1963-11-19The Regular meeting of the Town of Wappingers Zoning Board of
Appeals was called to order on Tuesday, November 19, 1963, at
8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Members present were:
Wilmer Ifill
Robert L'Archevesque
Members absent were:
John Zwynenburg
Others present were:
Joseph Ludewig
Thomas Graham
Kermit Becker
Madeline Evans
The minutes of the previous meeting (September) were read. Motion
to accept as read was made by Mr. L'Archevesque and seconded by
Mr. Graham. Motion passed unanimously.
Hearing for Appeal #11 was scheduled for tonight. This appeal is
by Robert F. Wagner, Box 413, Glenham, who wants to build another
greenhouse on his property like the one he has now. He needs this
second greenhouse to be able to run a full time business.
John Willis, Hughsonville, was present appearing for Mr. Wagner.
Warren Smeriglio, a neighbor of Mr. Wagner's, was also present
appearing for Mr. Wagner.
Michael Hirschfeld, Route 9D, who lives in back of the present
greenhouse was present for Mr. Wagner. The entrance to Mr.
Hirschfeld ;s property is south of the greenhouse.
Hearing closed. Executive session followed. Discussion was held.
A motion was made by Mr. t'Archevesque and seconded by Mr. Graham
that Appeal #11, Robert F. Wagner, be approved subject to review by
the Planning Board and the restrictions as set forth as follows:
that the occupation shall only include the processing and retail
and wholesale sale of nursery products. Motion passed unanimously.
This motion was read by the secretary at an open meeting immediately
after the executive session.
There will be a special meeting called on December 3rd.
Motionto adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Graham and seconded
by Mj;-.L'Archevesque. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
APPROVED 12/3/63
Respectfully submitted,
Madeline S. Evans, Secretary