1968-03-12The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of
Appeals was called to order on Tuesday, March 12, 1968, at 8:07 p.m:,
�.r at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York.
Members Present:
Thomas I. Grahame Sr. Richard E. Jacobson
Gordon A. Hirt
Members Absents
H. Frederick Koehler Jason Morse
Others Presents
Joseph E. Ludewige Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator
Susan J. Pike, SHcretary
PUBLIC HEARING - Appeal #73, at the request of William Ibanez,
seeking a variance to permit the replacing and relocating of a
legally non -conforming trailer on lot #63, block 1, on the Town of
wappinger Tax Map # 84.
Mr. Francis Doughty, Attorney, was present for Mr. Ibanez and
noted that Mr. Ibanez is unable to attend as he is in the hospital.
He explained that Mr. Ibanez presently has an old bus, which was
converted into a residence, on property which is owned by Mr. Edward
Thompson. He purchased property adjacent to Mr. Thompson's and
bou#bt a new trailer. not realizing that the zoning would not permit
him to place it on the property. (Photographs of said bus and said
trailer were submitted and are on file with the records of this
appeal..„ He is now requesting a variance to allow him to remove
the bus; -trailer from Mr. Thompson"s property and place his new
trailer on his own property, which is adjotning. Mr. Doughty noted
that if Mr. Ibanez were permitted to do so, it would be a definite
improvement to the area. He further noted that if the request were
denbde Mr. Ibanez would have to dispose of the new trailer at a
considerable loss, and the Town would still be faced with the
problem of having the unsightly bus on the Thompson property being
used as a residence.
Mr. Hirt asked if this trailer would be a permanent residence.
Mr. Doughty stated that, in the sense that it is substartU 1,
he feels it is permanent. He further stated that Mr. Ibanez has
boon eoRtng up from the city for summers and weekends for quite a
few years.
No one else was present to speak for or against the appeal.
The Chair declared the hearing closed at 805 p.m.
In reference to Appeal #73,
A motion was made by Mr. Jacobson, seconded by Mr. ;Hirt, to
grant the variance requested by Mr. William Ibanez, on the basis
that granting said variance does not disturb the charactd;k of the
areae and subject to the fog;; lowing condition:
zoning Board of Appeals Minutes -2- March 12, 1968
1. The ixisting trailer and two attached structures must be
removed from the present site on land owned by Thompson
prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by
the Building inspector for the new trailer.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Members had received copies of the minutes of the regular
meetings of January 9, 1968, and February 13, 1968.
A motion was made by Mr. Hirt, seoonded by Mr. Jacobson, to
approve the minutes of the regular meetings of January 9th, and
February 13th. 1968, as written. Motion Unanimously Carried
A motion was made by Mr. Hirt, seconded by Mr. Jacobson, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion Unanimously Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan J. Pi e, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Planning Board