The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
was called to order on Tuesday, January 21, 1964, at the Town Full,
Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, at 7;45 p.m.
Members present were:
Kermit Booker
Robert L'Archevesque
Wilmer Ifill
Others present worse
Joseph Ludewig
John Zwyaenburg
Thomas Graham
Madeline Bvans
A book on the Now Tork State Town Law was discussed. Mr. Ifill will
order and pick up five copies.
Minutes of the previous meeting (December 39 1963) were read. Motion
to approve as read were grade by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr. Ifill.
Notion passed unanimously.
A discussion was held on Changing the date of the regular meeting of
the Board of Appeals from the third Tuesday of the month to the
second Tuesday of the month. A motion to make this change was made
by Mr. Ifill and seconded by Mr. Graham. Unanimous.
The secretary Will cheek with the Town Olerk to see if this change
Is alright and, if so, will put a notice in the paper stating such.
A short discussion was held on Black Watch Farm, approximately 760
acres, which will be on the agenda for the February 11th meeting to
interpret whether they can build one apartment building on their
property to house six families - all help on the farm.
Mrs. Fred Hamilton • Theresa Blvd. - was in to discuss a Mr. Ribet
who lives across from her and who is starting a business. She and
another neighbor complained that he is keeping equipment in his
Notion to adjourn was made and meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Madeline S. levans, Secretary
Approved 2.11.6 4