rottkamp, Director/Instructor of the Triumph Twirlers. She mentioned that the twirlers participated in the NYS Championships in Carmel, N.Y. on March 19th with 3 teams competing in the open competition and the State. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned the places/trophies that they received and Mrs. Rottkamp said that all teams performed beautifully and conducted themselves with grace and class. She also mentioned in her letter that they are now planning to participate in parades such as the Hyde Park Memorial Day Parade, the Town of Poughkeepsie Day, the Hyde Park 4th of July parade, the Town of Wappinger Community Day Parade and possibly the County Fair. It was suggested that when they parade that they use the Town of Wappinger banner 3 Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 Mr. Rottkamp also mentioned that in the letter she said that the junior team would like to use special twirling knives which are not sharp and would add interest to their Performance. She said that she could purchase them from a vendor in Minnesota and they would cost $42.00 including shipping. She asked if the Town could purchase them for the program and ifso they would remain property of the Town. It was suggested that Mr. Rottkamp look at these and come back to the Commission. Mr. Holt said that this was great and we commend her for her work. Mr. Rottkamp asked about the salary steps and asked if everything was approved. Mrs. Roe mentioned that the salary steps for the playground personnel that she gave him last week, has already been approved but the steps for the winter programs have not been approved. He asked Mr. Holt if he had contacted Supervisor Ruggiero about the increase of fees for the non residents. At the last meeting it was suggested that we charge non residents $15.00 more to go on a bus trip and if they participate in other programs (other that summer) we would charge them 50% more. (Ex. If the program costs residents $20.00 it would cost non residents $30.00). Mr. Holt said that he has not discussed this with the Supervisor yet. Therefore, both Mr. Rottkamp and Mrs. Cito will not do this until we get the okay from the Supervisor. Mr. Rottkamp thanked everyone for their help at the Easter program. It was a good day. He said that the radio station WDST 101.0 was a plus and everyone agreed. Mrs. Roe said that there were 130 children who put rafile tickets in for the drawing. Mr. Ennesser asked about the parking and he was told that people came and went so parking was not a problem. It was suggested that maybe next year if it is done in the same manner, we advertise that they can come between 10 and 11: 15. Some people thought that they had to be there right at 10 thinking that they were scrambling for eggs when that wasn't the case. Mr. Rottkamp asked about the fishing program to see if the money for the program had been put back in the budget and Mr. Holt said that it has been. A total of $2,500.00 has been put back in the budget. Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Rottkamp will go to Dick's Sporting Goods to see if we can get the same deal as last year for the equipment. Mr. Rottkamp said that he has been in contact with Ken Rose about the 4 sessions of fishing and from what he gathers from Mr. Rose is that he won't be back this year. He plans on having a fishing expert for each session. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Ennesser if he could have Mr. Rose drop some fish in at Robinson Lane and Mr. Ennesser said he has already spoken to him about that. .Kim Leone and Clare Curtis have had their first round of playground interviews last week and spoke to about 17 applicants. They will be speaking to about 7 or 8 more applicants next week before they make any selections. We have about 30 out of 45 employees coming back this year. 4 Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he met with Chris Iversen last week and he apologized about the lack of communication. As of right now he is back on staff but he knows that he is on thin ice. They have the dates set for the camps. What he is going to do this year is to take the kids at each camp on a nature trail trip within each of our sites. He mentioned that there are a lot of things to see right at the camp sites. Mrs. Roe said that we have to talk to Brandy Vadala of the Health Dept. about this since some of the areas at each site are off limits for the campers per our Safety Plan. If we do this, a section has to be added to the safety plan and submitted to the Health Department. A discussion was held on ways to improve the set up for registration on April 22nd and April 23rd. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that it was important to have someone go outside to greet the people and explain what was happening inside. If they do not have the proper identification they will have to come back on another date. Mr. Rottkamp said that we have 13 hours of registration this year. Mrs. Roe indicated that people signing up for tennis, golf, basketball and swim must show their I.D. again because the people taking those registrations don't know if they were proofed at the camp table or not. They may just want the extra programs. She also mentioned that we must have a receipt and money for each program. There should be a receipt book for each program and we can't double up on the receipts. This is a directive from the auditors. Mrs. Manning suggested that a table be put in the hall with the applications for all the extra activities so people can start filling out the information before they get to the individual tables. Mrs. Manning asked about the immunization records - what if they don't have them when they register? It was stated that they must be on file before camp opens or they can't attend. The records are only needed for the playground and swim program. It was suggested that a box be put on the form that can be checked when the form is brought in. It was suggested that we ask Hilde Droge, Florence Graff and a few of the counselors if they would be able to help with the registration. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he would not be available on Friday night and since Little League Opener is on Saturday the 23rd a few of the Comm. members will not be available on Saturday. COMMUNITY DAY Mr. Chappas mentioned that the letters have been sent out to the marching bands for Community Day. DOCKS Mr. Ennesser mentioned that nothing has been done on the dock work. This work has to be done and the docks put in by the last week of April. Work also has to be done on the wall. The iron piece came off the bulkhead so they will have to relocate it, or patch the holes. 5 Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 GRANT Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the Greenway Grant has been extended to Jan. 31, 2007. He met with A-I Fence today about the wrought iron fence at Carnwarth that is coming out of that grant. He hopes to get a figure from Bruce by the end of the week. DiPiet said that he is not bidding because it is too much work for him. Mr. Holt said that he hopes the gate can be installed before May 23rd. Mr. Ennesser said he already has a quote from Mid Hudson Fence Co. and he knows DiPiet is not bidding so as soon as we get the bid from A-I we can start the paperwork. Supervisor Ruggiero has to sign the revised contract for the grant so that it can be sent back. Mr. Ennesser said that he decreased the number of benches and picnic tables so that they would have $11,000.00 for the gate. REESE PARK The paperwork for the rest rooms at Reese Park is all done and they did the site review with the company that is doing the work. Hopefully the work will be done by May 15th. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that once it is finished we are going to have to have to get someone to take care of it. We will have to discuss this further. He also mentioned that the maintenance men have to remove the wood around the concrete and place the top fill around floor of the pavilion. He would like to have this done ASAP before the workers get there to put in the rest rooms and use the fill. Mr. Ennesser asked about the sign for the pavilion at Reese Park. He originally received a price of $430.00 for this sign dedicating it to Craig O'Donnell. Mr. Holt said that once the rest rooms are finished we should have a ceremony there. PARK SIGNS Mr. Ennesser asked about the status on the park signs for the entrances to the parks. Mr. Holt mentioned that the money has been restored to the budget but Mr. Ennesser asked where we were going to have them done. In his letter to the Town Board last year he had gotten three quotes but he didn't recommend the lowest bid. Mrs. Manning will look for the letter and see how much we are lacking in funds and where it stands. CARNW A THlMUSEUM Mr. Ennesser mentioned that N. & S. has donated bathroom fixtures for the museum at Carnwath. He will be writing a "Thank You" on behalf of the museum. 6 Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 Mr. Ennesser also mentioned that he is trying to get displays up at the museum by the 20th of May. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Mr. Holt reported the following: 1. We have the possibility of76 applicants for Mrs. Roe's job. Civil service will give you the top three who passed the test and we have to interview them. We will then keep going down the list of people who took the test, until we get someone who wants the position. Mr. Holt mentioned that the code for the job is Executive Secretary. He said that he thinks the letters are going out to the applicants today or tomorrow. 2. He mentioned that Robinson Lane is under water with the water coming up through the building. The girl's fields are in pretty good shape. There is a lot of work that has to be done out there. 3. There was a 23 year old person who got his car stuck in the ball field at Carnwath. Mr. Holt said that we have the car at the Highway Dept. and the person will have to pay for towing and to have the field fixed. 4. A reminder that everyone is invited to the Little League Opener on April 23fd. As everyone knows that is a bad day because we have registration from 9-11. Mr. Holt said that he is a speaker for Opening Day so he will be back to registration as soon as he can. 5. Soccer has a real problem because Airport Park is a mess. At last month's meeting Mr. Holt mentioned that the Town might be able to get 30,000 cubic yards of dirt. To the left of the Park, the Town owns a little bit of property with low growing junk and Mr. Foster wants to put up some screening and sift it. Mr. Holt said that we do not have approval to do this yet. We are having difficulties with the Corps of Engineers. Mr. Holt said that the Supervisor called Senator Clinton's office and they are going to talk to the Army Corps of Engineers. They are calling the whole park wetlands and we don't feel that it should be. If we can get approval from the Corps of Engineers, we will start to dump the dirt on a couple to the fields. We will have to put a lot of dirt there possibly 1 to two feet. If they do this it will be 18 months before they can us the fields. On Saturday, Mr. Holt is taking soccer on a drive so that they can look at Temple Field, Castle Point and Carnwath. Supervisor Ruggiero is willing to work with soccer and let them use Carnwath on a 7 Recreation Comm. Minutes April 5, 2005 temporary basis. Mr. Ennesser asked about Rockingham and Mr. Holt said that Rockingham is very muddy but it is in the plan for use. Mr. Rottkamp suggested Ketcham Soccer field might be available and possible the fields at the Jr. High. 6. We are still negotiating for the property at Robinson Lane. 7. Mr. Holt mentioned that the Supervisor has given us approval to purchase a new 4 wheel drive dump truck with an extended cab. The funds for this purchase will come from bonding. 8. Mr. Holt mentioned the planning work for Community Day is well underway and we are meeting again on April 12th. If you don't have your shirt, please let us know so can figure how many we need to order. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that the crT program had only 1 application in on time and Loretta in the Assessor's Office might have two more. Mr. Holt mentioned that we are really moving on the signs at Robinson Lane. The only problem is that it is so wet we can't get them up. Mr. Holt said that he needed the green wind screen and Mrs. Roe said that she thought it was in. Mr. Ennesser asked about the foul poles and Mrs. Roe said that they have not been ordered. Weare still looking for funds. Mr. Chappas mentioned that he has tried to contact Mr. Molfetta regarding Lacrosse and he never got back to him. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mrs. Korz. Peggy Roe 8