2006-08-22 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS August 22, 2006 Agenda ...... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MEETING DATE: August 22,2006 TIME: 7:30 PM Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Approve minutes for July 11, 2006. Approve minutes for July 25, 2006. Approve site minutes for July 29, 2006. Adjourned Public Hearing: ...... Appeal No. 05-7289-7290-7291-7292 228 Myers Corners. LLC - Seeking an Interpretation of the Zoning Administrator's letter of determination dated December 6, 2005 for the currently proposed uses of the NB portion of the site. - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. - Where a side yard setback of 20 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 13.6 feet to allow for an existinl! metal shed. thus reauestinl! a variance of 6.4 feet. - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 & 240-67 A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. - Where a lot size of 3 acres is reauired for motor vehicle sales use in buildinl! # L the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres. thus reauestinl! a combined variance of 3.4 acres. - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-70. A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. - Where a lot size of 2 acres is reauired for a proposed repair l!aral!e use in buildinl! # 3, the applicant is proposing .!! total lot size of 3.6 acres. thus reauestinl! a combined variance of 3.4 acres. The property is located at 228 Myers Corners Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-02-702520 in the Town of Wappinger. Closed the public hearing on April 25, 2006. Expires on June 26, 2006. Applicant granted one day extension to June 27, 2006. Public Hearing: Appeal No. 06-7318 Ralph Costa- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-20 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 40 feet is required, the applicant is prOPOSifil! a rear yard setback of 20.5 feet, to allow for a new single family house, thus reQuestin!!: a variance of 19.5 feet. The property is located at 64 Kent Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-03-493027 in the Town of Wappinger. Discussions: Appeal No. 06-7319 Ed Baisley- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-20/40 Zoning District. -Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is required. the applicant is proposin!!: a rear yard setback of 15 feet, to allow for a 20' X 40' garage with electric, thus reQuestin!!: a variance of 35 feet. The property is located at 2 Old State Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6057-04-840169 in the Town of Wappinger. ...... ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS August 22, 2006 ...... Appeal No. 06-7320 Roseann Basilone- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R -40 Zoning District. -Where a side yard setback of25 feet is required, the applicant is proposine: a side setback of 15 feet. to allow for a 16' X 16' addition, thus reQuestine: a variance of 10 feet. The property is located at 36 Kendell Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-315538 in the Town of Wappinger. Appeal No. 06-7321 Theresa & Anthony Mae:liulo- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R- 40 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is required, the applicant is proposine: a rear side setback of 40 feet. to allow for a 15' X 30' above ground poo~ thus reQuestine: a variance of 10 feet. The property is located at 35 Nicole Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-335547 in the Town of Wappinger. '- Appeal No. 06-7299 John Dee:nan - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an HD Zoning District. - Where a lot depth of 300 feet is required, the applicant is proposine: a lot depth of 260 feet to allow for a pre-existing condition, thus reQuestine: a variance of 40 feet. The property is located at 1708 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-543530 in the Town of Wappinger. (Public Hearing was closed on April 11, 2006. 62 days set to expire on June 12, 2006, extension granted to September 10,2006.) Applicant is now granting an additional six month extension while they appear before the planning board. This extension would begin on September 11, 2006 and expire on March 9, 2007. ...... 2 - T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MINUTES "-' Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals August 22, 2006 Summarized Minutes Members Present: Mr. Fanuele, Ms. McEvoy-Riley Mr. DellaCorte, Mr. Warren, Members Absent: Mr. Prager, Others Present: Mrs. Lukianoff, Mrs. Roberti, Mr. Caviglia Mr. Holme ....... Page 1 Minutes of August 22, 2006 [Q)~ffi\[Fl T own Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Chairman Member Member Member V ice-Chairman Zoning Administrator Secretary Special Counsel Town Planner SUMMARY Adiourned Public Hearine:: 228 Myers Corners Road Public Hearine:: Ralph Costa Discussion: Ed Baisley Roseann Basilone Mr. & Mrs. Magliulo John Degnan '-" -Closed Public Hearing. Granted the Interpretation and will vote on remaining variances on September 12,2006. - Variance Granted -Didn't show for the meeting. -Public Hearing on September 12,2006. -Public Hearing on September 12,2006. -Accepted extension to March 9, 2007 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 2 Minutes of August 22, 2006 "'-'" Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the minutes for July 11,2006 Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the minutes for July 25, 2006 Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Warren: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Motion to approve the site minutes for July 29, 2006. Second the motion. All present voted aye. ...... Appeal No. 05-7289-7290-7291-7292 228 Mvers Corners, LLC _ Seeking an Interpretation of the Zoning Administrator's letter of determination dated December 6, 2005 for the currently proposed uses of the NB portion of the site. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. _ Where a side yard setback of 20 feet is required, the applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 13.6 feet to allow for an existing metal shed, thus requesting a variance of 6.4 feet. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 & 240-67 A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. _ Where a lot size of 3 acres is required for motor vehicle sales use in building # t, the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres, thus requesting a combined variance of 3.4 acres. _ Seeking an area variance of Section 240-70. A of District Regulations in an NB Zoning District. _ Where a lot size of 2 acres is required for a proposed repair garage use in building # 3, the applicant is proposing a total lot size of 3.6 acres, thus requesting a combined variance of 3.4 acres. The property is located at 228 Mvers Corners Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-02-702520 in the Town of Wappinger. Closed the public hearing on April 25, 2006. Expires on June 26, 2006. Applicant granted one day extension to June 27, 2006. MR. F ANUELE: I'd like to call 3 the Town of Wappinger ZBA to order. 4 Adjourned public hearing appeal 5 Number 05-7289-7290-7291-7292, 228 6 Myers Comers, LLC, seeking an 7 Interpretation of Zoning 8 Administrator's letter of 9 determination dated December 6, 2005 10 for the currently proposed uses of 11 the NB portion of the site. 12 Seeking an area variance of 13 Section 240-37 of District ..... Town of Wappinger Page 3 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes of August 22, 2006 14 Regulations in an NB Zoning District. '- 15 Where a side yard setback of 20 16 feet is required, the applicant is 17 proposing a side yard setback of 13.6 18 feet to allow for an existing metal 19 shed, thus requesting a variance of 20 6.4 feet. 21 Seeking an area variance of 22 Section 240-37 and 240-67 A of 23 District Regulations in an NB Zoning 24 District. 25 Where a lot 3 acres is required 2 for motor vehicle use in building #1, 3 the applicant is proposing a total ....... 4 lot size of 3.6 acres, thus 5 requesting a combined variance of 3.4 6 acres. 7 Seeking an area variance of 8 Section 240-70. A of District 9 Regulation in an NB Zoning District. 10 Where a lot size of 2 acres is 11 required for a proposed use of 12 building #3, the applicant is 13 proposing a total lot size of 3 .6, 14 thus requesting a combined variance 15 of 3.4 acres. 16 Seeking an area variance of 17 Section 240-70. A of District ........ Page 4 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals 18 .......... 19 Minutes of August 22,2006 Regulations in an NB Zoning District. Where lot size of 2 acres is 20 required for the proposed use in 2] building #2, the applicant is 22 proposing a total lot size of 3.6 23 acres, thus requesting combined 24 variance of 3.4 acres. 25 The property is located 228 3 4 5 6 7 ~ 8 9 10 ] ] 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 '-" Myers Comers Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-02-702520 in the Town of Wappinger. Closed the public hearing on Apri] 25th. Expires on June 26-- MS. ROBERTI: Just sub notes. MR. WARREN: Make a motion to reopen the public hearing. MR. DELLACORTE: Second the motion. MR. FANUELE: All those in favor? MR. WARREN: Aye. MS. R]LEY: Aye. MR. DELLACORTE: Aye. MS. R]LEY: Welcome back our chairman. MR. FANUELE: We adjourned the public hearing. We got the noise ordinance document. Anybody wish to Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 5 Minutes of August 22, 2006 22 say anything. ."'-'" 23 MR. ADAMS: I'm going to ask my 24 client to testify as to a recent 25 event involving motorcycles at the 2 site. 3 MR. SIMONETTI: lohn Simonetti. 4 I live on 236 Myers Comers Road and 5 I would say it was probably three 6 Sundays ago, I came home from church 7 and there's cones in the road going 8 into 228 Myers Comers Road and 9 people directing traffic and 10 motorcycles going in and out. II would say they were traveling in '- 12 groups of thirty to forty at a time, 13 ten at a time going in, spending some 14 time in there. I assume it was some 15 kind of rally going on and that went 16 on until around one o'clock in the 17 afternoon. It looked like groups of 18 thirty to forty came, spent a half 19 hour, thirty or forty of them, then 20 another thirty or forty came. It was 21 like a tent set up on the property 22 and maybe getting water or some kind 23 of snack food or breakfast, I don't 24 really know. That went on until one 25 o'clock in the afternoon. "'-'" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 6 Minutes of August 22, 2006 2 MR. F ANUELE: Anybody complain ~ 3 about noise? 4 MR. SIMONETTI: Other than I 5 was there listening to it. I spoke 6 to Billy. I didn't know who I was 7 supposed to complain to. 8 MR. F ANUELE: Complain to the 9 Town. 10 MR. SIMONETTI: This is what 11 this whole thing is about. I thought 12 I was waiting to understand how this 13 goes about, because the week before 14 that or the meeting before that they 15 were swearing up and down no one goes .~ 16 in there. When I see motorcycles 17 going in there and they were saying 18 they don't do that. 19 MR. WARREN: Do you know who 20 set up the cones. 21 MR. SIMONETTI: No, they 22 weren't like a Town, there was no 23 police there. They were regular 24 civilians directing the traffic. 25 MR. FANUELE: Who set up the so 2 called rally? 3 MR. SIMONETTI: I have no idea. 4 They went in. There was a tent by 5 building two and they were, you know, -- T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 7 Minutes of August 22, 2006 6 congregating there for roughly, "'-'" 7 looked like fifteen, twenty minutes, 8 a half hour. A group would go out 9 and another group came in. It did 1 0 that on a half hour basis. I didn't 11 count everyone of them. I knew a few 12 times I checked there was about 13 thirty or forty at a time coming and 14 going. 15 MR. F ANUELE: On a weekend? ]6 Sunday? ]7 MR. SIMONETTI: Yes, a Sunday. 18 I went home. I got home from church. 19 ] went to nine o'clock mass. It was ........ 20 around ten o'clock. It was sometime 2] after nine it started. It wasn't 22 before I went to church. It lasted 23 until about one o'clock. 24 MS. RILEY: Talking about July 25 30 or August -- 2 MR. SIMONETTI: I'm going to 3 say it was three weekends ago from 4 this past weekend. Right around the 5 end of July. 6 MS. RILEY: 20? 7 MR. SIMONETTI: I would say 8 that. 9 MS. RILEY: July 30? ....... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 8 Minutes of August 22, 2006 ]0 MR. SIMONETTI: Was that the ........ ] ] last weekend in July. ]2 MS. RILEY: Yes. 13 MR. SIMONETTI: I didn't write ]4 it down. I assumed we were going to ] 5 talk about it today. ]6 MR. PARSONS: I didn't go to ] 7 church. They started about nine 18 o'clock and the volume -- Bill ] 9 Parsons. There's all the noise, I 20 can't see them because the trees are 2] growing up there now. You're 22 bringing up the call about the noise, 23 that was brought up a year ago and we ........ 24 were told what they were doing was 25 all right. That's why we sit here 2 continually month after month 3 arguing. It's not all right. 4 There's nobody to call to do anything 5 about it. I don't think Connie is 6 working on Sunday. Even so, the 7 point is, we're not resolving 8 anything by telling her. It keeps 9 coming back to the ZBA and Planning ] 0 Board. That's where it's been and ] ] where it still is. ] 2 MR. F ANUELE: If it gets passed ] 3 and allowing motorcycles to be there, ..... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 9 Minutes of August 22, 2006 14 it could be a condition not on ~ IS weekends then it would be a 16 violation. 17 MR. SIMONETTI: I didn't hear 18 what you said. 19 MR. FANUELE: Ifitgets 20 passed, the motorcycle place to be 21 there, we could put a condition there 22 will be no rallies, especially on 23 Sunday and Saturday. There should be 24 no rallies at all, period. 25 MR. SIMONETTI: I understand. 2 MR. FANUELE: It should be 3 closed on Saturday and Sunday. 4 MR. SIMONETTI: I'm not trying """- 5 to say you can't or wouldn't do a 6 thing like that. I sit here the last 7 several months, they keep telling me 8 they're doing absolutely nothing back 9 there. I keep hearing things and 1 0 keep telling people they're doing 11 things. They sit here in front of 12 you and say no, we don't do anything 13 back there. 14 MR. PARSONS: June, July '05 is 15 when I started complaining about this 16 to the Town officials and got 17 nowhere. That's why we continually ...... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 10 Minutes of August 22, 2006 18 have been before the board. We're '-" 19 still here. 20 MS. RILEY: You all aren't sure 21 if it was the motorcycle sales place. 22 MR. SIMONETTI: I don't know. 23 MR. CA VIGLIA: Please let the 24 board member speak. 25 MS. RILEY: No one knows who 2 actually did this. 3 MR. SIMEONE: Frank Simeone for 4 Mr. Parsons. 5 The indication it was building 6 number two, that's the building where 7 we submitted photographs the last '-" 8 session, indicating *fat custom 9 cycles going in, parking in front of 10 building number two. Building number 11 two is where the motorcycle facility 12 is sought, permission is sought. 13 That's the location we're talking 14 about. 15 MS. RILEY: Mr. Parsons just 16 said you can't see them, the trees 17 have all grown. 18 MR. SIMEONE: He couldn't. Mr. 19 Simonetti offered that they were 20 going down to building number two. 21 MR. PARSONS: I couldn't see "-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals 22 ......... 23 Page 11 Minutes of August 22, 2006 them when they were coming in and 24 and I can see to building number two out, but I can look out my back door 25 where they're gathering. I saw some 2 one or two people sitting out there 3 in a chair, like one of these. Every 4 time a motorcycle came along, they 5 flagged them in and they went in this 6 small and large groups and met back 7 there. Originally when all this 8 started one, of the many things he 9 said he doesn't do or wouldn't do was 10 anything on Saturday and Sunday. 11 This was on Sunday morning, around 13 12 nine o'clock. ........ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ."-" MS. RILEY: Thank you. MR. F ANUELE: Anybody else wish to say anything? MR. ADAMS: I asked my client. You have made -- your noise consultant made certain recommendations in terms of additional studies. 1 would ask the board, particularly in view of our contention that motorcycles often act in groups or pairs or three or four rather than singly, you have to consider the multiple impacts as T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 12 Minutes of August 22, 2006 2 opposed to one that should be "-- 3 included in the study done by the 4 consultant as recommended by your 5 consultant. 6 MR. SIMEONE: On behalf of Mr. 7 Parsons, I join in the comments. I 8 think the consultant you brought in 9 highlights the deficiencies and the 10 inadequacies of the report submitted II by the noise consultant on behalf of 12 the applicant. The methodology is 13 insufficient, certainly the aspect of 14 monitoring, which is covered there, 15 dove tails exactly what the ........ 16 performance standards, which I think 17 is in your record already on behalf 18 of Mr. Parsons required in this 19 instance. 20 MR. DELLACORTE: Mr. Walsh just 21 walked in. 22 MR. F ANUELE: Do you wish to 23 say anything? 24 MR. WALSH: I asked, when I 25 called Barbara, I was told this would 2 be put on when I got here. I was 3 coming from a separate meeting. I'm 4 delighted that wasn't quite followed. 5 MR. WALSH: Marco and I spoke. ........ 6 That's immaterial for our being here Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 13 Minutes of August 22, 2006 '-" 7 at the same time. I note I had sent 8 a letter, which Marco acknowledged he 9 got today, I sent it twenty-seven 10 days ago to Chris' firm asking we get I I the scope of the work, et cetera, et 12 cetera. I was ignored on that. The I3 greatest respect, Mr. Fanuele has not 14 been here before, the one matter I 15 want to bring up tonight, you have a 16 letter from your Zoning Administrator 17 here, the Zoning Administrator's 18 letter says a special use permit is 19 required for the use of the site as a 20 motorcycle shop. You have an expert 21 opinion from your expert saying, no 22 that's not right, that it is a retail 23 use and not required in this zone. 24 I'm asking respectfully to vote on 25 that portion of it. That's something 2 that's so crystal clear that no 3 matter what else you do I firmly 4 believe it's incorrect based on the 5 advice you've gotten from your 6 advisors, no matter what 1 ask you 7 respectfully that is something that 8 should be voted on quickly and 9 expeditiously. The letter says a 10 special use permit is required for '-- ~ Page 14 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals II '--" 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '--" 25 Minutes of August 22, 2006 this use. It is not. Your own people told you that. Any delay on that is inexplicable, not subject to environmental review. It's in your Town law. The rest of you have heard me before. That's the most important single item. I ask you to consider that. Thank you. MR. FANUELE: I've been reading everything that was written while I was out. It looks like the meetings get nowhere. The question is, in my mind, is a motorcycle shop allowed in an NB zone, and that's the verdict, is it allowed in a NB zone? I got my 2 opinion. I could voice it. 3 MR. WALSH: What happened, you 4 weren't here, sir, both you and I 5 were out for medical issues. The 6 real thing came down, this zone had a 7 massive zoning amendment done in '0 I. 8 It changed a lot of laws. Made 9 motorcycle shops, as long as they're lOin certain criteria under five II thousand square feet, et cetera, made 12 them a retail use. For some 13 inexplicable reason your Town didn't '--" 14 change the uses in the book. For Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 15 Minutes of August 22, 2006 ........ IS inexplicable reasons it wasn't 16 published until the end of ' 05. 17 got my hands on it when I had to buy 18 another book. At the same time, it's 19 about as clear as it can be. The 20 Board has a right to turn anything 21 down and hold anything up. That's 22 your law. To ignore your law, 23 everybody ignores it at their peril. 24 MR. CA VIGLIA: In addressing 25 what Mr. Walsh said, I think that the 2 way we left it was that the issue of 3 this noise became more than just 4 whether or not this proposed 5 motorcycle shop would create undo 6 noise, but that it should be looked 7 at, all three buildings at the same 8 time, because of the cumulative 9 effect, if any, that it would have. 10 It's not a question related to just II the motorcycle shop per se, but 12 rather looking at the noise component 13 in its entirety, which is why the 14 board decided at the last meeting to 15 get the consultation of Doctor 16 Crosser. While he was expected to be 17 here this evening, apparently he's 18 not. He does say in his ........ ......... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 16 Minutes of August 22, 2006 19 recommendations, we're going to get '-- 20 some clarification of that he be 21 present while the applicant's 22 consultants perform the noise 23 monitoring in such a way that all 24 parties would agree in an appropriate 25 and representative fashion. That 2 suggestions to me he might want to 3 consult both parties and see if they 4 can find a common ground to get this 5 thing expeditiously done. He's not 6 here, apparently, so I think we can't 7 go any further at this juncture and 8 that it might be wise to adjourn this '-- 9 to get some sort of resolution prior 10 to the next meeting. II MR. FANUELE: You adjourn or 12 close the public hearing? 13 MR. CA VIGLIA: Adjourn. We 14 wouldn't have the information. 15 MS. RILEY: Before we do that, 16 can we have a little discussion about 17 this that we just received? 18 It says we can't decide because 19 what came first the egg or the 20 chicken. Since they don't have 21 approval to do anything, what are 22 they going to do noise on, how can '-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 17 Minutes of August 22, 2006 23 they actually decide what the noise ~ 24 level decibels are going to be 25 without anything there. Nothing can 2 be there. I respectfully submit 3 while this gentleman basically says 4 further study is warranted, we may 5 not know the outcome of any of this, 6 whatever we're going to vote on or 7 what the vote is going to be, I do 8 believe the one thing we know whether 9 or not the applicant is successful, 10 whatever party isn't decided on it's II going to end up in the court. I do 12 believe in the motion of '-'" 13 expeditiousness we get this over with 14 and let them do the further studies, 15 because they're going to be doing 16 this. It's been on our plate since 17 December. I mean, a child can be 18 conceived and born before this is 19 done in the next three weeks. We 20 need to end this discussion. The 21 only thing we actually know is this 22 is going to end up in Court. We do 23 know that. 24 MR. FANUELE: The end of the 25 discussion. 2 We need a motion to close the ....... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 18 Minutes of August 22, 2006 3 public hearing and the motion, aye or .......... 4 nay, for the variance. 5 MS. RILEY: The first one would 6 be the question of the letter. 7 MR. F ANUELE: The question 8 would be what? 9 MS. RILEY: The opinion on the 10 December 6 letter. II MR. WARREN: Were you going to 12 say something? 13 MR. CA VIGLIA: What I was going 14 to say, Mr. Crossen is realizing the 15 adverse parties may challenge each 16 other regarding the findings on any .......... 17 noise. He wants to consolidate it so 18 there's common grounds. There's one 19 study done in the fashion acceptable 20 to the parties and just get it done, 21 as opposed to say having the 22 consultant from the applicant and 23 then the consultant, if any, from the 24 opponent present opposing views, and 25 the whole purpose of the consultant 2 was to advise the board if there are 3 adversarial views to reconcile, 4 obviously, since no study has been 5 done to the satisfaction of this 6 consultant. '-" T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 19 Minutes of August 22, 2006 7 MS. RILEY: That's really sad, .~ 8 when the consultant says I can't 9 decide. 10 MR. WALSH: I asked the I 1 consultant. I sent a letter to their 12 firm saying, set up a meeting, let's 13 do this. This was ignored. 14 MS. RILEY: Let's move this 15 along. Further study would imply 16 further study. I beg to differ with 17 you. There is no mutual agreements 18 on how the studies should be 19 conducted. I don't think we're going 20 to get one. '-- 21 MR. FANUELE: The motorcycle 22 rally that was held wasn't doing the 23 applicant any good. 24 MR. WALSH: Nor was it done by 25 the applicant. 2 MR. WARREN: Mr. Schwartz 3 wasn't involved with that rally? 4 MR. WALSH: The one thing that 5 came up was back in March there was a 6 discussion, several people came on 7 the premises, Mr. Schwartz denied it. 8 If you're talking about something 9 subsequent to that time, I can't 10 answer that. Obviously I can find '-r Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 20 II out if there was anything involved ......... 12 with it at all. Did something come 13 up tonight? 14 MR. FANUELE: The fact that he 15 didn't agree to it makes it a worse 16 problem. Most people come in and out 17 and do what they want, because it's a 18 motorcycle shop. 19 MR. DELLACORTE: You missed the 20 discussion in the beginning. There 21 was a long discussion about a 22 motorcycle rally three or four 23 weekends ago. 24 MR. WALSH: At the premises? 25 MR. DELLACORTE: Yes. ........ 2 MR. WALSH: That's something I 3 don't know anything about. If I did, 4 it would have been brought up here. 5 Did any of you gentlemen see it? It 6 may be more horse crap you've gotten 7 before from the other folks, my 8 respectful opinion only. If it is, 9 so be it. If it's something that can lObe proven by this Board, that's 11 another story. You have no law in 12 this Town motorcycles in the streets 13 or motorcycles anywhere, you have a 14 law that says you may have a ......... Minutes of August 22, 2006 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 21 Minutes of August 22, 2006 --... 15 motorcycle sales facility in this 16 zone. That's a letter of August 1 st 17 we're talking about. That's the 18 letter came out that says a special 19 use permit be required for that zone. 20 I'm asking that be overruled. You 21 have the letter from Frederick P. 22 Clark which says that's correct, it 23 is not that permitted in this zone 24 without a special use permit. I'm 25 respectfully requesting that matter 2 be voted on. 3 MR. SIMEONE: I would like to 4 respond to that. This has been 5 brought up before, it's been 6 responded to before. I'll be brief. 7 In effect, what I understand 8 Mr. Walsh to be saying is that your 9 law doesn't say what it clearly seems 10 to say, instead it says what your 11 planner has interpreted it to have 12 intended it to say. Ifthat's, in 13 fact, the case and you want to rely 14 on such an interpretation, the proper 15 way to do it, for a local law to be 16 repassed, restated, let the Town 17 Board pass upon that issue, determine 18 rather than a consultant, rather than ........ ........ Town of Wappinger Page 22 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes of August 22, 2006 19 your planner. That's the intention '-'" 20 of the law or was the intention of 21 the law at that time. If the law is 22 to be changed based on an 23 interpretation, we've gotten here. 24 MR. WALSH: With the greatest 25 respect to Frank, the law was not to 2 be changed. You had a voluminous 3 SEQRA study, you had letters written 4 in support of that law by the 5 Planning Board's chairman who was on 6 the board at that time, Mr. Parson's. 7 His letter is sitting in the file. I 8 mentioned it in February. I went out '-- 9 and got the entire file. There's a 10 letter from the supervisor, a letter 11 from Mr. Roberts. Every one of them 12 saying this is what we want to do and 13 they passed it. Now you're asked 14 them, did they really pass it, they 15 forgot to put if in the books, and 16 the answer is yes, they did. 17 MR. CA VIGLIA: My 18 recommendation to the board is that 19 you shouldn't be determining these 20 things piecemeal. Unfortunately, I 21 think we have to consider this as a 22 whole package, because if you pass ....... Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 23 Minutes of August 22, 2006 23 something piecemeal and something ~ 24 develops later on, in effect what you 25 passed on, you're going to be subject 2 to criticism by anyone reviewing this 3 matter. It would be unfair to 4 whoever is prejudiced by it. My 5 recommendation to the board at this 6 time is that the hearing be 7 adjourned, that we press the 8 consultant to consult both of the 9 adverse factions in this matter and 10 try to come to a resolution and have II a study of some type to the extent it 12 can be done in hand by the next ~ 13 appearance, and depending what those 14 are, possibly voting at that time. 15 MR. WALSH: Ask him what his 16 timing was, by the way. 17 MR. CA VIGLIA: I tried to get 18 ahold of him. I spoke to him on the 19 phone yesterday. 20 TANYA: The one that wrote the 21 letter? 22 MR. WALSH: Yes. 23 TANYA: No. I thought he would 24 be here. 25 MR. FANUELE: It's very 2 confusing. I don't think we're '-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 24 Minutes of August 22, 2006 3 getting anywhere. We're not getting ........ 4 anywhere until we make a vote. 5 I'll make a motion to close the 6 public hearing. 7 MS. RILEY: Second. 8 MR. FANUELE: All in favor? 9 (All voted aye) 10 MR. FANUELE: I make a motion II that we deny the motorcycle shop from 12 going in, we deny putting the 13 motorcycle shop in the area. The 14 noise from the motorcycle, that's 15 what we've been discussing, that's 16 what I've been reading for a long ........ 17 time. 1 make the motion we deny it. 18 MR. WALSH: That's not the 19 request. 20 MR. CA VIGLIA: That's not 21 before the board at this time. 22 VOICE: You're not denying or 23 approving the motorcycle shop. The 24 question is whether or not it 25 requires a special permit. 2 MR. CA VIGLIA: The only issue 3 on the noise is to the extent that 4 under the environmental factor of 5 granting a variance or denying it, 6 the objection has been raised by the ........ 7 neighbors, it's before the board. It Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 25 8 turned out to be more complex than it ....... 9 was believed. The Town Planner 10 recommended that it can be looked at 11 cumulatively, meaning how it effects, 12 there are going to be three 13 enterprises on there, not just one, 14 that's the only issue that remains 15 that holds up the vote. It's not a 16 question of denying a motorcycle shop 17 there, because we think it's going to 18 be noisy or not. There's four 19 variances before the -- three 20 variances remaining before the board, 21 two of them are at issue, one ofthem '-" 22 is not at issue. 23 MR. FANUELE: I'm trying to 24 make the statement that the group 25 will get together and resolve their 2 problems, that's why I'm denying it. 3 Whoever wants to take it any further, 4 so be it. 5 MR. WALSH: Makes absolutely no 6 sense. We're asking on the letter-- 7 MR. FANUELE: You've been 8 spinning around and around and around 9 for six months. 10 MS. RILEY: Almost nine months. 11 MR. FANUELE: We get nowhere. ....... Minutes of August 22, 2006 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 26 12 MS. RILEY: Can I amend the ........ 13 motion, that the motion -- that it 14 does not need a special use penn it, 15 so we can vote on that question. 16 MR. F ANUELE: Can we add that 17 to the motion? It don't need n 18 MR. CA VIGLIA: You're making a 19 motion? 20 MS. RILEY: That the motion is 21 that the interpretation of our very 22 highly qualified Zoning Administrator 23 we're disagreeing with and it does 24 not need a special use permit. 25 MR. CA VIGLIA: You may vote on 2 that. '-'" 3 MR. HOLME: There's one other 4 issue in tenns of environmental 5 review. I'm wondering if you think 6 this is segmentation? 7 MS. RILEY: I didn't say I was 8 going to vote on the rest. 9 MR. HOLME: I'm bringing it up. 10 Before you take action, you will need 11 to make a SEQRA determination whether 12 it has an impact or not. 13 MS. RILEY: Negative or 14 positive. 15 MR. HOLME: That should be done ......... before any action. The action in the 16 Minutes of August 22, 2006 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 27 Minutes of August 22, 2006 17 other variances or this one. So, the '-- 18 SEQRA process needs to finish at that 19 point. 20 MS. RILEY: Okay. 21 MR. HOLME: It's my opinion 22 that there isn't a whole lot of 23 quantitative data right now in terms 24 of noise. If the board was willing 25 to wait for another couple of weeks, 2 you'll have quantitative data and the 3 SEQRA process will be really 4 comprehensibly done. 5 MR. F ANUELE: We've been 6 waiting nine months for the parties '-' 7 to get together. There doesn't seem 8 to be any movement to get together. 9 This is why I'm denying it, maybe 10 that will force somebody to get 11 together. 12 MR. WALSH: 1 don't understand 13 that at all. 14 MR. HOLME: To clarify the vote 15 now. My understanding is if you vote 16 yeah, that it does not require a 17 special permit, that will enable the 18 motorcycle shop to actually -- that 19 would enable the motorcycle shop to '-" 20 go into business; is that right, Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 28 Minutes of August 22, 2006 21 Tanya. ....... 22 T ANY A: The issue is that the 23 motorcycle shop is basically 24 permitted use in that zone. The 25 question was, whether it needed a 2 special use permit, therefore, 3 necessitating the lot size. If this 4 is determined to be not necessary, it 5 still means that that use by itself 6 is not a disallowed use, but it does 7 need Planning Board approval during 8 the site plan process. This is a 9 permitted use. 10 MR. HOLME: But a change of ....... 11 use, so it needs Planning Board 12 approval as well. 13 TANYA: Correct. 14 MR. CA VIGLlA: If you remember 15 -- the motion on the floor before the 16 board, as I understand it, is 17 rendering an interpretation, either 18 upholding or denying the former 19 interpretation of the Zoning 20 Administrator that recently ruled it 21 was not a perm itted use. However, in 22 view of what she said, if you're 23 going to go ahead and vote, this does ....... 24 note effect the noise issue which may Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 29 Minutes of August 22, 2006 25 effect the other variances. Just so ......... 2 the board is clear on that. 3 MR. WARREN: I would like to 4 vote it as a package. I myself would 5 like to vote as a whole package. 6 MS. RILEY: There's a motion on 7 the floor. 8 MR. CA VIGLIA: There's a motion 9 on the floor that's going to carry or 10 not carry. 1 want the board to be 11 clear the motion is addressing the 12 interpretation, does not address any 13 of the variances. 14 MS. RILEY: The motion on the ....., 15 floor is that it does not -- is in 16 disagreement with the Zoning 17 Administrator, that it does not need 18 a special use permit. That's the 19 motion. 20 MR. HOLME: I'm wondering -- 21 MR. CA VIGLIA: Let them vote. 22 MS. ROBERTI: Repeatthat. 23 MS. RILEY: The motion on the 24 floor is that we, while we hold our 25 Zoning Administrator in high esteem, 2 we respectfully disagree with her 3 decision on special use permit. 4 MR. F ANUELE: I withdraw the "'-" Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 30 Minutes of August 22, 2006 5 other motion and second this one. "-- 6 MR. WALSH: That means it's not 7 required? 8 MS. RILEY: Right. 9 MR. F ANUELE: It's not required 10 or is required? II MS. RILEY: You do not need a 12 special use permit? Yes? 13 MR. WARREN: No. 14 MR. FANUELE: Do we need to 15 adjourn the public hearing? You 16 already closed it. The action is 17 done for Myers Corners Road. 18 MS. RILEY: Can we continue "-- 19 with the rest of the variances this 20 evening? 21 MR. WARREN: We already closed. 22 MR. F ANUELE: We can vote on 23 whether the setbacks for the metal 24 shed and the lot size, we could vote 25 on those. My opinion on that is that 2 the lot is there, the buildings are 3 there, we don't go around -- 4 MR. HOLME: I want to point out 5 that the proper way to make -- take 6 action is to make a declaration, 7 either positive or negative, before 8 taking action. So, determining '-' T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 31 9 environmental impact before you take '- 10 a vote, so perhaps, Marco, maybe you 11 can help me, what you could do is 12 rescind your vote, make a 13 determination and vote again so it's 14 in the proper order. Does that make 15 sense? 16 MS. RILEY: On the 17 interpretation of the letter? 18 MR. CA VIGLIA: You need a SEQRA 19 determination prior to the variance 20 votes. The interpretation is just an 21 interpretation of law, not even, a 22 fact finding is theoretically needed. ........ 23 We opened a fact finding since it was 24 part of the package. If the board 25 wants to vote this evening, the board 2 has to make a SEQRA determination, 3 whether it's a negative or positive 4 declaration, and proceed to determine 5 whether or not you're going to grant 6 the variances. 7 MR. F ANUELE: Since all you 8 learned people out there are getting 9 myself very confused, I would 10 recommend that, Marco, you write up a 11 resolution that we could standby and 12 we'll adjourn the resolution until ...... Minutes of August 22, 2006 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 32 Minutes of August 22, 2006 13 next meeting. ~ 14 MR. CA VIGLlA: What's the next ] 5 meeting date on that? ]6 MR. WALSH: What was the date. ] 7 MR. CA VIGLlA: September] 2. ] 8 have to leave because] have a trial ] 9 next door. 20 MR. FANUELE: We can adjourn 2] these variances. 22 MS. ROBERTI: You already 23 closed the public hearing, you will 24 set a vote date for September] 2. 25 MR. F ANUELE: Are you confused 2 Mr. Walsh? '-'" 3 MR. WALSH: You're going to 4 adjourn to next month, I understand. 5 MR. F ANUELE: We have to make a 6 stand and take it where you're going 7 to take it. 8 MR. WALSH: I will eagerly 9 await the ]2th. I'm addressing to ]0 Frank, if the noise consultant has it ] ] backwards, are you going to be ]2 considering the noise consultant's ] 3 report? ]4 MR. SIMEONE: How can they, if ] 5 it the public hearing is closed? '-'" Page 33 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes of August 22, 2006 Appeal No. 06-7318 Ralph Costa- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-20 Zoning District. _ Where a rear yard setback of 40 feet is required, the applicant is proposinl! a rear yard setback of 20.5 feet, to allow for a new single family house, thus reQuestinl! a variance of 19.5 feet. The property is located at 64 Kent Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-03-493027 in the Town of Wappinger. ......... Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Warren: Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Vote: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Costa: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Costa: Mr. Fanuele: ......... Mr. Costa: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Wiswiewski: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Wiswiewski: Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Mr. Wiswiewski: Mr. Cassatta: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Cassatta: Mrs. Lukianoff: ...... Motion to open the public hearing. So moved. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Swore in the applicant. The reason we are here for a variance is that the town engineer stated that the house had to be pushed back toward the rear due to wetlands and the buffer which makes us need 19 .5 feet of a variance. So this is the only place the house can be put? Yes. I believe there was a site inspection done here? (Yes.) I went by but was not able to walk in. The problem I see is the long driveway and r think the potential is to tie into the future town road if it happens. If it happens we probably won't even be the owners anymore. We were told it could take years for that to happen. Is there anyone in the audience with a question or a comment? Edward Wiswiewski, 62 Kent Road. Swore in the resident. (At this time he passed pictures up to the board.) This is a traffic impact for everyone on Kent Road. We have problems here. At this time Mr. Wiswiewski went on about his feelings regarding the traffic for quite some time. The question before us is a variance not traffic. I understand that and I have no objection to the house so go ahead and build it. Joseph Cassatta, 62 Kent Road. Swore in the resident. My question is the environmental impact because this impacts a lake and woods and r want to know how they will utilize this. This is an older lot and at the time of the subdivision the house was to be in a different location. Now the town engineer went to the site and this place was deemed to be the best place. Page 34 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ........ Mr. Cassatta: Mr. DeJlaCorte: Mr. Cassatta: Mr. DeJlaCorte: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. DeJlaCorte: Vote: Mr. DellaCorte: Mr. Warren: RoJl CaJl: Minutes of August 22, 2006 How wiJl they preserve the wi ldlife? Are you speaking to the deer? Yes. We went to the site but I couldn't see the lake. As for the deer probably just like my yard, they just walk right through. Anyone else? Hearing none. Motion to close the public hearing. Second the motion. AJI present voted aye. Motion to grant the variance since this is the best spot for it. It is substantial and can't be achieved any other way. Second the motion. Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Aye. Mr. Warren: Aye. Mr. DeJlaCorte: Aye. Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Appeal No. 06-7319 Ed Baisley- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-20/40 Zoning District. -Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is required, the applicant is proposinl!: a rear yard setback of 15 feet, to allow for a 20' X 40' garage with electric, thus reQuestinl!: a variance of 35 feet. The property is located at 2 Old State Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6057-04-840169 in the Town of Wappinger. ......... Applicant did not show. Appeal No. 06-7320 Roseann BasiIone- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. _ Where a side yard setback of 25 feet is required, the applicant is proposinl!: a side setback of 15 feet, to allow for a 16' X 16' addition, thus reQuestinl!: a variance of 10 feet. The property is located at 36 Kendell Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-315538 in the Town of Wappinger. Mrs. Basilone: Mr. DeJlaCorte: Mrs. Basilone: Mr. DeJlaCorte: ....... Mrs. Lukianoff: We would like to put up an addition that is 16 X 16 feet. You are a corner lot so which street are you on? Kendall. So the addition is in your rear yard but this says the side. On corners you have to determine which is the rear and which is the side. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 35 Minutes of August 22, 2006 '-" Mr. DellaCorte: The house will only be 15 feet from the side? Mrs. Lukianoff: This house is dimensionally non-conforming and it has a CO. Ms. McEvoy-Riley: I see it now. Mr. DellaCorte: So its just an extension? Mrs. Lukianoff: Yes. Mr. Fanuele: We will schedule your site visit for August 28th and your public hearing for September 12,2006. Mr. Warren: How long have you been there? Mrs. Basilone: Since 1997. Thank you. Appeal No. 06-7321 Theresa & Anthonv Ma2:liulo- Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. _ Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposinl!: a rear side setback of 40 feet, to allow for a 15' X 30' above ground poo~ thus reQuestinl!: a variance of 10 feet. The property is located at 35 Nicole Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-01-335547 in the Town of Wappinger. ....... Mrs. Magliulo: W want to put a pool behind my house and I have 70 feet and the pool is 15 feet wide. I don't want it right nest to the house either. Mr. Fanuele: We will schedule your site visit for August 28th and your public hearing for September 12,2006. Mrs. Lukianoff: If you decide to put a deck on this in the future, put it closest to the house side so that you will not need an additional variance. Mrs. Magliulo: Thank you. Appeal No. 06-7299 John Del!:nan - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an HD Zoning District. _ Where a lot depth of 300 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposinl!: a lot depth of 260 feet to allow for a pre-existing condition, thus reQuestinl!: a variance of 40 feet. The property is located at 1708 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-543530 in the Town of Wappinger. (Public Hearing was closed on April 11, 2006. 62 days set to expire on June 12, 2006, extension granted to September 10,2006.) Applicant is now granting an additional six month extension while they appear before the planning board. This extension would begin on September 11,2006 and expire on March 9,2007. ...... "'" .~ ,.... T own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Mr. Fanuele: Mr. DellaCorte: Vote: Ms. McEvoy-Riley: Mr. OellaCorte: Vote: Meeting ended at 8:45 PM Page 36 Minutes of August 22, 2006 Motion to accept the extension. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Motion to adjourn. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Resp~tfUl.~. s~l:~tted, '. , ;/1 ,4 'CA' /:f:;;(I L..~rti, Secr tary :' Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals