November 9, 2005
PRESENT: RJ.H., N.C., S.R, J.C., J.E., RF., .E.K., .G.T.
APPROVE MINUTES -September and October ,2005 minutes still incomplete
1. From Bruce Lustig: letter/resume expressing interest in serving on the
2. Paggi, Martin & Del Bene: memo re: meeting with Budd Excavating &
Contracting, LLC at Reese Park on 10/12/05 to review ground settlement
around precast restroom via fax and U.S. Mail
3. From Supervisor Ruggiero: Memo re: Hyde Park resident James Wolensky
coming into Town Hall making verbal threats. Police were contacted and
Mr. Wolensky was advised that he is not allowed in Town Hall. Ifhe does
come, employees are instructed to call 911.
4. From Vincent Fabiano: There will be no more supply orders for the rest of
the year. If someone wants to order something they have to show what line
item and account from the budget they want used and must verify that there
is money left in that account.
5. From Bill Farrell: information re: 2006 Little League registrations/fees.
6. From GenTech: service contract for generator at Carnwath
7. From Amanda Netsch re: Roy C. Ketchum Chamber Choir request to sing at
Tree Lighting ceremony.
8. From Dutchess County Executive Bill Steinhaus: News release re: launch of
Dutchess Rail Trail Project.
9. From June Ellen Notaro to Skip Rottkamp: re: July 7th meeting discussing
the Summer Swim Lesson program at Cross Court. Paperwork was found to
be in order. After reviewing the monitoring results with Youth Bureau staff,
the program received a rating of In Compliance, which indicates the agency
is fulfilling its contractual obligations.
1. From Ralph Holt:
a. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero re: personnel matter
b. Thank you note to Thomas McDougall, Manager Stop & Shop for
support at children's end of camp picnic.
c. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero re: overdue bill/purchase order for
Sports Stars
d. Memos to all involved with Community Day thanking them for their
hard work at making the event such a success. (Approx. 50
Employees, Volunteers and Participants)
e. Letter to the Editor of the Poughkeepsie Journal re: upcoming
f. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero re: Bill Verlin's proposal to clean up
trees/garbage/ brush across the street from Castle Point Park
2. From Joe Ennesser:
a. Letter to Mr. Martin Lynch, CTC CEO, thanking them for their
continued support of Greenway trail and advising them of future plans.
b. Letter to Supervisor Joe Ruggiero advising him of the estimates
received for upgrading/repairs to bathroom at Carnwath
Administration Building with recommendation to accept low bid of
$2725 from Beacon Construction.
2. From Skip Rottkamp:
Letters to all Program instructors asking for input into the 2006-2007
Town of Wappinger Recreation Guide.
4. From Recreation office:
a. Police report filed 10/11/05 with Chris Jiava with the Dutchess County
Sherriffs office re: missing tent from Community Day between Sunday,
September 18th and Monday morning, September 19th. On this date,
Officer Jiava also picked up backpack found by maintenance employees
Fred Youngman and Bob Sheridan at barn earlier this summer when barn
was vandalized by spray paint. Backpack contained spray paint, "hail
Hitler" -type stencil, etc.
b. Letter sent to Duke of Dutchess Dry Cleaners re: overdue payment for
sign at Robinson Lane.
c. Memo to all Town Board Members inviting them to the Halloween
Parade on Sunday, October 30,2005.
d. Mass mailing of Tick Spraying Notice to all Town of Wappinger
residents for new October spray dates.
Reports from:
R. F.
S. R.
J. C.
J. E.
Old Business:
1. Seasonal workers end date ? Bob Sheridan due back
approx.11/18/05. Steve Tompkins still out.
2. Ken Kurdt interviewed for Castle Point open/close slot to replace Mike Cole
who resigned. Mr. Kurdt has accepted the position and will start in the 2006
- 2 -
3. Valerie Cote, employee who formerly cared for bathrooms at Robinson Lane,
will start November 14,2005 to open/close gates at Carnwath. She has been
made aware that this is a temporary setup until a "resident caretaker" can be hired
for Carnwath.
4. 2006 Budget reviews are ongoing.
New Business:
1. Application for Summer Playground registration possibly going into
centerfold of2006-2007 Recreation Guide. Recreation Assistant, Eileen
Manning feels that the sample she reviewed from the Fishkill Recreation
Guide was very comprehensive and just needed to be tailored to our own
needs. She is very much in favor of this idea.
Refreshments -
- 3 -
NOVEMBER 9, 2005
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission
was held November 9, 2006 at Schlathaus Park, 126' All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was opened at 7:05 p.rn; by Chairinan Ralph J. Holt. Others
present were Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, Nancy Cito, Senior Citizen Director
and Commission Members James Chappas, Joseph Ennesser, Ronald Friedman, Ellen
Korz, Gary Trudell. . .
There were no minutes to be brought before the Commission for a vote.
1. A letter/resume from Mr. Bruce Lustig expressing interest in serving
on the Commission was received~ His resume is attached to
everyone's package tonight and Mr. Holt asked everyone to read it and
come back to bim with some comments.
2. A memo was received from Paggi, Martin & Del Bene, via fax and
mail, regarding the meeting with Budd Excavating & Contracting,
LLC at Reese Park on October 5, 2005 to review ground settlement
around precast restroom.
3. A memo was received from Supervisor Ruggiero regarding Hyde Park
resident James Wolensky coming into Town Hall and making verbal
threats. Police were contacted and Mr. Wolensky was advised that he
is not.allowed in Town Hall. Ifhe does come in, the employees are
instructed to call 911.
4. A memo was received from Vincent Fabiano stating that there will be
no more supply orders for the rest of the year. If someone wants to
order smnething, they have to show what line item and account from
the budget they want used and must verify that there is money left in
that account.
5. A letter was received from Bill Farrell with information on the 2006
Little League registration/fees.
6. A service contract was received from GenTech for the generator at
7. A letter was received from Amanda Netsch of Roy C. Ketcham stating
that the Chamber Choir would like to sing at the Tree Lighting
Ceremony in December. They will be singing and the Hudson Council
band will play.
8. A news release regarding the Dutchess Rail Trail Project was received
from Dutchess County Executive Bill Steinhaus.
, c
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
9. A memo was received from June Ellen Notaro addressed to Skip
Rottkamp regarding the July 7th meeting to discuss the Summer Swim
Lesson Program at Cross Court. The paperwork was found to be in
order. After reviewing the monitoring results with the Youth Bureau
staff, the program received a rating of In Compliance, which indicates
the agency is fulfilling its contractual obligations.
1. From Ralph Holt:
1. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding a personnel matter.
n. A thank you letter to Thomas McDougall, Manager of Stop &
Shop for their support at children's end of camp picnic. .
111. A memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding overdue bill/p~chase
order for Sports Stars.
IV. Memos to all involved with Community Day thanking.them for.
their. hard work at making the event such a succ.ess.
(Approximately 50 employees,-volunteers and participants.)
v. Letter to the Editor of the Poughkeepsie Journal regarding
upcoming elections.
VI. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding Bill Verlin's proposal to
clean up trees/ garbage/brush across the street from Castle Point
2. From Joe Ennesser:
i. Letter to Mr. Martin Lynch, CTC CEO, thanking them for their
continued support of the Greenway trail and advising them of
future plans.
n. Letter to Supervisor Ruggiero advising him of the estimates
received for upgrading/repairs to the bathroom at Carnwath
Administration Building with recommendation to accept low bid of
$2,725. from Beacon Construction.
3. From Skip Rottkamp:
1. Letters to all Program instructions asking for input into the 2006-
2007 Town of Wappinger Recreation Guide.
4. From Recreation Office:
1. Police report filed 10/11/05 with Chris Javia with the Dutchess
County Sheriff's Office regarding missing tent from Community
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
Day between Sunday, September 18th and Monday moming,
September 19th . We will be ordering a new tent.
11. On this date, Officer Java also picked up a backpack found by
maintenance employees Fred Youngman and Bob Sheridan at the
Maintenance Barn earlier this summer when barn was vandalized
by spray paint. The backpack contained spray paint, "hail Hitler"
type stencil, etc
111. Letter was sent to Duke of Dutchess Dry Cleaning regarding
overdue payment for sign for Robinson Lane.
IV. Memo was sent to all Town Board Members inviting them to the
Halloween Parade on Sunday, October 30, 2005.
v. Mass mailing of Tick Spraying Notice, to all Town of Wappinger
residents who neighbor the Town parks, indicating the new
October spray dates.
Mrs. Cito mentioned the following:
The seniors held their Boo Bash at the Villa Borghese With 70 seniors
attending. They had a great time.
The sign up for the annual Elks Christmas parties was held November 3rd
and Mrs. Cito noted that we are almost filled up on each of the parties. She said that she
did the sign up in the Court Room with Linda's help and everything went fine. She asked
Mr. Holt who the invited guests were and he said that we only invite the Supervisor as a
special guest. He also said that we have to save seats for all the helpers who come to help
with the set up and to help Santa with the gifts.
Mrs. Cito said that in addition to the Elks Parties there will be a senior
center party at the Villa and also a Little Christm;ls at Town Hall.
On November 17th, the seniors are going to Lilliana's Italian Restaurant
for their Thanksgiving luncheon.
Mr. Rottkamp thanked Mr. Friedman for chaperoning the Mohegan Sun
Trip in October.
He also congratulated Mr. Holt on his induction into the Dutchess County
Baseball Hall of Fame.
The following are the latest attendance numbers for the fall programs:
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
Baton Twirling - 21
Aerobics - 34
Volleyball - 30
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that although he was unable to attend the
Halloween'event, he heard that everything went well.
He as~ed all commission members to make sure that he has any changes
to their respective events/programs for the 2006 Guide. i.e. names, ages, times etc.
Mr. Rottkamp handed out a safety report from Doug Haan from his
ihspection on October 28th. He said they met for an hour going over safety issues. Mr.
Rottkamp also handed out a 2006 calendar which indicated when Mr. Haan would be
doing his inspections and when repairs would/should be made. He also gave out the
following agenda for the maintenance men, Mr. Haan, Mr. Rottkamp and whoever might
want to attend.
1. New rules that Mr. Haan learned from his last meeting regarding
bleachers, playground equipment etc.
2. Heads up about "spraying":- big fines
3. Inspection schedule for playgrounds- a schedule will be posted at the
maintenance barn, and will be given to Mr. Haan, Commission
Members and the Counselors/Directors in July.
4. Develop a "Check List" of what to look for at the playgrounds
5. Responsibilities of the Maintenance Men/Commission Members
6. Fiber and wear mats (phase out pea stone). Need to order for the
playgrounds "ground cover not adequate for height of equipment".
7. Maintenance Clinic: share information on what to look for, etc.
8. Robinson Lane: will Doug be asked to inspect this Complex;
9. Pruning around equipment;
10. Handicapped Accessible: Spook Hill?
11. Playground Hardware: order and what is it we need;
12. "Use Zones" - Safety Areas - clean up etc
13. Compliments on the signs at the parks;
14. New piece of equipment at Quiet Acres: Cost is $10,000.00 from
15.3-5 Year Plans: Call Landscape Structure (Dan);
16. Replacing equipment: regular swings with tot swings:?
17. Need for open communication, informational meetings etc.
Mr. Rottkamp said that he wants to set up the registration dates for the
2006 summer programs so that they can be put in the Guide. He also said that at the
October meeting it was decided that we would include a registration form in the center of
the Guide. Mrs. Yankowski mentioned that Mrs. Manning liked the Fishkill form saying
it was comprehensive and has everything we need. Mr. Rottkamp also mentioned that he
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
had spoken to Brandy of the Health Department and that we would not need medical
forms for this year. Mr. Rottkamp said if we put the registration form in the Guide and
we have online and mail in registration, how will that affect the personal registrations?
Mr. Rottkamp said that one problem is the late people who register. Mr. Holt said that all
these things will help but it isn't a cure all. It was mentioned that only 25% sign up for
only playgrounds. What are we going to do on programs where it is first come, first
serve? Are we going to limit the mail in/online registrations to oiIly playgrounds?
Mrs. Cito said that we need to set up a special meeting to discuss how this will be
handled. She said that we are doing registration in an archaic way and tha~ we need to
get up to date with technology.
Mr. Rottkamp asked about mail4tg the 2006 Recreation Guide and Mrs.
Cito said that the Supervisor likes the idea but he needS to fmd out what the costs are.
Mr. Holt said that it wouldn't happen this year..
We are still looking at handicapped accessibility at Spook Hill Park and
Mr. Ennesser said that he has samples coming on matting. Mr. Holt said that we asked
for money in the budget for this item. . .
Mr. Rottkamp said that November 29th from 7 am. to 10 a.m. is career day
at Ketcham and hopefully he will be there to hand out applications for the Summer Camp
Directors, Counselors and Lifeguards.
There was a discussion on the 13-15 year old camp and some of the
suggestions were:
1. Theater Group (2 or 3 weeks)
2. Babysitting Course
3. Computer Course
4. Photography Classes
5. Painting Classes
What we need are some ideas and thoughts on how we would handle this.
It was suggested that we contact the Wappinger Jr. High, Mrs. Evaul at Masque & Mime,
or the Dutchess County Performing Arts to get information on the theater group. Maybe
even Councilman Valdati and his wife might be able to help since they are both into local
theater. Mr. Holt mentioned that Mrs. Delisa might be interested in helping with the
painting classes. Mr. Holt said that there isn't anything in the budget for this so the
Supervisor would like some information and estimates before we can go forward.
Mr. Rottkamp mentioned that Laerdal donated some good sturdy tables to
recreation and Rod and Russ will take at least 2 to each of the playgrounds. Some will be
put in the cafeteria at Camwath.
Mr. Rottkamp will be sending a letter to Chris Iversen informing him that
we will not need his services for 2006. If anyone has a name of someone who might like
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
to take over the Reese Park Environmental program please let Mr. Rottkamp know. It
was mentioned that Mr. Iversen was not bringing the Reese program forward. Mr.
Ennesser mentioned that we still need to get a Certificate of Insurance from Randolph
School so that they can use Reese Park for their programs.
Mr. Chappas mentio,ned that he is researching information on skating
rinks- sizes etc to be put at Schla~us. It was mentiened that we have a couple of sites
i.e. 'Reese Park now with its pavilion and rest rooms and we shouldn't write off
Rockingham. ~. Ennesser has already put together a plan for this area
Mr. Holt asked Mr.Chappas to be Santa for the Elks parties and Mrs. Cito
said that she already had asked Frank Alfano to do it and he said he would let her know.
It was then said that Mr. Chappas will do the Children's Party on December 4th. '
Mr. Holt also said that he needed a band for the Inauguration Ceremony
on January 1st and asked Mr. Chappas ifhe would work on this. A nice Marine Band
would be nice!!!!
Mr. Ennesser said that tomorrow we are putting in 230' of fence at Reese
Park and he noted that this' has been challenged by Mrs. McKinney this morning.
Budd Contracting has fixed the settling around the pre cast unit at Reese
Park and Mr. Ennesser said that he has informed Paggi's Office.
He said that he has no information on the status of the docks - when they
would be taken out.
The power lines at Carnwath have been trimmed at a cost of $ 1,200.00.
The carpet has been installed in the administration building and we are
now waiting for an okay to go ahead with the bathrooms. The heating system is working
okay there but we still need to have phone lines put in.
The water pump at Carnwath needs a generator and he has asked for an
auto timing device on it.
" ., '. .
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 9, 2005
Mrs. Korz mentioned that Halloween went well but next year she would
like to change the entertainment. She said that she would like to have more "witches"
judges and that we should break down the children by age groups. She also suggested
that the prizes be done up ahead of time.
Mrs. Korz also asked if the Recreation meetings could be changed to the
first Wednesday of each month instead of Tuesdays. It was approved.
It was mentioned that Bob Sheridan is due back to work approximately
November 1'8,2005; Mr. Tompkins is still out.
Ken Kurdt was interviewed for the position to open and close Castle Point
to repl~e Mike Cole who has resigned. Mr. Kurdt has accepted the position and will
start in the 2006 season.
Valerie Cote, employee who fonnerly cared for th~ bathrooms at
Robinson Lane will start November 14,2005 to open/close the gates at Carnwath. She
has been made aware that this. is a temporary position until a "resident caretaker" can be
hired for Camwath.
Mr. Friedman made a motion seconded by Mrs. Korz to appoint Mr. Bruce
Lustig as a member of the Recreation Commission. All were in favor.
It was also mentioned that we should advertise for someone to fill the
second vacancy on the Commission.
A discussion took place regarding Verizon placing a cell tower at the
Robinson Lane complex. It was proposed to shoot an antenna off of one of the light
poles. Someone mentioned that we could receive up to $5,500. a month for this. The
minimum suggested by Mr. Holt was $3,000.00.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. on a motion by Mrs. Korz
seconded by Mr. Ennesser with all in favor.
7:00 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on December 8, 2005 at Schlathaus Park at
Peggy Roe for Linda Yankowski