A special meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
was called to order on Tuesday, July 30, 19631 at 7:30 p.m. at
the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Members present worst
Kermit Booker
Robert L'Archevesque
Thomas Graham
Others present were:
Joseph Ludewig
John 2wynenburg
Wilmer Ifill
Madeline Bvans
One of the three hearings to be heard tonight, that of William
Diener, Appeal #9, was withdrawn by the applicant.
The minutes of the previous :sooting were read and accepted as read.
Hearing #8 » J. do B. Parsons, Inc., Myers corners Road, Wappingers
Falls, N.X. asking for a variance to the zoning ordinance. William
Parsons was present and took the oath to toll the truth. Mr. Parsons
stated that he has been in business since late 1935. He is asking
for a 10 foot side line instead of the required 50 feet because the
property is narrow and 50 feet on either aids would cause a great
burden on them due to the limited amount of space that they have.
They feel that 10 feet is adequate to got through in case of fire, oto.
Mr. Lorenzo Acker whose land adjoins about 90% of the Parsono land
soon no objection to a 10 -toot side line.
Mr. Clausen objects beoause he fouls that this will set a precedent.
Air. Boklund fools the same as Mr. Glausen. He asked if Mr. Parsons
is also going to put up an evergreen fenoo.
On Appeal #10, herald Anderson, Widmer Road, Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Mr. Anderson is appealing for a variance to *he Zoning Ordinance on
Article A, Section 422. He would like to add to his home because
he now has 6 children. Mt'. Anderson took the oath. Mr. Ludowig,
the Building Inspector described the property and stated that Mr.
Anderson wants to build within 3 feet of the property line. He
already is 6 foot from the line on the other Bide. There is a
septic tank, wells and a large maple tree behind the house. Mr.
Anderson wants to put a arage under the new addition which will
have doors on each side Tfront and back) so he will have access to
the back yard. Mr. Anderson has lived in this house for three years.
No one was present in favor of .ter. Anderson.
Mr. Marvin McKenney, the next door neighbor on one side, took the oath
and was against tho variance. He fools that a fire truck could not
got through. Asked how far back the septic tank is from the house.
(Mr. Anderson said approximately 20 to 22 feet. Also thaee are two
wells in the way.) Mr. MoKonney fools that any truck getting through
In a hurry would tear up the MoKennoy property.
,-- Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals meeting July 309 1963 - Pg. 2
Mrs. McKenney had the same objections. Peels that zoning should not
be broken so soon.
*4W Mr. alausen took the oath. he lives right across (75 feet down the
road) from Anderson. Poole that junk behind the house should be
cleared up. Said that Anderson is building shanties behind the house
and that this is a fire trap. Asked ghat happens if septic clogs up
and the truck could not get behind to clean it out. Also feels that
an addition this close to the line would look terrible.
Mr. Anderson stated that he has no shanties behind his house and that
the junk was there when he bought the house. He said that he has been
clearing this out and it will be all gone by this Saturday.
Paul Ganci, representing his father who lives on the other side of
Mr, Anderson, also objected. He feels that for sanitation and fire
reasons, there would bene, access and that a truck would have to
cross either the Ganci property or the MoKenney property and that
if an emergency cane nothing that is said at the meeting would hold
but that trucks would go and ask questinns later.
Mrs. Jensen objected. She feels that a city condition would be had
if the buildings were put so close to the property line.
Robert Kearns, Fleetwood Manor Qivic Association was present and
referred to Appeal 6. He asked if they can make a new appeal.
They were told that they could.
after Executive session a motion was made by Mr. Ifill and seconded
by Mr. Graham that Appeal 08 be granted effective July 30, 1963 sub-
ject to the following restrictions:
to No burning of any materials within the junkyard.
2. The established lines of the junkyard tones on the north
side of the property of J. & B. Parsons, Inc., shall be as
follows: 10 feet from the south side of the lands of So & S.
Parsons and parallel to same: 10 feet from the lands of W.
& H. Parsons and parallel to south side; 10 fest from the south
side of the lands of G, & R. CrIal and extending on a bearing
of South 830 25' 00" Bast past the lands of Crimi in a
straight line to the west line of the lands of V. 5imonotty
(See map attached identified "Property of J. & B. Parsons, inc.
July 30, 1963• indicating junkyard fence linos..)
The vote was unanimous in favor of this motion.
Appeal #10 xxx a motion was made by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr.
L Archovesque that we table this appeal until we can gather
additional information. The individual will be notified of the
decision within two w kks. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Graham and seconded by Mr.
Zwynenburg. Meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Madeline S. Bruns, Secretary
Approved $/20/63 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals