1963-06-18The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 18, 1963, at the
Town Hall, Wappingers Falls, N.Y.
Members present were:
Kermit Becker
Thomas Graham
Members absent were:
Robert L"Archevesque
Others present were:
Joseph Ludewig
John Zwynenburg
Wilmer Ifill
Madeline Evans
The minutes of the last meeting were read. Motion to accept as read
was made by W. Ifill and seconded by T. Graham. Motion passed.
A hearing was held on Appeal P. Henrietta Osten, 99 South Avenue,
Wappingers Falls. She asks for an interpretation on Section 416.08.
Alfred Windhelm, Osborne Hill Road, was present and against the appeal.
He objected on the basis that now there is a control over trailers
and he would like to voice his opinion in keeping control.
Mr. Ecklund was present and against. He has not changed his feeling
since Appeals #1 & 3. He feels that land under discussion has no
existing use.
Mr. Frescati, Osborn Hill Road. Against. Asked when the last p16ce
was sold for a trailer. Mr. Osten said 2 to 3 years ago.
Mr. Joseph Almena questioned who gets copi6s of minutes of meetings
and why the Town Board did not know about the May 21st meeting? He
was told that the Town Board did have an unapproved copy of that
Executive Session followed. Discussion was held.
Public meeting followed. Interpretation of Appeal #7 was read by the
secretary as follows:
Section 416.08 is interpreted to mean the special purpose for
which land, water or a building is used, occupied or maintained
at the time of the adoption of the Zoning Regulations, in accord-
ance with the special permit issued.
This interpretation was the agreement of the entire board present.
It was stated that a motion was not necessary on an interpretation.
Motion was made by Mr. Ifill and seconded by Mr. Zwynenburg that the
meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Madeline S. Evans, Secretary