August 9, 2005
PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R., J.C., J.E., RF., E.K., G.T.
APPROVE MINUTES - June 7, 2005
1. Amtek town employee surveys
2. Update on Steve Tompkins
3. Update on hiring replacement for Frank Porach, etc.
1. 2006 Budget Packages being prepared by Gina Basile; Due September 1st
2. Resolution allowing non-residents to participate in certain recreation activities (see
Incoming Correspondence :
1. Memo from Doug Haan to Skip Rottkamp, cc Ralph Holt re: follow up to 5/28/05
playground inspection.
Outgoing Correspondence :
1. Letter and receipt to Laure Schnackenberg with Astor Health Services for check
received to allow Nava Rubinstein to attend Summer Camp Program.
NEXT MEETING: September 6th?? (holiday) 7 p.m.
Refreshments - ????
f; Ie...
. .
AUGUST 9, 2005
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held on August 9, 2005 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
. !he meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt
wIth the follOWIng persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, Commission
Members Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman and Gary Trudell.
The minutes of the June 7, 2005 meeting were approved on a motion my
Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr. Friedman with all in favor.
A memo was received from Doug Haan regarding the follow up to the
May 28, 2005 playground inspection.
A letter and receipt for $60.00 was sent to Laure Schnackenberg ofthe
Astor High Risk Services indicating that Nava Rubinstein was able to attend our Summer
Camp Program.
Mr. Rottkamp passed around pictures of the various summer events for all
the members to see.
He also mentioned that the Fishing Program was a great success. He
received many compliments from the parents and the instructors were excellent. Mr.
Rottkamp said that it went so well that he would like to run it for 6 weeks next year. He
also mentioned that we have to discuss fees for next year. We charge $25.00 for a 10-
hour fishing program and then we give them a $15.00 fishing pole - something has to be
done. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he received an education on the cost of worms.
During the program they use a lot of worms and the cost for a dozen worms is $2.50. He
mentioned that in session #3 alone they used 800 worms. Mr. Holt said that 2 years ago
when we started this program, we just wanted to get it off and running. Mr. Rottkamp
mentioned that as of the first registration this year 44 of the 48 spots were filled. Now
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
that it is going, we will have to make some adjustments. Mr. Holt mentioned that the
program should almost pay for itself.
Mr. Rottkamp said that he received a letter from the Boy Scouts of
America, Hudson Valley Council Ninham District. The letter stated that they have
many units in the Town of Wappinger and they provide many services to the Town and
community. The District would like to place a community service information ad in our
Town Recreation Guide. The Boy Scout program is unlike the Girl Scouts who
increase their membership from the school population. The Boy Scouts are sponsored by
local churches, granges etc. and many times it is difficult for a boy to find a group unless
they know someone. They therefore would like to include in our guide a list of the
packs, troops and posts where and when they meet and a contact number. This would be
a service to the community and it would enable the boys and their parents to find a unit
they can join. Mr. Holt mentioned that he wasn't sure that we should do this. Ifwe do
it for one, then all the service organizations will want to have a piece in the guide and it
is a Wappinger Recreation Guide. Mr. Friedman suggested that if they want to make up a
flier, we would distribute it along with the guide and have them available so that people
could pick them up.
Mr. Rottkamp also mentioned the following:
I. Family Fun Nights: American Idol, Arts and Craft Night (biggest response
ever) and ConcertJPopcornlMovie Nights were very successful this year. He
mentioned that at 10:30 on movie night he had 75 children still watching the
movie and he went through at least 90 bags of popcorn. The movie that was
requested by the camps was "Sponge Bob Square Pants". He asked if anyone
had any suggestions for next year.
2. Doug Haan Report: He had a report from Doug Haan and Mr. Rottkamp said
that it was a good report. It is a letter as a follow-up of his inspection. He
said that the maintenance men did a great job cutting the trees, spraying the
poison ivy, doing pea gravel and adjusting everything that they had to adjust.
Mr. Haan took pictures of every item that needed fixing and these pictures
were given to the maintenance men and they took care of everything. Mr.
Holt mentioned that he would like to send a copy of this letter to the Town
Board. He also mentioned that we should have a 3-year plan for upgrading
each of the parks.
3. Our picnic today for the playgrounds was a success with 292 children in
4. He spoke with Mr. Green about the October concert with the East Fishkill
Recreation and it was decided to invite the winners of the Playground
American Idol program to participate in the concert. They will actually
perform on stage with Johnny Dell and another group yet to be decided.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
5. He received another phone call asking if our playgrounds are handicap
accessible. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that of the four playgrounds most are
not handicap accessible except for the rest rooms. Mr. Ennesser mentioned
that a few years ago Mr. Chappas was looking into getting interlocking
matting to go down so that a wheelchair could access the equipment. We
have not gone anywhere with this but we must do it on any new playgrounds
as it is required by law. Mr. Friedman mentioned that anything put in after
October 2000 is mandated by Federal Law that there is access to it- the old
equipment is exempt. It was suggested that there be money put in the budget
to start working on one park at a time to bring it up to handicap accessible
standards. Mr. Friedman suggested that we ask to use Parkland Funds. Mr.
Holt said that we need to have some idea about how much each individual
park would cost. Mr. Friedman was asked to look at his camp (Spook Hill)
to come up with some ideas and check out costs. Mr. Rottkamp suggested
that we form a committee to do the research in this. Mr. Ennesser will also
look for the information that he has.
6. Mr. Rottkamp said that he filed the forms for the use of facilities for the 2005-
2006 fall, winter and spring programs (Aerobics, Baton Twirling, Basketball,
Gymnastics and Volleyball) with Jennifer Simmons of the Wappinger Central
School District. This usage amounts to about 145 days. He said that he has
also put in requests for the Summer 2006 Basketball Camp next July and for
Halloween in case it rains.
7. He mentioned that the Basketball Camp is just okay each year.
8. Mr. Rottkamp met with Ron Young, the Co-Owner of the Cross Court, about
a contract. He also had two vouchers ready for $8,500.00 for the Learn to
Swim program. They also discusses a three-year contract offer $8,500.00 _
$9,500.00 - $10,500.00. He also mentioned that the program needs some
adult supervision.
9. He said that the attendance at the concerts is way up. He mentioned that every
week he sends in an article to the Poughkeepsie Journal about what's up and
he feels that if it gets in the paper it really makes a difference in the
10. He requested suggestions for upgrading each of the playgrounds i.e. Quiet
Acres an extension on the building and pavilion and a new piece of
11. He mentioned that he has spoken with Bill Green of East Fishkill regarding
the "Mister". He said that they (E.F) created something by taking plastic pipe
and putting holes in it and attaching it to a hose. The pipe went around and
the water shot up. This they did for practically nothing. Mr. Rottkamp said
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
that he wanted to go over and look at it. He said that we have had a lot of
hot weather this year and we are proceeding very slowly with the "mister".
12. Petty Cash receipts. Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that he has $350.00 in petty
cash receipts to buy things for the programs. Mr. Holt said that he really
should be turning them in a timelier manner.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that he has been working with Denise VanBuren
of Central Hudson about clearing the lines at Camwath. He also has discussed the
security lights at the entrance.
The fence at Reese Park has been fixed. He has contacted Superior
Sanitation about a contract to maintain the bathrooms at Reese Park on a weekly basis
for $25.00 a week. Mr. Holt asked if they would be open all winter and Mr. Ennesser
said that he would close it in the winter. We will probably start it in April and
probably go until Nov. He has a guy by the name of Tim Doyle, who was recommended
by Village Mayor Cal Lawrence, to open and close the bathrooms seven days a week.
He also mentioned that the locksmith who put the slide bolt on the bathroom at Reese
did a poor job so he is looking for that bill because he wants to hold up the payment.
We are still having a lot of heavy traffic with the ATV's at Reese Park. They have torn
up all the gravel that the guys put down and the item 4 that was left over from the
installation of the bathroom. He mentioned that he has called Sgt. Waterson to set up a
meeting about setting up a sting operation at both Camwath and Reese Park. Sgt.
Waterson has not gotten back to him.
The benches and tables are on order from the State Bid and should be here
in three weeks. They are under a grant allocated for Camwath.
All of the trophies for Community Day are in hand.
He has been following up on the beautification grant. We have applied
$12,000. worth of bills and got $6,000.00 back as it was a 50/50 grant. We maybe able
to use $2,000.00 more of the money.
Mr. Ennesser mentioned that it seems like the 6' tables are disappearing
again. Mr. Holt mentioned that he will have Mr. Youngman take an inventory on the
tables. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that if anyone borrows one, we should know where it
has been taken.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
Mr. Trudell mentioned that before he went on vacation he made a couple
of trips to Quiet Acres and everything was running smoothly. Mr. Rottkamp
mentioned that Jill and Jackie Smith do a terrific job there. As was mentioned
previously, we will get a new piece of equipment for that site. Mr. Holt also mentioned
that he would like to extend the building or pavilion to close it in for storage. Mr. Holt
said that he has discussed with Mr. Paggi the septic system but because of the ground
water we can't do that. It was indicated that we don't have one at Reese Park and for
the amount of use it gets at Quiet Acres we might be able to do the same as what we did
at Reese. Mr. Ennesser mentioned that it might cost $35-$40,000. to do this.
Mr. Holt mentioned that he will be on vacation until September 8th and
that Mr. Ennesser will sit in for him.
Mr. Tompkins will not be coming back until he gets checked by an
independent physician.
Mr. Sheridan, who has been sitting in for Mr. Tompkins, is due to have a
medical procedure on Thursday but that might have to be postponed so he is also out.
Craig O'Donnell said he would give us a plan to build an apartment at
Carnwath which we need as soon as possible. Mr. Holt said that Mr. O'Donnell is now
on vacation.
Mr. Rottkamp, Mr. Ennesser and Mr. Holt should have keys to the
Administration Building by the end of the week and will be able to move in there soon.
There is furniture in three offices and Mr. Holt asked them to look at the areas and what
furniture is already there and ifthey think they need something else, there is more
furniture in the Carriage House. If it would fit their needs better than what is already
there, have the maintenance men move it. Mrs. Yankowski is working on getting
phones in place for the offices. Mr. Holt mentioned that as you go into the
Administration Building the offices on the right are for the girls. There are three offices
on the left the first smaller office Mr. Holt will take, the middle one Mr. Rottkamp
should look at and the one on the end will be for Mr. Ennesser. There is one other
room on the floor that will stay for storage. Mr. Holt said that the Ad. Building needs a
boiler and that someone from Bottini is coming over on Thursday to look at it. We
have been given the okay to have this done. The bathroom was made for a private
residence so we need to have the tub removed and new fixtures installed. Weare going
to have Mr. Ossenkop over to look at it. The men will take all the window air
conditioners out and test them to see ifthey work. Ifnot we will have to put money in
the plan to get new ones. Mr. Rottkamp asked if there was any area where we could
have a conference room and Mr. Holt said on the 3rd floor.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
Weare already starting to think about the Elks Christmas party in
December, Mr. Holt will be sending out a letter in the next few days begging for some
We have a young man, Brian Witkowski who has to work off 30 hours of
community service. He has been working with the guys weed wacking.
We also have a new guy, Rodney Diaz, who is a new part time-seasonal
We have had trouble with the lights at Robinson Lane for a while. The
timing on them is off and three lights on the road are not working. We have had
someone, by the name of Bruce, out there to look at the problem and to some extent he
has analyzed the problem and at this time is trying to get the parts. Mrs. Manning is
following up on this. He also mentioned the pole at the end of the road that has been
gone for a year. They finally have a cast and they came back to ask us what color we
wanted so Mr. Holt told them green.
He mentioned that he felt that it was time that we put a lock on the gate at
Camwath which will keep cars out but not the A TV's. The gate will be opened at
dawn and locked at dusk. He mentioned that we have R V's all over in the back and we
have to catch them.
Community Day is 95% ready.
Mr. Holt mentioned that he has not received the forms yet for the budget.
He mentioned that he has Mr. Ennesser's input and that he would like to have some
input regarding the handicap accessibility at Spook Hill. Mr. Holt asked everyone to go
over the budget and use the funds wisely.
Mr. Holt mentioned the clearing of the junk trees on the property across
from the Castle Point Recreation Area. Weare still waiting for an estimate and we will
pick up half of the cost.
He mentioned that Recreation was responsible for the Carnwath caterer
and there have been continued talks about running weddings, birthday parties, business
luncheons etc. there. It is estimated that we could feed 1000 people out of this kitchen.
Mr. Holt mentioned that the Supervisor has agreed to spend money to get the kitchen
fixed up. The initial report on the refrigerator indicated that it just needs Freon. The
caterer indicated that he would clean and fix up the kitchen.
Mr. Holt mentioned that permission was received to fill in the swimming
It was also mentioned that the water at Carnwath is not good and that signs
have been posted. Everyone should plan to bring in their own bottled water for now.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 9, 2005
Mr. Friedman indicated that Bruce Lustig would be a possible new Board
member. Mr. Holt will contact him.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Mr. Ennesser seconded by Mr.
Friedman with all in favor.
Peggy Roe for Linda Yankowski