Wednesday, November 7,2007
PRESENT: R J Holt, N Cito, B Sheridan, S Cheney, J Chappas, G Trudell, B Lustig,
M Dave, U Satyendra.
APPROVE MINUTES: Oct. 2007 - Accepted
COMMENTS FROM GUESTS: Chad Ummel (Resume in packets)
1. Letter from Aziz M. Ahsan of the Mid-Hudson Islamic Organization with
suggestion that an addition be made to the sign that we put out at Schlathaus. He
asks that "Happy Eid" be added to the s~bo1. We need to clarify if he wants this
done for Ramadan which is October 12 thru 15th or if this should be displayed
when our others are displayed.
2. Maintenance application received from Paul Neglia, Sr. Copies to Bob Sheridan
and Ralph aol~. .
3. Summafy of September 24th Town Board Meeting with the following resolutions:
a. 2007-167 - Authorizing referendum to purchase maintenance equipment
for Recreation and Highway. - Adopted.
b. 2007-194 - Authorizing bid for roofing at Carnwath. - Defeated
c. 2007 -196 - Authorizing bid for roof reconstruction at Carnwath- Defeated
4. Summary of October 9th Town Board Meeting with the following resolutions:
, .' .' a. 2007-2.14 -.- Authorizing Refund of fee to Extra Innings. Adopted.
II "" . i.. )"1 II ....'1j.' 200m~.g ~ AutHoriZing salary increase for Stephanie Kovalsky. Adopted
c. 2007-219 ..,. Authorizing the appointment of Scott Cheney as Recreation
Director. Adopted.
5. Summary of October 15th Town Board Meeting with the following resolution:
a. 2007-220 - Authorizing bid for roofing at Carnwath - Tabled
b. 2007-221 - Roof reconstruction and asbestos abatement. - Tabled
c. 2007-222 - Resolution adopting Carnwath Master Plan - Adopted
6. Letter ~o Skip Rottkamp from Supervisor Ruggiero thanking him for a superb job
I' j'
7. Memo from Doug Haan, Town Safety Officer, outlining the conditions in our
playgrounds. Most prevalent is being the need for safety materials needed under
our playground equipment and swings that need replacing.
8. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero asking maintenance to winterize the Carnwath
mansion to protect it from inclement weather. Bottini should be notified to
winterize the boiler.
9. Flyer anp.oun~~ a"R~solving Canada Geese Conflicts" seminar to be held on
No"emb~~i6 - 'Ndm~iPoint: This seminar is FREE.
",'f. 1'/ ~l (''',
10. Letter from NYS DEC advising Supervisor Ruggiero and Ralph Holt that the
planned work for the Airport Drive Recreation Site will be postponed until 2008.
11. Flyer from NYS DEC asking town maintenance personnel to be aware of the
spread of an invasive vine that has been found in the area and how to proceed if
12. Maintenance application received from Michael Motes. Copies to Bob Sheridan
and Ralph Holt.
13. Letter from Chris Schoen to Ralph Holt asking for permission to host and use
Robinson Lane for an AAU baseball Tournament. No dates of use were outlined
in this letter.
1. Letter and application to Fran Rizzi at Myers Comers School requesting the use
of their building for our Halloween Parade in the event of inclement weather.
2. Press r~lease,s,~~tto the Southern Dutchess News outlining upcoming Recreation
events. ! . '1'
3. Letter and form sent to Bill Farrell from Bob Sheridan asking him to complete
form with regard to the SCAG mower being used at Robinson Lane.
4. Letter to Poland Springs water with concerns about our water deliveries. Water
was being delivered when not needed.
5. Memo to the Supervisor and Town Board from Bill Farrell requesting the use of
the Large Me~ting Room for Little League sign-ups in Jan. and Feb. 2008.
6:" Re$Ports'tftb'CfA'(Alartri'company) requesting that we fill out a survey of
satisfaction. I It' 1
REPORTS: Bob Sheridan
Nancy Cito
Jim Chappas
Meera Dave
, Ralph Holt
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Uma Satyendra
Bruce Lustig
Gary Trudell
Scott Cheney
1. Christmas Tree Lighting - Volunteers, Entertainment, Refreshments.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 5th, 2007
Refreshments: Bob Sheridan
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Recreation Minutes
November 7, 2007
NOVEMBER 7, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
November 7, 2007 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess. County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt. Also
present were Scott Cheney, Recreation Director and Bob Sheridan, Maintenance
Supervisor. Commission Members present were Bruce Lustig, Gary Trudell, Uma
Satyertdra and Meera Dave. (Meera Dave and Uma Satyendra left at 8:00 pm)
We had one guest in attendance, Chad Ummel. Mr. Ummel, who now lives in the
Town, was previously the Summer Program Director / Parks Superintendent for the
Town of Rutland, Vermont and is interested in helping Recreation in any way he can..
The minutes of the October 3,2007 meeting were accepted with no corrections.
Due to the fact that the taping machine was not working, these minutes may be
slightly abbreviated.
1. Letter from Aziz M. Ahsan of the Mid-Hudson Islamic Organization with
suggestion that an addition be made to the sign that we put out at Schlathaus. He
asks that "Happy Eid" be added. We need to clarify if he wants this done for EID
which is October 12th thru 15th or if this should be displayed when our others are
displayed. The commission agreed that he could make changes to his sign but it
would not be, put up in October. Mrs. Manning will notify him with this
","" ihforma'tloii~n' i""
2. Maintenance application received from Paul Neglia, Sr. Copies to Bob Sheridan
and Ralph Holt.
3. Summary of September 24th Town Board Meeting with the following resolutions:
a. 2007 -167 - Authorizing referendum to purchase maintenance equipment
for Recreation and Highway. - Adopted.
b. 2007-194 - Authorizing bid for roofing at Carnwath. - Defeated
c. 2007 -196 - Authorizing bid for roof reconstruction at Carnwath- Defeated
i 'x. , I, . Ii', Mr. 'Hott 'expHuried that whenever a referendum is sought and approved, it
takes about 45 days for the process to begin.
4. Summary of October 9th Town Board Meeting with the following resolutions:
a. 2007-214 - Authorizing Refund of fee to Extra Innings. Adopted.
l.~.t t- ~ ..1 J I' ,1.1 I ~;,
Recreation Minutes
November 7, 2007
Extra Innings cancelled the use of Robinson Lane fields a few days before
their scheduled use. The Comptroller questioned whether we lost money
because of the late cancellation. Review of Recreations records showed that
there was no one else waiting to use the fields, therefore, additional revenue
was not lost. Revisions will be made to the field usage form to outline a
refund policy.
b. 2007-218 - Authorizing salary increase for Stephanie Kovalsky. Adopted
The question was raised as to whether Mrs. Kovalsky was also entitled to
vacation time based on her employment as a part-time regular. This will be
checked with the Town Clerk.
c. 2007 -219 - Authorizing the appointment of Scott Cheney as Recreation
Director~ Adopted.
Mr. Holt took the oPEortunity to welcome Mr. Cheney as our new Director.
5. Summary of October 15 Town Board Meeting with the following resolution:
a. 2007-220 - Authorizing bid for roofing at Carnwath - Tabled
b. 2007-221 - Roof reconstruction and asbestos abatement. - Tabled
Mr. Holt explained that nothing can be done until a referendum is approved
and processed.
c. 2007-222 - Resolution adopting Carnwath Master Plan - Adopted
Mr:'Holfsmted'thathe would like to get a copy of the Carnwath Master Plan
as a reference tool for the Recreation Commission.
6. Letter to Skip Rottkamp from Supervisor Ruggiero thanking him for a superb job
as Recreation Director.
7. Memo from Doug Haan, Town Safety Officer, outlining the conditions in our
playgrounds. Most prevalent is the need for safety materials under our
playground equipment and swings that need replacing.
Mrs. Manning explained that several P.O.'s are in the Comptroller's office for
approval:' 'Sp~cifid:my a P.O. for 200 lb. mats for under playground equipment.
8. Memo from Supervisor Ruggiero asking maintenance to winterize the Carnwath
mansion to protect it from inclement weather. Bottini should be notified to
winterize the boiler. Mr. Sheridan indicated that this has been done.
9. Flyer announcing a "Resolving Canada Geese Conflicts" seminar to be held on
November 16th at Norrie Point. This seminar is FREE.
Mr. Lustig indicated that geese are a real problem at Rockingham not only the
mess that they leave but also a big health factor for the children who play there.
Chad'Uniliiertnai~ated that through his experience the use of pepper spray on the
grass or a loop tape of dogs barking will keep the geese away. No decision was
made to attend this seminar at this time.
10. Letter from NYS DEC advising Supervisor Ruggiero and Ralph Holt that the
planned work for the Airport Drive Recreation Site will be postponed until 2008.
11. Flyer from NYS DEC asking town maintenance personnel to be aware of the
spread of an invasive vine that has been found in the area and how to proceed if
12. Mamtetilince'1applic'ation received from Michael Motes. Copies to Bob Sheridan
and Ralph Holt.
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."'R~cre'ationoMinutes".~'~'" ..,
November 7, 2007
13. Letter from Chris Schoen to Ralph Holt asking for permission to host and use
Robinson Lane for an AAU baseball Tournament. No dates of use were outlined
in this letter.
Mr. Holt explained that Mr. Schoen will sponsor this tournament with all
proceeds going to Wappingers Little League.
1. Letter and application to Fran Rizzi at Myers Comers School requesting the use
of their building for our Halloween Parade in the event of inclement weather.
Mr. Cheney indicated that he would be taking over this process with guidance
from Skip Rottkamp.
2. Press release sent to the Southern Dutchess News outlining upcoming Recreation
H.. , . events.'
3. Letter and form sent to Bill Farrell from Bob Sheridan asking him to complete
form with regard to the SCAG mower being used at Robinson Lane. Since the
mower was being used by Mr. Farrell for infield upkeep, Mr. Sheridan felt that he
could best give a critique on its features and performance.
4. Letter to Poland Springs water with concerns about our water deliveries. Water
was being delivered when not needed. No reply has been received yet.
5. Memo to the Supervisor and Town Board from Bill Farrell requesting the use of
the Large Meeting Room for Little League sign-ups in Jan. and Feb. 2008.
6. Response to CIA (alarm company) requesting that we fill out a survey of
Additionally, Mr. Holt indicated that the alarm systems have been updated at
Schlathaus Park, Robinson Lane and the Maintenance Barn. It is important that
we now activate them. Mrs Manning was asked to call the Protection One to set
up an appointment so that this may be accomplished.
Mrs. Dave said that her first year in charge of Halloween did not go as smoothly
as expected, but ultimately turned out VERY well. As known in the past, just sending
letters to area businesses for Halloween does not always do the trick and it is necessary to
go there in person to get results. This was the first year that we engaged Karl Saliter as
our entertainment and he was so well received that the Commission agreed that we
should book him again for next year. Mrs. Manning will contact him to reserve the date.
~ I i..... j, ~,~. :.:'_ . '.' l ~'.i...' li j l. .:,., ...
An e-mail will be sent to Mrs. Dave by Mrs. Manning with a complete list of
contributors so that thank you letters can be sent.
Mr. Sheridan indicates that all items listed below are over and above the day-to-
day maintenance functions.
;".11 i ,... \. ;J;" l I ,\ ,i\.' ".:\ ij', l
Recreation Minutes
November 7,2007
At Carnwath Farms we continue to brush hog and mow the fields. The boiler has
been winterized'and the generator needs a final part and must be done now. Marshall &
Sterling have been notified with a claim for all the expenses incurred by the lightning
strike to the generator. The total is close to $7500.00, $1,000.00 of which is the
deductible. Bottini has been notified that the hot water heater in the Administration
Building is not working and has been called for a repair. The fire alarm in the carriage
house is installed and running. Water needs to be added to the pool at Carnwath to keep
it from winter damage. Mr. Holt will check with Supervisor Ruggiero to find out ifhe
wants to call the fire company to get the water.
At Robinson Lane the street lights that were down have been replaced and the
field lights are now repaired. Bill Farrell was called and told that eleven (11) of the street
lights are out on occasion. This indicates some faulty wiring as opposed to the bulbs
needing to be replaced. Mrs. Manning was told to call Big Top to have the final porta-
john picked up. Dogs running without leashes have been a problem at Robinson Lane.
Mr. Holt said that he.would call the dog warden to find out what the Town will do to
make it clear to residents what the law is. He also suggested that Supervisor Ruggiero
and the Town Board are in favor of a Dog Park. Mr. Sheridan continued by saying that 6
sets of bleachers have been repaired.
Graffiti has been found at Wildwood, Spook Hill and Martz Field.
Mr. Lustig asked if the old sewer at Rockingham can be leveled to the ground. It
is an old structure that is no longer used. Mr. Holt suggested that he write a letter with
his ideas as'towhat he wants done at Rockingham.
Trees were trimmed at Schlathaus. Mr. Sheridan commented that the computers
are still in the basement and would like to get rid of them. Mrs. Manning will get the
information for him.
Adult swings were removed from several playgrounds. Doug Haan, the Safety
Inspector, indicated that the school district received a recall notice on their swings and it
wiUbe'necessaty'to'replacethem. Mrs. Manning will be contacting Miracle Recreation
to find out about the recall and why we were not notified personally.
At Martz Field Jim Baisley was brought in to cut down a tree that hung over the
playground equipment.
At Castle Point 30 feet offence was removed per Bill Verlin's complaint that the
fence was on his property. The fence, however, was not on his property, it was on
highway's right of way , ",,'
Repairs and maintaining of vehicles and mowers is ongoing. Mr. Holt said that
the Maintenance Dept. saves the Town an enormous amount of money each year by
doing these repairs themselves.
\', .:. - ",.. ,. _... __ > .. ,', \. ~ i..... .i...... ....,:... ; ',I.
Recreation Minutes
November 7,2007
Recreation no longer has any supply storage space at Town Hall as the closet in
the big meeting room is taken over by Cablevision equipment. Is there any convenient
space in the Town Hall for the storage of our supplies?
The aerators are out of Applesauce Pond. October 1 st was the last day for Tommy
Franzese, seasonal employee in maintenance. The boat ramps will be taken out
"~4'..-..c:, ;r."'""Mt;'Chappas1i-as 110 report at this time.
The Wappinger United Soccer League will be taking part in an indoor Soccer
Tournament to be held on December 22nd and 23rd at the Field House at Vassar College.
Mr. Lustig wants to reiterate the importance of doing something about the
deplorable 'Conditions 'Of the Rockingham Fields. The goose droppings and the muddy
conditions after the rain render the fields unhealthy and unusable.
Mr. Trudell asked Mr. Holt the status of the additional 28 acres at Robinson Lane
that we are to have the use of. Mr. Holt was sure that that land would be at our disposal
by the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Trudell would like to walk that property with the
intention 'ofcollectin~fwildflower plants to be used at Carnwath in un-mowable areas.
Mr. Cheney has been working with Skip Rottkamp on a weekly basis to get up to
speed on all that is required of him. Volleyball, Aerobics and Baton Twirling are in full
swing. Our two winter programs for boys and girls are set. We have instructors for both
programs lined up. I will continue to meet with Skip Rottkamp, Ralph Holt and Eileen
Manning in the 'future.' " .,.
Mr. Holt began by discussing the Senior Elks' Parties scheduled for December 4th
and 13th. Recreation Commission members were invited to attend.
The Town Christmas Tree Lighting is scheduled for Sunday, December 2nd at
Schlathaus Parkat 5'pm. Arrangements are completed for the tent rental, refreshments,
entertainment, the fire company, and of course, Santa. Ralph asked all of the
Commission members to help out with this event.
Recreation Minutes
November 7, 2007
Mr. Holt took a little time to explain the Carnwath property to Scott Cheney and
Chad Ummel in regards to its present and future use once all repairs are completed. He
also discussed the referendum that is planned for the roof repair. He explained about the
carriage house and how it is not yet a certainty that it may have been a part of the
"Underground Railroad" during the Civil War.
Mr. Holt continued by saying that Supervisor-Elect Christopher Colsey is
intending a moratorium on building in the Town.
Bob Sheridan has asked Mr. Holt if it would be possible to give part-time and
seasonal workers in maintenance a pro-rated clothing allowance to replace damaged
personal clothing. Mr. Holt said that it would have to be brought up to the Town Board
at a future meeting.
No final decision has been reached as yet for the Soccer Field renovations. There
is now an estimated $465,000 in the Parkland Fund with an estimated $500,000 projected
upon the completion of the construction already under way in the Town.
Mr. Holt has expressed concern at not yet seeing the amended budget for 2008.
He knows of some lines that have been adjusted, but in order to go ahead with our plans
for'the coming year we' need to have a clear picture of where we stand. The budget is
now available and we will acquire a copy this week. Since it appears that Anthony
Musarra will be going on permanent disability we need to consider a replacement for
As a result of the flooding in April the FEMA claim that was processed is still
pending. To the best of my knowledge no funds have been received as yet.
,,', ;, As a baseball coach for a WCSD team, Mr. Cheney was explaining that more
often than not he has had to cut his practices short because at 5:00 pm the Little League
teams take over the fields. He was wondering if anything could be done about this for
next season. Mr. Holt said that he would have to discuss that with Bill Farrell.
Finally, Ralph told the Recreation Commission that Nancy Cito would be leaving
as the Director of the Town of Wappinger Senior Center for ajob in the private sector.
He wishes her all the best in her future endeavors.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary