VVednesday, August 09, 2006
October 2005 - Accepted
June 2006 - Accepted
1. A letter from Bill Farrell to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting an increase of
$2,000, from $8,000 to $10,000, for the Little League contract for the year 2007.
2. An application from Joseph P. LaRosa requesting a position in our Maintenance
3. Request from Town Clerk Chris Masterson to use Schlathaus Park on August 13th
as a rain date for the Rabies Clinic.
4. Letter from Linda Lamond requesting refund of Playground fee for her son Dane.
5. Returned, as undeliverable, letter to the Duke of Dutchess Dry Cleaner requesting
balance due for sign at Robinson Lane.
6. Letter from Cathy V onBurg, applicant for Recreation Commission, thanking us
for our time but informing us that she has reconsidered and will not be available
at this time. (Letter included in each of your packets.)
7. Letter from Al Roberts in regard to ASCAP contract. There is a question as to
whether we are obliged to pay an ASCAP fee for use of music (Concerts, parties,
8. Letter from Paggi, Martin, DelBene regarding contract #2004-03(103)
recommending payment amount toward said contract of $982.80.
1. Letters from Skip Rottkamp to the following:
Thanking Kate Paino and Mr. & Mrs. Jay Curtis for judging the Playground Idol
contest on August 1 st.
Thanking Kate Pol umbo for participating in the Summer Basketball Program.
Thanking A.C. Moore for sending a representative to Arts & Crafts Family Fun
NYS Parks and Recreation requesting flyers about fish and fishing for our camps.
2. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero regarding cap amount on checks accepted for camp
program. Usual cap amount is!$25Q bu~sdme of our checks are more because of
the $100 fee. ,/ :.", "
. /
3. Letter to Stop & Shop asking for help with the food and beverages to be served at
the Playground End of Summer Picnic.
4. Letters from Nancy Cito to the following:
Thanking Stacy Campos for her visit to the Senior Center discussing the Dutchess
Center for Rehab.
Thanking LoriAnn Paul for the Relaxation seminar for the Seniors.
5. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero and the Town Board requesting the appointment of
Meera Dave to the Recreation Commission. Mrs. Dave's resume was included in
last month's packet.
E.K. (See new business)
1. Halloween entertainment.
NEXT MEETING: September 13th, 2006
A!!.2ust Recreation Meeting:. OiL,
· Picnic: Thank You for all your help = BIG SUCCESS!
· PlaVl!rounds: coming to an end
· Budl!et Freeze: Can we spend money?
· Child Protective Service: Tony and a need for a procedure
· "Thunder Ridl!e Concert" rescheduled for August 31st
~ 2007: Mom/Dad Fishing Camp
Adult "Learn to Swim"
Kayak Camp for Adults
13 -15 year old Carnwath Summer Camp 2007: HELP
· Bus Trips: Top of the RocklNYC Tour = Cancelled
· Bus Trip: The Big E - looking for a chaperone
· Fishinl! Camp: 90 new fishing students / 4 great instructors
· American Idol Contest: Big Success
· Carnwath Farms / Chris Iverson / Museum/ Playgrounds + ~ do C~.~ .
· WCSD Austerity Budl!et: I have information _ .
· Reminder: New TV for Schlathaus Park
p. · Iniury: Ca8tle Pftillt - "nothing is easy department"
Q A. -911 called
· -mother "bothered" that we called her at beauty parlor
-emergency number same as home number
-hospital had to call her at beauty parlor for permission
-daughter - "Special Needs Student" could not tell us where
she lived
-Registration Form: the importance of the second number/
emergency number and children with special needs
· Arlinl!ton Hil!h School Interim AP for 2006 or 2006 Recreation Director:
· Denver Bound: August 14 -21st
Recreation Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2006
The regular meeting of the Town ofVVappinger Recreation Commission
was held on VVednesday, August 9, 2006 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road,
Town ofVVappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ralph J. Holt
with the following persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, Nancy Cito,
Senior Center Director, Bob Sheridan, Maintenance Supervisor and Commission
Members Joe Ennesser, Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig.
Minutes were approved for October 2005 and June 2006 with no
corrections necessary.
1. A letter from Bill Farrell to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting an increase of
$2,000, from $8,000 to $10,000, for the Little League contract for the year 2007.
2. An application from Joseph P. LaRosa requesting a position in our Maintenance
Dept. Mr. Sheridan will interview him on Monday morning.
3. Request from Town Clerk Chris Masterson to use Schlathaus Park on August 13th
as a rain date for the Rabies Clinic.
4. Letter from Linda Lamond requesting refund of Playground fee for her son Dane.
Child never attended camp and the commission approved return of funds.
5. Returned, as undeliverable, letter to the Duke of Dutchess Dry Cleaner requesting
balance due for sign at Robinson Lane. Because payment has not been made Mr.
Holt asked Mr. Sheridan to remove the sign from Robinson Lane.
6. Letter from Cathy V onBurg, applicant for Recreation Commission, thanking us
for our time but informing us that she has reconsidered and will not be available
at this time.
7. Letter from Al Roberts in regard to ASCAP contract. There is a question as to
whether we are obliged to pay an ASCAP fee for use of music (Concerts, parties,
etc.) Mrs. Manning explained that it is usually the responsibility of the
performing group to register with ASCAP and not the hiring organization. The
lawyers are checking and their decision will be honored.
8. Letter from Paggi, Martin, DelBene regarding contract #2004-03(103)
recommending payment amount toward said contract of $982.80. This is
payment for the completion of the bathroom at Reese Park.
1. Letters from Skip Rottkamp to the following:
Recreation Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2006
Mr. Rottkamp started off by showing us pictures of the various Summer
Programs. The end of Summer Picnic was a huge success thanks to all the volunteers and
the additional presence of Cupcake the Clown, Mad Science and Renee, the Renegades'
Mr. Rottkamp asked about additional spending for the year in regards to
his Fall Programs. Mr. Holt explained that if we go through the proper procedure we
should be able to use more of the budgeted money and that there is no "freeze on
spending at this time".
The summer went fairly smooth but with one disturbing event this last
Friday. One of the directors at Spook Hill noticed one of the campers had two bruises on
his face. She alerted Mr. Rottkamp and he in turn notified Mr. Holt and Supervisor
Ruggiero. After interviews on Monday with both the child and his parents Mr. Rottkamp
felt comfortable that the bruises were not due to child abuse. Mr. Rottkamp will get in
touch with the WCSD to get, in writing, their procedure in a situation like this. He will
then work on a procedure of our own to present to our Directors and Counselors for next
The "Thunder Ridge" Concert was cancelled due to rain but will be
rescheduled for August 31 st. Bus trip to the "Top of the Rock" had to be cancelled due to
lack of interest and we are still looking for an escort for "The Big E!" in Massachusetts.
With the new austerity budget for the WCSD it will be necessary to pay
for the use of facilities at various schools. Fortunately, we are in the Youth Program
category which reduces our payment to them significantly. This expense will have to be
factored into next years budget.
Today there was an incident at Quiet Acres. A camper hit his head as he
came off the slide. His legal guardian (aunt) could not be reached as her home number
and emergency contact number were the same. The boy's sister remembered that their
aunt was going to the beauty parlor at South Hills Mall. In the absence of the aunt and
because of a bleeding head injury, 911 was called. Director Jill Smith accompanied the
boy to the hospital and the hospital had to call the beauty parlor to get permission to treat
the child. In the future we must make it imperative that a sufficient amount of emergency
numbers be included on all registration forms. Also, the creation of an emergency release
form will be considered for the future and shown to our Town lawyers for approval.
Mr. Chappas was not able to attend this meeting.
Recreation Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2006
the camp was not in session they assumed the directors were just late. It became evident,
from this discussion that this was not the first time that this has happened. Recreation has
discussed in the past the option of having one or two camps open longer, maybe 8:30 to
4:30 to make it more convenient for working parents. Options will be discussed when
planning for Playgrounds 2007.
Mr. Lustig had nothing specific to discuss at this time.
Per Supervisor Ruggiero's memo Mr. Sheridan checked out the existing
alarms and has determined that the Barn and Schlathaus alarms need to be checked.
Mr. Sheridan asked about the status of the Volleyball court at Fleetwood
and Mr. Holt said that it would be a project we would take care of when we had the time.
Maintenance has done the following for Soccer: Chairs and tables
delivered to Airport Park for Soccer Clinic, ordered 4 yards of topsoil for Airport park,
ordered marking paint for Airport Park and Rockingham, ordered ten yards of screened
top soil for Rockingham and bought grass seed for both Soccer areas.
At Robinson Lane: 70 feet offence and netting have been moved to make
way for the new dugout on the third base side. Another leak was repaired on the same
line as previously reported. A bat box was installed by the electrical shed to attract the
bats out of the truck body parked there. It seemed to have worked.
Latch at Quiet Acres was broken again and had to be replaced. The "Curb
Your Dog" signs were put up at Quiet Acres and Spook Hill. Spook Hill had an
extensive plumbing problem. All water facilities were backing up. The line had to be
cleared, by Camo, as far as 90 feet before the problem was discovered _ a sneaker!
The Sheriff s office was called about an abandoned car at Martz Field at
the request of an area resident. Plates and registration were both expired. The Sheriff's
office asked "Why the call?" Mr. Sheridan said that the car might be stolen. It took them
several days to respond.
Miscellaneous Tasks done by Recreation:
1. 25 tons of pea stone ordered and spread under playground equipment at parks.
2. Changed oil in Dodge pick-up truck.
3. Charged the Air-conditioner in the '79 Chevy 4 x 4
4. Changed water pump in front end loader.
5. Mr. Sheridan is having Bottini work up a contract for maintenance of the burner
at Carnwath.
Recreation Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2006
Community Day is Sunday, September lOth, this year and asks any
commission members who have not as yet volunteered to do so if they are available.
Mr. Holt will speak again to Supervisor Ruggiero about the purchase of a
bucket truck at a cost of $9500 for Recreation. It would used for tree trimming, light
bulb changing at Town Hall and Robinson Lane and gutter cleaning to name a few uses.
It will be invaluable to us.
Mr. Ennesser questioned the status of the cell tower at Robinson Lane.
Mr. Holt had no further information but suggested that Mr. Ennesser call Bill Farrell who
should have the name of the gentleman in charge of these towers. Initially, a price to the
Town of$2500 was deemed too low since other towns were receiving as much as $5000.
Supervisor Ruggiero rejected that offer at that time. No other mention has been made of
Halloween entertainment must be decided soon. It was suggested that last
years entertainment, a walk-around clown was not enough to keep the children's interest
while the judges were selecting the winners. Our options include Jilligan, a singer/story-
teller, Just for Fun, a stage magic show and Ned Gelfars withjuggling, uni-cycling and
interactive comedy for the whole family. Mrs. Korz will check availability of the above
mentioned. Mrs Cito also suggested the Children' Museum of Poughkeepsie as a
possibility. She will supply us with a phone number.
Mr. Holt has asked Mr. Ennesser to fill in for him while he is on vacation
August 18th through September 6th.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary