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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held on Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road,
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 8: 1 0 PM by Acting Chairman Jim
Chappas with the following persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, and
Commission members, Ellen Korz and Gary Trudell.
Minutes for January's Meeting were handed out and will be approved
and/or corrected at the March meeting.
1. Letter from Crop Production Services asking for a Tax Exempt Certificate to be
used against any future purchases. (Sent to them 1/18/06)
2. We received a field usage request from Jack O'Toole of the Hudson Valley
Express Softball re~uesting the use of Robinson Lane fields for May 20 & 21 as
well as July 8th & 9 . This application has been given to Nick Bisaccia and will
be acted on AFTER the Little League and WCSD schedules have been made up.
3. Recreation received an e-mail from Johnny Miller regarding the "Great Hudson
River Paddle 2006". They will be arriving in Wappinger on July 18th. A copy
has been given to Joe Ennesser.
4. Field usage request has been received from the WCSD for Wappingers J.H.S. and
Van Wyck M.S. This application has been given to Nick Bisaccia and will be
considered after the Little League Schedule has been made up. Their .Certificate
of Insurance has been received and is on file.
5. A letter was received from Perkins d/b/a Mt. Ellis, our paper product supplier,
indicating that because of increased fuel prices a modest surcharge will be added
to each order placed. This amounts to a 1 cent _charge for each 10 cents gas goes
over the base price of$1.50.
6. A letter was received from June Ellen Notaro of the Youth Bureau. It included a
Municipal Monitoring Report. Camp site visits take place during July & August.
The form simply indicates what they will be looking for so that we may be
prepared. (Copy to Mr. Rottkamp)
7. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero asking that any computer problems be referred
to Gina and not to North East Computer directly.
8. Mr. Donald Stein visited the Recreation Office and asked if a Porta John can be
ordered under our contract for his June Amateur Radio Club meeting at Carnwath.
Mr. Holt had suggested to him that the price would be lower and the club could
reimburse us.
Recreation Commission Meeting
Feb. 8,2006
9. The Recreation office received a call from Patrick Bova of the RCK Student
Council asking if Schlathaus Park could be used for a school Carnival on
Saturday, May 13th from 1 :00 to 6:00 PM They would only have booths, NO
RIDES. Commission members stated that we use the school's property a lot and
it would only be fair to allow them to use ours as long as they supply security,
clean-up and a Certificate of Insurance.
10. An application for employment has been received from Susan D. Rossbach.
Position requested: Maintenance.
A memo was received from Supervis Ruggiero stating that the own will no
ger be able to reimburse employees d retirees for the differen in co-pay on
12. A lette as received from Jim McGovern 0 op Warner to the Town oard
requesting e use of Town Hall for their sign- s on Saturdays 4/29, 5/
6/1 0 from 9 to 3 PM.
13 FYI - On file in e Recreation office we have the tek job descriptions for e
following positions. Recreation Asst., Maintenance chanic, Senior Citizen
Director and Recreatio Director.
14. Received notice from C . Masterson that large meeting r
10/25. Need someone to clo
1. hank You letters went out to the ollowing for their part in the augural
remonyon 1/1/06: Meadowbroo Farms/Danny Diesing, A.C. oore, Sunny
G ens, Rosemary's Flower Shop Super Stop & Shop.
2. Th you letter from Nancy Cito to D vid Petrovits for a donation 0 raft
supph s made in memory of his mother.
3. Letter t Platt's Locksmith allowing Bob
made up.
4. A letter fr
wheelchairs 0 the Senior Center.
5. A letter from ancy Cito to Msgr. O'Connor in gards to an evaluation of
Msgr. Martin s onsored by the dioceses. Msgr. in's review is due and
Nancy sent a lett r stating how well received the M r. is when he visits and
entertains at the S ior Center.
6. Memo to Superviso uggiero & TB from Pop Warner equesting use of Town
Hall for sign-ups.
7. A letter to RCK stating at Steven Soltish, a Senior at R etcham HS
completed 10 hours of C unity Service with our Mainte ance Dept.
8. Memo to Supervisor RUggl ro & TB requesting use of Town all for our
Summer Programs sign-ups Fri. May 5th, Sat. May 6th, Fri. e 2nd, Sat.
June 3rd & Fri. June 23rd. .
11. A memo was received from Supervisor Ruggiero stating that the Town will no
longer be able to reimburse employees and retirees for the difference in co-pay.
12. A letter was received from Jim McGovern of Pop Warner to the Town Board
requesting the use of Town Hall for their sign-ups on 4/29,5/20, and 6/10.
13 FYI - On file in the Recreation office we have the Amtek job descriptions for the
following positions: Recreation Asst., Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Citizen
Director and Recreation Director.
14. Received notice from Chris Masterson that large meeting room will be used on
10/25. Need someone to close.
1. Thank You letters went out to the following for their part in the Inaugural
Ceremony on 1/1/06: Meadowbrook Fanns/Danny Diesing, A.C. Moore, Sunny
Gardens, Rosemary's Flower Shop and Super Stop & Shop.
2. Thank you letter from Nancy Cito to David Petrovits for a donation of craft
supplies made in memory of his mother.
3. Letter to Platt's Locksmith allowing Bob Sheridan to have a Town Hall Key
made up.
4. A letter from Nancy Cito to Joan Stack thanking her for the donation of2
5. A letter from Nancy Cito to Msgr. O'Connor in regards to an evaluation of
Msgr. Martin sponsored by the dioceses.
6. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB from Pop Warner requesting use of Town
Hall for sign-ups.
7. A letter to RCK stating that Steven Soltish completed 10 hours of Community
Service with our Maintenance Dept.
8. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB requesting use of Town Hall for our
Summer Programs. ~~.
9. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB stating that Jim Chappas will take over as
acting chairman of Recreation in Ralph's absence.
OLD BUSINESS: Discuss Charles Straley application to commission.
NEW BUSINESS: Changes in Bus Trips
Sign-ups for Summer Playground Programs.
Easter - Skip to notify RCK about baked goods
Nancy to contact A.C. Moore
Eileen to order candy.
Refreshments: Nancy Cito
FEBRUARY 8, 2006
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Comm. was
held on Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road,
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 PM by Acting Chairman Jim
Chappas with the following persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, and
Commission members, Ellen Korz and Gary Trudell.
Minutes for January's Meeting were handed out and will be approved
and/or corrected at the March meeting.
1. Letter from Crop Production Services asking for a Tax Exempt Certificate to be
used against any future purchases. (Sent to them 1/18/06)
2. We received a field usage request from Jack O'Toole of the Hudson Valley
Express Softball re~uesting the use of Robinson Lane fields for May 20 & 21 as
well as July 8th & 9 . This application has been given to Nick Bisaccia and will
be acted on AFTER the Little League and WCSD schedules have been made up.
3. Recreation received an e-mail from Johnny Miller regarding the "Great Hudson
River Paddle 2006". They will be arriving in Wappinger on July 18th. A copy
has been given to Joe Ennesser.
4. Field usage request has been received from the WCSD for Wappingers J.H.S. and
Van Wyck M.S. This application has been given to Nick Bisaccia and will be
considered after the Little League Schedule has been made up. Their Certificate
of Insurance has been received and is on file.
5. A letter was received from Perkins d/b/a Mt. Ellis, our paper product supplier,
indicating that because of increased fuel prices a modest surcharge will be added
to each order placed. This amounts to a 1 cent charge for each 10 cents gas goes
over the base price of$1.50.
6. A letter was received from June Ellen Notaro of the Youth Bureau. It included a
Municipal Monitoring Report. Camp site visits take place during July & August.
The form simply indicates what they will be looking for so that we may be
prepared. (Copy to Mr. Rottkamp)
7. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero asking that any computer problems be referred
to Gina and not to North East Computer directly.
8. Mr. Donald Stein visited the Recreation Office and asked if a Porta John can be
ordered under our contract for his June Amateur Radio Club meeting at Carnwath.
Mr. Holt had suggested to him that the price would be lower and the club could
reimburse us.
Recreation Commission Meeting
Feb. 8,2006
9. The Recreation office received a call from Patrick Bova of the RCK Student
Council asking if Schlathaus Park could be used for a school Carnival on
Saturday, May 13th from 1 :00 to 6:00 PM They would only have booths, NO
RIDES. Commission members stated that we use the school's property a lot and
it would only be fair to allow them to use ours as long as they supply security,
clean-up and a Certificate of Insurance.
10. An application for employment has been received from Susan D. Rossbach.
Position requested: Maintenance.
11. A memo was received from Supervisor Ruggiero stating that the Town will no
longer be able to reimburse employees and retirees for the difference in co-pay on
MVP coverage.
12. A letter was received from Jim McGovern of Pop Warner to the Town Board
requesting the use of Town Hall for their sign-ups on Saturdays 4/29,5/20, and
6/10 from 9 AM to 3 PM.
13 FYI - On file in the Recreation office we have the Amtek job descriptions for the
following positions: Recreation Asst., Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Citizen
Director and Recreation Director.
14. Received notice from Chris Masterson that large meeting room will be used on
10/25. Need someone to close.
1. Thank You letters went out to the following for their part in the Inaugural
Ceremony on 1/1/06: Meadowbrook Farms/Danny Diesing, A.C. Moore, Sunny
Gardens, Rosemary's Flower Shop and Super Stop & Shop.
2. Thank you letter from Nancy Cito to David Petrovits for a donation of craft
supplies made in memory of his mother.
3. Letter to Platt's Locksmith allowing Bob Sheridan to have a Town Hall Key
made up.
4. A letter from Nancy Cito to Joan Stack thanking her for the donation of2
wheelchairs to the Senior Center.
5. A letter from Nancy Cito to Msgr. O'Connor in regards to an evaluation of
Msgr. Martin sponsored by the dioceses. Msgr. Martin's review is due and
Nancy sent a letter stating how well received the Msgr. is when he visits and
entertains at the Senior Center.
6. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB from Pop Warner requesting use of Town
Hall for sign-ups.
7. A letter to RCK stating that Steven Soltish, a Senior at RC Ketcham HS
completed 10 hours of Community Service with our Maintenance Dept.
8. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB requesting use of Town Hall for our
Summer Programs sign-ups on Fri. May 5th, Sat. May 6th, Fri. June 2nd, Sat.
June 3rd & Fri. June 23rd.
Recreation Commission meeting
Feb. 8,2006
9. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero & TB stating that Jim Chappas will take over as
acting chairman of Recreation while Ralph is on vacation.
Mrs. Cito could not attend. Please see attached written report.
Mr. Rottkamp states that the planning meeting for Camp Registration, held on
January 20th was very successful. Five registration dates have been planned for this
year: Friday nights May 5, June 2 from 7 - 9pm and June 23 from 7 - 8pm.
Saturday dates will be May 6 and June 3 from 9:30 - llam. At that meeting the
procedure for registration was discussed at length and agreed upon by all.
Commission members were asked to volunteer for these registration dates.
Mr. Rottkamp also spoke of the meeting held on January 24th with Doug Haan, the
Town Safety Officer. This meeting was also attended by Mr. Holt and the men of
the Recreation Maintenance Dept. Per Mr. Haan, Mr. Rottkamp is going to have
checklists made up for each Commission member so that when they check their
assigned camps they will know how to look for any problems that may exist. Camp
directors will also be given the same checklists to use every day during camp
Mr. Haan will inspect our four (4) playgrounds four (4) times a year and the
maintenance men will then follow up with any repairs necessary for safety.
Schedules for these inspections have been given to Bob Sheridan, our Maintenance
supervisor. Mr. Haan has been given permission by Ralph Holt to also inspect
Robinson Lane and Fleetwood. Mr. Haan also stated that new safety requirements
have been issued for all bleachers in NYS. Mr. Rottkamp did not go into specifics
except to say that the openings between steps are too large and changes must be
made to make them safer.
Mr. Rottkamp continued by saying that he asked Supervisor Ruggiero ifhe should
continue to make plans for a 13 to 15-year-old camp to be held at Carnwath. The
answer was YES. The one week programs would include the following:
Rebecca Nagel Theater Arts
Kathi DeLisa Fine Arts & Painting
Donald Stein Amateur Radio Club
Charlie Barola Cuisine & Cooking
These programs will be self-sustaining with no cost to the Town. (These programs
are still in the planning stages.)
Recreation Commission Meeting
Feb. 8,2006
Mr. Rottkamp put together a "Waiver Statement" for Town residents who could not
afford our Recreation Programs. (Please see attached)
Mr. Rottkamp was thanked by a Muslim man from the church across from
Schlathaus Park for the sign for area residents commemorating "al Adah".
Update on the 2006-2007 Recreation Guide. February 9th Dick Wambach will
bring in our first proof cOEY for us to read over and correct. The guides should be
in no later than March 15 .
Mr. Rottkamp proceeded to discuss budget changes that are going to affect the
Recreation Department.
. Golf program cancelled or self-sustaining
· Town and Senior Bus Trips - Cost of bus previously paid for by the
Town will now be passed along to the public as part of their trip cost.
(Average cost raise per trip is $15 to $20) (See attached lists)
· Freeze all Directors/Counselors/Lifeguards salaries for 2006.
· Playground Registration fee going up from $60 to $100 per child.
. Freeze all instructors and assistants salaries.
Mr. Rottkamp has expressed some concern about the above situations and
expresses a desire to look into it in more depth when Ralph returns from vacation.
A discussion ensued about how we could make the Golf Program self-sustaining.
Mr. Rottkamp said that he would do his best to work something out with Peter
Shea, our Golf Pro.
Mr. Rottkamp has also expressed a concern about all of the above change, and how
this will effect our Recreation Guide and it's getting out in time with the proper
information. Mr. Rottkamp was hoping to put the history of Drexel-Schlathaus
Park in the Rec. Guide but was unable to find a knowledgeable source.
Mr. Rottkamp would like to include Stonykill in our summer program. He is trying
to plan a day for the campers there or have speakers come to the various camps.
Mrs. Manning, the Recreation Secretary, handed out the new bus trip schedules
which started a discussion on how the new prices were determined. A meeting was
held on Friday, February 3rd attended by Nancy Cito, Senior Director, Marge Short,
owner of Aristocrat Tours, Peggy Roe and Eileen Manning. Mrs. Manning
Recreation Commission Meeting
Feb. 8,2006
explained the criteria that was used to determine the new bus trip prices. Based on
thirty-nine (39) tickets sold + one (1) escort the price of the bus was divided by 39
and that price was added to the price of the trip destination. The escort's portion
was also divided by 39 and that too was added to come up with the final cost of the
trip. If this minimum number was not met (or close to it) the trip would be
cancelled and the money would be refunded.
Mrs. Korz stated that, due to all the changes taking place, she would like to invite
Supervisor Ruggiero to a Recreation Commission meeting in the near future to
discuss these and other changes that may not as yet been discussed. The
commission agreed that a meeting set at a mutually convenient time would also be
Mr. Chappas has nothing new to report at this time.
Mr. Trudell has nothing new to report at this time.
Mrs. Korz made reference to a previous discussion about inviting Sandra Goldberg
to one of our Recreation meetings. She hoped to have her talk to us about an article
in a Recreation magazine which told of a partnership in Westchester County for
funding programs. Upon looking into it, Mrs. Korz found that it was more of a
property development partnership than the set-up of new recreation programs. Mr.
Chappas points out that something like the acquisition of the property adjoining
Robinson Lane Park may fall into this category. It was agreed that the information
would be held for a future time.
Mrs. Korz also had some thoughts on the application of Charles Straley and his
wish to become a Commission member. Her thought was that a younger person
with children in our youth programs would give the commission a more varied
viewpoint. Mrs. Manning was asked to see if there were any commission
applications handed in previously. Mrs. Korz, additionally suggested, putting out
some information at our playground sign-ups encouraging applications from
parents. It was agreed that a table would be put out with an appropriate poster and
NEW BUSINESS included discussion and planning for our Annual Easter Egg
Hunt to be held on April 8th at lOAM at Carnwath.
· Mr. Rottkamp would call RCK Gourmet Club about cookies.
· Mrs. Cito will contact AC Moore to ask them to set up a "Make 'n' Take"
table and have a face painter there.
· Mrs. Manning will order the Jelly Beans and additionally supply baskets
and prizes for raffle.
A final idea was brought up by Mrs. Korz. She is taking dance classes and thought
that might be a good idea for our 13 to IS-year-old program for summer. Mr.
Rottkamp said he would be happy to investigate this possibility.
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Ellen Korz and seconded by Gary
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary