Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25,2006
Wednesday, October 25th 2006
NEXT MEETING - November 1,2006
The Special meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was
held on Wednesday, October 25th 2006 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road,
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Ralph J. Holt with the following
persons present: Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director, Nancy J. Cito, Senior Center
Director, Bob Sheridan, Maintenance Supervisor and Commission Members Joe
Ennesser, Ellen Korz, Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig and Meera Dave. Gina Basile,
Executive Secretary and Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero were our special guests to discuss.
Finances & Spending Procedures.
Mr. Holt opened the meeting stating that the Commission Members were to feel
free to ask any questions that were on their minds.
Mr. Ruggiero wants to take this opportunity to thank the Commission members
for all that they have done in the last five years since he has become Town Supervisor. It
has truly been an eye-opening experience for him. He has had the opportunity tp meet .
many people with varied skills and backgrounds that he would not have met otherwise.
The most rewarding part of my job is when people come up to me and thank me
and recognize the good job that our Town employees are doing.
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Q: (Joe Ennesser) I would like to know why, if we have a budget that is already
approved, do we have to get vouchers signed by the Supervisor?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) The budget outlines authorized spending limits for the
Supervisor. The supervisor's function is to be the chief fiscal officer of the Town and
authorize certain dollar amount, within those line items, to act for the Board. I'm not
empowered 100 % to authorize spending so I take it to the Town Board for ratification.
Most P.O.'s, that exceed certain dollar amounts have to be taken to the Town B9.fr~
Next year our spending procedure will be 100% in place. The prior Comptroller did not
encumber many of our expenditures. It is the Comptroller's job to certify that the funds
are there. Then I use my discretion in approving the spending or taking it to the Town
Board for approval. When you over-run on any specific. line item, it is necessary to pull,
that money from another line. These decisions are made on a daily basis in my office
along with the Comptroller.
Q: (Joe Ennesser) I would like to know if we can expedite the procedure ofvoupji~l2-
Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25, 2006
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Not at this time. You have to understand that I sign about 200
vouchers a week, that includes Highway, Building Dept, Recreation, Water & Sewer. The
Town Budget is about $7 million, when you add Water & Sewer it brings it up to $15
million and when you add in the Capital Projects it brings it up to a $30 million budget.
When you need a voucher signed by me red flag it, sometimes it takes 3 days. Jean and I
go over every voucher. The previous comptroller did not keep up with accurate ._ .'
documentation. The current Comptroller has had to re-evaluate 47 escrow accounts from
1999 to the present in the hopes of not having to obtain the money from our General
Fund. At this time we are on very strict time constraints to be sure that the budget is done
by November 20th. .... .
Grants: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Thank you to Mr. Ennesser for all his efforts in regards
to Grants. Upon closing out the books for 2005 I found it alarming that the previous
Comptroller didn't have a handle on things. He dropped the ball on $30,000 in grant
money and I also discovered that the computers that were ordered for the Town Hall were
charged to the Recreation Fence line item. Going forward, Mrs. Gallucci will be making
detailed accounts of line items being sure that all items purchased will be charged to.th~.
proper budget line. .
Q : (Skip Rottkamp) I recently sent down two vouchers, one for first aid supplies and the
other for shirts for our Fall Programs. One had a higher priority than the other. Can We
have a system where Gina gets these P.O's numbered or lettered like 1,2;3 or A,B,C to
indicate a higher priority?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Things get to my desk and they do sit there. I thought tb.~.tee.-
shirts were out of this year's budget for next year's use. We have had that happen before~
and by law I can't do that. If things are time sensitive you need to let me know or post it.
When it comes time for me to sign documents I do so with my secretary, Gina Basile,
sitting with me and any questions I have pertaining to any. specific voucher I set$ide and
ask for an explanation. I was concerned about the tee~shirt voucher becaUse' I was ..n
concerned that they were for next year. By law I am not allowed to purchase items for
next year out of this year's budget.
Q: (Skip Rottkamp) Very often at this time of year or after Christmas there are very big
sales, for example at A.C. Moore. Ifwe buy supplies that are on sale now can we get
them for next year?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) If you can make a good argument for me' and youhav~:dias on
these items we can try to work with you on that. Basically the rule is shop around. For
example, my office was ordering the invites for our Christmas event and discovered that
our usual printer, Signal Graphics, was about $250.00 more than another printer. The .
committee said "You can't do that to Signal Graphics", and I said "You can'tdothat to
the tax payers". The bottom line is that if you're buying to save money, it's one thing. If
you are buying just to use up this years money for fear that we'll take it away, that's not
the reason to spend. . ..., i 1_ '.; .:-;Jit~. .
Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25,2006
Q: (Nancy Cito) For example, I put in a voucher for $800 worth of paper goods.
(Supervisor Ruggiero) Actually it was $930.
(Nancy Cito) It got denied and Joe explained to me why he couldn't approve that
amount. But I was so used to ordering paper goods in August for the whole year that I
didn't think anything of it. He suggested that I order the paper goods quarterly, as
(Supervisor Ruggiero) I looked at the order and with most of the programs done for
the year I thought that the order was excessive. When the order was scaled down it was
Q: (Skip Rottkamp) Is there ever a point when you actually say ''No more spending"?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) It has been done by my predecessor and I have done it myself.
Connie Smith used to close down the government on Nov.l 5t and Graham Foster couldn't
buy a shovel. People instinctively think that "I still have money in my budget so I can
continue spending". But there comes a time when another department may be over
budget so that I may have to "Rob Peter to pay Paul".
Q: (Bob Sheridan) If we need small items from Home Depot or Brady's and the cost is
very small, can we purchase them without having a voucher signed by you?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) The day-to-day necessities are valid purchases - G:lue~ ,1l~!S?
bolts, etc. It's not cost effective to present a voucher for $2.00. Use Petty Cash.' '.
Q: (Ralph Holt) What happens if Mr. Sheridan needs to purchase from a store other than
Home Depot?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Then a voucher must come to me. For other stores, you can
also use the Town credit card and bring a tax exempt certificate with yo~.
~.~ ''l''~l.
Q: (Ralph Holt) We have, on occasion, had to use our own money on purchases b~cause
we know we will be reimbursed. Often there IS tax on these purchases and the Town
can't reimburse tax.
. .
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Right. Present your tax exempt # and u.se your own cash and it
will be reimbursed.
Q: (Bob Sheridan) Some stores will not accept a tax exempt certificate with YO,U,f,,9wp'
payment - cash or credit card. How do we handle that? '
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) That's illegal. They have to accept the tax exempt certificate.
Q: (Bob Sheridan) Many times I'll call a vendor for prices on a large number ofitems,
say for a tractor repair. They have to look it up, cross reference it and price it. Then
Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25,2006
when I go back to order the parts they have to go through the process again. They get
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Maybe we can work out a dollar threshold for you to work
with, let's say $50.00. You have to be careful because it adds up quickly. When you
have a verbal approval for an essential item I will approve it when it comes through.
Are there items that you can stock up on at the beginning of the year? Highway
does that. Your department is maintenance intensive. Consider this option.
The important thing is justification. We are spending public money.
Q: (Ralph Holt) When we put together a budget and the Town looks at the overall
numbers, if there is a need for adjustment of the funds, do we have a say as to where the
money is taken from?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) For example, earlier this year, upon looking at the budget it
was clear that Mr. Tompkins would not be coming back. It made it necessary to re-align
the salaries. The Comptroller proposed budget modifications to the town budget.m1e
board ratified it. I realized that Recreation had taken a hit so Ralph Holt and the
Comptroller sat down and worked out equitable figures.
Yes, you do have say as to where the money is moved from as long as our overall
objectives can be reached. '
Q: (Skip Rottkamp) Each summer there are items that I need immediately. I layout
about $500 of my own money. Most of these items are taxed. Not all people take our tax
exempt number. '
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) Again, that's illegal they must accept the tax exempt certificate
Q: (Skip Rottkamp) I don't know how much I've paid in taxes that have not been
reimbursed. Also, if we had a Town Board liaison person at some of our meetings I think
that would be helpful.
In the last five years I have expanded the Recreation program, with fishing 8Rd
babysitting and with programs to come, like sailing orkayakingand the' 13 to lS~Year-old
camp. My job becomes bigger as does that of the Recreation Secretary and my Directors
and Counselors. Am I doing the Town a service or disservice?
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) To answer your questions in order. If you find that year after
year you have the same problem we have to look at changing the manner in which these
purchases are made. If there are vendors that you use regularly, please supplytheniwith
the proper documentation. The office is willing to help you set up accounts with,the$e
vendors or you can use the Town credit card.'
The Town Board members are very busy people. But I will do what I can to
arrange that.
, I'd say that youare doing a service tothe Town: I'vesp,?~e~ to Mr'lIQ~ta9<.>\lta;
vision I have of where Recreation needs to go. Because you have' expanded the'program:
I feel that, and please don't take this the wrong way, that going forward we may have to
Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25,2006
make the Recreation Director's position full time. That also applies to the Recreation
Chairman's position. Our neighboring towns all have full time Recreation Directors. If a
disservice is being done, it would be to the staff of Recreation It's one of our biggest
departments in terms of employees, salaries and services provided. I don't foresee this
happening in the very near future, but it may happen down the line. Recreation is the
only department with a part-time department head but not by hours and not by work
done. I have recently reworked the Building Dept. with the blessings of County
Personnel and the Town Board. I'm hoping that all ofus together can come up with an
ideal structure for Recreation. The commission brings a lot of diversity to the group. We
could p.ossibly appoint an Executive Director at the"helm t~ be the ~c:>-be~een,A~,d;f>:"
Q: (Nancy Cito) Over the years we've heard a lot about plans for Recreation, adding
Carnwath, building a swimming pool, etc. What do you see as a future for Recreation? ,
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) That will be coming out with the Town's Comprehensive Plan.
A citizen's committee has reviewed every aspect of Town government, transportation,
recreation, water / sewer, etc. This should be complete in about two months. ' Wl1at.
Recreation needs are specific goals and priorities set in place. Would we like a tOwn:'
pool? Yes! But could I do that before I take care of the Airport Soccer Fields? It
becomes a financial balance. The Town Board will be looking at the Capital Projects,
planned out over the next few years, very soon. It all depends on.priorities and resources.
A Master Plan has been put in place for Carnwath. ' .
Q: (Bruce Lustig) The Town is experiencing a lot of growth. Would you expect the
Board to be pro-active and keep ahead of things or be more "catch-up" as the poptilation
increases? . ,
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) No. This Commission is not in a catch -up position. You are
leaders in the County. I often hear just that from my colleagues in other towns. What we.
need to look ahead to is the potential for growth around us and the impact it will have on
our programs. Extending camp hours, as Skip has suggested, is a step in the right
direction. Many households have two working parents. The extension of hours will 'give
them the flexibility that they need. ' '. .', ,. " . ~~. i .
We have the best Little League and Soccer programs. A meeting took piace!l
earlier this year, with neighboring towns who have children in our programs, to discuss
taking part in some of the financial responsibility for the children that they send to our
programs. If an agreement cannot be reached these children will not be able to attend.,'
Q: (Bruce Lustig) Will there be a moratorium on Building? As we expand, the facilities
will also need to do so.
!~ '.:1;\.
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) The Town has the highest Recreation fee in the County at
$5000 per lot per sub-division. This money goes into Parkland funds and is used only by
Recreation. For example, the Shamrock sub-division was just finished. It has 62 lots,
bringing $310,000 to the Parkland Fund. Another complex just completed was going to.
Special Recreation Meeting w/Supervisor Ruggiero
October 25,2006
be condos. When it was clear that they would have to pay $5000 for each of the units
they decide to make them apartments instead because they didn't want to pay the
$250,000 fee. We adopted a law that stated that ANY living unit (apartment, condo, or
individual home) must pay this fee. If Cranberry goes through that will be another ..
million dollars for the Parkland Fund.
Q: (Skip Rottkamp) Since Steve Tompkins left, Bob Sheridan has done a wonderful job.
But I feel his frustration. When we have our Recreation meetings it constantly amazes
me as to how much he and his men accomplish.
(Supervisor Ruggiero) There is no doubt that Mr. Sheridan is doing a terrific job. . ~!nc.e
Mr. Tompkins has left we became aware of what was NOT being done that we~ritold
WAS being done. When Mr. Sheridan comes to my office with a request I take, very
seriously, what he has to say.
The parks are looking great. I toured part of the Town with Mr. Sheridan to
become more familiar with his needs. The projects that face him are truly daunting.
When Little League, Soccer and Playgrounds are in session it's like the "Perfect Storm"
for Recreation. Mr. Sheridan is doing a great job managing the crew and is getting
maximum output from them.
(Ralph Holt) If there are no further questions I'd like to thank Supervisor Ruggiero for
taking the time to answer some of our questions. Joe, I know these people well and how
responsible they are and the amount of work they put into all that they do. The desire and
the talent is definitely there to improve Recreation. <,';"'. .
Q: (Nancy Cito) Is there anything we could do to help at you, to make it easier, in teI'fIls ,
of communication, that can be put into affect. . I' j
A: (Supervisor Ruggiero) No. I understand the challenges and appreciate the daunting
tasks of me as well as for you. We may not always be on the same page and there is a lot
going on right now. Try your best to suggest new ideas and different approaches by' :
listening to the residents and what they have to say. It will guide us toward what we need
to do.