May 3,2005
PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R, J.C., J.E., RF., E.K., G.T.
APPROVE MINUTES - April 5, 2005
OLD BUSINESS - P.O. for light for Robinson Lane obtained.
Gloede signs called to correct installation of Guardian Storage
NEW BUSINESS - Still need help with Registration
Hiring Archie Gallinger at Robinson Lane. (Should have been in
April meeting. Current status not certain.
Incoming Correspondence - Protection One - Raising rates $2.00 per month
Outgoing Correspondence - Mrs. Adriana Giordano - Return of Playground check
Child is 13 years old
Mrs. Eileen LeRoy - Return of Playground check
Child 13 years old.
Linda Leopardi - Thank you for cookies at Easter Egg Hunt
A.C. Moore - Jason Erney - Thank you for crafts at Easter
Egg Hunt
Mrs. Tess Whiteley - Invite to Memorial Day Ceremony
New Hackensack Fire Dept. - Invite to change flag at
Memorial Day Ceremony.
Mr. l Curtis & Mr. J. Curtis Sr. - Sent proper paperwork
for Basketball program payment.
Mrs Judy Schwartz - Informed her that her 13 year old could
Not attend camp.
NEXT MEETING - June 7, 2005
Refreshments - Joe E.
. .
MAY 3, 2005
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held May 3, 2005 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ralph J. Holt at 7:00 p.m.
with the following persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, Comm.
Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz and Gary Trudell. Also in
attendance were Eileen Manning and Peggy Roe.
The minutes of the AprilS, 2005 meeting were approved on a motion by
Mr. Friedman seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor.
Mr. Trudell had a question regarding the minutes and asked about the status
of the acquisition of land next to Robinson Lane. He said that he thought it was a done
deal. Mr. Holt said that for all intent and purposes it is pretty close but it probably won't
happen until July. We aren't looking to do anything there until September.
A letter was received from Protection One (our alarm service) indicating
that the rates will be raising $2.00 per month on our accounts.
Letters were sent to the following individuals returning fees that they had
paid for the playground program, because the children are ineligible because of age:
Mrs. Adriana Giordano
Mrs. Eileen LeRoy
Mrs. Judy Schwartz
Thank you letters were sent to the following for helping at the Easter
Program at Carnwath in March:
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3, 2005
Linda Leopardi of Roy C. Ketcham for the cookies that her class prepared.
Jason Erney of A. C. Moore for doing crafts with the children.
Letters were sent to the following asking if they would participate in the
Memorial Day program at Schlathaus Park at 2 p.m. on Monday May 30th:
Mrs. Tess Whitely - Gold Star Mothers
New Hackensack Fire Co. - To perform the "changing of the flag
Payroll paperwork was sent to Mr. Jay Curtis Sr, and Mr. Jay Curtis for the
winter basketball program.
Mrs. Cito was unable to attend the meeting but sent a report which is
attached to these minutes. Everyone was asked to read the report and since there were no
questions the meeting resumed.
Mr. Rottkamp asked about the proposal to take non-residents on bus trips
when the bus cannot be filled with Wappinger residents. Mr. Holt said that he had
discussed this with Supervisor Ruggiero and he approved. We have also contacted
Marshall and Sterling and they have no problem with us taking non-residents. Mr. Holt
called the Attorney to the Town, Al Roberts, to get his okay and was unable to reach him
so he left a message and hopefully he will call Mrs. Manning tomorrow. In the meantime,
a statement should be prepared to detail the change that will pertain to both the Senior and
Recreation trips.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that when he went to BJ's to purchase items for
the Town he was told that the tax exemption had expired. He was told that the certificates
are only good for a few years. He gave Mrs. Manning a form that needs to be filled out
and returned to them.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he received a call from Mr. Ed Dolick
regarding a problem at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Rottkamp to call him back and
get all details and also tell him to contact the Little League Board of Directors.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3, 2005
He also mentioned the following:
There are 3 tickets left for the Sunday, July lOth trip to "The Producers"
Mrs. Cito will be chaperoDing this trip.
He received a call from a parent asking ifher 13 year son could oversee his
7 year old brother at the Quiet Acres Camp until he feels comfortable. Mr. Rottkamp
approved this request and the Directors will notify him when they feel that the child feels
good about his surroundings.
He received a request from the Amateur Radio Club (William Baker) to use
Schlathaus Park on June 18th. This was approved. Mrs. Manning mentioned that Donald
Stein had been in to fill out paperwork.
Margaret Oliva called him last week and mentioned that she was still
interested in the vacancy on the recreation board. Mr. Holt asked Mr. Rottkamp to call her
and have her send a resume.
Mr. Rottkamp brought in a picture of the swords he was referring to at the
last meeting that the Baton Twirling Director wants to get for her program. Everyone
looked at the picture and they asked Mr. Rottkamp about the cost. He said that the
Director had written the cost of$198.51 which includes shipping so he feels that is for a
certain number of swords. Mr. Rottkamp said that he has not seen the sword but he said
knowing his daughter-in-law he feels comfortable. If purchased they would belong to the
Town. It was decided that there was money in the budget to cover the purchase and since
there was no objection from the members, Mr. Rottkamp will see about getting them. Mr.
Friedman said that he would like to see one before they are used.
Ken Foster, of the Hunt Club, called and would like to borrow some
bleachers some time in May. There will be 500 kids coming to an event he is running.
He said that his group woul4 pick up and return the bleachers. If anything should happen
to the bleachers he said he would replace them. After a discussion, it was decided that we
could let him have the 2 bleachers at Schlathaus since they are not being used at this time.
Mr. Rottkamp will follow through and get more information.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he recently received a newsletter from
Supervisor Ruggiero and was wondering if in the future he could put the recreation e-mail
and web site in the newsletter.
The next registration for the summer programs will be May 6th and 7th at
Town Hall. Mrs. Manning said that she needs more help. She went over the list of
volunteers and after getting a couple more volunteers she felt that they were okay. Mr.
Rottkamp asked if there were any comments from the April registration. There was a
short discussion and a suggestion about having the camp registration in a different room
. ,
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3, 2005
from the other programs because it is just too crowded. There were no changes for this
Mr. Rottkamp said that he has been working with Make A Wish about how
we could involve the playgrounds in this worthwhile program. He received a 3 page report
from Make A Wish that needs to be filled out and signed. He has someone coming to the
camps on June 28th to talk to the children about how it will work. Mr. Rottkamp will come
up with a statement for each of the camps stating that if the child wants to participate, they
can put their change from the ice cream truck in the Make A Wish can. On the day of the
picnic, Mr. Rottkamp will present a check for what was collected to a representative from
Make A Wish. After a discussion, it was suggested that this information be sent to the
Supervisor and possibly the Attorney to the Town.
Last week 43 letters went out to the summer statIinforming them of their
positions. We are still in need of a lifeguard and a WSI (water safety instructor) for the
swim program.
The winter gymnastics program ends this Saturday and the children will be
presenting a show for their parents/grandparents etc. Dawn Turpin-Ortegas has done an
outstanding job with this program.
Last Friday, Mr. Rottkamp visited the East Fishkill Recreation Park to see
their "mister" and found an impressive set up for playground and fishing. He learned that
they purchased their "mister" from Landscape Structures at a cost of $5,000.00 for two.
Each "mister" is either 6 or 7 ft. high with two or three heads on the top. The child pushes
a button which starts the mist. The Landscape catalog we have does not have any
information so East Fishkill gave him the name of their representative. Mr. Rottkamp will
call and will speak to the representative regarding costs, etc. Mr. Ennesser asked about the
surface treatment and was told it was cement.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that there might be a problem with the Deer Hill
Conference Center Pool and our Learn to Swim program. He has recently learned from a
good source that we probably will not be able to use their pool for our program. So far we
have all the Youth Bureau paperwork done for this program and Mr. Rottkamp has hired 6
of the 8 counselors and lifeguards needed for the program. He said that he visited Deer Hill
twice to arrange for usage and no one was present. He said that he called four times to set
up meetings and they called back once to inform him they were having a meeting on April
1 st to decide on the pool but no one called us with results of the meeting. He also said that
he mentioned it to Brandy of the Health Department several weeks ago and she said she
would have someone look into the situation. What is the solution- do we cancel the
program or try to get another pool? Mr. Holt said that he has spoken to Supervisor
Ruggiero about this and he has tried to contact Deer Hill to no avail. Mr. Rottkamp
mentioned he looked at Jekoce Acres and Mrs. Korz said that she would try to get a
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3, 2005
contact number. Mr. Rottkamp suggested that since there is no money charged for this
program we should continue to take registrations and hopefully we will be able to work out
something. By the end of the meeting Mrs. Korz had two numbers for Jekoce Acres.
The fIrst was Howard Lynne, Executive Director@473-5335 and JCC @471-0430. Mr.
Holt said that he will call them.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has received calls about the docks not being
in yet. He said that the maintenance guys are waiting for the tides to shift so they can get
them in.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the drawings for the modular bathroom for
Reese Park have been okayed by our Engineer and the contractor and they have gone
ahead and placed the order. There is no target date for delivery. When the bathrooms are
installed we will need to have someone open and close them as well as clean them.
He also mentioned that the concrete forms have not been removed from
around the pavilion and the dirt has not been spread. He mentioned that he is worried that
the contractor for the bathroom might use this dirt if we haven't dispersed it before they
start construction.
The garbage at Reese Park was picked up today but the maintenance men
forgot to pick up the garbage across the street where the Town owns property.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he ordered and received 15 tons of item 4 for
Reese Park which was delivered to the upper parking lot. This will be used by the CTC for
trail work.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that the front gate for Carnwath is on order and he
called the FY today but was unable to get any information about whether it will be ready
for the 23T". The person was to call back this afternoon but Mr. Ennesser did not get a call.
Gina Basile asked Mr. Ennesser to help her get a sign for Carnwath naming
the dormitory building after Francis Reese.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has reported to the Sheriff's office several
times about the A TV activity at Camwath and also at Reese Park.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3, 2005
Mr. Ennesser said that he has the volunteers ready to paint the ramp going
into the dormitory building at Carnwath but he will need more supplies. The maintenance
men power washed it and the volunteers will sand and paint/varnish it. The museum
people would like to put some indoor/outdoor carpet over the ramp because some of the
nails are coming up.
He looked at prices for a tractor for Carnwath and received a quote of
$5,000.00 for a 2 wheel drive and $8,200.00 for a 4 wheel drive. The 2 wheel drive tractor
uses gas and has a dumpster body whereas the 4 wheel drive uses diesel. The quote is
under state bid at Adams.
He met with Mike Brown about the stagemobile. The prices have gone up
slightly but they are still in the ball park between $80K and $82K. He sent him a note to
let him know that is what we are looking for and asked about the grants. Mr. Ennesser
said he still needs to do some work on the other Greenway grant for the gate and picnic
All of the new park signs are on order with Sign Language. He mentioned
that he will follow up on this regarding when we can expect delivery.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he spoke to Roger Humeston and he has
offered to display his race car and have his driver available for Community Day.
Evidently he has done this for other events and it went over well.
Mr. Trudell mentioned that there are some dead trees at Airport Park that
should come down. He also mentioned that a car must have hit the fence on the far end.
The whole fence from the concession stand to the end of the property is off the poles that
support it. He said that the fence is still standing but if a child tries to climb over it, the
fence might all come down.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3,2005
Mr. Holt mentioned that we have the P.O. for the light pole that was
damaged at the entrance to Robinson Lane and we will be getting that installed as soon as
we can.
One of the advertising signs that were put up at Robinson Lane had the
bolts facing the infield. Mr. Haan, our Safety Officer, indicated that it was a safety hazard.
We have talked to the business that installed the sign to have this corrected.
Mr. Trudell mentioned that the name of "Ricky Lombardo" still is not on
the stone at Robinson Lane. Mrs. Manning mentioned that Weidner Memorials was
supposed to have that done the Thursday before Opening Day. We will have to call them.
Mr. Holt mentioned that Archie Gallinger is now doing the work at
Robinson Lane but we are not sure how long he will be doing the job. If anyone has a
name of someone who lives nearby and might want the job, please let Mr. Holt know.
Mr. Holt mentioned the following:
Central Hudson has asked us to do an inventory of all metal poles that have
electricity going through them. We will have Steve and the guys go around the parks to do
the inventory. There have been some instances in the State were the outside of these poles
get electrified and when the kids lean against them they can get a shock. We don't have to
do anything but identify where they are. Central Hudson will then come out and check
them out and put a tag on it as to when it was checked.
We have a ton of work being done at Carnwath. The men are painting,
cutting wood and doing a lot of clean up. They are trying to get as much done before the
23rd of May as possible.
If anyone has any time on the 23 rd of May to help out as drivers for the
fundraiser at Carnwath, we could still use 3 more. The volunteers should be at Carnwath
by 10:30. Senator Clinton will arrive at noon and the festivities should be overby 2:00.
We will be having Earth Day clean up this Saturday, May 7th. Recreation
has also been involved by ordering shirts and Mr. Tompkins has made 74 sticks with nails
on the end to pick up papers, etc. Gloves, water and soda will be supplied.
Recreation Comm. Minutes
May 3,2005
We are deeply involved in Community Day and a lot of the planning is
under way. The volunteers for Community Day have been great. If any of the
Commission Members would like to help, we would always welcome them.
The 23 year old whose car got stuck in the ball field will be working off the
$475.00 damage.
Mr. Holt said that Linda Yankowski from Hyde Park will be interviewed for
the open position in the Recreation Office. She has a good background in terms of her
work experience and seems eager to take on this position.
Mr. Rottkamp asked if the playground assignments have been given out to
the Commission Members. We know that they were typed but we aren't sure they were
given out. We will check on this.
Mrs. Manning mentioned that we have received a request today for field
usage. It is for a single use tomorrow night but there will be additional dates. She said
that Mr. Farrell has given the okay for tomorrow night and we will deal with the additional
dates at a later time. She said that the request was from the Wappingers Falls Merchant
League and they will use the field for practice.
Mr. Holt mentioned that he has discussed with Mr. Bisaccia his roll in
giving out the fields. He will now be in charge of all field requests. Usually in the early
part of the season there isn't much availability for use of fields at Robinson Lane. We
would really like to see the fields being used if Little League is not using them.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that they have been working on setting up the
Sports Museum at Carnwath and if any of the members would like to help, it will certainly
be appreciated. He also said that the Sports Museum received donations from IBM of
furniture, etc. He also mentioned that he has made a deal with the Paddle people that they
would shower and they will cater the evening meal at Carnwath.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Ennesser
seconded by Mrs. Korz.
Peggy Roe