Wednesday, March 12,2008
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
March 12,2008 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Also
present were Scott Cheney, Recreation Director and Kay V onReyn, Acting Senior
Director. Commission Members present were Jim Chapp as, Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig,
Meera Dave, Vma Satyendra and Max Dao.
QUI: gues.t for ,this meeting was Supervisor Colsey
The minutes of the February, 2008 meeting were accepted after one correction
was made.
. Mr. Holt began by welcoming Supervisor Colsey and new commission member
Max bao to our meeting. Each commission member introduced themselves and
explainedtheir responsibilities. Mr. Holt stated that at the next meeting he would have a
revised list of responsibilities for the commission so that Max Dao may be included.
. .
. Supervisor Colsey started by thanking Recreation for everything they are doing.
He wishes to be kept apprised of any needs or problems we may have so that he may help
us in any Way he can.
1. A letter and listing of metal light poles were received from Central Hudson for
Stray Voltage Testing. The original was given to Supervisor Colsey for his
signature. Supervisor Colsey took care ofthis.
2. Summary of the Town Board meeting of Feb. 11 t\ 2008 included the following:
a. Res. #2008-53 - Purchase of Beam Clay for Robinson Lane - Adopted
Mr. Holt explained that at the present Holt Field and R2 are partially under
water due to the heavy rains and the clay would not be delivered until the
fields dry.
b. Res. #2008-57 - Waiver of monthly rent from the Dutchess Co. Sports
Museum - Adopted. This due to lack of accessibility to the entrance.
c. Res. #2008-58 - Appointing member to the Recreation Commission -
Tabled. (Max Dao has since been approved at the 3/1 0/08 Board Meeting)
3. Letter and resume sent to Scott Cheney from singer/songwriter Steve Schultz
asking to be considered for our music series.
MARCH 2008
4. Letter and schedule from Kate Palumbo of the WCSD outlining their needs for
the use of Robinson Lane fields. This was forwarded to Bill Farrell.
5. Approval has been received from the Town Board to order FIBAR and safety
mats for under playground equipment to meet safety requirements.
6. Summary of the Town Board Meeting of Feb. 25t\ 2008 included the following:
a. Res. #2008-74 - Disposal of surplus computers stored at Schlathaus -
b. Res. #2008-75 - Voluntary termination ofa Town of Wappinger
employee. (Anthony Musarra, Maintenance) Mr. Musarra is now on full
c. Res. #2008-76 - Authorizing repair and replacement of the kitchen in the
Senior Center. - Adopted
7. E-mail from Joe Incoronato, Legislative aid, indicating that "summer use only
recreation phones will be turned off until May 1 st. They will then be turned on for
use through Sept. 30th. Scott Cheney has been using f:1is own phone and would
like to have a town cell phone for year-round use. One will also be kept in the
Recreation Office for use by Recreation Sec'y and for planned Bus Trips.
Supervisor Colsey indicated that service would be transferred from Nextel to
Verizon at a saving of close to $5000 a year.
8. New schedule from Poland Spring"regarding water de.livery at the Barn. The
problem of over-delivery of water may be corrected. "We are able to call ahead
and let them know if we need a delivery or not.
9. A letter and resume have been received from Tracy Palmer seeking employment
with Recreation. She has clerical experience. Copy to Ralph Holt.
10. Letter from Al Roberts, Town A~torney, regarding the Carnwatp. Farms easement
for the Greenway Trails System, Copies to Ralph H<?lt and Joe Ennesser. Mr.
Holt stated that the easement is necessary tor access by emergency vehicles if
11. Flyer to Scott Cheney from Mark Rust seeking a position in our Summer Concert
12. Flyer from Westchester Recreation announcing a seminar for camp directors.
Topics include "Who is watching the kids who are watching OUR kids". Mr.
Cheney said he would look at the flyer to see ifhe would be able to attend.
13. Letter from Coffee Systems of the Hud. Valley announcing a raise in price by
$2.50 per case for coffee.
14. Two letters were received from Heather Ryan of the Office of the District
Attorney of Dutchess County with regard to the cases of the two men held
responsible for the damage done at Rockingham Park. These letters were
forwarded to the Supervisor's Office. Al Roberts has spoken to the District
Attorney. It will be up to the judge as to the restitution to be made by those
arrested. Supervisor Colsey wants a clear message sent that we will not tolerate
15. An invite was received from Wappinger Little League inviting all commission
members to attend opening day on April 19th, 2008. The ceremonies will begin at
9:00 am. "
MARCH 2008
16. An e-mail was received from Dick Wambach, of Wambach Communications with
an update of the status of the Recreation Guide. As ofTuesdaymorning{3/11)
the guide has gone to press. By 3/13 the guide will go to folding, collating and
stitching and be completed by Friday 3/14. They will then be forwarded to
Cornerstone for mailing. Mail date not yet known.
17. The village ofWapp. Falls has sent us a flyer and application for their Picnic-in-
the-Park and parade for Sunday July 13th. If anyone has an idea or need of the
application please let me know.
18. A phone call was received from Tony Faranda of the men's Softball League
seeking use ofthe field at Castle Point on Sundays from May 4th through Labor
Day. Will the field be ready for his use by then? Mr. Holt indicated thatthe
upper field should be in good condition by then. Use of field approved.
19. A request was received from Boy Scout Troop #86 for use of Castle Point on June
15th from 11 AM to 4 PM. Use of field approved.
20. Jay Weiss of an organization called "Move On" would like to hold a candlelight
vigil at Schlathaus Park on March 19th commemorating the 5th anniversary orthe .
war in Iraq. They would meet at dusk and remain for 1 to' 1 1'2 hours. . Number of
people attending not known at this time. Mr. Holt would like to look into this
further to determine their needs and their plans.
21. Two replies have been received from bands for Community Day. The Dixie .
Dandies and the Prospect Drum Corp have both said they would a~tend. Mr. .
Chapp as will send out a second letter to the bands who have not yet responded.
Thus far, we have secured the fireworks display by Legion. He stated that for
$500 more he would add a lot more fireworks to the program. . .
1. A letter was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Ralph Holt explaining the money
owed to former Recreation Director, Skip Rottkamp. He is owed money for
expenditures made as well as some for hours worked in training Scott Cheney, our
new Director. This situation was discussed at the 3/10/08 Town Boardmeeting.
A solution should be forthcoming. Supervisor Colsey said that this was taken
care of.
2. The Home Depot account is now corrected as to those eligible to use that account.
Those eligible are Bob Sheridan, Fred Youngman, Ralph Holt, Joe DeRosa and
Supervisor Colsey. Kay von Reyn said since Nancy Cito had been on that
account could she be put on the account in her place. Mr. Holt said yes.
3. In response to a call from Catholic Charities, an application for "Counselor-in-
Training" was sent to Elena Dalia. She wished to pass this along to some 15-
year-olds looking for something to keep them occupied this summer. Mr. Holt
asked Scott Cheney his views on the CIT program. Mr. Cheney is in favor of it
with limitations to the number of youths involved.
4. A letter was sent to Michael Paino, a former camp counselor with the Town,
verifying his time of employment with us.
MARCH 2008
5. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey and the Town Board with the 2008
contract for the Town of Wappinger Little League. Supervisor Colsey stated that
the contract was signed and that the payment was being processed.
6. A memo was sent to the Supervisor and Town Board requesting their approval to
use Big Top Portable Toilets in our parks for the season. This was approved at
the 3/10/08 Town Board meeting. Delivery will begin on or near April I st.
7. A letter was sent to Tracy Palmer, thanking her for her letter and resume, which
will be kept on file.
8. A letter was sent to Ozie Williams of the Dept. of Health from Kay VonReyn
thanking her for her informative talk to the Seniors about "Healthy Eating for a
Happy Heart".
9. An invitation for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt was sent to the Supervisor, the
Town Clerk and the Town Board.
10. A memo was sent to Chris Masterson, Town Clerk with a listing of terms for the
Recreation Commission Chairman and members. The listing may not be accurate
as the records are sketchy, as members left mid-term and wc:re not. replaced right
away. Further clarification is necessary. The listing should indic.ate one turnover
each year and the list does not reflect that. Supervisor Colsey said that Chris
Masterson has gone back to 1960 and is building the list to allow 'for the proper
rotation of Commission members. He will be doing that for all boards in the
A general discussion was held to make sure that we were prepared for the Easter
Egg Hunt to be held on March 15th. 1000 eggs were filled on Monday and Easter baskets
for raffles were set up. Donations are expected fro~ Stop & Shop and Hannaford'? of
about $50 each. Max Dao has volunteered to be the Easter Bunny, Meer?- Dave said that
she would do face painting and there are enough Commission members who have
volunteered for the event. Scott Cheney has requested a digital camera for use at all
Recreation events so that when photos are needed on line they call; be easily accessed.
Scott Cheney would like to see next year's Recreation Guide distributed in
January of 2009. Although this year's budget does not allow for a second printing of the
guide immediate approval in the new year would put us where we need to be. He would
like to start preparing it in September after the camp season is completed. He would like
to see the new web site for the town be more user friendly, especially where the Guide is
concerned. Dick Wambach has been given a CD of the guide and has been asked to
speak to Matt Cherney of Duality to see that it is incorporated properly. With the
updating ofthe web site it may be possible to use the "on-line registration", as
Poughkeepsie does, for our programs. He suggests starting with one or two programs
Mr. Cheney said that the rock concert discussed at last month's meeting will not
be happening. The gentleman interested in setting it up was not prepared to meet our
qualifications. He would like to see a battle ofthe bands that would be enjoyed by the
teens of our town. He is acquainted with the Basile boys who are concert promoters and
MARCH 2008
can easily arrange this sort of event. Ifwe get a recording studio to sponsor the show,
with a prize to the winner of "in studio recording time" we will not have to pay the bands.
Mr. Cheney, who is also a baseball coach, would like to suggest a turf
underlayment in the batter's boxes and around each of the base paths on some of the
fields at Robinson Lane. It would prevent the clay from being dug up and making ruts
thereby preventing injury to base runners. He is willing to contact companies who will
do this kind of job and get estimates.
Many calls have been made to his office asking ifthere is any potential to do
community service work with the Town. Each high school senior needs 10 to 15 hours of
community service to graduate. Mr. Holtstated that in the past we have allowed a few
young men to work in our maintenance department and asked the commission members
to come up with other suggestions for our April meeting.
Mr. Trudell attended the Town Board meeting that discussed the Miracle League.
He was very impressed with what the woman who spoke had to say. This organization
has funds to build fields set up for handicapped baseball teams, all they need is the sight.
Mr. Holt said that the group w~s taken to 'see Bill Farrell and were shown a sight at
Robinson Lane that they were delighted with. It is located between two of our Little
League fields and not in an out-of-the-way place. An additional meeting will be held
with Bettina Brichetti, ofthe Challenger League to discuss this matter further.
Mr. Trudell mentioned' going over the Master Plan for Camwath and would like to
know ifthere is still a "Friends of Camwath" group. Supervisor Colsey said that the
group may still exist but with only a few people. He continued by saying that there will
be a referendum presented to the public to vote on any future work at Camwath. The
referendum will cover the amount of the full Master Plan at $24.3 million dollars and not
just for the repair of the roof at about $1.5 million. When he and Max Dao were
campaigning they found that people either did not want to spend the money or were
unaware of what Camwath was. If the referendum does not pass, no further work can be
done on the property. Mr. Chapp as pointed out that if the roof collapses it will cost
almost as much to demolish the building as to put a roof on it and save it. Supervisor
Colsey suggested that if you feel strongly about Camwath you had best be prepared to
wear out a pair of shoes. He informed us that the operating budget of the Town is $7.5
million. The outcome is obvious.
Ms. Von Reyn began by quoting the average daily attendance at 35 which is
slightly down from 2007. We were closed three days for weather, one day for holiday
and one early closing because of Town Halllockdown. The attendance for our special
event, which was a Sadie Hawkins party for leap year, was at 77 which is up from 2007' s
February special event. I served three lunches for the month, sent out ten get-well cards
MARCH 2008
as this has not been a good year for the seniors (lots of pneumonia this year) and five new
members were signed up.
The Senior Bus Trips were printed in the Senior Gazette, a newspaper received
throughout the county and also in the Poughkeepsie Journal. The Southern Dutchess
News has been a problem this year with not getting our press releases in. Ms. VonReyn
has asked Mr. Cheney to put the trips on the board at Schlathaus to aid in promoting these
We have worked crafts back into the Senior schedule with the help of Kathi
DeLisa on Wednesday and Friday. This part of the program was originally done by
Regina Waldron. Three programs are expanding nicely, Brain Games on Wednesdays,
Knitting on Thursday and Osteo Progressive Weight Training on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. I have added a page to the monthly newsletter with news from the Office of
the Aging. We also offer the Seniors a free tax service offered by Liz AI~xander who is
sponsored by the Office of the Aging and AARP.
Ms. V onReyn asked that maintenance look at the Bocce courts to see what needed
to be done to put them in shape for the spring and summer. This will ease up the traffic
in the center somewhat. On that note, I visited a Senior Center in MountKisco. They
have a completely separate building that was donated by a bank and refitted with a
commercial kitchen to make the center complete. While down in Mt. Kisco the director
hooked up a Wi system for the seniors to work with. Mr. Cheney said that the media is
touting the Wi system as a wonderful advantage for seniors who need to keep active all
year but particularly during the winter months. A 31" television has been donated to the
center. This'TV; on a rolling stand< will enable us to hold the AARP defensive driving
course in the Large meeting room without inconveniencing the seniors in the center. Mr.
Cheney stated that he still needs a working TV and DVD player for Schlathaus to use for
First Aid and CPR classes as well as for other purposes. Supervisor Colsey infortned us
that Wal*Mart will give up to $1000 worth of equipment to municipalities. Fishkill
received ten 19" TV' s. You simply need to write a letter with the promise to
acknowledge the gift in a newsletter and they will be happy to make the donation.
Mrs. Dave asked if we would be giving out the trees for Earth Day. Mrs.
Manning explained that normally we received a flyer with the prices for these trees but
none has been received thus far. Mr. Holt would like to see us do this again if we can
contact the group who sold them. Supervisor Colsey said that he was on the
Conservation Advisory Committee, a group which hasn't met in two years. He intends to
reorganize the group but that takes time. His concern is that people were showing up
from other towns and our residents did not receive them.
MARCH 2008
Mr. Chapp as did the mailing to the bands for Community Day. We have received
two replies thus far. We have a contract from Legion Fireworks for the Community day
display. Mr. Holt asked ifMr. Chappas would also get in touch with Roger Humeston
asking to use his property for the fireworks as well as his flatbed truck for the reviewing
Mr. Lustig informed us that Jim Purdy is no longer the president of soccer. He
has been replaced by Doug LePerche. The airport soccer fields have suffered greatly
with the rain that we have had. Rockingham is completely lost as it is under two feet of
water. Soccer approached our maintenance dept. for help with dirt fill and manpower.
Mr: Sheridan told them he had no dirt fill to offer and was very low on staff at this time.
Mr. Holt indicated that dirt could be ordered. Supervisor Colsey said that Pete GaIotti
works for a firm that always has dirt that they don't know what to do with". He suggests
we give him a call to see what he can do for us. In regards to the condition of Airport
Park, Mr. Holt said that plans had been made up by Jay Paggi last year but does not know
hoW the current administration will approach this. Supervisor Colsey said that he met
with Jim Purdy and Supervisor Pagones ofFishkill in' January. By way of explanation he
said that when the Cranberry Hills project was scrapped we lost over $1,000,000 (one-
million dollars) that would have gone.into the Parkland Trust. Supervisor Colsey took
exception to Mr. Purdy's suggestion to bond for the money since Mr. Purdy is not a
resident of the town and would not suffer any of the consequences thereof. Mr. Lustig
apologized on behalf of Soccer for Mr. Purdy's attitude. The supervisor accepted his
apology and explained that he is willing to help soccer with grass or sod but was unable
to help with turf fields. Mr. Holt asked if, in the meeting that he attended, did the
Supervisor feel that Fishkill would be donating any funds to our soccer program. Mrs.
Pagones was not forthcoming with funds but she will help us find a grant for her portion
of the work to be done. Supervisor Colsey stated that according to the state law that
governs field usage, a scaled" fee schedule should be set up for non-residents. The reality
of the situation is that children from our town play in other towns because the town
borders and the school district borders don't coincide. But Fishkill is different because
they do not have a program of their own. The Supervisor re-stated that the idea of a grant
is not acceptable, what we need is cash.
Mr. Lustig stated that the time frame for rehabilitating a field would be l5months
before it is playable again. That would mean that they could only use two-thirds of the
fields at any given time and with Rockingham out of commission we need all the room
we can get. Mr. Holt pointed out that when the 27 acres that we have acquired at
Robinson Lane are developed, universal fields can be set up to accommodate Soccer and
Pop Warner.
Mr. Holt feels that it's time to meet with all surrounding towns, including Fishkill,
to come to a common understanding.
MARCH 2008
Mr. Lustig informed us that Soccer has sunk a well at Airport Park and would like
to know if the Town willsupply the pump and a tank. Mr. Holt did not foresee a problem
with that. This would be used for watering the fields not as potable water. Once the
fields are in shape would it be possible to supply Soccer with a lawn mower and storage
unit as was done for Little League.
Ms. Satyendra has no report at this time.
New business included seeking escorts for our Town trips. Max Dao said that he
would do it ifhe was free and ifhe could be advised as to his responsibilities. Mrs.
Manning will see that he gets the information that he needs.
Mr. Holt began by thanking Bruce Lustig and Gary Trudell for filling in for him
while he was away. He also thanked Supervisor Colsey for attending this meeting and
would like to see members of the Town Board at meetings throughout the year.
Mr. Holt again welcomed Max Dao. The listing of Recreation responsibilities
will be amended to allow our new member to help with Recreation's needs. Each
commission member is asked to check the park that they have been assigned on a regular
basis ~specially during camp season. Any vandalism or problems should be reported to
the office or to Bob Sheridan. You are all included in our other functions as well: Easter,
Halloween, Christmas).' ,
Mr. Holt spoke about the access road at Camwath. The road will go from the
upper parking lot, run parallel to the road and come down to meet the main road after it
has passed the fenced-in' area., The cost for this project will be about $30,000 and the
money for this will come from the HG account for Camwath.
Mr. Holt continued by discussing the donation of $30,000 given to Camwath by
the Reese family. It has been agreed that $15,000 will be used to renovate the large room
downstairs in the chapel and the other $15,000 may be used on the apartment in the
administration building. With the completion of the room in the chapel we will gain a
large meeting room for Seniors, girl scouts, boy scouts, etc. This plan will be brought to
the Town Board barring any restrictions by the Reese family.
The fish will be deposited in the Wappingers Creek before April 1 S\ which is
opening day. Mr. Cheney wanted to know why we use Emmadine Pond for our fishing
program after we have stocked the creek. Mr. Holt explained that the fish only remain in
this area for about two weeks, in the pond they are contained.
Bob Sheridan is working on getting estimates for his maintenance truck and
mower. As soon as these are gathered we will present them to the Town Board.
MARCH 2008
The tennis courts on Pye Lane are in terrible shape. They must be redone before
they can be used. Jay Paggi had given us an estimate of $136,000 for the work to be
Supervisor Colsey suggests that we send a letter to the Town Board for an 8 pixal
digital camera. Please keep the cost within reason.
All contributions to the Town, such as the TV donated to the Senior Center, must
be notated as a donation so that it is not included in the Town inventory.
The Supervisor is ashamed of what we do for our Seniors. The kitchen facility
will be replaced soon and he would like to see the desk rem~ved from the main Senior
Room. He would like to see cubicals set up in the back portion ofthe room for Stephanie
and any other assistant that will work in Recreation: .
All computers in the Town Hall will be updated. Not necessarily to brand new
but updated and functional. Only non-working computers will be replaced with new
. ones.
Informational signs, like the ones at Schlathaus will be put up somewhere on the
west side of Town. This so that tho.se who do not go past the signs on Myers Comers
will have an opportunity to be well informed. Mr. Cheney requested electronic signs to
. make the job easier. The Supervisor stated that cost is an i~sue but he is open to
Finally, we have not had a Comptroller since January 25th. This means that ALL
vouchers must be signed by the Town Board, with no exceptions.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Trudell seconded by
Mr. Chappas.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary