2006-07-11 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS July 11, 2006 Agenda - Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MEETING DATE: July 11, 2006 TIME: 7:30 PM Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Approve minutes for May 23, 2006 Approve minutes for June 13, 2006 Approve minutes for June 27, 2006 Approve site minutes for July 8, 2006 Adjourned Public Hearing: Appeal No. 06-7315 Timothy & Stacey Roe:an- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-15 Zoning District. -Where a rear yard setback of 30 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposine: a rear yard setback of 14 feet, to allow for a 27 foot above ground pool, thus reQuestine: a variance of 16 feet. The property is located at 59 Kretch Circle and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6156-01-380741 in the Town of Wappinger. Public Hearing: ....... Appeal No. 05-7289-7290-7291-7292 228 Mvers Corners. LLC _ Seeking an Interpretation of the Zoning Administrator's letter of determination dated December 6,2005 for the currently proposed uses of the NB portion of the site. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. _ Where a side vard setback of 20 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposing a side vard setback of 13.6 feet to allow for an existinl! metal shed. thus reauestinl! a variance of 6.4 feet. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 & 240-67 A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. -Where a lot size of 3 acres is reauired for motor vehicle use in buildinl! # 1, the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres. thus reauestinl! a combined variance of 3.4 acres. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-70. A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. -Where a lot size of2 acres is reauired for a proposed use in buildinl! # 3. the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres. thus reauestinl! a combined variance of 3.4 acres. The property is located at 228 Mvers Corners Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-02-702520 in the Town of Wappinger. Closed the public hearing on April 25, 2006. Expires on June 26,2006. Applicant granted one day extension to June 27, 2006. Discussions: ..,.... Appeal No. 06-7317 Robert & Loretta Usher- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. -Where a side yard setback of 25 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposine: a side yard setback of 19 feet, to allow for a 25 ft. X IS ft. above ground pool with a side aluminum deck, thus reQuestine: a variance of 6 feet. The property is located at 105 Spook Hill Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-203529 in the Town of Wappinger. 1 '-" '-" '-" 4 T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MINUTES Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals July 11,2006 Summarized Minutes Members Present: Mr. Prager, Mr. Warren, Ms. McEvoy-Riley, Mr. DellaCorte, Member Absent: Mr. Fanuele, Others Present: Mr. Caviglia, Mr. Stolman, Mrs. Lukianoff, Mrs. Roberti, Page 1 Minutes of July 11, 2006 ~~~~lf Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Chairman Special Counsel Town Planner Zoning Administrator Secretary SUMMARY Adiourned Public Hearin2:s: Timothy & Stacey Rogan Public Hearin2:s: 228 Myers Corners Road Discussions: Robert & Loretta Usher Variance Granted. Adjourned the Public Hearing to August 22, 2006. Site visit for July 15, 2006 and Public Hearing on July 25, 2006. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 2 Minutes of July 11, 2006 '--" Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the minutes for May 23, 2006. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the minutes for June 13,2006. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the minutes for June 27, 2006. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote Motion to approve the Site Minutes for July 8, 2006. Second the motion. '-" Appeal No. 06-7315 Timothy & Stacey ROl!:an- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-15 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 30 feet is required, the applicant is proposinl!: a rear yard setback of 14 feet, to allow for a 27 foot above ground pool, thus reQuestinl!: a variance of 16 feet. The property is located at 59 Kretch Circle and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6156-01-380741 in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to open the adjourned public hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Prager Joe Ennesser has said that this will not be a problem. Does anyone else have a comment or question? Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to close the public hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Motion to grant the variance. The property is not unique although this is substantial at 53 %. The recreation department has no problem with this and it is self-created. Second the motion. Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Mr. Warren: Mr. Prager: Mr. DellaCorte: Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Mr. Warren: Roll Call: '-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 3 Minutes of July 11, 2006 ~ Appeal No. 06-7317 Robert & Loretta Usher- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. -Where a side yard setback of25 feet is required, the applicant is proposinl! a side yard setback of 19 feet, to allow for a 25 ft. X IS ft. above ground pool with a side aluminum deck, thus reQuestinl! a variance of 6 feet. The property is located at 105 Spook Hill Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-203529 in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Usher: I have a corner lot and I would like to install a pool. If I put the pool in the rear I will require a rather large variance but by putting the pool in the side I will only need 6 feet to the side yard. Mr. Prager: Is the side you will be putting this on secluded? Mr. Usher: Yes. There is a row of Blue Spruce on the side and a lot offoliage in the rear of the yard. Mr. Prager: We will do a site visit so could you please stake this out for us. Mark out the property line as well. Mr. Usher: I have already done that. Mr. Prager: Fine and we are setting your public hearing for July 25, 2006. Mr. Usher: Thank you. '-" Appeal No. 05-7289-7290-7291-7292 228 Myers Corners. LLC _ Seeking an Interpretation of the Zoning Administrator's letter of determination dated December 6,2005 for the currently proposed uses of the NB portion of the site. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. -Where a side yard setback of20 feet is required, the applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 13.6 feet to allow for an existing metal shed. thus requesting a variance of 6.4 feet. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 & 240-67 A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. -Where a lot size of 3 acres is required for motor vehicle use in building # 1, the applicant is proposing a total lot size of3.6 acres. thus requesting a combined variance of 3.4 acres. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-70. A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. -Where a lot size of2 acres is required for a proposed use in building # 3, the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres, thus requesting a combined variance of 3.4 acres. The property is located at 228 Myers Corners Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-02-702520 in the Town of Wappinger. 3 4 MR. PRAGER: I will turn the meeting over to Mr. Warren, since I 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 recuse myself from the next appeal. MR. CA VIGLIA: I was under the impression we were going to have an executive session before you reopen the hearing. MR. WARREN: I did not know that. '-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 4 ......... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ '-" MR. DELLACORTE: I did not know that. Did anybody know that? So moved. MR. WALSH: For the record, I'd like the reason for the executive session. MR. WARREN: I make a motion. MR. CA VIGLlA: Seconded. MR. DELLACORTE: Seconded. MR. WARREN: All in favor? MR. DELLACORTE: Aye. MR. WARREN: Aye. MR. WALSH: Is there a reason for the executive session? MR. CA VIGLlA: Some legal issues regarding the hearing itself and some jurisdictional issues that have come up. We want to make sure they're clarified before we open the public hearing. MR. WALSH: I would like to leave open that's something anybody can object to. I don't know enough about the rational for that. We're a __ there are a very narrow group of reasons why you can go to executive session. That's what I'm asking. MR. CA VIGLIA: We're required to give the subject matter regarding Stolman. MR. STOLMAN: The record should show it's either an executive session or advice of Counsel. If it's advice of Counsel, there are no limitations. So, let's do it. Let's go. (Recess for executive session.) MR. WARREN: Motion to close the executive meeting. MR. DELLACORTE: Second. So moved. MS. RILEY: Second. MR. WARREN: That was basically on personnel matters and the advice of Counsel on jurisdiction. MR. CA VIGLlA: For the record, the reopening of the public hearing was stipulated to by all parties previously and presumably the board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 will be reopening it. It's been agreed by stipulation it's going to be limited to the issue of noise. With that proviso, we can proceed. MR. STOLMAN: Entertain comments from the public. Any Minutes of July 11, 2006 Page 5 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-' 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .'-" ....... 21 22 23 24 25 2 Minutes of July 11, 2006 comments? MR. WARREN: The mailings are all in order. MS. ROBERTI: Yes, they are. MR. WALSH: You all know what I'm going to say. MR. STOLMAN: Did you have a question for Marco? MR. ADAMS: I misunderstood your comment. I thought you wanted a stipulation. MR. CA VIGLlA: I'm putting on the record we're reopening the original hearing pursuant to stipulation among the parties. Also that we would limit the balance of it to the noise issue. MR. ADAMS: I don't recall any stipulation limiting the subject matter. MR. FRY: I don't either. MR. SIMEONE: I have a transcript here, if it helps. MR. CA VIGLlA: Off the record for a minute. (Whereupon, a discussion was held off the record.) MR. CA VIGLlA: Back on the record. Reading from page twenty-four of the transcript of May 24, 2006 transcript as transcribed by J&L Reporting Service, this is Mr. Simeone. I believe, this is line thirteen: I believe the objectants should have the opportunity to reopen the public record so testimony can be taken from both sides on the noise issue, et cetera, et cetera. MR. ADAMS: Are we on the record or off the record? MR. CA VIGLlA: We can be on the record now. MR. ADAMS: I believe ultimately the board accepted Mr. Roberts' recommendation that the public hearing be held on the environmental review issues. I don't think there was coupled with that recommendation any limitation on the scope of that public review. As a practical matter nine tenths of my remarks will be -- were devoted to one issue. I don't think there was any explicit understanding that the Page 6 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ........ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 .~ ........ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Minutes of July 11, 2006 environmental review process would be limited to that one issue. MR. WALSH: Is there an extra copy of these minutes? I have not seen them as you're reading them off. MR. SIMEONE: I don't have one. MR. WALSH: The meeting was Tuesday May 23rd. Is there a set of the minutes? SEC*: We're getting them for you. MR. STOLMAN: While we're waiting, could I get a copy of this plan? MR. WALSH: Of course. This is one of the several sheets that came from the Planning Board. As you know, there is no separate submission for here. MR. STOLMAN: This one and the one you have, you have updated 4/25. MR. WALSH: I'll make sure I send you a complete set of them, a current Planning Board management. MR. CA VIGLIA: Again, on the record, I can't find anymore detail on that issue. It refers to the EAF, which is a document as a whole, although there were also the other comments placed on the record from the transcript. It would seem that the EAF as a whole would be considered. Those issues that naturally arise there under. MR. ADAMS: EAF, the wetlands report, in addition to the wetlands report. MR. WALSH: We said in there, I hope you'll find it in there, when we were asked to consent to having another public hearing in effect. MR. CA VIGLIA: Reopening it. MR. WALSH: We had to notice a new public hearing. MR. CA VIGLIA: Right, because we originally closed it. MR. WALSH: We decided there would be certain submission dates and we had to get our stuff in by a certain date. Just for the record, the date on the opponent material is after the submission date. The submission date agreed to was the 20th. I put in my letter here, I respectfully suggest that anything Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ....... ........ II 12 13 14 IS 16 Page 7 Minutes of July 11, 2006 submitted after the agreed upon date should be rejected. MR. STOLMAN: They could read it into the record tonight. MR. WALSH: We said all the material to be considered was to be in by that time. MR. CA VIGLIA: Wasn't something from you originally tardy as well? MR. WALSH: No. David asked us to update, to add a section identifying this was a coordinated review in the SEQRA process. MR. CA VIGLlA: I recommend to the board to take that under advisement. MR. WALSH: Note my objection. MR. CA VIGLlA: Whether that's a material breach or not, that's something they can consider. MS. RILEY: We asked for public comment on the environmentals. We need to move this along. MR. WARREN: Go ahead with the public comment. MR. CA VIGLlA: Does anybody have a public comment? MR. SIMEONE: Just quickly on Mr. Walsh's point about the timeliness of the submission. Frank Simeone, on behalf of William Parsons. Just on Mr. Walsh's point, I understood it was a three week submission date, it was submitted on June 21st. In the event that the board should determine that the submission made by Mr. Adams appears on behalf of his client, Mr. Simenetti and my client jointly I have the B-Line associates report of June 21st, 2006 which is a noise consultant on behalf of the abutters here. I will submit that at this time. I will point out in reliance on that report many aspects of the noise submission in the EAF submitted by the applicant, which are insufficient both procedurally and substantively, both with respect to the manner in which the testing was conducted, as well as the conclusions. If I could also, without repeating too much of what's been said before, I'd like to Page 8 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ....... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '-- ,.... 18 19 20 21 22 23 Minutes of July 11, 2006 note that your performance standards, the performance standards of the Town in its zoning code pursuant to the codes provisions shall be complied with. There's nothing discretionary about this hearing. I believe, given the inconclusiveness of the report submitted by the applicant, there's very little doubt those performance standards have not been met. I would ask that the board, if a determination is made at tonight's meeting, to take a hard look. That upon taking that hard look the board find that it's own and the Town zoning codes performance standards, as well as the performance standards set forth in the subdivision regulation, have not been met in the applicant's submission. If the board wishes to consider that further, I think this board can, under it's regulations hire, at the cost of the applicant, it's own noise consultant to weigh the contentions on either side. Just to reiterate, the performance standards 241-01 are to be met and continued conformance shall be a requirement. To reduce to the minimum to reasonable minimum dissemination of smoke, gas, dirt, odor, et cetera and (b) control noise perceptible beyond the town boundaries. As submitted in Mr. Lang's tonight and earlier submitted by Mr. Adams, even considered at its broadest, it cannot be said that a standard has been set that would control noise perceptible beyond the boundaries of the site of the use. There's a statement in the applicant's submission that a two hundred fifteen foot distant residence was beyond -- MS. RILEY: If you're using a lawn mower. MR. SIMEONE: There's an exception in the code for ambient noise, small engines, I believe. MS. RILEY: I was curious. MR. SIMEONE: In regard to whether there's noise beyond the boundaries of the use here, even in reading it in its most favorable Page 9 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ......... 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '-" ~ 25 2 3 4 5 6 Minutes of July 11, 2006 light, the applicant's consultant took no readings from that residence, just made his determination based on an unscientific and personal read from a distance of twenty feet from the building, and that was with one motorcycle being operated inside the building. Your code in regard to performance standards indicates that sound level meters and filters are to be used, shall be employed mandatory, shall be employed, that's 241-03 in terms of the standards for noise. I think we all understand that this is a rather unusual application, both in terms of how it's worked its way to this board and also in its present status before this board. In light of that, I would ask the board to consider the entire record here and consider the public comment that you have received from your very earliest date of the public hearing, probably nine months ago, which has been ununiformally to the next, even before the application was granted your noise standards have been violated in that respect, I ask that you reject the application. MR. ADAMS: I have some written comments I'd like to hand out. MR. WARREN: State your name for the record. MR. ADAMS: Let me say as a procedural matter I think any decision by the board in terms of environmental analysis is premature until there's a final site plan. I don't know this board has the perspective to take that procedural step of making an environmental impact analysis. The analysis has to spring from the site plan as finally approved by the board or something in its final form. I don't know if that's before the board or not. MR. WARREN: State your name. MR. ADAMS: As to these remarks and my prior remarks, I want to supplement briefly the comments of the sound expert that has been submitted to you. That, in fact, is the central issue in this matter, because the record in this proceeding Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-" 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 .......... ......... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Page 10 Minutes of July 11, 2006 has addressed that more than any other issue. Without repeating the comments of the consultants, I would add some further thoughts for the Board to consider. It's essential the board retain it's own consultant in order to make its analysis of this issue. Only through an independent analysis can you have what I'm going to call a valid issue. Their own analysis, that type of analysis is inherently self-serving. You need to have an objective, as opposed to a non objective, analysis. Additionally, during the prior hearing, when the issue of noise came up, there was testimony to the fact that purchasers of these custom motorcycles, quite frankly, have a preference for higher sounding mufflers, and because of that preference, obviously that greater impact needs to be analyzed with the normal impact of a motorcycle. Additionally, it's been my experience, and there's testimony in the record, that motorcyclists are a very social group of people, they often travel in groups. So, that when you measure noise impacts in this situation, you have to be sensitive to the presence of severa riders, as opposed to the noise generated by one motorcycle. I think these issues together have to be studied. As Frank said, you need to take a hard look, the record here is so clear in terms of the existence of this issue. You have a planner, I don't know about his expertise in noise, it took me three weeks to find a noise consultant, I had to go to somebody in Westchester, to a third person, fourth the person. They're a scarce resource. That's why it took us so long to submit something to you. It's an area that needs special attention by this Board. I highly recommend that that analysis be done by an independent consultant. We would have no objection to the retention of a separate consultant for that purpose. One other minor issue I want to Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '-" .... 15 16 17 18 19 20 Page 11 Minutes of July 11, 2006 bring up, aside from the noise. That's in the EAF there's a report by a wetlands consultant, Mr. Jacobson. He identifies two separate wetlands in his report. I didn't have the benefit of looking at that map. The town does have a very stringent wetlands local law. Not only are wetlands protected in this town, but buffers around the wetlands. Quite frankly, the buffer area of one hundred feet be larger than the protected wetland. I've seen no analysis of the local law as it relates to the wetlands on this site, and the impact of any activity on this site relative to the wetlands. That's a substantial deficiency in terms of the submission that has been made to you. I have no other comments. MR. CA VIGLIA: Can I ask you a question? You said you thought the review of the noise prior to the review as a site plan was premature. What is your suggestion? MR. ADAMS: I don't know. I would think that the Planning Board should give some indication to the Zoning Board -- I realize the site plan is fixed, because we're talking about existing buildings as opposed to new construction. There may be other site amenities the Planning Board may be considering fencing and landscaping and so forth. We don't know if that's going to be there until the Planning Board takes action and says, these are the additional site amenities appropriate for the particular use. MR. CA VIGLIA: I'm asking for clarity. You think the issue of noise analysis and so forth should be done after a site map is developed, as well as any testing and considerations? MR. ADAMS: There's going to be a direct relationship between site amenities and noise impacts in terms of fencing and so forth. Until the board has a definitive understanding what the amenities are, I think it's premature. MR. CA VIGLIA: Do you think Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-'" 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ........ '-' 22 23 24 25 2 3 Page 12 Minutes of July 11, 2006 it's a possibility to make a determination regarding the noise impact without the final site plan being in place? MR. ADAMS: It's more speculative when you don't have the site plan. MR. CA VIGLIA: But you propose we go ahead with our own expert. What would that expert be doing? MR. ADAMS: I talked before, I don't want to go back to uncoordinated review. To some extent I thought there was more merit to a coordinated review, where we come together rather than acting independently. I think the board should let the Planning Board, i it's appropriate, make their environmental determination on a coordinated versus uncoordinated. I think you have a real issue here, procedural, given the character of the issues before you, that's the environmental issues how you're going to tie these two together. MR. CA VIGLIA: Why do you think it's pertinent to address the noise issue, as far as the variances are concerned? If the Planning Board is going to be receiving this to look at the site plan and will be making its own determination regarding the noise issue, especially with the plan already in place and all these additional factors, would it be more logical then to have the board make the decision without consideration of noise factor since that would be addressed by the Planning Board? MR. ADAMS: I don't think you can do it on a piecemeal basis. I don't know how you can sit here and say, we're going to examine only certain aspects of the environmental issues. MR. CA VIGLIA: I reviewed your submission here. You make a reference to a case that's attached, at least my copy doesn't have that. Just for the record, the case is the matter of Stanley Avy v. The Town of Amenia. MR. ADAMS: I thought the case was pertinent because Amenia is a lot Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals "-- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 "-- ........ 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page 13 Minutes of July 11, 2006 like Wappinger, it's a small town, you have a motor vehicle facility a little larger, we're not talking about a large project. It's the same issue for the smaller projects as the larger projects. Avery Terrace was remapped back to the board because they felt they had not conducted the adequate hard look review. MR. WARREN: Thank you. MR. WALSH: My name is Don Walsh. (Whereupon Mr. Walsh was sworn in.) MR. WALSH: If I may, this is, you know, a classic case of let's pick up as much mud and throw it against the wall and see what sticks. What we have here is an unusual, extremely unusual issue, that the law that governs the noise itself, a motorcycle shop sales, that wasn't part of the original application. Now it has come up, you're being asked not to grant a variance, not to grant a special use permit, all of the things you have to look at. You're being asked to correct an error. By the way, the zoning Administratrix wrote a letter saying a special use permit is necessary for the sale of motorcycles on this shop. We didn't ask for a variance on that. That's the first application on here. That came up when we brought that to your attention. This is a retail use under the law, and the law that was kind of forgotten about, to use the words of another public official not here tonight, Mr. Stolman was kind enough to review that. They made the determination that this indeed did exist and it's a retail use. When you have something that's strictly administrative in nature, nobody is asking you to make a determination to weigh a lot of factors. If you came up with an environmental review each time you're asked to correct a mistake when something is permitted in the law, that would be absolutely overwhelming. You're being asked to say, yes, the law is this. By the way, the motorcycle shop is going to follow the tenants, which he Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-'" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ......... ~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 Page 14 Minutes of July 11, 2006 introduced the tenant and saying, I will do these things, there isn't really any other room for review, environmentally or otherwise. When the law was added, Mr. Stolman's firm did it, the environmental review on making the sale of jet skis, motorcycles, et cetera, retail use. The Planning Board signed off on it. That was signed by Mr. Parsons. This was something they wanted to do. The Town did, in retrospect, we shouldn't have done that, but he did it. I'm asking for some variances and Counsel is quite correct saying it's an unusual thing with variances, where every building is ready, no one is asking to build anything on here. Speaking on the three variances themselves, the one that allows the shed to remain we put on the record earlier, Mr. Simeone and I had, he doesn't have any objection to that, as long as the shed itself stays. That's a valuable screening thing on their side. MR. SIMEONE: That's correct. MR. WALSH: The other two variances deal with the existing side lots and the buildings are there. I asked Tanya when I came to the Town considers the site plan for the original subdivision get, guess what they didn't do it. We're going through a site plan process, they wanted to have a site plan in place, so they knew where the buildings were on the site. I agreed with that. To be honest with you, there was no other way to determine by the Town records what there was. There was one piece of paper in the entire records that said Parsons subdivision. All water under the bridge. Things that happened a long time ago. The three variances, one of which Mr. Simeone and I agree on, the one with the shed, the other variances no one said anything against them. We put enough in the record for them. We can get the vote without batting the eye. I ask you to respectfully consider, you have a law right now that deals with noise Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ........ ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 Page 15 Minutes of July 11, 2006 issues, but you don't have a business that can create noise. The business can't be on the site operating until the business gets a letter that goes in as part of its license application that will say he's allowed to have this kind of thing there. We haven't been able to get that, Tanya withdrew the earlier letter. The fact, what we have right now is, we have an issue that's cut and dry. This is absolutely permitted on the site until the business is operating. There is no way to say that the business is in violation of any noise ordinance. You have a noise ordinance and a zoning administrator. You have George Cole, a solid building inspector, who can be out there in five minutes if there was a noise complaint. There couldn't be a report. It's all speculative in nature. I put in there the very minor test they asked, the question with the long form what about noise issues. I couldn't ignore it. We have ran a very basic, Counsel is right, a simple test to make sure there wasn't something that would jump off the page. The law exists. The law permit, the kind of business Mr. Schwartz said I will be bound by the noise ordinance and the statute, if not, I realize I will be in full violation of the law, I will deal with the penalties, including a Planning Board decision to pull the CO. The wetlands issues, those matters were addressed at the Planning Board. After the first meeting, when both your Town engineer and Dave's representative were at that meeting, we were required to file the wetland report, all which we did do. It's been discussed a couple of times at the Planning Board meetings. I'm asking you to consider the narrow scope. Now, three variances, one of which is actually fairly close to being stipulated on, the one with the shed on the side, the other two which have not been opposed on the record, Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-" '-' 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ........ Page 16 Minutes of July 11, 2006 one interpretation the law permits not a motor repair shop, but a motorcycle sales shop. If you say that fairly, I'm back to the Planning Board. At the same time we'll be working through a lot of the other issues that have come up. Your decision, as far as the letter is concerned, allows him to start a licensing process, which means he has along road to hoe thereto. We have extended through tonight, I'm respectfully asking the board to vote on those issues tonight. MR. STOLMAN: The two non shed variances, did you describe those a set back variances? MR. W ALSO: No one deals with, bear with me a second, the total acreage on the site that was with respect to the special use permit to be required for building number three, that building number three. MR. STOLMAN: I know what they're for. I thought in your remarks before you said they were setback variances. MR. W ALSO: I was characterizing the first one as a setback. That was incorrect. The other two deal with the acreage. One of which is the minimum lot requirement in building one. When Mr. Roberts wrote the letter that says building one is grand fathered as to its use of automotive sales. He didn't say the area used in there, the point six acres in the front, is the actual sales area. That's all we rented to them. They're not spilling out or going anywhere else. We're asking the board to rule on that. They're limited to that, what is actually in the lease. The grandfather covers the actual use. The second one is the letter that's dealing with building number three, which is that, in the event you give us a special -- that your Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ ....... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 - Page 17 Minutes of July 11,2006 Planning Board gives us a special use perm it for the use of this building as an auto shop, that the area around that building will be what is reserved for that. I will say on the record now, I don't want anybody to think I was hiding anything. I want to make sure you understand that, to the test that I had in that building, in building three, the proposed auto shop user has withdrawn. He was not able to wait this out and he's not in a position to go ahead with this. I read the statute and had our attorneys read the statute, doesn't say a special use permit goes with the building. That gives me the option to put someone else in there. Or if it goes specifically with Mr. Libro. I have to make -- I have to leave that to you to make a determination whether that's an appropriate request. The property is listed with Century 21. The only automotive tenant was Mr. Libro. He's no longer in the picture that's dealing with the building three request. MR. CA VIGLIA: You're not stating the building will be used for retail? MR. WALSH: The only thing listed is what's listed in your ordinance. I went to the realtor and says, this is what the ordinance permits, like a garden center. MR. STOLMAN: Are you withdrawing? MR. WALSH: No, I'm not. I'm asking Counsel in the event a special use permit is generic to the building, leave the application continuing. If it's a special use permit, if there's an intention that I'm not aware of, that it has to be to a particular tenant, I don't have that tenant any longer. We went through it. We had our attorneys go through it carefully. MR. STOLMAN: That should be Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-' '-' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 "-.... Page 18 Minutes of July 11, 2006 researched. MR. WALSH: I need to know the issue, if this board decided not to go to, that particular issue, I withdraw the request that be voted on. I request that all other matters be -- MR. CA VIGLIA: Building three the application as it stands was automotive repair. MR. WALSH: Yes. MR. CA VIGLIA: That's the use you're stating for the record. That's what we're deciding on MR. WALSH: That's what you're deciding on, the special use permit we asked the Planning Board to give us is based on it being an auto repair facility. It's set up with lifts and everything else. It's a special use permit. It requires discretion -- if they find a different tenant, such as a gardener or internet retail use, any of the other things that fall into your ordinance, we'll never be back here again. I certainly do have a tenant, Mr. Schwartz, a local businessman, for the motorcycle sales shop. I don't have a tenant for the back building. He's formally withdrawn. Our lease with him was contingent on getting the Town's permission. He didn't suffer the financial loss on that. He didn't get in when he wanted to. As we all know, procedures take time, much to my undying regret, but they do. MR. WARREN: Anybody else? MR. SIMEONE: I would like to note the statement made by Mr. Walsh, with lack of failure of any opposition to the variances, that's not fair. The comments tonight were to the EAF issues. I have a letter to the board on April 25th that sets forth fully, plus the record in this matter, lengthy objections procedurally and substantively with respect to the area variances being made, and I repeat the same comment Page 19 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ........ Minutes of July 11, 2006 8 on behalf of my client. 9 MR. DELLACORTE: Anything you 10 want to say? 11 MR. STOLMAN: I think you can 12 move onto whatever you want to move ......... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ........ on it. If there's any question, I'll make some comment. MR. SCOW ARTZ: Michael Schwartz. This property that we're talking about has been operating for X amount of years. It was a junk yard, it was an automobile dealership with a full body shop, auto repair shop, and it was one of the largest construction companies in the area. The noise there was whatever. You have a plumbing supply house right on the corner. You have a gas station across the street. We're in a commercial area over there. You have to -- you just can't assume that something is going to happen before it happens. Everybody is talking about noise, noise, noise. There's been no noise. At the time, if someone feels there's noise, they need to contact the proper authority and prove there's noise. So, you know, everybody keeps saying about noise and everything. It don't make no sense. You have to have something to happen before you can say it happened. I just wanted to make that point. Nobody ever complained with all these other businesses running for years, and the people that are com plaining now are the people that were connected with these properties. So, you know, I hope that that can be taken into note. MR. CA VIGLIA: I have a question. Since you're only going to be doing retail sales, what does that entail in terms of operating the motorcycle? MR. SCOW ARTZ: It's hard to say. Right now I don't know what is going to happen. I wouldn't even Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-- Page 20 Minutes of July 11, 2006 9 want to speculate right now. I'd be 10 lying to you if! told you. 11 Understand a normal operation, if you 12 walked into a normal dealership, most 13 dealerships have repair and sales. 14 Now, when you sell an item, most of 15 the time if a customer came into my 16 shop and he said I want to buy that 17 part, you give him the part, he takes 18 off. If he tells me to put the part 19 on the bike, I put the part on the '-- 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .......... bike. That doesn't mean me running the bike. MR. CA VIGLIA: You're going to be doing retail sales of motorcycles, I want to come in and buy a motorcycle. When you get the motorcycles in your inventory, what do you do, as far as things that might emanate or cause noise? Do you run it around the building, you rev it up, what do you do? MR. SCHWARTZ: I don't have any retail sale of motorcycles. When we talk about retail sale of motorcycles, we're talking about the parts. I wish I had the kind of money to have motorcycles in the shop to actually sell. I don't have that kind of money. What we're talking about, we have parts, you know, and some other biker paraphernalia. MR. CA VIGLIA: You won't be selling finished motorcycles. MR. SCHWARTZ: I do hope some day I can. At the present I don't have the resources to bring a Harley Davidson dealership in there. MR. CA VIGLIA: You'll be selling parts and accessories? MR. SCHWARTZ: I don't have the resources. I hope some day my resources are big enough where I could bring a major distributor in there and sell the bikes out of the shop. I mean, that's my ultimate goal, I'm not going to lie to you. Right now I don't have that kind of money. The money is enormous to bring something like that in. Plus the insurances are sky high. Insurances alone are just Page 21 T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals "-- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ....... Minutes of July 11, 2006 astronomical. So, maybe it was misunderstood. Motorcycle sales, if you went into any of the shops in the area or anyplace -- MR. CA VIGLlA: I'm talking about your shop. MR. SCHWARTZ: Down the line, if I could afford it, right now I don't have any bikes in my shop to sell. I have parts. MR. CA VIGLlA: Once you're in business, after all this is done, one of the things I think that isn't clear, because of the some of the things being submitted start talking about motorcyclists congregating there, I was trying to figure out factually what that is predicated on. MR. SCHWARTZ: We never said motorcycles congregating there. Just like you ride a motorcycle, you might pull up to my shop and say, I'd like to buy a part off the wall. People go to the deli to get a sandwich, I run a motorcycle business. They're not going to drive in with a car and by motorcycle parts. MR. CA VIGLIA: Thank you. MR. ADAMS: I want to note the application squarely says motor vehicle sales. I think we have to infer from that that what was said is what was meant. MR. CA VIGLlA: Do you agree with that? MR. SCHWARTZ: In order for me to run a business in New York State, I have to apply for certain licenses. When I apply for the license, in order for me to sell the part, I have to have a New York State repair shop license, a sales license and the New York State comes to the shop, makes sure I'm on commercial property and I'm proper. That's why we presented as that. I'm not going to, even if I went there, like when I did originally come to the Town, I came to the Town to find out the code so I could send it up to the state. If they said to me, we're not going to let you do that, if you want to just run a business out of there, go ahead, I would have been in business already. I cannot do it under New Page 22 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-- 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '-" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 '-" Minutes of July 11, 2006 York State and Federal guidelines, I can't do it. It's like walking into a car dealership, she will have the New York State registration sign up. They have to have it. MR. CA VIGLIA: Although you represented that the business is a motor vehicle sales, you're not going to be doing that, but you're going to be selling retail parts of motorcycles. MR. SCHWARTZ: I'm going to be selling retail parts for motorcycles. At the time when my financial monies show up and I can do this, I do want to try and get motorcycle sales. I have to get -- New York State has to give me the authority to do that. Even if I sold a part, New York State comes in and says, where is your registration number? That part is going onto a motor vehicle item, God forbid if anything happens, I'm liable. New York State wants to make sure I'm a legitimate business and I'm following all protocols. MR. WALSH: I was the one that filled that out. I asked him, he had his license requirements and I said, there is no such thing as a parts license. He said, I understand it. I want to do it some day, here's what I want to do. I thought it correctly and accurately described not only what he is doing now and in the future and dealt with the state license. MR. WARREN: I think we ought to hire a noise consultant. MS. RILEY: I think it's a good thought. I have some reservations about it. If you're thinking about a consultant, it has merit. My reservations are, one, there's nothing there now; two, you don't know what the site plan is. That was very good of John Adams to point that out. I'm not sure how much that will do for us right now. Those are my reservations about it, if this board so chooses. I wish we had something more clear. I think if this board so chooses, I'd be persuaded to hold those reservations in abeyance and agree with you if you'd like to hire Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ]5 16 ~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 ]3 14 ]5 16 17 18 ]9 20 2] 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...... Page 23 Minutes of July 11, 2006 a consultant. MR. DELLACORTE: I agree with the applicant in terms of, there's nothing there to measure, if he's not going to be having motorcycles. MR. STOLMAN: I believe the application is for motor vehicle -- for motorcycle sales. If Mr. Schwartz's finances come in a week from Thursday, he wants to sell bikes, he doesn't want to come back here for more permission. MR. WALSH: He's asking for the type of recognition he needs from the Town of Wappinger in order to get a license from New York State. There is no such thing as a parts license. It's a motorcycle sales license. MR. STOLMAN: If his ship comes in a week from Thursday and he'll want to sell bikes, at that point without coming back here. The application, even though in the near term he might not be selling bikes, the application is for the sale of motorcycles. MR. WALSH: That's completely governed by the noise ordinance of this Town. If he's in there and violates the noise ordinances, shut it down. The purview of this board is to deal with the narrow issue whether the motorcycle sales, which is what he needs in the license application, it's a retail use. MR. STOLMAN: What Mr. Walsh is saying is that the board shouldn't be looking at the noise issue with respect to building two. I would respectfully disagree with that, because the two area variances that are being asked for with respect to minimum lot area for Buildings 1 and 3 are in effect for putting or having those uses on an undersized lot relative to the minimum lot area requirements. I would think that one of the things you would look at would be the cumulative impact of the three buildings on that property, because it's not as though building one exists and building three exists and he's looking for variances for a minimum lot area and two don't exist at all. Two sits in the middle of it Page 24 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '-'" 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '-'" Minutes of July 11, 2006 all. You have to look at the cumulative impacts. I would say that two, in the midst of all that, is important in terms of impacts, in terms of the greater cumulative impacts. MR. WALSH: I respectfully disagree with that, because this is and of itself a very simple issue. The issue is, do we permit this type of sales in this zone? And the answer is, yes, we do. It's already been requested and analyzed. It was done and it was done by Dave's firm with the concept of the Planning Board and Town Board. When they did this, this is absolutely allowed, what would you say to the Court, we thought we had to review a law that's already on the books, what it is very very clear this is permitted in this zone, as long as he's not a repair shop. You know my opinion of the repair shop thing, it's a mistake. It's not here, it's not on the table. Can he be allowed to sell motorcycles and all the parts, et cetera, in this zone? The answer should be without any definition of anything else, because you can't prove a negative is yes. Respectfully submitted, John Simonetti. MR. SIMEONE: I guess I've just -- to me the whole -- I agree with what you're saying. The whole thing has to be looked at as a total picture. For me as a neighbor living next door, I don't want three different businesses running, making different noises as we're trying to live in that environment and coexist with them. Before that there was never three businesses there, it was one business, and that drove certain things. Whether I agreed with that business or didn't agree with that business, that business got there. I'm talking about the construction business that was in there. Prior to that, the noise level from the auto business that Billy Parsons had was relative. The noisiest thing that went on back then, years ago we had the phones with the bells on them outside. Other than that, today I Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-" 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 '-" 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 --- Page 25 Minutes of July 11, 2006 can tell you that I don't say that Mr. Schwartz has a lot of motorcycles coming in and out of there, you can hear motorcycles going in and out of there. I can hear them. There are other houses next to me, even more, it's very limited today, because he can't sell them yet. I have a hard understanding you're going to have a Harley dealership down the road and you're not going to repair the bike, there is no way I'd buy that bike and get someone else to repair it for me. I don't understand how you can sell something and not repair it. MR. DELLACORTE: You mentioned you hear motorcycles. I wasn't aware there was anything there to drive into. MR. SIMEONE: I don't know what they do. I'm not saying he's selling anything. MR. DELLACORTE: There's nothing there. MR. SIMEONE: There's people in the building he's in. There's activities that go on there today. There's motorcycles that go in there today. There's lights on there at night. I see lights over there that drive out through that entranceway. MR. WALSH: This matter has been looked at, because of what I feel are completely unsubstantial complaints to the Town by the building inspector. Certainly there are people that come there, the entire building number one is occupied, there's a law firm. MR. SIMEONE: In the back. MR. WALSH: The back is part of the parking area. MR. SIMEONE: You said to me no one goes back there. One of the nice things this gentleman, Mr. Adamo is the site manager, and is there constantly. Frank Adamo. MR. WALSH: The question that has come up, I know you are there on a regular ongoing basis, I did not bring Mr. Adamo to testify as to the use. Tanya's office raised a question of the lawn being cut. Any truth to that whatsoever. MR. ADAMO: I cut the grass Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-" 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ....... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 '-" Page 26 Minutes of July 11, 2006 myself. I couldn't get a landscaper to do it. I maintain the buildings. Yes, I'm in and out. The people in the front are in and out. The gate in the front is open during the day. 1 don't know of any activity during the night. MR. DELLA CORTE: Do you have a motorcycle? VOICE: No. MR. DELLACORTE: Tanya, what Mr. Walsh was saying that you've addressed the fact that there's nothing back there. TANYA: Yes, at a previous time we did go out to the site to look at the inspection to see whether the business was being run. There was no business being run at the time. MR. DELLACORTE: Mr. Schwartz said there was a construction company operating back there, the largest construction company. MR. SCHWARTZ: Gale's Construction. MR. SIMEONE: That was before, yes. MR. SCHWARTZ: Prior to us going, prior to me. MR. SIMEONE: I realize they were there before. They went out of business and, you know, I came down to talk to Tanya on them being there. I tried to understand how they got there. You told me they were grandfathered in. MR. DELLACORTE: They were not quiet, in your opinion? MR. SIMEONE: No, I don't disagree with Mr. Schwartz. The good thing about it, they work from early in the morning, usually three o'clock in the afternoon it was quiet and nighttime and weekends. MR. SCHWARTZ: Just so I can make a point. At the Planning Board it was put into evidence the used car dealership up front has numerous amount of people that work there. They all have motorcycles. They have access to the whole yard. They're moving cars twenty-four hours a day. They have motorcycles running in and out. I was accused of riding a motorcycle. Unfortunately, I don't Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ......... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 >~ 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .'-'" Page 27 Minutes of July 11, 2006 even own a motorcycle in my own name. They own motorcycles. There's a numerous amount of them that ride. They're in and out of there all day long. I'm not going to say some of my friends come up and see me. I'm not doing business up there. MR. SIMEONE: There's been reference in prior testimony before your board Mr. Schwartz in one of his earlier comments referred to the same time he confronted somebody taking pictures. That was me in October of last year. I did take pictures at that time of custom motorcycles parked outside the premises. I'm really surprised to know that with the record that's been before this board already and the Planning Board this is one of the reasons for a coordinated agency review. I would submit that it can be seriously contended. Nothing has happened up to this point. It was understood at other hearings, I think back in October, people came and testified that stuff is going on, stuff was going on at night. Is that a business? I think we heard Mr. Boric back in April tell us they're there, but they're not paying rent, subject to what occurs at this stage. I don't want to, you know, this is not a swearing contest, I want to point out the fact it's been before this board and the Planning Board there's certainly activity going on there that's already affected neighbors and you heard about it. MR. SIMONETTI: The overall picture, this can't be looked at building one, two or three. Comments were made building one, which is the auto sales, is only in the blacktop parking lot in the front. You're hearing the cars going into the back part of the auto sales business, which says, it goes back to the size of the lot and the total impact of having three different businesses run in that lot. In my mind, one is more than is needed there from the size of the lot and from an environmental impact point of view. There's an automobile business there that's Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ...... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 ......'" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ..-' Page 28 Minutes of July 11, 2006 grandfathered to allow two other businesses similar to that. To hook onto the grandfather business is ridiculous. MR. WALSH: The difficulty is that we have three existing buildings on one lot, each of them has different purposes. Just so no one gets the impression what's been run there what isn't. Mr. Schwartz signed a lease contingent on Town approval the end of last summer. When he came in to get the letter from Tanya, he was told he had to go through the special use permit process. We did not tell him get out, because obviously he had already leased the building. He cleaned the building. That was in consideration of part of his rent deal. He cleaned it top to bottom he continue to help Mr. Adamo cleaning up the mess there that was an IRS ceased area in the back with sixty-two pieces of heavy equipment being auctioned off. The place was used as an auction site until last May 28 or 29. Mr. Schwartz, that billing is there, it's cleaned, we've gotten permits from the Town to do the plumbing repairs there. We hope to rent it to him in the future. Everybody knows we can't until that time comes. That didn't stop the complaint from going to Tanya's department. They have been out there as recently as last week with the grass cutting issue and that's fine. MR. WARREN: Anybody else would like to make a comment? MS. RILEY: I think the comments are valid. I'm more opposed to hiring someone. I would hire a noise consultant. MR. FRY: My name is Mark Fry. As to the noise issue, I had submitted to Counsell went through fourteen hundred pages of information on motorcycle noise testing and there is no question there are clear test procedures available. We can certainly say there are loud motorcycles, soft motorcycles, there's adequate ways to determine when a motorcycle is running. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '-'"' 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ....... .. 10 tt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 ............ Page 29 Minutes of July 11, 2006 There's the American National Standards Institute procedure also used by New York State in your local ordinance Chapter 166. It's quite specific, three microphones tells the sound pressure left and the overall volume within that volume, what the distribution of frequency is from very low noises to very high. There is no question once this business is up and running you will be able, based upon your own sound ordinance 166 or 240, to get out exactly the *type a meters positioned along the particular lines. What I have a real problem with, I have no doubt we can get ten sound experts out there today, there's nothing to test. There's nothing to test. We could put twenty extremely illegally loud motorcycles in the building and violate the ordinance. We can put five Honda 50's inside of that building and we'd find they weren't -- they were well within the ordinance. The important thing in this case is to note you have three ordinances. With the event there is no allocation Mr. Schwartz has made noise, there have been no complaints registered with the Wappingers Police. There's this constant allegation sometime in the future Mr. Schwartz's business will make noise. I will submit we have two Town of Wappinger's ordinances to deal with the noise. We have New York State law to deal with that noise and we have the EP A regulations to deal with that noise. In the event sometime in the future this isn't just motorcycles, leaf blowers and all of those things are covered, chain saws are covered, lawn mowers are covered, so any of those nuisance noises coming from any premise you have the adequate tools and very specific tools in the Town of Wappinger to take care of them. I think if we had something we could quantitatively measure at this point, I would say let's get two sets of sound experts out there and a tie breaker and measure it. We have to presume every time someone buys a motorcycle EP A Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .,.., Page 30 Minutes of July 11, 2006 regulations have gone into effect. That's not to say there aren't people that modify their own motorcycle to make it illegal and break the law, if it costs them a two hundred fifty dollar fine. In your deliberations I think the issue -- the presumption there's going to be noise in the future gets us way off on a track we don't want to go down. MR. ADAMS: Based on activities, not ordinances, all the reference to the ordinances is irrelevant at the present time. MR. WALSH: What isn't irrelevant is the timeframe we have given for the Board deliberations and all the timeframe was extended through tonight; is that correct? SEC*: Yes. MR. WALSH: The sixty-two day period, we were very careful to stipulate the days and the time frames, et cetera. MR. CA VIGLlA: I don't recall that. It's on your website. There was a stipulation as to the papers going back and forth between the parties and the board so that that portion wouldn't drag on, and we can reopen the hearing. This is the original hearing we reopened pursuant to the stipulation. MR. WALSH: We agreed we would meet on the 27th and extended it one more day because of my issues. It was extended by us until tonight by letter. MR. FRY: This is the letter that was sent to you? MR. WALSH: I believe that's the time. The board could make its own decisions what the time was. I respectfully request that you stick to the timeframe. MR. CA VIGLlA: We have a transcript. Notwithstanding the subsequent letter was the reopening of it with the sole proviso it would be limited to, although I thought simple noise issue, apparently the EAF issue. Also in good conscience, how can you deprive the board, if it wants to seek independent review of Page 31 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals '- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '-" 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to II 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~- Minutes of July 11, 2006 the noise issue, which is obviously a bone of contention in this proceeding, how can you want to deny the board to make an intelligent and informed decision, since we have both parties here that submitted expert testimony, which in large part contradicts, in that it supports your position and the other side supports it's position? MR. WALSH: With the greatest respect, one, as you know from the beginning, I don't believe that this matter, that the noise issue is a matter that should be in front of this board at all. This is an administrative matter. As far as building two is concerned, with that letter we were very careful about that, about the sixty-two day period with the extensions. I'm requesting that the board vote one way or the other tonight. MR. FRY: If I might read into the record from the letter June 23rd, 2000, the second paragraph: We note that the public hearing on this matter was closed by a vote of the board on April 25th. The board is required under local law to render its decision on this matter on or before June 26th, 2006. The applicant hereby requests and agrees that the deadline for your decision on this matter be extended to July II th, 2006. We further note that the applicant, the ZBA board and the attorney -- and the attorneys for the neighboring property owners, Mr. Parsons and Mr. Simenetti, agreed to the following stipulations at the ZBA meeting held on May 23rd, 2006. All parties agreed to hold one additional public hearing on this matter, while further agreeing that this will not serve to extend the board's decision deadline. The applicant -- Point two. The applicant agreed to submit a revised EAF to the board by June 6, 2006. Attorneys for the neighboring property owners agreed to submit their response to the revised EAF to the board by Jun Page 32 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ----- Minutes of July 11, 2006 20. This letter is on the record. It seems to me we have been here for a year or thereabouts, and I think this issue, we can go back and forth. At this point we'd like to ask you for your decision. I know it's not an easy decision to make. You've heard a lot of back and forth on this. In our view, the sixty-two days were up. We agree, as you see in the agenda tonight, to extend testimony from the 26th of June to the 27th and we agreed to extend it to July 11 tho MR. CA VIGLlA: I'm going to rely on the record and the aforementioned transcript earlier in these proceedings where it was on the record on page thirty, it be stipulated that a certain sequence would take place regarding exchanging papers and that we would agree to have a public hearing at a time which is going to be determined now by the board to address the issues raised by the EAF. Et cetera, et cetera. A date was agreed upon when that hearing would take place. There's nothing that states that this was a separate hearing or that anyone was preserving some sort of argument or right, that we were still under the sixty-two day requirement, and if you think about it, that would be almost an impossible stipulation to enter into, because you're agreeing to having a public hearing which wouldn't necessarily be able to be closed in the one session, and yet be under a sixty-two day timeframe to make a decision. It's so contradictory in and of itself. I don't think -- my understanding was not that the sixty-two day provision would be applying. That's why we sought the stipulation of all parties at the time. That's what the board is acting under. I don't know what Mr. Simeone's recollection is. I'm relying on the record here. My advice to the board is that there is no sixty-two day clock running at this time. I understand that you wrote in a letter. I don't think Page 33 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals .~ ...... 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tt 12 13 14 ~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 ......411III' Minutes of July 11, 2006 that necessarily places us in that position. MR. WALSH: We were very specific about that. I wanted to move the application. MR. FRY: About a single additional public hearing. Not reopening a series of public hearings. MR. CA VIGLIA: If the board decides it needs to adjourn this in order to make its opinion and informed decision, the board has an absolute right to do that. It's not a bunch of different or additional hearings. It's a continuation of the same hearing and it's an adjournment. With all due respect, we would disagree with you. I think that everyone here is, and certainly the board, is anxious to conclude this matter as much as anybody else. It has an obligation to do whatever it decides it needs to do to make a sound decision. MR. WALSH: I understand your advice. I register my objection. MR. WARREN: From this point on I think I would like to propose a motion to hire an outside firm consultant for noise. MR. DELLACORTE: For noise? MR. WALSH: To test what? MR. DELLACORTE: For noise? For what we were discussing before regarding the entire site? MS. RILEY: Yes. MR. DELLACORTE: You want to hire an outside consultant at the expense of the applicant; is that what it is? MR. WALSH: I object to that. MR. CA VIGLIA: The money would be coming from the escrow. MR. STOLMAN: They're in the middle of a motion. MR. WALSH: I'm making a point. MR. STOLMAN: You're interrupting their motion. MR. DELLACORTE: The motion would be to hire a noise consultant to consider the entire three building site? MR. WARREN: That's right. MR. DELLACORTE: Paid for by Page 34 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ......... 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 .......... 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ Minutes of July 11, 2006 the escrow? MR. CA VIGLIA: The monies would come from the escrow. MR. DELLACORTE: I'll second it. I'll make the motion. I agree with the chairman. I will make the motion. MS. RILEY: I will second. MR. WARREN: Yes. MR. CA VIGLIA: Are you going to be making a motion now on adjourning the public hearing? MS. RILEY: I so move. MR. WALSH: Who's going to coordinate getting the expert? MR. CA VIGLIA: They're in the middle of the motion. Please wait. Let them finish the motion. If you have an inquiry, I'm sure the board will entertain it. MR. WARREN: Make a motion to adjourn the public hearing. SECRETARY: I need a date. MR. DELLACORTE: August 22nd. SECRETARY: Will you have it in time? MR. STOLMAN: I would think so. Tomorrow morning I'll contact a noise expert, tell him he's been authorized to go ahead. I would assume by the 22nd of August he can have his work done. I would assume so. MR. WARREN: That's a reasonable date. MR. STOLMAN: That's quite a ways off. RIGHTl: August 22nd. MR. DELLACORTE: Anymore motions? SECRETARY: Motion to adjourn. MR. DELLACORTE: I'll second the motion to adjourn. We're done, except for Mr. Walsh's comment. MR. STOLMAN: We have a noise expert Potamic Hudson Engineering. I'd be happy to supply his information. MR. WALSH: This has been lined up. MR. STOLMAN: We have a proposal from him. MR. WALSH: We didn't discuss it here. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 35 Minutes of July 11, 2006 ~ 15 MR. STOLMAN: It actually was 16 one of the personnel matters we 17 discussed in executive session and, 18 as you know, personnel matter is 19 perfectly legal. 20 MR. WALSH: Not quite that 21 type. I understand. Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Mr. Warren: Vote: Motion to adjourn. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Meeting ended at 10:00 PM Respect~lly Submitted,) 06~lU~aLY7( Barbara Roberti, Secretary Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals ........ .....