June 7, 2005
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PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R., J.C., lE., R.F.,.E.K.,.G.T.
1. Letter from Aladdin Tent Rental regarding mix up of tent placement at
Memorial Day services.
2. Letter from Jay Hamilton regarding selling ice cream at town
playground camps.
3. Special Event Proposal And License Agreement from Make A Wish
Foundation concerning fundraising at summer camps.
1. Memos To Supervisor Joe Ruggiero:
From Ralph Holt:
a. regarding new desktop copier on 6/01/05
b. regarding non-resident participation in town recreation programs.
c. regarding re-appointment of Ellen Korz to another term on the
commission board.
From Skip Rottkamp regarding "Make A Wish" fundraiser at our camps.
From Town of Wappinger Recreation Dept. regarding bids for dump truck
2. Memo to Skip Rottkamp, Nancy Cito and Steve Tompkins from Ralph Holt
designating Joe Ennesser as Acting Commission Chairman during his
3. Memo to Home Depot to revise account info adding 3 additional authorized
purchasers and clarifying need for tax exempt certificate each time someone
comes m.
4. Letters to Mrs. Dianne Dufresne and Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brown from Eileen
Manning informing them that the town bus trip to Yankee Candle has been
cancelled and we are returning their checks.
1 of 2
5. Letter to Dick's Sporting goods from Eileen Manning including a charge
account application and a purchase order for fishing poles.
6. Letter to Mr. Thomas McDougal, Mgr. Super Stop & Shop from Ralph Holt
requesting a donation of materials for Town Clean-up Day.
7. Thank you letter to follow up with #6 above.
N.C. R.F.
lC. G.T.
lE. R.J.H.
OLD BUSINESS- 1. Nextel phones for camps approved and being worked on by
Peggy Roe with Seti Cellular.
2. Bill Farrell confirmed that "Ricky Lombardo'''s name is
definitely on the monument at Robinson Lane.
NEW BUSINESS - 1. Possible hiring of Jeff DeCristopher. (Steve Tompkins is also
interested in using this person to help at summer camps.)
2. Closing of Robinson Lane.
3. Swim program with Cross Court - do we still need busses?
4. Set/change meeting date for next month due to July 4th holiday.
Refreshments - Gary Trudell
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JUNE 7,2005
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was held June
7,2005 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York.
In the absence of Chairman Ralph Holt due to recent surgery, the meeting was
called to order by Commission member Joe Ennesser at 7 :40 p.m. The following persons
were present: Nancy Cito, Senior Center Director, Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director,
and Commission members Ronald Friedman, Ellen Korz, and Gary Trudell (late due to
ball game). Also in attendance were Peggy Roe and Linda Yankowski, the new
Recreation Secretary ("Municipal Secretary" -Civil Service title). Peggy retired in
March, 2005 and has kindly agreed to help train Linda for a few days before she leaves
on a month's vacation to Florida.
The minutes of the May 3,2005 meeting were approved on a motion by Mr.
Friedman, seconded by Mrs. Korz with all in favor.
A letter was received from Paul Crittendon of Aladdin Tents regarding mix up of
tent placement at Memorial Day services. Additional fee charged.
Eileen Manning has finally received the desktop copier. It has proven invaluable
for the busy camp season.
New maintenance dump truck, 2005 model from Gallagher Trucking was
delivered on July 6, 2005, is registered and in operation as of August.
Fishing poles from Dick's Sporting Goods were received thanks to the
outstanding efforts of Mr. Rottkamp following up on the original order.
Carnwath event with Senator Hilary Clinton went well. Breakfast at Meyers
Comers Road School was re-scheduled for June 17th due to an epidemic at the school.
The 17th annual anniversary picnic for seniors will take place at Town Hall on June 14th.
Stress Reduction Seminar is June 17th. Laughter Therapy took place May 19th.
Joe Ennesser thanked Nancy for her part with A.C. Moore.
Discussion was held regarding Jay Hamilton's request to sell ice cream at town
playground camps. In the past, Chilly Willy was the only "ice cream man" who came
around. Mr. Rottkamp had a copy of the permit. It appears that this is a "first come, first
serve", "open territory" situation. Vendor must stay off the road. Chilly Willy does not
want a scene. Suggestion was made for the two vendors to split the 33 days of camp or
split camp sites being covered to eliminate potential problems and take pressure off the
vendor to try to cover all four camps the same day.
Special Event Proposal and License Agreement with Make A Wish Foundation
concerning fundraising at summer camps was explained by Mr. Rottkamp with more
details to follow after a June 28, 2005 meeting with a representative from Make A Wish.
(In the interim, town attorneys advised Mr. Holt and Mr. Rottkamp this is not something
the town should get involved with. Mr. Rottkamp suggested that if the Make A Wish
Foundation had something that showed where this type of event had been done in the past
by a town to please present it to him for further investigation. To date, August 9,2005,
nothing was ever submitted by Make A Wish.)
Doug Haan, Playground Inspector has been to all camps. He took pictures of
some settling of fences, suggesting closing the gap with a bar. This has not been done
yet. Mr. Friedman stated someone was needed to re-distribute gravel under the swings at
the playgrounds. A discussion was held regarding safety calendar inspection being made
every so often. Mr. Ennesser to follow up.
Town had given $10,000 to purchase a "mister" for all camps. (Approx. $7,000
for 2 "misters".) Mr. Rottkamp looked at what E. Fishkill has. Steve Tompkins
suggested building them ourselves. Don Swarz trying to work on a design.
Negotiations with Cross Court are moving along. They have offered use of their
lobby on rainy days. Program will start at 10 a.m. rather than lla.m., leaving at 12:45-
1 :OOp.m. It was decided by a unanimous vote that bus transportation would not be
provided this year by the Town of Wappinger to the Swim Program.
We will be paying for the WSI course (Water Safety Instructor) for a returning
Lifeguard (Frank Gurreri) who is interested in this position with our Swim Program. It
has proven very difficult to recruit someone to fulfill this requirement for the Board of
Health. There was some discussion on feasibility of using Cross Court Lifeguards vs.
our own hirees.
Mr. Rottkamp promised to show Mr. Friedman the swords that were purchased
for the Baton Twirling Program. He assured Mr. Friedman they were safe, and both the
children and teachers loved the activity.
A letter will be sent to the Town Board with Mr. Rottkamp's note regarding non-
resident participation in Town programs asking for a resolution to accept this proposal.
Requirement by the Health Department for the campers to produce immunization
records this year has proven to be quite labor intensive for the office staff here. It was
also decided that without this record, NOONE would be allowed to enter camp UNTIL
THESE RECORDS WERE PRODUCED! A parent promising to bring it back the next
day will be UNACCEPTABLE.
Vacancies in the schedule for First Aid and CPR classes were opened up to Town
Hall employees. They would be paid. The vendor fee was $320 for the 1st 8 attendees
and $40 per person after that. If there are still openings, Town Residents would be able
to come by paying the $40 fee.
A request will be placed with the Supervisor's office for the town patrol to
provide traffic control on opening day of Spook Hill Camp in the morning and afternoon
due to safety concerns regarding the curve in the road. This was accomplished by a
memo from Nancy Cito as a concerned parent of a camper.
Mrs. Korz is receiving reports about the unsafe condition of the tennis courts. Sap
from trees and falling needles make courts slippery. A discussion followed asking for
Doug Haan's opinion of whether or not they needed to be repaired or totally resurfaced.
(In August, Bob Sheridan from the Maintenance department is having a couple
estimates/recommendations being made from two vendors.)
She also reports that the wooden benches are "awful", the equipment old and un-
desirable to a child and questioned if the equipment could be moved so it was closer
together. The spacing was explained by the fact that there was a group of mothers who
played tennis regularly and they could keep a better eye on the smaller children if the
equipment was placed close to the courts.
The basketball nets look worn and the foam sleeves for the poles had not been
ordered yet per Peggy Roe.
Nancy Cito reported that the bleachers at Robinson Lane are in poor condition.
The new gate is up at Carnwath as of June 7th. New signs being ordered -bright
yellow with black lettering so they can be seen easily will go up near gates.
The boat ramps are getting plenty of use. Maintenance crew continues to try to
keep up with the debris that accumulates.
There has been a noticeable rise in A TV activity at Carnwath, Reese Park, and the
Museum areas. Sheriffs office notified to keep patrolling.
Reese Park - Concrete forms and top fill to be done on 6/8/05.
Working with the Comptroller on grants for beautification group signage and 15
benches and picnic tables. Greenway grant money used for gate at Carnwath.
Sportsman's Museum has a website running now with info re: opening up
building for outside meeting use, such as schools, seniors, Castle Point Veterans,
coaches, Paddle, etc.
Kudos were extended to Joe by Mr. Rottkamp and the comm. members for Joe's
efforts in the Poughkeepsie Journal article on the Greenway.
Members also thanked Mr. Trudell for transportation provided by him at the May
Carnwath event with Senator Clinton.
Mr. Rottkamp will follow up with new board member resumes.
A motion to adjourn was made at 9:30p.m. by Ron Friedman and seconded by
Ellen Korz.
Linda Yankowski