. "
Wednesday, August 1 2007 (+or 7~ H1'1 .
APPROVE MINUTES: No minutes are available at the present time for approval.
1. Request from the National Adult Baseball Assoc. requesting the use of Robinson
Lane Fields on Sundays, July 29th through October 28th. Schedule faxed to Bill
Farrell. Mr. Farrell has marked off those times and fields that WILL NOT be
available to this group. May we proceed with approval. Cert. of Ins. Received.
2. Letter from Bill Farrell to Ralph Holt recommending Jerry Travis be inducted into
the Dutchess County Sports Museum hall of fame.
3. Letter to Nancy Cito from Yvette Rodriguez thanking her and the Senior Center
for the donation of books for the veterans at Castle Point.
4. Summary of the June 11 th Town Board Meeting with the following adopted:
a. Approving summer playground employees and salaries (2007-108)
b. Authorizing salary increase for Bob Sheridan (2007-209)
c. Authorizing Recreation to go to bid for a 20' trailer and a "SKAG" mower
to Robinson Lane. (2007-112)
5. Refund to Michelle McGann for camp fee paid. Family resides in the village and
child cannot attend our summer camp.
6. Work application for Maintenance received from Joseph M. Jubinsky. Copies to
Ralph Holt and Bob Sheridan.
7. Letter to Skip Rottkamp from Ed Pelatti of the East Fishkill Golf Center outlining
the terms for the visit there by the children in our Camp Program.
8. Memo to Skip Rottkamp (cc: Ralph Holt) outlining inspection findings at our
playground sites along with Fleetwood and Robinson Lane.
9. Resolution #2007-120 appointing Uma Satyendra as a member of the Recreation
Commission with a term to expire on5/1/2012.
10. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero informing our maintenance department that
flowers will be planted at the beautification signs and must be watered regularly.
Follow-up memo stating change of date the plantings will be put in.
11. Letter from Sharon Blatz, dated July 6th, requesting a refund for summer camp.
He attended camp only twice and would not go back. (Martz - $100)
12. Letter to Joe Manfredi from Supervisor Ruggiero (cc: Ralph Holt and Bob
Sheridan) indicating that the fencing around the construction work at Carnwath is
now the responsibility of Recreation in regards to rental fees and maintaining the
13. Request from Gina Capparelli for a refund of the playground fee for her child's
attendance at Spook Hill. Child has just turned 6 and only attended the camp one
time. Parent feels she is not ready for camp.
14. Extra Innings has been approved to use and has paid $500 for the use of our fields
at Robinson Lane. He will not be using all of the fields that he requested and
would like a refund. Mrs. Manning explains that a refund would not be sent until
such times as his session is done and we have an accurate accounting of his filed
15. A letter to Skip Rottkamp from Artie Maddox of the Village of Wappinger
Recreation Committee asking that any old but still usable sports equipment that
would otherwise be discarded might be sent to him for the Village's use.
16. Report from Doug Haan on status of playgrounds just prior to camp opening.
17. Letter to Ralph Holt from Joe Ennesser introducing the new group replacing CTC.
This group is B.I. and they will be responsible for repairs and work that needs to
be done at Reese Park. CC: Bob Sheridan.
18. Letter to Ralph Holt from County Executive Bill Steinhaus announcing a "Rail
Trail" meeting to be held at Town Hall on Monday, July 23rd at 7:00 pm.
19. Memo from Joe Stankavale outlining Grant Application Kits to be sent to the
municipalities on Aug. 13 and the public hearing to discuss the Community Dev.
Block Grant at the August 27th Town Board meeting.
20. Request for refund from Christina Smith for Fishing Camp for her son Zachery.
~1. Re uest for refund from Extra Innings for the use of Robinson Lane. They had
nt us a check for $500 which was deposited. Due to very low registration for
their event, cancellation was necessary.
22. Notice from the zoning Board of Appeals outlining hearing on Aug. 14th with
regard to thee property at 6 Fox Hill Road.
23. Letter from Nancy Cito to John Beale thanking him and the Office of the Aging
for the Wappinger Senior Picnic.
24. Request from Eterte FaSenntao to use Castle Point for a party on 8/25. Insurance
certificate has been supplied.
25. S ary of J e 11th Town Board meeting as follows:
a. er gr d Payroll - Adopted
b. corre for Bob Sheridan - Adopted
. Reque t to go to 'd for 20' trailer and SKAG lawn mower - Adopted
26. Summary of June 25th Town Board Meeting as follows:
a. Appointment of Recreation Commission member - Adopted
b. Resolution naming Recreation Drive - Adopted
c. Resolution prohibiting parking, stopping and standing from Robinson
Lane easterly on Recreation Dr. for 300'. - Adopted
27. Resume from Scott Cheney seeking the Recreation Directors position.
28. Resume from Lawrence Seavers seeking the Recreation Directors position.
29. Reply from the Criminal Justice Dept. ofNYS informing us that all Town
employees that deal with the children at our camps are NOT on the NYS
Registered Offender list.
(Continued over)
1. Letters from Nancy Cito to the following:
a. To Rob Moore and Mr. & Ms. Driscoll of Price Chopper for the donation
of baked goods to the Senior Center for a number of weeks.
b. To Nancy Suozzi thanking her for speaking to the seniors about the "Best
Kept Secrets of the Hudson Valley"
c. To Cindy Whitehead for speaking to the seniors about the updates in the
EPIC program for prescription drugs.
d. To Khalid Pickering of Hannaford's thanking them for their help with the
Senior Centers 19th Anniversary picnic.
e. To Paul & Laura Ctittenden of Aladdin Tents for the donation of a tent for
the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
f. To Dave Hoffman of Outback Steakhouse for their generous contribution
of food for the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
g. To Johnny and Kristen Dell for the entertainment at the Senior
Anniversary Picnic.
h. To John Beale of the Office of the Aging for the donation of a tent to use
at our Senior Anniversary Picnic.
i. To Scott Davis of Coca-Cola thanking him for the soda and water his
company contributed to the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
J. To Seniors that help out continually in the Senior Center with different
tasks. Peter & Janet Zito, Helen Bleakley, Emily Richmond, Elva
Pekarsky, John & Jackie Hartung, Lou DeFelice, Anthony Romeo and
Anna DeMarco.
k. Letter to 23 AB-Senior Volunteers thanking them for volunteering at the
school for the 2006-2007 school year and asking if they would like to sign
up again for the 2007-2008 school year.
2. Letters from Skip Rottkamp to the following:
a. To the East Fishkill Recreation thanking them for the use of Emma dine
Pond for our Fishing Camp.
b. To the D.C. Health Dept. outlining plans to modify the first week of Swim
due to the fact that we will not have a Water Safety Instructor on site. We
do however have sufficient Lifeguard coverage so that the children will be
allowed in the water at the shallow end of the pool.
c. To the families participating in the Family Fishing Camp with information
about the purchase of Fishing Licenses.
d. To Major Carey of the D.C. K-9 unit to bring a demonstration to our four
summer camps.
e. To the WCSD Transportation outlining scheduling problem and a situation
that arose with one of the campers.
3. Letters from Ralph Holt to the following:
a. To the following seeking a replacement for the position of Recreation
Director to take Skip Rottkamp's place: Scott Cheney, Tom Rogers,
Andrea Miller, Tom Fiumarello and Dawn Turpin-Orgetas. Mrs. Miller
has called to say she is not interested. Mr. Rottkamp spoke to Tom Rogers
and Mr. Holt will be speaking to Tom Fiumarello
b. To Jay Paggi thanking him for his sponsoring of the Highway/
Maintenance Picnic.
c. To Supervisor Ruggiero, two memos, that include bids for recreation's 20
foot trailer and the SKAG mower for use at Robinson Lane.
d. To Tom McDougall of Stop & Shop requesting his help with food and
beverages for the Playground End of Summer Picnic.
e. To Supervisor Ruggiero requesting salary adjustments for Jeff
DeChristopher and Alex Piliouris.
f. To Supervisor Ruggiero requesting an official name be given to the entry
road that leads into the Robinson Lane Sports Complex.
~~. A note was sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from Bob Sheridan indicating that there
_ f IS someone from CIA Alarm Systems working on the alarm at the carriage house
at Camwath. There is no working alarm at this time. Proposal included.
5. Letter to Lawrence Seavers from Mrs. Manning with information on how to
contact Skip Rottkamp or Ralph Holt about the Recreation Director's position that
IS now open.
6. Thank you to Sunny Gardens for the donation of two flats of flowers to be used at
the Memorial at Robinson Lane.
7. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting Summer Playground payroll changes
due to personnel changes and vacations.
8. Letter to Dutchess County Personnel Dept. listing all summer personnel and their
dates of employment.
9. Letter to the Criminal Justice Dept. in adherence to the Child Safety Act with a
list of all personnel who may have contact with the children in our Summer
Playground Program.
Gary No
Nancy No
2. HALLOWEEN - Who will send letters? Do we want Ned Gelfars again like last
year? We should act now!
3. Who will be working at Community Day?
NEXT MEETING: September 5th, 2007
,> "'-' ~
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
Wednesday, August 1 2007
The regular meeting of the town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
on August 1,2007 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Others
present were Commission Members Jim Chappas, Bruce Lustig, Meera Dave and Uma
Satyendra. Also in attendance were Skip Rottkamp, Recreation Director and Bob
Sheridan, Maintenance Supervisor.
There were no minutes at this time to be approved. Please note that no meeting
was held in July due to the inability to get a quorum.
Mr. Holt started the proceedings by introducing the newest member of the
Recreation Commission, Uma Satyendra.
1. Request from the National Adult Baseball Assoc. requesting the use of Robinson
Lane Fields on Sundays, July 29th through October 28th. Schedule faxed to Bill
Farrell. Mr. Farrell has marked off those times and fields that WILL NOT be
available to this group. May we proceed with approval. Cert. of Insurance
received. Actual play will begin on August 5th with the understanding that if a
Fall Ball Little League game is rained out on Saturday the NABA will have to
forfeit use of the fields. All Commission members OK'd their request.
2. Letter from Bill Farrell to Ralph Holt recommending Jerry Travis be inducted
into the Dutchess County Sports Museum Hall of Fame. As a result Mr. Travis
has been elected to the D. C. Hall of Fame.
3. Letter to Nancy Cito from Yvette Rodriguez thanking her and the Senior Center
for the donation of books for the veterans at Castle Point.
4. Summary of the June 11th Town Board Meeting with the following adopted:
a. Approving summer playground employees and salaries (2007-108)
b. Authorizing salary increase for Bob Sheridan (2007-209)
c. Authorizing Recreation to go to bid for a 20' trailer and a "SCAG" mower
to Robinson Lane. (2007-112)
As of this date the SCAG Mower has been picked up. The registration for the
trailer has been received and the trailer will be picked up by next week
5. Refund to Michelle McGann for camp fee paid. Family resides in the village and
child cannot attend our summer camp.
6. Work application for Maintenance received from Joseph M. Jubinsky. Copies to
Ralph Holt and Bob Sheridan.
7. Letter to Skip Rottkamp from Ed Pelatti of the East Fishkill Golf Center
outlining the terms for the visit there by the children in our Camp Program.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
8. Memo to Skip Rottkamp (cc: Ralph Holt) outlining inspection, done by Doug
Haan, of our playground sites along with Fleetwood and Robinson Lane.
9. Resolution #2007-120 appointing Vma Satyendra as a member of the Recreation
Commission with a term to expire on 5/1/2012.
10. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero informing our maintenance department that
flowers will be planted at the beautification signs and must be watered regularly.
Follow-up memo stating change of date the plantings will be put in. The
maintenance dept. has been watering these plantings on a regular basis, but some
are not doing well and will have to be replaced.
11. Letter from Sharon Blatz, dated July 6th, requesting a refund for summer camp.
He attended camp only twice and would not go back. (Martz - $100) The
Commission voted unanimously to refund the fee.
12. Letter to Joe Manfredi from Supervisor Ruggiero (cc: Ralph Holt and Bob
Sheridan) indicating that the fencing around the construction work at Carnwath
is now the responsibility of Recreation in regards to rental fees and maintaining
the fence. Mr. Sheridan pointed out that many parts of the fence and gate are
already damaged. Pictures were taken to show the current status of the fence.
13. Request from Gina Capparelli for a refund of the playground fee for her child's
attendance at Spook Hill. Child has just turned 6 and only attended the camp one
time. Parent feels she is not ready for camp. The Commission members voted
unanimously to refund the fee.
14. Extra Innings has been approved to use and has paid $500 for the use of our
fields at Robinson Lane. He will not be using all of the fields that he requested
and would like a refund. Mrs. Manning explains that a refund would not be sent
until such times as his session is done and we have an accurate accounting of his
field use. Mr. Holt asked that the games be monitored by either Jim Chappas or
Bill Farrell so that the proper refund can be made.
15. A letter to Skip Rottkamp from Artie Maddox of the Village of Wappinger
Recreation Committee asking that any old but still usable sports equipment that
would otherwise be discarded might be sent to him for the Village's use. By way
of explanation, the Little League of Fishkill donated this equipment to the
Fishkill Rotary of which Mr. Rottkamp is a member. The plan was for the
Rotary to send this equipment to Venezuela. That never happened, so when Mr.
Rottkamp received this letter the Rotary was pleased to be able to help them out
with this donation.
16. Another report was receivd from Doug Haan on status of playgrounds just prior
to camp opening. Much of what was in previous report has been completed to
Mr. Haan's satisfaction.
17. Letter to Ralph Holt from Joe Ennesser introducing the new group replacing
CTC. This group is B.I. and they will be responsible for repairs and work that
needs to be done at Reese Park. CC: Bob Sheridan. This group consists of
inmates of the Greenhaven Correctional Facility that are permitted, with
supervision, to do work for the community. They clear brush from paths, pick
up garbage, etc.
18. Letter to Ralph Holt from County Executive Bill Steinhaus announcing a "Rail
Trail" meeting to be held at Town Hall on Monday, July 23rd at 7:00 pm.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
Although the trail runs through our Town for only about a mile, it will be a plus
to the region and to surrounding towns.
19. Memo from Joe Stankavaie outlining Grant Application Kits to be sent to the
municipalities on Aug. 13 and the public hearing to discuss the Community
Dev. Block Grant at the August 27t1l Town Board meeting. Mr. Trudell will
attend this meeting in Mr. Holt's absence.
20. Request for refund from Christina Smith for Fishing Camp for her son Zachery.
Family circumstances prevent him from attending. The Commission voted
unanimously to refund the fee.
21. Notice from the zoning Board of Appeals outlining hearing on Aug. 14th with
regard to the property at 6 Fox Hill Road. Mr. Lustig will attend this meeting in
Mr. Holt's absence.
22. Letter from Nancy Cito to John Beale thanking him and the Office of the Aging
for the Wappinger Senior Picnic. Although the 0 of the A sets up the picnic, the
Town pays $3.50 per meal and for the rental of the tables and chairs. The
problem exists that we are charged for the number of reservations made versus
the number of people who actually show up. This year we paid for over 100
dinners for people who did not attend for one reason or another.
23. Request from Eterte FaSenntao to use Castle Point for a party on 8/25. Insurance
certificate has been supplied. The Commission unanimously approved his use of
the property. The question was raised as to why a certificate of insurance was
necessary for a private citizen to use our parks for a family party. Other than the
fact that we know it is required, it is not clear why. Mrs. Manning stated that
Bowdoin Park accepts reservations for the use of their grounds without any
insurance required. It was agreed that we should further pursue the answer to
this question.
24. Summary of June 25th Town Board Meeting as follows:
a. Appointment of Recreation Commission member - Adopted
b. Resolution naming Recreation Drive - Adopted. Mr. Holt explained that
the plus in having that section of Robinson Lane as a Town road would
relinquish the responsibility of the clearing of snow to the Highway Dept.
c. Resolution prohibiting parking, stopping and standing from Robinson
Lane easterly on Recreation Dr. for 300'. - Adopted
25. Resume from Scott Cheney seeking the Recreation Directors position.
26. Resume from Lawrence Seavers seeking the Recreation Directors position.
27. Reply from the Criminal Justice Dept. ofNYS informing us that all Town
employees that deal with the children at our camps are NOT on the NYS
Registered Offender list.
1. Letters from Nancy Cito to the following:
a. To Rob Moore and Mr. & Ms. Driscoll of Price Chopper for the donation
of baked goods to the Senior Center for a number of weeks. Mr. Holt
explained that the Seniors have been getting donations from many sources
as the following letters will show.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
b. To Nancy Suozzi thanking her for speaking to the seniors about the "Best
Kept Secrets of the Hudson Valley"
c. To Cindy Whitehead for speaking to the seniors about the updates in the
EPIC program for prescription drugs.
d. To Khalid Pickerinl of Hannaford's thanking them for their help with the
Senior Center's 19 Anniversary picnic.
e. To Paul & Laura Crittenden of Aladdin Tents for the donation of a tent for
the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
f. To Dave Hoffman of Outback Steakhouse for their generous contribution
of food for the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
g. To Johnny and Kristen Dell for the entertainment at the Senior
Anniversary Picnic.
h. To John Beale of the Office of the Aging for the donation of a tent to use
at our Senior Anniversary Picnic.
1. To Scott Davis of Coca-Cola thanking him for the soda and water his
company contributed to the Senior Anniversary Picnic.
J. To Seniors that help out continually in the Senior Center with different
tasks. Peter & Janet Zito, Helen Bleakley, Emily Richmond, Elva
Pekarsky, John & Jackie Hartung, Lou DeFelice, Anthony Romeo and
Anna DeMarco. Mr. Holt pointed out that it is important to thank all those
who help us out in any way.
k. Letter to 23 AB-Senior Volunteers thanking them for volunteering at the
school for the 2006-2007 school year, and asking if they would like to sign
up again for the 2007-2008 school year.
2. Letters from Skip Rottkamp to the following:
a. To the East Fishkill Recreation thanking them for the use of Emma dine
Pond for our Fishing Camp. The pictures that Mr. Rottkamp took
captured the fun that was had by all.
b. To the D.C. Health Dept. outlining plans to modify the first week of Swim
due to the fact that we will not have a Water Safety Instructor on site. We
do however have sufficient Lifeguard coverage so that the children will be
allowed in the water at the shallow end of the pool.
c. To the families participating in the Family Fishing Camp with information
about the purchase of Fishing Licenses.
d. To Major Carey of the D.C. K-9 unit to bring a demonstration to our four
summer camps.
e. To the WCSD Transportation outlining a scheduling problem and a
situation that arose with one of the campers.
3. Letters from Ralph Holt to the following:
a. To the following seeking a replacement for the position of Recreation
Director to take Skip Rottkamp's place: Scott Cheney, Tom Rogers,
Andrea Miller, Tom Fiumarello and Dawn Turpin-Orgetas. Mrs. Miller
has called to say she is not interested. Mr. Rottkamp spoke to Tom Rogers
and Mr. Holt will be speaking to Tom Fiumarello
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
b. To Jay Paggi thanking him for his sponsoring of the Highway/
Maintenance Picnic. This function went over very well and it is the hope
of all that we can do this again next year.
c. To Supervisor Ruggiero, two memos, that include bids for recreation's 20
foot trailer and the SKAG mower for use at Robinson Lane.
d. To Tom McDougall of Stop & Shop requesting his help with food and
beverages for the Playground End of Summer Picnic. Mr. Holt indicated
that we are expecting 250 to 300 children to attend this event. We serve
hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon and soda, as well as snow cones and
popcorn along with many fun activities. Mr. Holt stated that last year was
the first time we had to pay for any of the food for the picnic from Stop &
e. To Supervisor Ruggiero requesting salary adjustments for Jeff
DeChristopher and Alex Piliouris. Mr. Holt stated that Supervisor
Ruggiero agrees that these two young men's salaries should be brought up
to equal the rest of the maintenance crew. Ifthe Town Board approves
this request they will receive retro-active pay.
f. To Supervisor Ruggiero requesting an official name be given to the entry
road that leads into the Robinson Lane Sports Complex. As stated earlier
the Town Board has approved the naming of this road as Recreation Dr.
4. A note was sent to Supervisor Ruggiero from Bob Sheridan indicating that there
is no working alarm at the Carriage House at Camwath. Someone from CIA
Alarm Systems has come out to assess our needs. A proposal was included.
5. Letter to Lawrence Seavers from Mrs. Manning with information on how to
contact Skip Rottkamp or Ralph Holt about the Recreation Director's position that
is now open.
6. Thank you to Sunny Gardens for the donation of two flats of flowers to be used at
the Memorial at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt thanks Marion Trudell for planting
these flowers.
7. Memo to Supervisor Ruggiero requesting Summer Playground payroll changes
due to personnel changes and vacations. This will be addressed at the August 27th
Town Board meeting.
8. Letter to Dutchess County Personnel Dept. listing all summer personnel and their
dates of employment.
9. Letter to the Criminal Justice Dept. in adherence to the Child Safety Act with a
list of all personnel who may have contact with the children in our Summer
Playground Program.
Mr. Lustig has no report at this time.
Mr. Chappas has no report at this time. Mr. Holt asked how the Community Day
Parade set-up was coming along. Mr. Chappas said that a meeting is going to be held at
the kick-off site this Friday night to plan and discuss any changes that might be necessary
in the parade line-up. We are still waiting for the approval, from Jean, for our trophy
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Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1,2007
order. "Bernie's Trophies" has a full listing of what we need and has supplied us with an
exact estimate of our bill.
Mike Macak has again agreed to judge the fire companies for the parade.
A discussion followed covering some of the fine points that will complete our
plans for Community Day.
Mr. Rottkamp began by handing out his final agenda.
He stated that our final sign-ups, one on June 22nd and the other on July 5th netted
over 75 campers, for a total of 503 -19% of which are taking advantage of the extended
hours of 8 am to 4 pm at Spook Hill and Martz Field. Spook Hill has a registration of
237 campers with an average of 150 children in attendance each day. Although the camp
was VERY well supervised the numbers were staggering. Mr. Rottkamp suggests that
just ONE camp be set aside for only extended hour campers to eliminate the confusion of
which campers must leave at 3 pm and who can stay until 4 PM.
During the first week of camp three of our hired help quit: 1 Lifeguard, 1 Director
and I Counselor. Because we had no Water Safety Instructor for the first week of Swim,
the Dept. of Health wanted to shut down our "Learn to Swim" program. This was not a
viable alternative to me. An agreement was reached with the Health Dept. to block off
the deep end of the pool and as long as lifeguards were on hand the children were
permitted to go in the water.
There were many "incidents" and some "accidents" at the camps. Those that
needed reporting to the Dept. of Health were acted on and rectified. We had no major
injuries this year. The one that could have been the most serious, when one child injected
herself with another's Epi-Pen turned out fme. The camper had no ill effects at all.
The Fishing Program was a complete success. All sessions filled. Swim had 225
registered over the course of the seven weeks. The adult "Learn to Swim" program was
so successful that a second week was offered. The two Babysitting sessions had a total of
9 children. I had hoped for more. The Theatre Camp was outstanding with all three
sessions full and a very well attended end to the second session with a program at RCK
presenting "Seussical the Musical" & "Hairspray". At the end of session three the class
will present "High School Musical" again at RCK.
Bob Martinson's Guitar Class had only three signed up but he agreed to teach
them one-on-one. The students and parents were thrilled.
The Town trip to Broadway to see "Curtains" was a success. All enjoyed the
show. Mrs. Manning thanked Skip for the opportunity to escort it. The trip to Ellis
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
Island / Statue of Liberty filled up the first night of sign-ups. Bruce Lustig will escort
this trip. The Bronx Zoo trip is also full. Mrs. Cito will escort.
We had our best "Family Fun Night" ever with Bob Martinson, the movie
"Angels in the Outfield" and a crowd that hung around and socialized afterwards. Two
concerts from our Summer series had to be postponed because of weather.
Mr. Rottkamp asked about the status of the TV/DVD for Schlathaus. The TV
there now is my personal property and will be taking it when he leaves at the end of
August. Mr. Holt recounted the problem we have had in purchasing these items. When
Supervisor Ruggiero was at our special Commission meeting in October of 2006 he
assured us that all we need do is get the Town credit card from Jean or Gina and proceed.
Mr. Ennesser was asked to get estimates and did, but to no avail. The purchase was still
not approved. The question is "What more can we do"?
The End of Summer Picnic for the campers is next Tuesday. The camp directors
set up a wiffle ball field at Spook Hill and it was the hit of the summer.
T. 1. Hanlon of the D. C. Sheriffs Office will be presenting an "Internet Safety
Program" to our four playgrounds and to any parents who can attend. A similar program
will be given by T. J. Hanlon on September 24th at the Camwath Chapel from 6 PM to
7 PM for parents only. A flyer will be distributed to advertise the event. Mr. Holt has
asked Meera Dave To assist him in the set-up of this event.
Looking ahead to the Fall and Winter seasons, Mr. Rottkamp sent facility usage
forms to all the schools that we will be using for Aerobics, Volleyball, Baton Twirling,
Gymnastics and Boys and Girls Basketball.
Mr. Sheridan explained that everything listed here is above and beyond the
regular duties of his department.
. On June 5th the toilet was replaced at the Police Barracks.
. At Town Hall, cemented poles in the ground for the Senior Walk/Run on July 7th.
. On June 8th Ralph Holt and myself made a tour of the Town with Tim Furgeson
from FEMA to assess the damage done by the April storm.
. The wood on the benches at the Tennis Courts on Pye Lane was replaced.
. The flag light at Robinson Lane was replaced.
. The SCAG mower was picked up and brought out to Robinson Lane. Mr. Farrell
was very happy.
. The crew went to Castle Point to mow and fix up the second field for a team that
was to play there. They never showed up.
. At Robinson Lane: Mrs. Trudell planted the flowers at the memorial and the
County Picnic sponsored by the Office of the Aging went smoothly.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
. Two other picnics went well: The Senior Picnic/ Farewell Party for Regina went
very well. And the party with Recreation and Highway went well. A big thank
you to Jay Paggi for sponsoring it.
. Sand has been ordered for the Volley Ball courts.
. There was a break-in at the Carriage House in Carnwath. Supervisor Ruggiero
asked Mr. Sheridan to make sure all doors were secure. The door to the Sports
Museum was repaired. A technician was brought in from CIA to fix the loose
hanging wires that were left undone. A contract was sent requiring the
Supervisor's signature. We will then be hooked up to a satellite monitoring
. A water fountain was installed at the Castle Point park.
. With the mowing season in full swing, we have experienced several breakdowns.
The cables on both trailers broke and had to be replaced. The flywheel had to be
replaced on the Town Hall mower. The CM 272 needed a new drum, hub and
throttle cable. The John Deere mower needed a new transmission. The vehicles
have experienced 10 or 12 flats. With the exception of the transmission
replacement all repairs were done by us at the barn.
. Repairs were made, by us, to the sinks and toilets at Castle Point, Martz and
Spook Hill.
. Mowing at the playgrounds is being done at 6 AM so that they are completed by
the time the camps open.
. Chris Masterson got our new trailer registered and we will be picking it up
. Another power outage occurred at Carnwath today and was taken care of.
. Tom Franzese returned to work on July 16th. He was out since April 9th due to a
fractured thumb.
. On July 11th Anthony Musarra had a very serious accident at Splashdown and will
be out for an undetermined amount of time.. In Anthony's absence Fred
Youngman has been taking the town truck home and using it to open and close
the Carnwath gate and check the property on the weekends.
. We used the brush hog at Angelbrook for the first time in 2 years. It was
necessary to go over it several times.
. Carnwath's upper fields have been brush hogged and are being maintained on a
weekly basis. Caution is necessary because of the wildlife on the property.
. A complete cleaning system, like the one we have at Town Hall, has been
installed at Carnwath. (Cleaners, mops, pails, broom, etc.)
. We have been watering the plants under the beautification signs every other day
but some of them are not doing well. It will be necessary to replace some of the
Mr. Rottkamp stated that he would be awarding his annual BSCCA (the Bob
Sheridan Clean Camp Award) to Spook Hill this year. It has been kept amazingly clean
considering the number of campers that attended every day.
Mr. Sheridan asked when we were going to be able to move Joe DeRosa into the
apartment at Carnwath so that we could have a constant presence there. Mr. Holt stated
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
that Supervisor Ruggiero assured him that the caretaker would be in place before he left
Mrs. Dave had no report at this time.
UMA SA TYENDRA - First Commission meeting.
Mrs. Cito's was not able to attend. Her report is attached. Discussion took place
on two of the items marked (*) and (**).
(*) Every year the Office of the Aging takes the calls to reserve a spot at the County
Picnic for the Town Seniors. This year, out of347 reservations only 212 people attended.
It is the responsibility of the Town to pay for all 347 people regardless of how many
people show up. It is the hope that in the future there might be a way of asking people to
please cancel if they know that they can't make it. Mr. Holt stated that the same thing
often happens with the Elk's Christmas Party, but that we have a little more control over
a waiting list and a request to call if they cannot attend.
(* *) Eileen Manning escorted the Senior trip to Mohegan Sun with Kay V onReyn of the
Senior Center. The bus from Coaches Unlimited was supposed to arrive for an 8 AM
departure. It was 8:20 and the bus had not yet arrived. Thankfully Marge Short of
Aristocrat Tours was on hand. She called the bus company and was informed that they
had to bring a bus in from Pawling and it would not arrive until 9:30. Mrs. Short
proceeded to call other bus companies and was able to get JR T Coaches. They arrived at
10 AM and were on the road by 10:15. The Seniors were fantastic through this whole
mix-up. When it started to warm up we brought the Seniors into the Large meeting room
where they sang and played cards. The trip then went smoothly.
Mr. Holt began by explaining the injury sustained by Anthony Musarra of our
Maintenance Dept. at Splashdown. The exact cause of the accident is still speculation.
Mr. Holt has invited anyone on the Commission who would like to help to come
to the Playground End of Summer Picnic.
Mr. Holt wanted to take this time to thank Skip Rottkamp for all he has done for
our Recreation Program. He said it is hard to imagine that we will be able to find
someone to replace him with the skills to know exactly what the people want.
Mr. Holt has announced that Mrs. Cito will be on Family Medical Leave until
further notice due to her mother's illness. Treatments will be ongoing.
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
The following people will be involved in the parade line-up for Community Day:
Jim Chappas, Eileen Manning, Gary and Marion Trudell, Bruce and Pat Lustig, Sylvia
Holt, Stephanie Kovalsky, John Macak and Mark Lieberman. A meeting will be set-up at
the site to discuss any changes we intend to make from last year. It is hoped that we have
the presence of the Sheriffs office at Schlathaus from 11 :00 AM and all roads closed by
1 :30 PM. Mr. Holt called the American Golf Cart Co. for carts for Community Day.
They wanted $500 for two carts for the weekend. Ifwe don't hear from them we will
check with Meadowbrook and ask if we will be able to use two of theirs.
The fence has been completed at the Castle Point upper field. The dugout was
completed at Robinson Lane and is probably the best dugout we have out there. The
dugout on Senior League 2 at Robinson Lane is leaning due to water eroding the soil and
effecting the foundation. Tim Ferguson from FEMA has asked for specs on it and may
cover it under the storm damage that the town experienced.
The re-construction work has been completed at Camwath with the exception of
the roof. The Supervisor indicated that the roof would be completed by about the end of
July. The roof will not withstand another winter so it should be completed soon. The
carriage house has also been shorn up. Camo was supposed to come in with special
cameras to check the tunnel that was discovered. If it turns out that that tunnel was part
of the "Underground Railroad", the Town will probably have all the money that it needs
to complete the restoration.
Mr. Lustig asked what the status was of the caterer that we intended to use the
property. If our original caterer falls through we have two other individuals that are
interested, one being the owner of the Blue Fountain. Income from weddings can be very
Mr. Holt interviewed Scott Cheney, a prospective replacement for Skip Rottkamp.
He's very young and enthusiastic about the position. He is an English teacher at Van
Wyck J.H.S. and an baseball coach. A letter must go to the Town Board requesting their
approval to bring him on board. He came very highly recommended by former
commission member Ellen Korz.
Now that we have changes in the Recreation Commission it is important for me to
go ahead and re-distribute the responsibilities of each member. I have asked Mrs.
Manning to type these up and send them out to each of you. We will discuss your
assignments when I return from vacation. I am asking Mrs. Dave to help with the
September 24th Internet meeting and have asked her to take Ellen Korz's place as the
planner for the Halloween Parade.
Mr. Holt has asked Mrs. Manning to estimate the budget for salaries of the
maintenance crew. It is important that we know where we stand so that large jobs may be
completed with overtime without going over budget. The supervisor asked that Camwath
be farmed out to a contractor to keep the grass mowed and trimmed. Mr. Sheridan stated
Recreation Commission Minutes
August 1, 2007
that it would cost less to give his men overtime than to bring in a contractor. Mr. Holt
will approach the Supervisor about this.
On September 15th the Sports Museum is having an open house and have invited
the Beacon Bears who played football with Monty Stickles back in the 60's and also
other current football players as well. The festivities start at noon.
Mrs. Manning wants to know if we should bring back Ned Gelfars for our
Halloween entertainment. All agreed that he was very good and would like to see if he is
available again.
The next meeting of the Recreation Commission will be held on Tuesday,
September 11 th due to quorum availability.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary