1968-08-13The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
of Appeals was called to order on Tuesday, August 13, 1968, at
805 p.m., at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls,
New York.
Members Present:
Thomas I. Graham, Sr.
Joseph Incoronato
Members Absent:
Gordon A. Hirt
Richard E. Jacobson
H. Frederick Koehler
Others Presents
Joseph E. Ludewig, Building Inspector & Zoning Administrator
Susan J. Pike, Secretary
PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL # 76, Pursuant to Section 280a of
the Town Law, at the request of Vincent B. & Mary E. Lopez,
seeking a variance to permit the issuance of a Building Permit
for the construction of residence on a parcel of land made up
of four (4) lots shown on a filed map* fronting on proposed
Ingalls Street, Town of Wappinger, which has not been developed
to date.
Mr. and Mrs. Lopez were present for their appeal, and came
before the Board.
Mr. Ludewig stated that he cannot issue a Building Permit
unless the lot appears on a street that has been accepted by the
Town, County, or State.
Mr. Lopez stated that he contacted the Village of Wappingers
Falls, and got verbal approval for Village Water and Sewer
services, which would be confirmed in writing.
No one else was present to speak for or against the
application. The Chair declared the hearing closed at 806 p.m.
Mr. Graham noted that# since this request is for a variance
on property located within 500 feet of a municipal boundary,
the recommendation of the Dutchess County Planning Board will
have to be obtained before any action can be taken.
Mr. Incoronato made a motion to table Appeal # 76,
requested by Vincent B. & Mary S. Lopez, pending: (1) advice
from the Attorney to the Towns (2) a search of title of the
50 -ft. easement shown on the filed map as being Ingalls
Streets (3) a written statement from the Village of Wappingers
Falls concerning Village Sewer and Water servicers and (4) the
recommendation of the Dutchess County Planning Board. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Jacobson, and unanimously carried.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Minutes -2-
August 13, 1968
Regular Meeting
The secretary read the minutes of the special meeting of
June 2S, 1968, A motion was made by Mr. Incoronato, seconded
by Mr. Jacobson, to approve the minutes of the special
meeting of June 25, 1968, as read. Motion Unanimously Carried
The Board had been notified that Mr. H. Frederick Koehler
had submitted his resignation to the Town Clerk. The Board
felt that a letter of appreciation should be sent to Mr. Koehler,
if the Town Board has not done so already, acknowledging his
devoted services as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
A motion was made by Mr. Incoronato, seconded by Mr.
Jacotjtson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 8x53 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan J. ke, secretary
Town of Waprpinger Zoning Board
of Appeals