2016-06-13 Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Regular Meeting townofwappinger.us Minutes — Joseph Paoloni (845)297-5771 Monday, June 13, 2016 7:30 PM Town Hall I. Call to Order Attendee Name Organization Title Status Arrived Lori A. Jiava Town of Wappinger Supervisor Present 7:30 PM William H. Beale Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM William Ciccarelli Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM John J. Fenton Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Michael Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Joseph P. Paoloni Town of Wappinger Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Grace Robinson Town of Wappinger Deputy Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Albert Roberts Consultant Attorney Present 7:30 PM David Wise Consultant Attorney Present 10:30 PM II. Salute to the Flag III. Adoption of Agenda 1. Motion To: Adopt Agenda ........ ......... ........ ......... ..... .. ....... ..... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz IV. Acknowledge Minutes 1. Motion To: Acknowledge Minutes May 23, 2016 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz V. Correspondence Log RESOLUTION: 2016-185 Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Correspondence Log Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log Correspondence L - 2016- -1 Ninber To From @ate @ate Rec'I Rea A eilda @ate X 88-13-881 Towii Board Barbara Roberti 511712818 512812818 1 Sharhig Bratk oil a Temporary Basis 811312818 06-13-882 Towii Board Barbara Robed/ 512312818 512312818 Performaiice/Maiiiteiiaiice Bods,Ma -hire 8/1312818 88-13-333 Towii Board Alleii Fhteiiberg 511812818 512312818 Le al N6ce/VdIa e of Wapphigers Falls 811312818 88-13-881 Le Bator hicorouto Robed H.Balbid 511812818 5121/2818 RecoiistrLjdoii of Udlehrush Rd. 811312818 88-13-885 Su ephor Ava Thomas Hapiey 512512818 512512818 Carivath Stahsili4oii Project/Bid Roc. 811312818 88-13-888 Towii Board Bridget Barclay 811/2818 8/312818 Poteii ialWater Sepice-Air orf Nve 811312818 88-13-887 Su ephor Jiava Boiiiia Lpiihaf 5/3112818 8/812818 Recreatin&Spiiior Ceiler Re orf,May 2818 8/1312818 88-13-888 Towii Board Jessica Fultoii 8/7/2818 8/7/2818 Rules of the TOW Seiiior Ceiitpr"lard Sale 8/1312818 88-13-888 Towii Board Bea 0 raii i 8/7/2818 6/7/2016,Plaiiiihig&Zoiihig Muthly Re orf,May 2818 8/13/2818 88-13-818 Towii Board Lee Aiiii Fren 81812818 8/8/2818 Muthly Tax Rp orf,March 2818 8113/2818 88-13-811 Towii Board Lee Aiiii Fren 81812818 8/8/2818 Muthly Tax Rp orf,Aril 2818 8113/2818 88-13-812 Towii Board Lee Aiiii Fren 81812818 8/8/2818 Muthly Tax Rp orf,May 2818 8113/2818 88-13-813 Towii Board Susaii Bao 8/9/2818 8/8/2818 Report for Code Ei7forcempil Jail.-May 2818 8/13 818 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-185 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale ...................Voter.. Q........,.... ..❑ ❑........,...... ❑ ... .. .. ....... ....... ... .... ......... ... .... ..... ...... .. ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ .. Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. VI. Public Portion 1. Motion To: Open Public Portion Bill Swibert question the determination of what roads get paved each year and catch basin maintenance. Supervisor Jiava explained that the Highway Superintendent makes the determination based on need. Chis Sorello from Old State Road East questioned if the fund balance could not only be fed by surplus, but also by reverse appropriation. Councilman Beale explained that it is what is left Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 over after the previous years budget. He added that you don't want to use it unless you absolutely have to. He cited the on going discussion at the state level on how much is too much, but they will never give you a number. He said, "Tonight we're going to discuss in a few minutes what we heard from our accountant and what we heard from our CPA, and I'll be interested in hearing what that number is. And, then we're going to discuss if it's feasible to adopt a fund balance policy because, if we adopt a fund balance policy, it's good practice to do that, but we're falling under a tax cap that's a moving target, which we are, it's a 2% tax cap that has never been two percent, it's getting lower and lower and lower, we don't want to breach our fund balance policy in order to maintain the tax cap." ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Close Public Portion ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz VII. Discussions 1. Trans Pacific Partnership Charles Davenport, Derrick Roberts, Barry Kaufman, and Theodore Izzo appeared before the board to ask to them to support a resolution opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership, i.e. a trade agreement among twelve Pacific Rim countries negotiated in secret; and, simply a massive giveaway to large corporations. The four residents read a document which is attached below. The key elements of what was read is that this trade agreement would give away the ability: • of national, state, and local government's to self-govern • to "buy Local" or "buy American" • to limit urban sprawl; to exclude local polluting industries; and, to limit local industrial over-use of water. Outcomes of this agreement would limit internet use and its increase usage costs, increase prices for pharmaceuticals,prevent rulings against meat-labeling or any food regulation,prevent rulings against air pollution controls; and, further the increase of exporting U.S. manufacturing. Finally, this partnership would have the sole authority to update the agreement as deemed appropriate even AFTER the agreement has passed. Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Why should Foca I government be concerned with "'world trade"7 Wo are using this Councils tirne tonight to ask you to take action to protect yr ur constituents against the depredations of natlonal, trade policy,, specifically the Tr a nspa,cffic Partnership or TPIP, -a""free trade" agreementt involving the Uin Ited States and I I other pacific Pian CC U ntries. The,citizens of the rown of WAPPINGER expect,to, be It care of by their effected official "average not want to be concern.e�d with the oornpl,exrtivs and boring details of budgeting, street repair, zoning, or city planning. They are not experts in these fields, and they' don't want to Usually, you will only hear from theirn with individual problerns, at tax tirne, when their Street, isn't, Plowed, or to take care of that potholle. Neither are your citizens,aware of, or interested ln, th;eforrnu WJon and complexities of National trade policy. Unfortunately, in this area, their elfffted representatives on the National level have been failing them for the past 40, years. the MOST IDA14GEROUS PROVISION of"free trade"deals such as the Transpacific Partnership are the Investar,State Dispute Settlement (I'SDS) provisions, which give away national :Mte, and local sovereignty. If there is a w4antial, threat to:their profts, IS provrsions Ove Nreign corporations the right to sue in supra­naU,,on,a[ carporate courts, and overturn national, state, and loml regulatio,n$. Under TSIDS, local governments coufd face,chaRenges.to th0r ability to pass ""bray local"'or"buy American" regulations, to, protect locally-owned businesses., to linilt urban sprawl, or to priotect,the city1s health and environment by excluding poltuting industries or industrial over-use of water. Ovor centudes, patricit-s have fOUg ht and, died to r the right to be governed by laws, made by their, own elected representatives, NOT Kings, foreign nations, or stockholders. You and I have a sacred duty to honor the satrkfice of those: patriots byspeaking out in every p*ssible way against the giving away of those rights by an:yone to aflyone. In this case, thrights are being ceded by our Congress and President to,corporate empires with allegiance to no one. We thereFore,as the WAPPPAGEP Town Board to pass-a non-binding resolution designating the Town of WAPPINGIER as a "TPR frep zone", and send it to all aaproprilate national re-presentabves. Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 "MeTr,anspacific Partnership Is a 5,554page document grit i 30 baht rrs. it,was negotiated In virltual secrecy by n rporete lawyers for the benefit laf supra-national corporations. The a(tu-al ft-,ument would be inccrrnprahensiible t those who,are not corporate lawyers, Mth a specialty in intern ti )al trade agreernents. The document was. not designodto be react by,the general public, So what can ordinary citizens,such as you and I team their aapinio n upon'? , We rnu5;t rely upcwn the capinlons of those whom we trust and respect, and have the msources to forrr"I l to an opinion; People such as Elizabeth "warren, Robert I + i(Ch, Nobel Prize winning econeuraist 3eseph tiglit „ the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations, LabDr unions, and political organizations; we may also nsLrit conservatives such as Senator Sessions (l - L)« and Congressman Chris Gfton ( ,l'Y1 ), who are in Opposition to the TPP. We illrely" on history, "sal evident"" truth, and common~ sense, Forinstance, every trade, deal since the opening f true with C'bi a in 197' has contributed to economic dlsrWption in this r,Oientry and the worsening of the condition of the aver e riddle class. American, ands NEWBUR H residents. For in5tancae, does anyone think that p4ttirg Amehcan workers into wage competition with slave laborers (ilial y si J, SultAnoto of Brunei), workers making ,,16,5 an hrnnar (V'letriern), or 2.00 an hr ur(Chile,, Peru) will sorb to the betterment of Arrnerlcan workers or those in PPi'ti . Does anyone thinly that paying for internet s rvices the American publ is now receives fir fre((�nwrrlI t'xn fit o:f Am erica ns or WAPPINGE R residents? Does anyone thinly that paying higher prices for drugs dare to e tera ion of years of copyright protection will benefit of or WAPPINGER, residents? WO urge the WAPPINGER Torn Board to lend its,voice to the opipositOn of this threat to the environment, living standards, aroff general, welfare of Americans posed by the Transpacific (Partnership. "TPP-Free'nand Anti-Fast Track resolutions have been passed by dozens of ommunities in uding New,York; San Francisco; Los Angeles;eles;: Seattle; Pitts'dt+r° h; St. Paul, Minn. Madison, Wis.; Berkeley, Calif'.; Tompkins County, NY; Mahening County, Ohio; Bellingham, ' ash., Richmond, Calif.; and Ho lywooid CA Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 r , corporate tribunals, and the threat to the Hudson Vatley Under Investor"State Dispute Settlement(ISIDS), provrz000s of'NAFTA,, the dearth American Free Trade agreement, there are $38 billion "ha rs In pending claims, between Mexico, Canada and the USA, lnr addition to this $38 b4flon, a recent clzirn by TransCanada Co�rpor,at0i, is, asking for$15 Billion from the United,, States in compensatio6 under NAFTA for [ost,profits due to the Obarna Adrytinistration's rejetlion of Trans Canada's Keystone XL pipefino,project. On May 18, 2015 the World "I rade Organization (WTO) ruled against US country-of-origin meat labeling regollations betwn the QSA, Mexico, and Canada, which irequire+i the labelling of pork and beef products soild in this country, to inform consumers where animals were born, raised, and s1laughtered. .......... .......... The Pofl,§,,AgrqP.,enc,on chmate change-has been hailed as the world's greatest diplornatic success. Unfortunately, Iunderthe I PIP supranational curporationSwil] still, have a free hand in doing,things that will result irt accelerated climate change. Whatever cairbon produution restrictions are enacted, business entities will, ignore, under IDS provis,lons, as,these resthctions will threaten their profits. (Even, today,we have "tax havene and"polluti-on havens".) rn addition,,to paying lower wages, US Companies moved to, Mexico an:d other thirdworld COUIrItTieS,to avoid costly environmental regulations. Approval of the Transpacific Partnership w il 1, a]low corporations,to ride roughshod over envirunimental regulations of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Mle, and Peru, Besides destroying the locah environment, we cannot expect any corporation doing tyusifless in these countries to honor any agreement to 14mit the carbon pollution which icontributes to global warming and rising sea levels, The City of Miami leach is beginning to dJsapp eaT, due to rising sea levels, as are other low lying American cornmunfties. What will WAPPINGERs waterfront areas look like at high tide after,another 0, 0, or 100,year, of climate,change? What will our gra ndchild ren see? In 30-5-0 yeans, the WARPJNGER Town Board will very possibly befa,c1bg an immediate problern., How many millions shOUld WAPPINGER invest in sea walls to preserve low lying areas? How should, the'Town of WAPPINGER replace tax revenues lost doe to property now, literal4y ,underwater? We believe th at the actions of theWAPPING ER Town, Board,imp 2016 Ca n help prevent this future, problem. (For those who remain Oopticar of the theory of man-made clirnate change, please conSlklt the researich of Ex)cori Corporation and the ofl industry done in the 1970s.) Town of Wappinger Page 6 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Ecoin*mic,effects 0 US traide poficy*. Trade Deficlt� Jobs— abandoned factortes, Undeniable FACT: America Kad a $7,22 bil Ron tradedeficit in 201 ,, which has been growing annually- The controversia[AMWpip jj,,ftWyf,,,r A— e � en R RnvestmenL, ct,was Pr-§d t Obama's economic stimulus package. This $787 b0tion plan was judged to be a great success, However, the USA cannot afford to send 3/4 trillion dollars a year overseas and preserve its standard of living. That 3/4 trillion doliar s a year is a great economic stimulus for other countries and a ne",five stimulus,for the USA. In 1979, t USA and China granted each other"most favored, nation" trading status. In 1980, America went from being a creditor nation to,a debtor nation, runnings a trade deficit In everyfollowing year'. This is a FACT, a fact which the most ardent supporters of"'free trade cannot deny or spin,. Real income for � of Americans has not, increased since 1980, arid the Arrierlcan rniddle class,has been steadily shrinking. No one is arguing,u ing that Ameriran5 wi I I gain.jolts with the 7 ranspacific Partnership. lob retraining (Trade Adjustment ASSIstance) is offered with each free trade dwell :to counter expected job losses. The effects of the NAFTA on employrnent are debated; unbelievably, some argue that therewas,no n,e job loss dire to NAFTA; these arguments don'tconvInce, residents of the state of Michigan,, 'which went from being one of the most prosperous states in the country to an economic disaster. A tour &the Midwest will', reveal 15,000 vacant factories-frorn the last 40 years. Job losses from NAFTA are,coptibuing to the present day. The, Ford Motor Company ties announced it Is open[rig ,factories, and creating aiutornobi[e manufacturing jobs in Mexico. The maker of,Orecs, the Mondelez Corporation, formerly the National Company, is send7ulg 600 jobs from Chicago to Mexico., Under the Transpacific: Pa rtnersh I p, Americarni workler4t wil I lie forced I r1to wage competition with warkers in Chile and Peru ($2 an hour), Vietnam (65 cents an hour), Malay,5I[a (low wages and slave latr), and the Sultanate of Brunei (Sharia law, probable slave labor) Now is t'he time to stop the exporting of Americas,jobs and wealth. We ask the NEWBURGH.....rown Board for, its help. Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 UNENFORCEABILITY RtlCE,A BILIT'if u Labor, Provisions: The idea its put forward by proponents of the TPP. which S iecmt ry of $tate Clinton. called the "Gold Standard of Trade Agreements'that tftis free trawle agreement wll improve the live; workers in signing where other free trade afire rn nts admittedly failed in the past" tt will not. 1) I1"the governments of Vietnam, Malaysia, andthe Sltanate of Brunei were interested in im.reasing their~minimum wage, allowing minions, bannit'rag child and lei^ labor, Orincreasir,)g,Worker safety, they wwwer;rld have dune it by now. Whatever"rnann to " are In the agreement are weak or, rneaning[e5s; for exemp e, the TPP cells for a minimurn swage to be established, brit males no specif taboo s; the minimum wagle Mind be 1 terit per hour. Only motional governments have standing to enforce prtum Gions of the. treaty, to Initiate actie"n against offending countries. ti"u"ill the United States government"g to bat" for foreign workers:'?rs;"? Probably n t. Neste the opposition in the United States itself to unions, worker protection; liunder OSHA (Occapadonarl Health and-Safety r*'rrrlrrl i t e and to increasing the rrminurrmurn: , 'age:. l ) The Mama admiinistration, in, order to get,Fast TrackIpproval Bair the TPP In 2015, UPGRADED Malaysia from a tier,3 to a tier 2 Hurnan Trafficking country., C) In 2011, 'f illary Clinton's Statim Dept. irnt rverie d on behalf orf Levi'$, Flanes, and Fruit of the.Loorn corporations to,prevent the rninirnum wage in Haiti from going from 24 cents an hOLrr to 61 cents an hour; the Corporations wanted, and girt, 31 cents an hour. ) As Senator Jeff Merkeley painted out at the Senate debate on Fast,Track., Sere: to the,threat of r"etalhitrcan,there is',great re uc't nce to'rock the boat". If the United; States, asks tri enforce standards, the reply will be, paraphrasing emnf ld"s rup a zi-. "no asom facwies withcheap labor'for you"or perha,p "M aybe we'll krait some of year'iumrmp wrts after" all.' 5) f'lie n (1)and e ly case brought under free trade agreements veers initi(� d by the ArL-CIO and Gu terrr�lan unions, who filed e complaint in 2008, tinder CAFTAk, the Central American Free Trade-Agreement.,The US ga ver'n ment finally moved the case to arbitration in 2DI 4, The Case is still being negotiated now In 2016. In the rneantime, from 2007to 2014,. More than 7 "de unionists were rnkirdeired in Guatemala. The only provisions of the Transpacific Fla rtnrership that w lil be enforced will be those that have a reward, M profits„ We can SUrMite that Workers' rights mwwil,i not be given ouch irnport rr e, if any. Thank You Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Other dangerous provisions, Unexpected Consequences, The TPP would also Mean the end of Internet freedom as we know it. it would expan)d corporate copyright enforcement at oie expense of privacy and free speech. It would, criminalize tipkering and ryindifyIng products under, fair use purposes. Artd, it would allow corporations prosecute violators NOT in American courts, but in the same tribunals that are used to orWermine environmer"Aal and consumer protections under XSDS provisio-ns. I Wewill continue to be able:to post photos and videos to Faoebook,, but we will be payiniq; for It. I prdict we will see a pop-up saying:', "there, is a $a,00 charge to, post this material. Would you like to put your credit card on;file?' 1`hls concept wa-q vetoed by Cr! ngress ,when It refused to pass SiDPA, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" a few years ago, but will become areality with the TIPP. Patent nlghts on dirugs will be extended. X5 a result, Vierewlll be a, longer time before generic copies are allowed, and pharmaceutical Companies will be changing more for drugs. In poorer countries, kife swing mied idnes w!11 become more unaffordable. Belleve it or not, there a:re Chapters that won't become public until 4 years after the treaty Is approved. The Wobsite of the United States Trade, Roprosentative proudly pooritS out clauses that would make the (TPP) a "living agreement...to enable the u, dating p of the ag reeme nt as appropriate.,�" Meaning the ag reement could be Changed' after the agreerneint Is, approved by Conigre_s,5, One area that:might be"Updated"is allowing other r-Quritries, notably Chinar to jpin, withpvt Congressional approval. One of the-unintended iconsequenices"of NAFTA was that:the importation of cheap Arnerican corn, rnechartizaHy produced and also subsidized by American taxpayers, undercut:the price of Mexican corn, and drove millions of mexican farmers and families off their lands. These rniffions imirnigrated to the 'United States, worsening an imMigration probtern, or"were recrurted by mE�wcarl drug gangis, What Ml happen when American Rice is imported into Vietnam, and drNes millions of Ip^easants from their land? W11[ a situation arise similar to what is happening now in Syria, wl'i,en the worst two years of drought in 90,0 years drovel,5 million Syrians Into the cities, where they were not taken ca re of by the despotic di'ctator,Assad? Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 COUNTERING CHINA AND CLOSING President Obarna's ultimate argument for the TPP is that'we' need it to counter 'II CINna's influence In the region". we don"t want China to ",write the rules". is Obarna is talking about economic influence? Sorry, Mr. President, that horse,left the barn when China was granted"irnostfavored nation""trade: status rn i 979. Since then, thanks to the efforts off the United States of America, the Chinese economy has,grown to be the second most powerful ii the warld. WecurreotPy have tirade,agreements with all of the TPP countries except Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Suttanate of 5runei. Is this m, ass[ve agreement needed to trade with these countries whose combiried econorn[es constitute 1% of the Wo�rld's Gross Domestic Product? is the President talking ab ut millitary influence? Is there a ineed for military bases i'n MalaWa, Vietnam, and Brunei? Is there any scenario in which China, would risk a'"4W war with the United States, who, is the principal source of lts wealth, and whin owes it hundreds of billions of dollars? The Ileaders of mina are capitalists; they are: not crazy, nor are they stupi,d, PS: China Is stated to be,admitted W the TPP In the future, without Congressional approval, under 'living agreement`"provisions. PPS: the President Just lifted the 50 year old embargo on Weapons Safes to Vietnam, WITHOUT a massive tradeLa reerrnent In place. Sherlock. Holmes said, 'if you've eliminated all other possibilities, whatever rern ains, imust be time truth"' I The truth that remains is that the Transpacific Partrter,�Hp offers no benefit to AmeriCarl w0rlkers, no benefit to American prescripbofl drug users, no benefit to American Internet users, and it overrides the American Constitution. Wh at remains is the fact,tha t it benefits some exporters a nd supra-national corporations, The Transpacific partnership and the "free trade" agreements of the past 20 years are in reality simply massive giveaways for Corporations. The TP,P in fact was negotiated in secret with the'advice and consent"of more than 500 corporate advisors, and with no, input byCoogress, which is charged by the Constitution to ""regulate commerce with For,&gn nations"" , Our Arnerican Constitution begins with 'We the people...." Its porpose is to, .promote the general welfare" of the people, not to establish or support corporate, or any other form of domination over there. As clUzens concerned with protPt-Ung WeR1,CAN liberty and AMERICAN economic well being, ,we are asking the Town Board for help iin that task. Please pass a nor-bindi,nq resolution declaring tine Town of WA,PPINGER to, be a "TPP Free Zone"and lend the voice of the people of WAPPINGElk to the opposition to this trade deal, which is an affro"t to everythjn,g we as Amer[cans stand fbr. 2. Fund Balance Policy Supervisor Jiava opened the discussion quoting the New York State Comptroller's minimum policy of at least 5% of that fund's expenses. No comment was made to the maximum amount. Councilman Beale stated that he had no objection to using it to reduce subsequent year's taxes, one time capital expenditures, or emergencies caused by natural occurrences. He suggested another reserve fund called a contingency and tax stabilization fund. This reserve fund would protect the tax payer should something happen such as having the State Recommended Maximum Tax Increase to recommend a zero percent increase. Under that situation rising expenses could equal revenues or even exceed revenues necessitating the use of some of this money. He suggested looking into the stabilization fund. Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 3. Standard Workday and Reporting for Elected Officials -Retirement Due to changes to the law as of 2015 in reporting requirements elected officials reporting for retirement is being requested. Total hours worked in a month should be divided by a 6 hour work day. A resolution detailing this will be prepared for the June 27th. Regina Dauzat will prepare the form necessary for the next meeting. 4. Motion To: Approve Tennis Tournament ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 5. Community Day Fireworks The need for a second quote under the procurement policy was satisfied for the community day fireworks from Alonzo Fireworks which came in at $250 more. The board agreed. VIII. Resolutions RESOLUTION: 2016-180 Resolution Accepting The Town Of Wappinger Fund Balance Policy WHEREAS, the Town seeks to create a formal Fund Balance Policy establishing best management practices to address year end surpluses and fund balances; and WHEREAS, the Town recognizes that the formation of an unassigned fund balance will stabilize and possibly enhance the current credit rating of the Town; and WHEREAS, all major credit rating agencies (Moody's, Standard and Poor's and Fitz) site formal Fund Balance Polices as best management practices commonly used by better rated communities; and WHEREAS, municipalities that adhere to Fund Balance Polices are viewed as being more proactive which in return results in higher credit ratings and lowering borrowing costs; and WHEREAS, the Town, in consultation with the Town's Financial Advisor, finds the Fund Balance Policy to be reasonable and in the best interest of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board Members acknowledge that they have reviewed the terms and conditions of the Fund Balance Policy and find the same to be reasonable and acceptable. 3. The Town Board hereby authorizes and accepts the Fund Balance Policy in essentially the same for as attached hereto. 4. The Town Board hereby authorizes the implementation of the Fund Balance Policy immediately.. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-180 ❑ Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava....................... ...Voter... Q........,........❑.......,........❑........,.......❑..... ❑ Defeated William H.Beale......................Voter... .......Q................❑...... ......❑......... ........❑....... Q Tabled ............... ...... ... .... .............. ... .... ............ ...... William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton..........................Mover.... .......Q.................❑..... ......0................... ❑........ Next:6/27/16 7:30 PM . Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Tabled. RESOLUTION: 2016-186 Resolution Awarding Bid For Carnwath Farms WHEREAS,by Resolution No. 2016-145 adopted by the Town Board on April 25, 2016, the Town Board authorized the Engineer to the Town, Morris Associates Engineering and Surveying Consultants, PLLC, to solicit bids for the Carnwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project; and WHEREAS,bids were duly solicited and the following bids were received on May 18, 2016 as follows: Contractor Bid Amount Fastracs Rentals, Inc., Red Hook, NY $117,300.00 Corewood Ventures, Inc., Poughkeepsie, NY $143,764.00 Sun Up Enterprises, Inc., Wappingers Falls, NY $167,205.00 WHEREAS,by letter dated May 25, 2016 from Morris Associates Engineering and Surveying Consultants, PLLC, a copy of which is affixed hereto, it was determined that the lowest responsible bidder is Fastracs Rentals, Inc., with a bid in the amount of$117,300.00; and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to award the contract to Fastracs Rentals, Inc., Red Hook, NY, in the proposed amount of$117,300.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town of Wappinger hereby awards the bid for the Carnwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project to Fastracs Rentals, Inc., in the amount of$117,300.00 to be paid out of the Parkland Trust. 3. In accordance with the authorized bid specifications, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute the contract documents as prepared by Morris Associates, including the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed and forward a copy to Fastracs Rentals, Inc., after the Attorney to the Town has confirmed that Fastracs Rentals, Inc., has duly executed the contract documents, has supplied the necessary Performance Bond, Payment Bond and provided insurance certificates all as otherwise specified by the bid specifications. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-186 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale Voter... Q.............. ❑ ... ❑.......,... ..❑....... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ . Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-187 Resolution Authorizing Submission Of Application To The State Comptroller To Establish The Mid Point WHEREAS, the Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area (hereinafter"Mid-Point") was authorized by Resolution of the Town Board on June 10, 1974; and WHEREAS, Mid-Point was formed for the purposes of acquiring a sewer treatment plant, trunk lines, sewer laterals,pumping stations and associated facilities to serve the Mid- Point Park development, now known as the Royal Ridge Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the sewer plant was completed and constructed by the developer at no cost to the Town and was thereafter dedicated to the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, the Town has continuously operated the sewer treatment plant since 1974; and WHEREAS,the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC), by report dated March 2014, determined that there were exceedances of the permitted flow from the sewer plant; and WHEREAS,negotiations ensued between NYS DEC and the Engineers to the Town to finalize a flow management plan to address the infiltration and inflow(I& I), believed to be the source of the exceedances; and WHEREAS,NYS DEC has demanded that the Town enter into an Order on Consent to assure that the required improvements to the sewer system be undertaken in a timely fashion; and WHEREAS,the Town Board approved and accepted the terms of the Order on Consent and authorized the Supervisor to execute the Order on Consent on behalf of the Town by Resolution dated March 14, 2016; and WHEREAS,the terms and conditions of a flow management plan and schedule of construction have been approved by NYS DEC and incorporated into the Order on Consent; and WHEREAS,the quarterly O & M charges for a typical residential user are $766 for calendar year(paid in quarterly installments of$191.46); and WHEREAS,the projected costs for the initial capital repairs are estimated to be $280,000; and WHEREAS,the costs for the capital repairs shall be paid by the issuance of serial bonds to be assessed against the properties within the proposed District; and WHEREAS,the estimated debt service for a typical property within the proposed District is estimated to be $128; and Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 WHEREAS,the total cost for a typical property for both debt service and O & M amounts to $894 per year; and WHEREAS,rules and regulations of the New York State Office of the Comptroller, Department of Audit and Control, requires Audit and Control approval whenever costs to a typical homeowner exceeds $798 per year(for calendar year 2016) for sewer services, including both O & M and capital assessments; and WHEREAS, since the current O & M charges and capital assessments to a typical property exceeds the threshold of$798 per year, approval by the Department of Audit and Control will be required for the formation of the District and for the issuance of any serial bonds to pay for the required improvements; and WHEREAS,the Application to Audit and Control for the approval of the formation of the District has been prepared by the Attorney to the Town, in consultation with the Town Assessor, the Engineer to the Town and the Town's Municipal Bond Advisor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board Members hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Application to Audit and Control, as prepared by the Attorney to the Town. 3. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the Application to the NYS Comptroller's Office, Department of Audit and Control, in substantially the form submitted herewith, for approval to form the Mid Point Park Sewer District, for the purposes issuing serial bonds to pay the costs of constructing capital repairs to the Mid-Point Park Sewer Plant, all in accordance with the Order on Consent dated April 13, 2016 above-identified previously approved by the Town Board. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-187 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as AmendedLori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated am H.Beale Voter Q,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ❑ ❑ ❑ Willi ................... ....... ......... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ .. Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-188 Resolution Authorizing Transfer Of Funds For Highway Resurfacing Projects WHEREAS,Highway Superintendent Bettina plans to resurface approximately five miles of Town roads this calendar year at an approximate cost of$790,000; and WHEREAS, according to the Town Accountant, there is approximately $400,000 available and on hand resulting from unspent 2014 and 2015 bond issues for highway resurfacing that can be expended immediately; and WHEREAS,it is anticipated that there is $220,000 reimbursable from the CHIPS Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 program after the Town has completed $220,000 worth of highway resurfacing; and WHEREAS,the CHIPS program requires the Town to expend the money first and then submit for reimbursement; and WHEREAS,there is an estimated $870,000 in unallocated DB fund balance which can be applied to highway resurfacing projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby authorizes a transfer of$390,000 from the DB fund balance to cover the cost of highway resurfacing in calendar year 2016 and to transfer said amount from the DB fund balance to budget line D135112.400. 3. The Town Board anticipates that of the $390,000 funds transferred from the DB fund balance, approximately $220,000 thereof will be reimbursed through the CHIPS program. All funds received from 2016 CHIPS reimbursement will be transferred to DB fund balance. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-188 ❑ Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava...........................Voter... Q........,.......❑...... ❑.......,.......❑..... ❑ Defeated William H.Beale Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Q Tabled William Ciccarelli....................Voter... Q.........,........❑..... ❑........,.......❑..... ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton....................... .Voter....,.........Q...... ❑........,........❑...... ❑.... Next:6/27/16 7:30 PM .. ... ......................... ............ ........ ........ ................ ................ ........ Michael Kuzmicz Seconder Q ❑ C7 D Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Tabled. IX. Town Board Review of Vouchers RESOLUTION: 2016-189 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board -X The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-X Vendor A B DB T16 (Aflac (General (General (Highway insurance) Town wide) Part Town) Fund) Superior Signs 2,875.00 Central Hudson 37.09 Central Hudson 581.60 Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Central Hudson 1,241.73 Camo 455.00 Camo 618.00 Central Hudson 864.20 Central Hudson 275.78 Central Hudson 37.09 Central Hudson 3,548.95 Royal Carting 14 980.96 Southern Dut News 256.35 Southern Dut News Sedore & Co 2,540.00 Thomson West Law 208.00 Sun Up Enterprises Celia Sigalow 140.00 Interpretor Justice Court Fund 30,356.25 Justice Court Fund 28,958.00 Staples 36.07 Staples 4.20 Staples 15.13 Staples 34.64 Optimum 34.95 Optimum 175.60 Aflac 131.90 John George 3.00 Reimburse Accela Auto Zone 273.92 Ken Bernstein Esq 3,307.50 Joe Johnson Equip 5,213.74 Package Pavement 668.20 Hud Valley EC&M Kubota Tractor Corp Park Lane 3,215.00 Construction Total $94,501.90 $295.19 $6,158.86 $131.90 Vendor A HBE HWF SM WU (General (Highway (Filtration (Midpoint (Wapp Town Equipment) of Atlas & Sewer) United wide) Hilltop) Water) Superior Signs Central Hudson Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Central Hudson Central Hudson Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Royal Carting Southern Dut News Southern Dut News 203.50 Sedore & Co Thomson West Law Sun Up Enterprises Celia Sigalow Interpretor Justice Court Fund Justice Court Fund Staples Staples Staples Staples Optimum Optimum Aflac John George Reimburse Accela 500.00 Auto Zone Ken Bernstein Esq Joe Johnson Equip Package Pavement Hud Valley EC&M 82,421.69 Kubota Tractor Corp 52,000.00 Park Lane Construction Total $52,000.00 $82,421.69 $203.50 $500.00 Vendor SU Paid Town Board Hold (Wapp Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 U n ited Sewer) Superior Signs 2,875.00 Central Hudson 37.09 Central Hudson 581.60 Central Hudson 1,241.73 Camo 455.00 Camo 618.00 Central Hudson 864.20 Central Hudson 275.78 Central Hudson 37.09 Central Hudson 3,548.95 Royal Carting 14,980.96 Southern Dut News 256.35 Southern Dut News 203.50 Sedore & Co 2,540.00 Thomson West Law 208.00 Sun Up Enterprises 4,500.00 4,500.00 Celia Sigalow 140.00 Interpretor Justice Court Fund 30,356.25 Justice Court Fund 28,958.00 Staples 36.07 Staples 4.20 Staples 15.13 Staples 34.64 Optimum 34.95 Optimum 175.60 Aflac 131.90 John George 3.00 Reimburse Accela 500.00 Auto Zone 273.92 Ken Bernstein Esq 3,307.50 Joe Johnson Equip 5,213.74 Package Pavement 668.20 Hud Valley EC&M 82,421.69 Kubota Tractor Corp 52,000.00 Park Lane 3,215.00 Construction Total $4,500.00 $9,461.44 $231,251.60 $0.00 $240,713.04 $240,713.04 Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 6, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-189 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as AmendedLori A.Jiava „" Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ... ......... ........ ....... .. ..... Willi ❑ Defeated am H.Beale Voter....,....... Q ............. ❑ .....,...... ❑ .... ❑ ... .. ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder D" ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ." Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-190 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board -Y The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-Y Vendor A B DB T92 (General (General (Highway (Escrows) Town Part Fund) wide) Town) Camo 42.00 Central Hudson 78.43 Central Hudson 291.36 Scott Volkmman Esq 4,567.50 NYS Empire H/I 3,915.17 7,092.79 8,681.41 Platts Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 1,900.00 Poughkeepsie Journal 142.90 Poughkeepsie Journal 220.80 Home Depot 68.79 MVP H/I Premium 3,948.44 23,898.43 27,763.74 MVP Gold Retirees 3,147.90 Lori Jiava Reimburse 58.78 Thomson West Law 336.75 Graham Foster Reimb 137.40 Staples 3.67 Signal Graphics 47.28 47.28 Richard Travis Reimburs 41.54 DC Sheriff Patrol 11,654.60 Al Roberts 4,112.50 560.00 Al Roberts 367.50 Al Roberts 157.50 Al Roberts 297.50 Al Roberts Al Roberts 3,482.50 Al Roberts Al Roberts 70.00 Al Roberts 111.00 Al Roberts 52.50 Al Roberts Al Roberts 3,543.75 Town of Wappinger Page 20 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Al Roberts Al Roberts 1,443.75 16,992.50 2,117.50 Expanded Supply 345.00 Expanded Supply 1,458.00 Expanded Supply 324.64 Coffee System 62.05 United Auto Supply 182.43 Thalle Ind 375.51 Williams Lumber 35.51 Williams Lumber 1,451.29 ABC Corp Plaque Jay 260.80 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 26.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 83.00 Comm of Fin (Supplies) 52.69 Sal Morello Reimburse 25.00 Wells Fargo 272.43 272.42 A. Montano Co 2,161.52 Cornell Roads Pro Vinny 50.00 Diamond Snake Excava 350.00 Ready Refresh Water 167.42 Town of Wappinger Page 21 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Don Kortright Tire 100.00 Don Kortright Tire 300.00 Morris Assoc Legal Shred 995.26 14.93 John DiMartino 9.00 Sarjo Ind 12.54 Sweeper Parts 1,159.04 Total $60,384.33 $29,273.28 $47,391.33 $4,935.00 Vendor HWN AM SM W (NYCDEP) (Ambulance (Midpoint (Wapp Fund) Sewer) United Water) Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Scott Volkmman Esq NYS Empire H/I Platts Poughkeepsie Journal Poughkeepsie Journal Home Depot MVP H/I Premium MVP Gold Retirees Lori Jiava Reimburse Thomson West Law Graham Foster Reimb Staples Signal Graphics Richard Travis Reimburs DC Sheriff Patrol Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Town of Wappinger Page 22 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts 297.50 Al Roberts Al Roberts 2,161.25 Al Roberts 3,489.30 822.50 Expanded Supply Expanded Supply Expanded Supply Coffee System United Auto Supply Thalle Ind Williams Lumber Williams Lumber ABC Corp Plaque Jay Fishkill Plains Garage Fishkill Plains Garage Fishkill Plains Garage Fishkill Plains Garage Comm of Fin (Supplies) Sal Morello Reimburse Wells Fargo A. Montano Co Cornell Roads Pro Vinny Diamond Snake Excava Ready Refresh Water Don Kortright Tire Don Kortright Tire Morris Assoc 5,213.30 Legal Shred 39.81 Town of Wappinger Page 23 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 John DiMartino Sarjo Ind Sweeper Parts Total $7,374.55 $3,489.30 $822.50 $337.31 Vendor SU Paid Town Board Hold (Wapp U n ited Sewer) Camo 42.00 Central Hudson 78.43 Central Hudson 291.36 Scott Volkmman Esq 4,567.50 NYS Empire H/I 19,689.37 Platts 1,900.00 Poughkeepsie Journal 142.90 Poughkeepsie Journal 220.80 Home Depot 68.79 MVP H/I Premium 55,610.61 MVP Gold Retirees 3,147.90 Lori Jiava Reimburse 58.78 Thomson West Law 336.75 Graham Foster Reimb 137.40 Staples 3.67 Signal Graphics 94.56 Richard Travis 41.54 Reimburs DC Sheriff Patrol 11,654.60 Al Roberts 4,672.50 Al Roberts 367.50 Al Roberts 157.50 Al Roberts 297.50 Al Roberts 350.00 350.00 Al Roberts 3,482.50 Al Roberts 35.00 35.00 Al Roberts 70.00 Al Roberts 111.00 Al Roberts 52.50 Al Roberts 297.50 Al Roberts 3,543.75 Al Roberts 2,161.25 Town of Wappinger Page 24 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Al Roberts 24,865.55 Expanded Supply 345.00 Expanded Supply 1,458.00 Expanded Supply 324.64 Coffee System 62.05 United Auto Supply 182.43 Thalle Ind 375.51 Williams Lumber 35.51 Williams Lumber 1,451.29 ABC Corp Plaque Jay 260.80 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 26.00 Fishkill Plains Garage 83.00 Comm of Fin 52.69 (Supplies) Sal Morello 25.00 Reimburse Wells Fargo 544.85 A. Montano Co 2,161.52 Cornell Roads Pro 50.00 Vinny Diamond Snake 350.00 Excava Ready Refresh Water 167.42 Don Kortright Tire 100.00 Don Kortright Tire 300.00 Morris Assoc 5,213.30 Legal Shred 1,050.00 John DiMartino 9.00 Sarjo Ind 12.54 Sweeper Parts 1,159.04 Total $385.00 $0.00 $153,570.10 $822.50 $154,392.60 $154,392.60 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 6, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Town of Wappinger Page 25 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-190 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava VoterQ ❑ ❑ ❑ ....... ........ . ❑ Defeated William H.Beale Voter ...... Q ❑ ❑ ... ❑ ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-191 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board -Z The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-Z Vendor A B DB T92 (General (General (Highway (Planning Town Part Fund) & Zoning wide) Town) Escrows) Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo Camo 244.00 Marshall & Sterling 101.30 Marshall & Sterling 398.20 Poughkeepsie Journal 51.10 Home Depot 180.44 Signal Graphics 47.27 Town of Wappinger Page 26 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Ruge's Parts Center Hud River Truck Wapp School Custodial 450.00 Staples 128.06 Staples 51.07 Staples 13.72 Staples 27.22 Staples 23.40 4.68 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Poldinrllo Fuels 375.00 Wappinger Auto Tech 21.00 Big Top Porta Johns 110.00 Cornerstone Phones 907.04 38.97 Morris Assoc 1,119.00 3,524.50 Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 429.00 Amazon 14.49 Amazon 50.49 John DiMartino 1.50 Haight Fire Extinguisher 476.00 JK Power Equip 112.00 John Weber 150.00 Williams Lumber 25.26 Total $4,652.89 $166.82 $397.50 $3,953.50 Town of Wappinger Page 27 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Vendor A HWN HMR HWF HBE (General (NYCDEP) (Water Meter (Filtration (Highway Town Replacement of Atlas Equipment) wide) & Hilltop) Camo Camo Camo Camo 10,799.64 Camo Marshall & Sterling Marshall & Sterling Poughkeepsie Journal Home Depot Signal Graphics Ruge's Parts Center 31,500.00 Hud River Truck 11,454.00 Wapp School Custodial Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Fishkill Plains Garage Poldinrllo Fuels Wappinger Auto Tech Big Top Porta Johns Cornerstone Phones Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 4,158.40 1,308.40 Morris Assoc 2,071.80 Morris Assoc Amazon Amazon John DiMartino Haight Fire Extinguisher JK Power Equip John Weber Williams Lumber Town of Wappinger Page 28 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Total 1 $2,071.80 1 $14,958.04 $1,308.40 I $42,954.00 $70,462.95 Vendor A HWN Paid Town Board Hold (General (NYCDEP) Town wide) Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo 10,799.64 Camo 244.00 Marshall & Sterling 101.30 Marshall & Sterling 398.20 Poughkeepsie Journal 51.10 Home Depot 180.44 Signal Graphics 47.27 Ruge's Parts Center 31,500.00 Hud River Truck 11,454.00 Wapp School Custodial 450.00 Staples 128.06 Staples 51.07 Staples 13.72 Staples 27.22 Staples 28.08 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Poldinrllo Fuels 375.00 Wappinger Auto Tech Town of Wappinger Page 29 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 21.00 Big Top Porta Johns 110.00 Cornerstone Phones 946.01 Morris Assoc 4,643.50 Morris Assoc 5,466.80 Morris Assoc 2,071.80 Morris Assoc 429.00 Amazon 14.49 Amazon 50.49 John DiMartino 1.50 Haight Fire Extinguisher 476.00 JK Power Equip 112.00 John Weber 150.00 Williams Lumber 25.26 Total $0.00 $70,462.95 $0.00 $70,462.95 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 6, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-191 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as AmendedLori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated .WilliamILBeale Voter..............Q........,........❑..... 0...........................0.......... . .......... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ .. Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 30 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 RESOLUTION: 2016-192 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board -AA The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-AA Vendor A HWN Paid Town Board Hold (General (NYCDEP) Town wide) Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Camo 10,799.64 Camo 244.00 Marshall & Sterling 101.30 Marshall & Sterling 398.20 Poughkeepsie Journal 51.10 Home Depot 180.44 Signal Graphics 47.27 Ruge's Parts Center 31,500.00 Hud River Truck 11,454.00 Wapp School Custodial 450.00 Staples 128.06 Staples 51.07 Staples 13.72 Staples 27.22 Staples 28.08 Town of Wappinger Page 31 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Fishkill Plains Garage 21.00 Poldinrllo Fuels 375.00 Wappinger Auto Tech 21.00 Big Top Porta Johns 110.00 Cornerstone Phones 946.01 Morris Assoc 4,643.50 Morris Assoc 5,466.80 Morris Assoc 2,071.80 Morris Assoc 429.00 Amazon 14.49 Amazon 50.49 John DiMartino 1.50 Haight Fire Extinguisher 476.00 JK Power Equip 112.00 John Weber 150.00 Williams Lumber 25.26 Total $0.00 $70,462.95 $0.00 $70,462.95 Vendor T16 SU T14 T33 (Aflac) (United (Allstate (Parkland Wapp ) Trust Fund) Sewer) Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Home Depot Home Depot Optima Environmental Safeguard Town of Wappinger Page 32 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 265.00 First Unim Life Ins United Auto Supply United Auto Supply United Auto Supply United Auto Supply United Auto Supply United Auto Supply Ruge's Parts Center Ruge's Parts Center CSEA H/W optical dents Emerick Assoc Tilcon Tilcon Staples Furlani & Son Machine Optimum Optimum Optimum Wells Fargo Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card Justin Bomba Reimburs Gametime(Playground) 198,303.07 W.B. Mason Superior Signs Celia Sigalow Interterpre Staples Fishkill Plains Gargae Aflac 131.90 Allstate 1,078.28 Amazon Amazon Avello Brothers 3,850.00 ITC- Phones Town of Wappinger Page 33 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Sarjo Ind Sarjo Ind Sarjo Ind Sarjo Ind Joe Johnson Equip Joe Johnson Equip Jessica Fulton Petty Cas Iseman Iseman Iseman Iseman Iseman Iseman Iseman Uline American Printing Total $131.90 $265.00 $1,078.28 $202,153.07 $230,902.54 Vendor Paid Town Board Central Hudson 2,819.73 Central Hudson 77.86 Central Hudson 186.16 Central Hudson 35.09 Home Depot 20.34 Home Depot 45.51 Optima Environmental 969.50 Safeguard 530.00 First Unim Life Ins 405.20 United Auto Supply 286.26 United Auto Supply 55.04 United Auto Supply 295.95 United Auto Supply 43.60 United Auto Supply 400.60 United Auto Supply 136.38 Ruge's Parts Center 813.74 Ruge's Parts Center 110.54 CSEA H/W optical 3,545.28 dents Emerick Assoc 437.01 Tilcon 2,057.49 Town of Wappinger Page 34 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Tilcon 527.19 Staples 104.48 Furlani & Son Machine 275.00 Optimum 98.39 Optimum 105.70 Optimum 69.94 Wells Fargo 336.76 Chase Visa Card 80.84 Chase Visa Card 15.12 Chase Visa Card 5.25 Chase Visa Card 10.00 Chase Visa Card 7.58 Chase Visa Card 312.55 Chase Visa Card 128.02 Justin Bomba 150.00 Reimburs Gametime(Playground) 198,303.07 W.B. Mason 535.84 Superior Signs 1,600.00 Celia Sigalow 140.00 Interterpre Staples 89.91 Fishkill Plains Gargae 33.00 Aflac 131.90 Allstate 1,078.28 Amazon 15.99 Amazon 558.88 Avello Brothers 3,850.00 ITC- Phones 290.25 Sarjo Ind 533.62 Sarjo Ind 234.95 Sarjo Ind 193.49 Sarjo Ind 40.64 Joe Johnson Equip 244.03 Joe Johnson Equip 256.43 Jessica Fulton Petty 50.00 Cas Iseman 2,345.00 Iseman 175.00 Iseman 542.50 Iseman 1,855.00 Iseman 297.50 Iseman 1,728.64 Town of Wappinger Page 35 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Iseman 87.50 Uline 153.03 American Printing 39.99 Total $0.00 $230,902.54 $230,902.54 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting June 13, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-192 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale ............... Voter....,....... Q ❑ ... ❑ ❑ ... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton...................... ...Mover.... .......Q........,........❑.......,........❑........,.......❑..... Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. X. Items for Special Consideration/New Business 1. Motion To: Permit Kona Ice to Serve as a Vendor at the Summer Concerts Sessions ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Hire Seasonal Worker Vincent Barcia at the Going Seasonal Rate ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Lori A. Jiava, Supervisor AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 36 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 3. Chelsea Dock Councilman Ciccarelli spoke of the boat launch at Chelsea. He suggested salvaging the second dock whose attach point on the seawall has yet to be repaired in the last 3 years. Joe Ennesser from the audience pointed out that the attach point to the seawall has required repairs in the past due to the severe conditions, but the vendor has gone out of business 3 years ago. Steve Frazier said he is having difficulty finding a vendor who can anchor attach points into the Chelsea Yacht Club seawall. Mr. Ennessor said he would also try to find someone. Councilman Beale mentioned that there is $450,000 left in the Hudson Valley Estuary Grant fund and worth exploring to help find a vendor. Supervisor Jiava said she will get the grant information. Councilman Ciccarelli mentioned the ramp itself citing a steep drop off. Mr. Ennessor said the adjacent marina had removed the screen that had covered the steep drop off. 4. Property Maintenence Councilman Fenton addressed the issue of splitting the town into 4 separate zoning districts. Each code enforcement officer will be responsible for their own district. Councilman Kuzmicz supported it. Councilman Fenton spelled out the process. First a notice will go out and then the town will sub-contract a landscaper to do the work and to send the bill to the owner by way of adding it as a tax lien. 5. Vandalism at Carnwath Farms Supervisor Jiava promised that any vandalism throughout the town will be prosecuted. She cited three acts of vandalism at Carnwath Farms in the last three weeks. The cameras are installed at Martz Field and will soon be installed at Carnwath Farms. Town Clerk Paoloni said he has been putting the live cams on live TV, i.e. Cablevision Channel 22 and FIOS Channel 35. He emphasized the need to get the Carnwath camera up as soon as possible to record and monitor the repeated acts of vandalism over the past few years. XI. Executive Session 1. Motion To: Enter Executive Session ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Return From Executive Session ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2016-193 Town of Wappinger Page 37 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 Resolution Terminating Employment Of Employee 9486 WHEREAS,the Town Supervisor has been provided with numerous videos and photographs of employee 9486 undertaking personal services and tasks at times when he was being paid by the Town and was to be performing work on behalf of the Town; and WHEREAS, the facts of this matter were presented to Town Highway Superintendent, Vincent Bettina, on June 2, 2016, at which time the Town's labor and employment attorney recommended that the employment of employee 9486 be terminated; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent voiced no objection to the termination and requested that it be undertaken by the Town Board; and WHEREAS, it was explained to the Highway Superintendent by labor employment counsel and the Town Supervisor that termination of Highway Department employees is primarily the responsibility of the Highway Superintendent; and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent explained on June 2nd that he wished to confirm his responsibility with the Association of Towns prior to terminating the employment of employee 9486; and WHEREAS,the Highway Superintendent has not taken any action against employee 9486 in accordance with New York State Highway Law §140(4); and WHEREAS, the Town Board believes it is in the best interests of the Town that the employment of employee 9486 be terminated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the employment of employee 9486 shall be terminated effective upon delivery to him of a termination letter from the Town Supervisor. The Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to take such action as necessary to carry out the decision to terminate employee 9486. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-193 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale ...................Mover ... ......Q.........,.... ..❑..... ❑........,... ..❑......., ..... ..... ....... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York June 13, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. XII. Adjournment Motion To: Wappinger Adjournment& Signature The meeting adjourned at 10:31 PM. Joseph P. Paoloni Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Page 38 Printed 612412016 Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2016 ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John J. Fenton, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 39 Printed 612412016 y m m cfl m Co Co Cfl m o Co Co Co m M C- T T r cc00000000C-:) 0C-:) 00 5.1.a O N N N N N N N N N N N N N I - m M M M M M M M M M M Co Co M r r r T T r r r T T r r r C O O O CC) O (D O O O O O CD O . d CI Q CoO CO T CO N - N N m U m(� >, N N Cum � > Co U) L I 0 L 0 O '� � CL 0 0 QrO � -Oj CU" O Q U Q� a N T C) C Qmj � 'pQ � U > ..cONN CD E 2E 0 tm o C_ o U a) 0 Q 2 0 m a) - ° , U c� m :Y L .� m , CoN •0 � 0 0 o w O m - 0 .N Cn C= OL C2 C1 a) 0 a) 0 - V a) ;_ m OZ) O N x x x rJ 7 U U Cn C L_ qS cis ca ca ® O O O .« - O v- p) o E z u) m o 'i o o � c Cn 'c ;E E o m `C C C� U L a) U N C C C C 0 CndJ2U � Q� Q d. n �E �5; Q' ® COOOCOCOCOOOCOOOOO O T T T r r T T T T T T T TCL N0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N 2 1 0 N N N N N I II I I I 1 0 Q C LO f Lt IS) O O O O O CD CO CO ® Co CD CO 0 0 (O 0 COO CD Cfl 0 CO Co T T T r T T T r T T T T T T o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) ° d N N N N N N N N N N N N N f� M 0 0 0 Lor r I,- O> CA CA O CD CM�♦iy/ CO CO LO U-) LO U*) t CO LOCO Cfl CO CO e V W LLJ ° CD CD O �y0 Y a) O O O a) a) m C C C L O O � m M ` C 5 = 0 N N 0 ® � 2 C6 0 LL C IL Li LL 0 L 2 � m J c c c 0 (i5 (TSLL CU mt� aa) E Cm c Q Q Q m L L 0 .0 p '0 C w m 0 0 0 to � a) m J J J Cn O f0 Om m O LL L � L L L L L L L L L m f0 (iS L O LO O fi3 (6 (t3 c0 ryryc6�� c� m m m O 'wW m m m m W m i> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cn (n i 0I1 T N CO d' LO CO I- N 0) O T N M M O O O O O O O O O r T T r E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 3 M M M M M M M M M M M M M '•L T T T T r r T r T T T T T I 1 I i I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0000000000000 Packet Pg.40 fllG/ lob / /3 — 5.1.a TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ADIVIlNISTRATOR SUPERVISOR Barbara Roberti - Ext.128 ' 1 Lori Jiava PLANNING BOARD&ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SECRETARY -' TOWN BOARD Bea Ogunti—Ext 122 f William H.Beale s William Ciccarelli -- -- �` John Fenton ZONING DEPARTMENT MichaelKuzmicz 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPPINGERS FALLS,NY 12590 (845)297-1373 Ext.2 Fax(845)297-0579 (01(�(����/j 2 D www.townofwappinger.us U ll LL�� l� \f �C MEMORANDUM MAY 2 0 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK To: Lori Jiava Town Board Members 00 From: Barbara Roberti, Zoning Administrator Date: May 17, 2016 Re: Sharing duties on a temporary basis co Mark and I have discussed helping out the building department over the next two weeks while Susan is on vacation. With the town board's approval, Mark and I are willing to do the CO searches. Also I could issue any permit not requiring review of plans, such as sheds, pools, electrical, solar, etc. I would also be willing to perform inspections for sheds and pools to help Sal out during this time. But before I can, I would like the board's approval as I would be working out of title and I am not in the union and therefore do not want to open myself up to a complaint while trying to help out. On another note, high grass is out of control. I have received many complaints and Sal and Chris Harkin are also stating the amount of high grass they see to me. I have been driving around and have cited quite a few myself. Unfortunately, between the amount of work on my desk and the projects I am currently working on, little time is left for enforcing high grass. I am cognizant that this is an election year for the Supervisor and that as the town board you would all prefer to not receive calls about grass, but frankly we need help with this issue. I was recently told by John to email everyone to equally share in property maintenance 1 Packet Pg.41 enforcement. Apparently to no avail as Michelle was told this morning that grass is a zoning thing. Would it be possible to hire an inspector for property maintenance for a few months? We have close to if not more than 80 empty homes not to mention other complaints of debris, etc. I would be happy to discuss this with board next week. 0 C C 0 0 CO CDe CD Cm M CO Ui e 0 0 IZjC 4) 21 Packet Pg.42 /0(0 /,3 —00 TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ADMINISTRATOR – ~ Barbara Roberti - Ext.128 SUPERVISOR ti Lori flava 4 PLANNING BOARD&ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SECRETARY - TOWN BOARD Bea ogunti—Ext 122 William H.Beale - ; William Ciccarelli John Fenton ZONING DEPARTMENT Michael Kuzmicz 20 WAPPINGER FALLS,DLEBUSHNY 12590 Ll 1] `V� V D (845)297-1373 Ext.2 Fax(845)297-0579 wMAY 3 2016 ww.townofwappinger.us TOWN OF WAPPINGER To: Joseph Paoloni, Town Clerk TOWN CLERK From: Barbara Roberti, Zoning Administrator Re: Schedule of Performance& Maintena ce Bonds for the month of May-June 2016 0 May 23, 2016 00e PERFORMANCE BONDS coe SUBDIVISION(Sub.) SECURED SITE PLANS (SP) BY AMOUNT CALL EXPIRES STATUS e Hilltop Village–Toll Land V Surety Bond$462,457.00 6/15/16 8/15/16 -reduction #3911 SBGG1368 accepted by TB 9/29/15 Hilltop Village–Toll Land V Surety Bond$377, 800.00 No expiration date -reduction ( Sidewalks, Street Trees & Lighting) #SU1133194 accepted by TB 06-08-15 Maloney Heights Subdivision Bond $384,000.00 9/10/16 11/19/16 -accepted by TB (Attalah&Joseph Nesheiwat) #775180S 2/25/08 -Bond in effect until released by Town. MAINTENANCE BONDS BRH Realty Subdivision L/C $ 18,960.00 6/29/16 9/24/2016 -Accepted by TB (Phantom Hollow Equities,Inc.) #SB9109120001 9/29/15. Two Year Maintenance Bond to 2017 1 Packet Pg.43 5.1.a United Cerebral Palsy Subdivision L/C $6,933.20 6/31/16 8/31/2016 -Accepted by TB on Two Year Maintenance Bond to 2017 #20007134 9/29/15. Silver Fog Estates Subdivision L/C $ 85,623.75 6/14/2016 8/14/2016 -Accepted by TB Mid Hudson Holdings, LLC # on July 14, 2014 SITE PLAN RESTORATION BONDS Calvary Chapel of the H.V. Cash Deposit $ 41,600.00 ****** -Accepted by TB on February 24,2014. Released upon Resolution Approval w/signed maps Dunkin Donuts Cash Deposit $17,000.00 ******* -Accepted by TB on April 11, 2016 Released upon Resolution Approval 00 w/signed maps Hilltop Village—Toll Bros. Cash Deposit $157,360.00 ******* -Accepted by TB on (Toll Land V, Limited Partnership) May 28, 2013. CO Osborne Square Cash Deposit $2,000.00 ******* -Accepted by TB on e April 11, 2016 Released upon Completion of 0 Dumpsters Prestige Mini Cash Deposit $4,640.00 ******* -Accepted by TB on March 24, 2014. Released upon Resolution Approval W1 signed maps Cc: Planning Board Robert Gray Town Board Vincent Bettina Albert P. Roberts,Esq. File 2 Packet Pg.44 LEGAL NOTICE Please take notice that the Village of Wappingers Falls will hold a public hearing on the request of 6-20 Marshall Road, LLC (David Stenger), P. 'O.Box 1670,Wappingers Falls,NY seeking the following area variances to be able to construct a three story,24 unit apartment building at 6- 20 Marshall Road which is in a CMU zoning district and identified on the tax map as: 135601- 6157-07-135M5:- (1)Article 2, Table 2F of the Zoning Ordinance requires a frontage build out to be 80%minimum and applicant requesting 39%o requiring a 41%variance, (2)Article 2,Table 2V ofthe Zoning Ordinance requires a side setback of 24 ft. maximum and applicant is requesting a 54 ft. side setback on the left side of the parcel requiring a 30 ft. variance and (3) CL Article 2, Table 2F:of the Zoning Ordinance requires a side setback of 24 ft, and applicant is requesting 223 ft. side setback on the right side of the parcel requiring a 199 ft. variance. 00. e CM M co Said hearing will be held on Tuesday;June 7,2016, 7:30.p m ,American Legion Hall, 7 SpringUi Street at which time all interested persons will be given the opportunity,to be heard Signed; Allen Firstenberg,Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Dated: May 18,2016 Village of Wappingers Falls Number: 2016-002 �� MAY 2 3 2016 TOWN OF TOW CLERK RK Packet Pg.45 �ofblob //,5 NOEL H.S. KkILLE, AIA, ASLA f^ / } COMMISSIO�1f.=R MiARCUS j.MPL,II�IAR4 � � 'N COUNTY EXECUIIUL"" A / ROBERT H. BALKIND, DEPUTY GOMMISSIOIVER COUNTY OF DUTCH ESS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' May 76,2016 RE PIN 8755.86 RECONSTRUCTION OF MIDDLEBUSH ROAD (COUNTY ROUTE 93)FROM PLEASANT LANE TO CAMELI DRIVE. TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY 0 Dear Legislator lncoeonato: We are pleased to announce that as part of our continuing effort to revitalize our county road system, the Dutchess County Department of Public Works (DCDPW) has-initiated a projeot to 0 reconstruct Middlebush Road (County Route 93). The rehabilitation project will realign the curves along Middlebush Road between Pleasant Lane and, Cameli Drive; The :Department of Public Works will work swiftly to complete this project to minimize traffic delays. Construction activities will begin in mid-June 2016 and be completed by :September 1, 2016: 00 During construction, Middlebush Road will be closed to. westbound #raffia in the project area. .Eastbound traffic will be able to drive through the work zone, while westbound traffic will be cm detoured away from the project site. A detour route will be clearly posted for westbound traffic: co UJ The westbound lane closure may,cause significant traffic delays during peak commute times in the morning and evening. Please seek alternate routes during the construction period.. If you must travel eastbound through the project area, please,obey posted speed Limits, traffic advisory signs, and the directions from flagg.ers m the work zone.. 11Ve ask that you use extra caution an:d slow down in the work zone to keep=our workers:and fellow motorists safe. We understand that this: will cause ,an inconver i2nce, and appreciate your patience while ince work to improve Middlebush Road. Should you have anyquestions, please contact the Dutcihess County`Department of'Publlc Works at (845)456-2925. Thank you very much,for your cooperation: Sincerely, MAY 24 2016 Ro ert H. Balkind; P.E. TOWN OF WAPPINGER Deputy Commissioner of Public Works. TOWN CLERK cc Lori Jlava,Town Supervisor Major Robin H. Benzinger, NYS Police. Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk Troop-K.—Millbrook area Vincent Bettina,Highway Supt. .Dana Smith, Commissioner, Department of Joseph Carrion, Supt. of Schools Emergency Response Kirk Imperati, Undersheriff, Sergio Lopez, Officer.in Charge—Wappingers PO DC Sheriff's Office Timothy Laffin,District Fire Chief Hughsonville 626 Dutch8sTumpike;Poughkeepsie,NewY&k 12603 www.dutchessny.gov Packet Pg.46 5.1.a �OlblobI13 MORRIS ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING&SURVEYING CONSULTANTS,PLL: X,9 Elks.Lane,.Poughkeepsie, New York 126.01 Tei:(845)454-3411 Fax:(845)473-1962 64 Green Street,Suite 1,.Hudson,New..York 12,534 Tel:'(5.18)828-2300 Fax:(51,8):82&3963 May 25, 2016 Town of Wappinger Town Hail 20 [Aid.dlebdsh Road Wappingers Falls, New. York 12590 ATTR:'' Hon, Lori Jiava, Supervisor as lE: own ofVappirnger ` GH3CC��0�/�D Carnwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project Bid Recommendation MAY 25 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER Dear Supervisor Jiava, T®WN CLERK00 an May 18, 2016 .the follovring three bids Were received for the C:arnwath Farms co Slope Stabilizationproject: ContractorBid Amount FastraDs Rentals, Ind., Red Hook, NY Corewood Ventures inc., Poughkeepsie, ICY $143,7K00 Sun Up Enterprises, Inc.:, Wapp:inger Falls,NY $167,20'5.00 Upon review of the apparent.love bidder's bid, Fastracks Renta}s i'nc.; we find it to be responsive. This office worked with this contractor on several .past projects and has � also reviewed their references for past projects. Based on our past experiences with this contractor, we believe Fastracs Rentals; lnc; is capable of performing the work. required by this contract As the bid appears to be responsive and the contractor appears capable of performing the work, this office recommends that the contract is awarded to Fastracs Rentals, Inc. in amount of $117,300.00. Please have this matter added to the aaenda for the next board.meeting for the Board to award the work ito .Fastracs Rentals, Inc: Should you have questions; or concerns, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (845) 454-3411 extension 18. E\DOCUMEN TS\T WAPPINGER\A W20D8\W20807.02C-CARNWATH SLOPE FAILURE REPAIRNDONST-ADtv!INl,5-25-16 RECOMMEND AWARD.D9C Packet Pg.47 5.1.a Town of Wappinger may 25 2016 A 1 N Horn,. Lori Nava, Supervisor Page 2 RE: Town of a pinge Camwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project Enid Recommendation A # 20807.02 Very truly yours: Morris Associates Emginering & Surveying Consultants. PLLC Thomas Harare} Sr. Engineer - - T HH/dm Cc: Al Roberts; Esq. &.ian Lind.ars Via Ernaii Steve Frazier, Supervisor Buildings & Grounds (sfrazierQtownofwaDj inaer.u00 s) Robert.J. Gray, P.E., Engineer to the Town Via. Email CNcoe RED MAY 2 5 2016' TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK' M E:\130CUMEN7S\T VJAPPINGE..R\A WW'20D8\W20807.020-C4RNWATH SLOPE FAILURE REPAIR\C0NSr-ADM0_25-15 RECOMMEND AWARD.DOC Packet Pg.48 DMTCHLSS COUNTY 001blobI16 — O WATER AND STEWATER AUTHORITY Wd*dddd_", 27 High St. 2nd Floor Poughkeepsie RECENEDNew York, 12601 June 1,2016 (845)486-3601 Fax(845)486-3610 JUN 0 3 2016 dcwwa@dutchessny.gov www.DCWWA.org Town Of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Rd TOWN OF WAPPINGER. Authority Board Members Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 TOWN CLERK Thomas LeGrand Chairperson Vincent DiMaso Vice-Chairperson Rudy Vavra Treasurer RE: Potential Water Service–Airport Drive and NYS Rte. 376 Lawrence R.Knapp Tax Parcel Identification Number 13568900625900046104510000 Secretary CL 8!i Michael Cotton Dear Sir/Madam: 0 Ex officio Members Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA). as agent for Brian Executive D Dutchess County (County) is in the design stages for the construction of a water. 00 Acting Executive Director Soil and water Conservation District line to supply water to the County Airport. The route of the waterline will begin Eoin wrafter at the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line (CDWTL) at a location between 04 e Commissioner CIO D.C.Dept.of Planning&Development Maloney Road and Diddell Road, cross private land in an easement and thenUi Staff follow Airport Drive west to NYS Route 376. The line will then run north along NYS Route 376, crossing NYS Route 376 in the vicinity of Griffith Way onto the Bridget Barclay Executive Director County Airport property. s Mary C.Morris Deputy DirectorDCWWA is considering providing water service to property owners along the route of the water main to the County Airport. The purpose of this letter is to solicit a response of interest in connecting to, and receiving water service from, the new water line. as Only one water service per tax parcel is allowed under DCWWA Water Rules and Regulations. Parcels with multiple structures must provide for a single point of service and metering. Properties in which structures are 100 feet or greater from the property line will require a metering structure or pit at the property boundary. All non-residential customers are required to provide reduced pressure zone back flow prevention immediately after the meter before any site piping branches. Typically, a non-.residential customer would be responsible for the cost of comlection to the main, piping from the main to the property .line (including any road crossing and varves), and from the property into the parcel's structure or meter structure or pit. The customer would deposit an escrowed fee for the review of the installation design and backflow prevention devices. Packet Pg.49 5.1.a Potential Water Service June 1,2016 Please indicate your interest in having a service connection made available by circling the appropriate item and returning a copy of this letter in the enclosed envelope by June 18, 2016. At this time, this is only an expression of interest and not a commitment. Should you have any questions,please contact Peter J. Fadden, PE at 845-486-6509. Sincerely, —_-. Bridget Barclay Executive Director 00 e Xc: P. Fadden J. ChurinsCM co I/We (are) (are not) (Circle One) interested in having a service connection made available for my/our property at 61 Airport Dr. 0 0 Date (Signed) (Printed Name) Page 2 of 58 Packet Pg. 50 �ob 10(o l3 5.1.a RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIR TOWN OF WAPPINGER SUPERVISOR Ralph Holt , Lori Jiava RECREATION DEPARTMENT �/ ",^ \1 TOWN BOARD Jessica Fulton,Director j William H.Beale Donna Lenhart,Secretary William Ciccarelli y� John J.Fenton 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD Michael Kuzmicz WAPPINGERS FALLS,NY 12590 f , TOWN CLERK WWW.TOWNOFWAPPIN'GER.US RECREATION DEPARTMENT Joseph P.Paoloni (845)297-4158-Main (845)297-0720-Direct (845)592-7433-Fax ���ii )J �✓ 0 MEMO TO: LORI J1AVA,TOWN SUPERVISOR !!! 6 ^n1 � FROM: DONNA LENHART; RECREATION.AND BLDGS. &GROUNDS SECRETARY DATE: MAY 31, 2016 TG,�Vt,i " iP''�P`NG R oSUBJECT: RECREATION &SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY REPORT-MAY 2016 --,,TOWN CLEk 0 RECREATION: As of today's date,there are 48 kids registered for Summer Camp, which runs from Monday,June 27 through00 Friday,August 12 and is open to kids ages 5-13, Thus far,we have taken in$17,500.00 in camp fees. We have never tracked dates that people register but I have added this as a new column on the camp revenue cm spreadsheet and have started tracking registration dates today.. However, I can tell you that 13 kids were UJI registered in April, and 35 in May. We offer regular hours of 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and extended hours of 8:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Of the 48 kids currently registered, 26 are in regular hours and 22 are in extended hours. Pricing for camp: Regular hours-$350 for the first child,$300 for each additional sibling. Extended hours $450 for.the first child,$400 each additional sibling, o 0 Our fishing camp is the most popular summer sports camp we offer. We lost our primary instructor, Dennis Skora, who said he is taking the year off and Jessica approached our secondary instructor,John Kudzia,to seeIzi if he could run the sessions. He committed to the first two and just last week confirmed the last session. After an initial offering of two sessions (July 11-15 &July 18-22), a third session of July 25-29 was opened.The fee is $65.00/residents and $80.00/non-residents and the classes are open to kids ages 6-15.These sessions take place from 8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m. at Emmadine Pond in East Fishkill and are strictly limited to 9 kids each due to space restrictions at the pond. We pay the Town of East Fishkill$50/week ($150 total)for the use of the pond. As of today, Session 1 has two spots open,Session 2 is full and Session 3 has 7 spots available and we have taken in $1,360.00 in fishing camp fees. Last week, we began advertising for our summer tennis program.This program is run on Mondays- Wednesdays-Fridays in three sessions:June 27-July 8;July 11-22;July 25-Aug. 5. Classes are broken down by age and ability. Beginner kids ages 6-9 class is 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m., beginner kids ages 9-10 class is 9:00 a.m.—10.00 a.m., beginner kids 11-13 class is 10:00 a.m.—11:00 p.m. and intermediate kids 13+ is 11:00 a.m. —noon.An adult clinic runs the same dates from 7:.00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Fee is $60/residents and $75/non- residents. As of today, we have all spaces in each session available. In addition,our tennis instructor, Barry Casowitz, has offered to run after-camp sessions: 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.for those kids whose parents get out of work later. He will figure out how to group the kids in these sessions, as there Packet Pg. 51 5.1.a Lori Jiava Page 2 May 31,2016 Our summer basketball program likely will not run due to the fact that our regular basketball coach, Ryan Leone, is taking over as Summer Camp Director. On April 18 Jessica had me check for prices in the Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal for a basketball instructor, beach volleyball instructor and fishing instructor, I do not know if any responses came in, but we have not advertised either a beach volleyball or basketball program. SENIOR CENTER: On May 5,40 people celebrated Mother's Day with a luncheon at Shadows-on-the-Hudson. There was one bus trip scheduled for May(5/31): (lilt. Haven Resort"Swinging to the Oldies". This trip was cancelled due to the fact that the facility went out of business. as May 2016 Attendance at the Center: 0 Week ending May 6: 5 Week ending May 13 75 Week ending May 20:73 Week ending May 27: 100 (monthly birthday celebration on May 25) 00' e If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.. _. e co Thank you. LU 0 0 as Packet Pg. 52 901b /06//3 JUN o`7 2016 Rules of the Town of Wappinger Sr. TOWN OF W ApPINGER Center Yard Sale 2016 TOWN CLERK • All proceeds of the sale will go to the Town of Wappinger Senior Center. • Items can only be donated by a Town of Wappinger Senior Center Member or a Town of Wappinger Employee. 0 • Donated Items will be accepted Thursday 06/23/16 and Friday 06/24/16 between the hours of 8:30am-4:00pm at the Town of Wappinger Senior Center. 0 . The Town of Wappinger reserves to refuse any item that is 00 damaged, in poor condition, or otherwise not fit for sale. . Items will be priced for sale by the Volunteers staffing the yard sale. e . Any donated item that is not sold, must be picked up by its previous owner by 6:00pm the day of the yard sale or the item will be disposed of at the Town of Wappinger Recycle Center. Accepted Items For Donation -Clothes-Handmade Items-Children's Clothes-Children's Toys- -Home Decor Items-Small Kitchen Appliances-Dishes and Utensils- -Collectable Items-Small Furniture-DVDs/Blu-Ray-Small Sports Equipment- Items That Will Not Be Accepted for Donation -Pillows-Large Furniture-Electronics-VHS Tapes-Lawnmowers-Bicycles- -Motorized Equipment- If you have any other item you'd like to donate that is not on this list please Contact Jessica at 297-3670 with questions. Packet Pg. 53 Call the Senior Center to Sign up to help (845)297-3670 We Need Volunteers who can fulfill the following duties: Promotions— In the weeks before the sale we will need help posting flyers and advertising the sale. We need as many people who can help with this task to pitch in. Transportation— We need folks who drive large vehicles to help transport the donations of Seniors who either drive very small cars, or do not drive at all.(3 People. Thursday and Friday. Day, Afternoon, or Evening.) Intake- Sorting incoming donations into categories. Looking over items to make sure they are fit for sale. Making list of donors. Creating a basic inventory of items. Pricing items as they come in. (At least 5 people. Thursday. Day. Friday. Day, Afternoon and Evening.) CO Ui Set-up— Setting up tables and putting out items. Putting up signs. e ( At least 5 people. Saturday. lam) 0 Sales Assistance-Walking around answering questions. Tidying up tables as needed (3 people 8am-4pm). Cashiers-Handling payment. Making change. Bagging/wrapping up items sold items. (3 people needed. Saturday 8am-4pm). Refreshment Sales-Selling prepacked refreshments. Most likely bottled water, candy bars, juice boxes etc. Handling cash transactions. (2 people. Saturday 8am-4pm). Clean up- General clean up of the sales areas. (5 people. Saturday 5pm- 6pm.) Garbage Disposal— Loading up items to take to the Town of Wappinger Recycle Center. (At least 3 people. Preferably with SUVs or Pick-up trucks Saturday 6pm-7pm) Packet Pg. 54 0l V V bll 5.1.a Beatrice Ogunti From: Beatrice Ogunti Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 9:54 AM To: Lori A. Jiava; Michael Kuzmicz; William Beale; William Ciccarelli; jjfenton@townofwappinger.us Cc: Grace Robinson; Joe Paoloni; Beatrice Ogunti Subject: Planning Board &Zoning Board of Appeals Monthly Report- May, 2016 Attachments: Planning Board &ZBA Monthly Report.docx Folks, Attached hereto is the Planning&Zoning Board of Appeals monthly report for the month of May, 2016. Hardcopy will follow under separate cover. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or concerns. ThanksH 0 Regards, dytu� � 0 CL Zoning/Planning Board Secretary 20 Middlebush Road 0 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 297-6256, Ext. 122 00 Fax(845) 297-0579 boguntiCcDtownofwappinger.us 04coe "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;an UJ Optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty' �- 0 JUN 07 2016 0 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 55 5.1.a Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Bea Ogunti MONTHLY REPORT DATE: June 6, 2016 FOR THE MONTH OF May 2016 Month Total Year-to-date ZONING BOARD FEES COLLECTED Zoning Board Variance Applications $ 750.00 $ 3,250.00 Zoning Board Use Applications $ -0- $ -0- Foils $ -0- $ -0- ZBA TOTAL: $ 750.00 $ 3,250.00 0 CL PLANNINB BOARD FEES COLLECTED Planning Board Subdivision Applications $ -0- $ -0- Planning Board Site Plans Applications $ -0- $18,422.50 00 Planning Special Use Permits $ -0- $ 1,000.00 Planning Board Conceptual Applications $ 250.00 $ 750.00 cm Planning Board Architectual Applications $ -0- $ 150.00 co LU Foils $ -0- Subdivision Regulations Books $ -0- $ -0- e 0 PB TOTAL: $ 250.00 $20,322.50 ZONING BOARD MONTHLY TOTAL $ 750.00 $ 3,250.00 PLANNING BOARD MONTHLY TOTAL $ 250.00 $ 250.00 TOTAL: $ 1,250.00 $ 3,500.00 RECREATION FEES COLLECTED TOTAL: $ -0- $ -0- PROJECTS BEFORE THE BOARD Zoning Board of Appeals No. 13 Planning Board No. 26 Packet Pg. 56 5.1.a -2- Month Total Year-to-date ROAD INSPECTION ESCROW RECEIVED $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL: $ -0- $ -0- PROJECT ESCROW RECEIVED May TOTAL: $ -0- $29,250.00 0 0 00 e CD cm co e cc: Town Board e Town Clerk 0 0 Packet Pg. 57 MARCH 2016 Q�0 16 MONTHLY REALTY TAX REPORT A B C D E F G H 1 RECEIVER OF TAXES 2 3 4 Beginning Balance 3,181,633.51 5 March Receipts 11,798,966.98 6 Interest 178.01 7 8 Less Disbursements -7,913,808.43 9 Less Returned Checks -6,331.43 10 11 Ending Balance 7,060,638.64 12 13 Submitted by: 0 14 15 16 Lee Anne Freno, Receiver of Taxes 0 CL s� 0 00 e cm co Uj e e 0 0 mD IECEN D JUN 0 9 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 58 APRIL 2016 j 0 IQ lob MONTHLY REALTY TAX REPORT A B C D E F G 1 RECEIVER OF TAXES i 2 3 4 Beginning Balance 7,060,638.64 5 April Receipts 694,670.81 6 Interest 194.05 7 8 Less Disbursements -6,203,933.16 9 Less Cleared Checks -21,862.47 10 Less Returned Checks -14,629.33 11 12 Ending Balance 1515078.54 13 14 *.60 discrepancy due to incorrect statement deposit amount on 4/29 15 Deposit on statement: 62,131.88 Correct deposit amount: 62;131.28 16 17 18 Submitted by: 19 i 20 21 Lee Anne Freno, Receiver of Taxes 00 e cm e e 0 0 JUN 09 2016 TOWN OF WAppINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 59 MAY 2016 v MONTHLY REALTY TAX REPORT A B C D E F G H 1 RECEIVER OF TAXES i 2 3 _ 4 Beginning Balance 1,515,078.54 5 May Receipts 452,956.71 ** 6 Interest 66.88 7 8 Less Disbursements -727,348.93 9 Returned Checl<s -893.33 10 11 Ending Balance 1,239,859.87 �- 12 13 *.60 discrepancy due to incorrect 4/29 deposit amount on statement 14 Deposit on statement: 62,131.88 Correct deposit amount: 62,131.28 15 16 **.01 discrepancy due to incorrect 5/11 deposit amount on statement 17 Deposit on statement: 98,067.46 Correct deposit amount: 98,067.45 CL 18 19 20 Submitted by: 21 _ n 00 22 O e 23 Lee Anne Freno, Receiver of Taxes cme Uj e 0 0 JUN 09 MIS TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 60 �O/ Vel/ Building Inspector Report - Susan Dao BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Date: June 7, 2016 For Dates from January 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016 Total Building Permits applications received: 368 (Well test and Occupational 1203's are processed as permits only and are not given application numbers) Total Building Permits issued: 498 c Total (CO, CC, CNI's) issued: 132 Total CO Searches received: 141 c Total Expired Permits from 1-1-1960 to 5-31-2016: 1,135 c Total Expired Permits OTR's issued: 66 00 . e Total complaints Received: 20 coe Uj Excel sheets with details submitted to Lori Jiava Town Supervisor of the following: Building Permits applications received Building Permits issued c (CO, CC, CNI's) issued 0 Expired Permits from 1-1-1960 to 5-31-2016 CO Searches received Break down of numbers by inspector and types of building permits available if required G�[�C�CD�CD JUN 0 9 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK 1 Packet Pg. 61 8.1.a TOWN OF WAPPINGER, NEW YORK 31 FUND BALANCE POLICY 0 IL Year-end surpluses and fund balances are moneys that can provide a cushion or buffer that may be needed from time to time to operate without interruption or reduction in services. They provide a degree of stability and the resources to weather fluctuations in revenues and expenditures without severely impacting real property tax rates. Fund balances and adequate reserves should be managed and reviewed on a regular basis. In its evaluations of credit ratings, a formal fund balance policy is cited by all major rating agencies (Moody's, Standard& Poor's and Fitch) as a best management practice commonly used by better rated communities. Municipalities that adhere to a fund balance policy are viewed as being more pro-active and this reflects well on management, which in turn results in higher credit ratings and lower borrowing costs. A formal policy is an effective operating tool because it minimizes political concerns and keeps the Town more focused on achieving 0 structural balance. Auditors and financial advisors often note that fund balances are not replaceable through the budget process because of the legal requirement to develop balanced budgets for the general fund and the special revenue funds. The Town does face significant pressure on the revenue and expenditure sides of its budget, and therefore on its reserves. If surplus is depleted at the end of a fiscal year, it cannot be replaced unless during the ensuing fiscal year expenditures are less than amounts budgeted or non-tax revenues are higher than projected (or both). 0 In recognition of sound fiscal policy and in order to stabilize and possibly enhance the current credit rating of the Town, the Town will make all reasonable efforts to maintain an unassigned fund balance in its General Fund at the end of each fiscal year equal to no less than 10% of its total operating budget. Such unassigned fund balance will be exclusive of any reserve funds maintained by the Town. The Town believes that this is a reasonable amount of unassigned co fund balance to achieve at the end of each fiscal year as unanticipated events during the course of a year can have negative effects on non-tax revenues or expenditures, or both. If an emergency or a need were to occur that necessitated the appropriation of funds that would result in reducing the unassigned fund balance in the General Fund below 10% of operating expenditures, a separate resolution of the Town Board would be adopted to approve such 0 appropriation. Subsequent to such resolution, the Town would immediately begin the process of reducing expenditures or raising revenues in order to restore the unassigned fund balance in the 0 General Fund to 10% of operating expenditures. 0 Unassigned fund balance in the General Fund above 10% may be appropriated for the following purposes: To reduce the subsequent year's property taxes. For one-time capital expenditures. For emergencies caused by natural occurrences such as hurricanes or blizzards. U. This policy will remain in effect until the Town of Wappinger,by resolution, amends or revises it. isis Packet Pg. 62 qjemuieo jo_q pq BuipiemV uoiInlosaN : 98I,-9I,0Z-S3N) amvmv aN3WWO03H 91,-9Z-9 :1U8WWB44V Ci MORRIS ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING&SURVEYING CONSULTANTS, PLL tX,9 Elks I-ane, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 Te9: (845)454-3411 Fax: (845)473-1962 cc F-1 64 Green Street, Suite 1, Hudson, New York 12534 Tel: (518)828-2300 Fax:(518)828-3963 May 25, 2016 Town of Wappinger Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 A-FTN: Hon. Lori Jiava, Supervisor RE: Town of Wappinger Carnwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project Bid Recommendation MA # W20807.02 Dear Supervisor Jiava, On May 18, 2016 the following three bids were received for the Carnwath Farms Slope Stabilization project: Contractor Bid Amount Fastracs Rentals, Inc., Red Hook, NY $117,300.00 Corewood Ventures, inc., Poughkeepsie, NY $143,764.00 Sun Up Enterprises, Inc., Wappinger Falls, NY $167,205.00 Upon review of the apparent low bidder's bid, FastFacks Rentals, Inc., we find it to be responsive. This office worked with this contractor on several past projects and has also reviewed their references for past projects. used on our past experiences with this contractor, we believe Fastracs Rentals, Inc. is capable of performing the Work required by this contract. As the bid appears to be responsive and the contractor appears capable of performing the work, this office recommends that the contract is awarded to Fastracs Rentals, Inc. in amount of $117,300.00. Please have this matter added to the agenda for the next board meeting for the Board to award the work to Fastracs Rentais, Inc. Should you have questions, or concerns, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (345) 454-3411 extension 18. E:00�:UIVIENTS\T WAPPINGER\A W20M\W20907,020-CARNWATH SLOPE FAILURE REPAIR\COKST-ADMIW,5-25-16 RECOMMEND AWARD.DOC je uaeo jo_q pq BuipiemV uo'lfoss a - M-S amvmv 9L-9Z-9 :1U8WI43BJJV N I oven of Wappinger May 25, 2616 � 00 ATTN: lion. Lori Jiava, Supervisor Clage 2 a as Town of Wapping,er a arnwath Farms Slope Stabilization Project Bid Recommendation W20807.02 Very truly yours, Morris Associates Engineering urvey n Consultants, PEEL Thomas Harvey Sr. Engineer TFC H/drn Cc: Al Roberts, Esq. & Ian Lindars Via. Email Steve Frazier, Supervisor Buildings & Grounds (sfrazieFp_tc)�A fwa�pinger.us) Robert J. Gray, P.E., Engineer t0 the Town Via. EmaH E:\DOCUMENTS\TWAPPINCERf A W200$�W20807,020-CARIV,+VATH SLOPE FAILURE REPAIR'\COI\PS'-AUM IN\5-25-16 RECOMMEND AWARD.00C 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER FOR THE PERMISSION OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER TO ESTABLISH THE MID POINT PARK SEWER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF 0 WAPPINGER, COUNTY OF DUTCHESS AND STATE OF NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12-A SECTION 209-f OF THE TOWN LAW. 0 TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK State Department of Audit and Control co 110 State Street Albany,New York 12207 Sir: The application of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess, State of New York(the"Town"), by its Supervisor, Lori A. Jiava, for permission to establish the Mid Point Ln Park Sewer District (the "District") in said Town, pursuant to Article 12-A Sections 209 and 209-f co of the Town Law of the State of New York,respectfully shows: N L_ 1. On June 10, 1974, the Town established the Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement 0 Area in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law. A copy of the Resolution is annexed hereto as Exhibit"A". 0 as 2. Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area was formed for the purposes of acquiring 00 a sewer treatment plant, trunk lines, sewer laterals, pumping stations and associated facilities to e serve the Mid-Point Park Subdivision,now generally known as the Royal Ridge Subdivision. co UJW 3. A search of the Town Clerk minutes reveals that since the establishment of the Mid- Point Park Sewer Improvement Area in 1974, it appears that the only major improvements to the sewer treatment plant were undertaken in 1978. The improvements consisted of improvements to the final clarifier and refurbishing the sand filters. This was set forth in an Engineer's Report dated 1 Packet Pg. 65 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM May 1978 for the Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area 11, a copy of which is annexed hereto as as Exhibit `B". The Town Clerk's records also reveal that a Resolution dated June 20, 1978 L authorized Wappinger Sewer Improvement 4 IV for the purposes of making repairs to the Mid- w 0 Point Park Sewer Plant referenced in the aforementioned Engineer's Report dated May 1978. The Resolution dated June 20, 1978 authorized the Town to issue a bond in the amount of$22,000 for improvements at the Mid-Point Park Sewer Plant, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit as as 4. Since the establishment of the original Mid-Point Park Improvement Area in 1974, all Operation & Maintenance(O&M) charges have been billed to the benefitted properties and such 2 charges have been treated as if the benefitted properties were in a sewer district. 5. In March of 2014, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (hereinafter "NYS DEC") conducted an annual inspection of the facilities and determined that the E flow rate to the sewage treatment facility exceeded the SPDES permit limits. The exceedances are co o believed to be caused by an increase in Infiltration and Inflow(I&I)into the collection system of the N L_ 0 sewage treatment facility. 6. Negotiations ensued between NYS DEC, the Attorney to the Town and the Engineer 0 to the Town to create and adopt a flow management plan to address I&I. 7. The NYS DEC insisted that the Town enter into an Order on Consent to assure that 00 e the necessary repairs would be completed in a timely manner. cm M co Ui 8. The Attorneys for NYS DEC and the Attorney to the Town negotiated and agreed W cm upon terms of the Order on Consent, which was ultimately dated April 13, 2016, a copy of which is cc annexed hereto as Exhibit"D". 9. The Order on Consent was approved by the Town Board by Resolution No. 2016- as 2 Packet Pg. 66 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM 108, adopted on March 14, 2016, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit"E". as 10. The formation of the proposed District is necessary to permit the issuance of serial LA bonds to finance the capital improvements required to maintain the Sewer Facility in proper w 0 working order and in compliance with all regulatory standards. Specifically, the capital improvements are designed to reduce the exceedances referenced above and are more fully 0 a described in the Map, Plan and Report (Exhibit "F"), and as Ordered in the Order on Consent as (Exhibit "D"). It is to be noted that the creation of a sewer district will provide a legal entity for the co co as issuance of serial bonds for capital improvements on an as needed basis, as opposed to the formation of a separate improvement area pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law whenever 2 bonds must be issued to make capital improvements. 11. By Resolution dated March 14, 2016, the Town Board accepted the Map, Plan and Report for the formation of the Mid Point Park Sewer District and authorized proceedings to be E commenced for the formation of the District. A copy of the Resolution is annexed hereto as Exhibit co o «G» L- 0 12. Thereafter, by Resolution adopted on March 28, 2016, the Town Board adopted an Order Calling a Public Hearing which was scheduled April 25, 2016. A copy of the Order Calling a 0 Public Hearing is annexed hereto as Exhibit "H". The Notice of Public Hearing was published on April 6, 2016 in the Southern Dutchess News. A copy of the Affidavit of Publication is annexed 00 e hereto as Exhibit"I". M co Ui 13. Prior to the Public Hearing, the Town Board mailed notices of the Public Hearing to W C4 all the residents in the proposed District. A copy of the Notice, together with the Affidavit of Mailing is annexed hereto collectively as Exhibit"J". 14. By Resolution dated April 25, 2016, the Town Board approved the formation of the as 3 Packet Pg. 67 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM Mid Point Park Sewer District and authorized capital improvements to the Mid-Point Park Sewer as Plant at a maximum estimated cost of $280,000. A copy of the Resolution is annexed hereto as L Exhibit"K". Baa 0 15. This application is being made pursuant to Article 12-A Sections 209 and 209-f of the Town Law, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 85.4 of Chapter III of Title 2 of 0 a the New York Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations: as (a) Documents and information required to be included by the provisions of co co as Town Law pursuant to which this application is being made: (i) Exhibit "A" - Resolution Establishing the Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area dated June 10, 1974; (ii) Exhibit "B" - Engineer's Report for Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area II dated May 1978; E (iii) Exhibit "C" — Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $22,000 coo Serial Bonds dated June 20, 1978; N L_ 0 (iv) Exhibit"D" —Order on Consent dated April 13, 2016; =5 (v) Exhibit "E" - Resolution Authorizing Entering into an Order on 0 Consent in Connection with the Mid Point Park Sewer District dated March 14, 2016; 00 e (vi) Exhibit "F"- Map, Plan and Report for Establishment of Mid Point M co Ui Park Sewer District dated February 23, 2016; C4 (vii) Exhibit "G" - Resolution Accepting Map, Plan and Report for the Establishment of the Mid Point Park Sewer District for the Purpose of Making Capital Repairs to the Mid Point Park Sewer Plant dated as 4 Packet Pg. 68 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM March 14, 2016; as (viii) Exhibit"IT' - Order Calling a Public Hearing dated March 28, 2016; A (ix) Exhibit"r' - Notice of Public Hearing with Affidavit of Publication w dated April 6, 2016; (x) Exhibit"J" -Notice of Public Hearing and Affidavit of Mailing; 0 a (xi) Exhibit "K" — Resolution Making Certain Determinations and as Approving the Establishment of the Mid Point Park Sewer District co co as dated April 25, 2016; (xii) Exhibit"L" -Estimated Debt Service Schedule; (xiii) Exhibit"M" -Letter from Munistat Services Inc. dated June 1, 2016; (xiv) Exhibit"N" —Debt Statement. Ln (b) The proposed District is being formed to assume the ownership, maintenance co and supervision of the Sewer Facility providing sewer service to 161 residential N L_ units originally acquired after the formation of the "Mid- Point Park Sewer 0 Improvement Area" pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law (Exhibit "A"). The Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area is not authorized to issue serial bonds on a 0 as continuing basis, and a new Sewer District is being proposed for the area serviced by 00 the Mid-Point Park sewer facilities in order to fund the costs of the necessary capital e repairs. The new Sewer District will be known as the "Mid Point Park Sewer co UiW District". The initial improvements, as more fully set forth in the Map, Plan and Report (Exhibit "F"), consist largely of slip-lining certain sewer pipes to reduce I&I. All work has been designed by a currently licensed New York State Professional Engineer. E 5 Packet Pg. 69 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM (c) The maximum costs of the initial improvements to be undertaken by the as proposed District are approximately $280,000.00 (Exhibit"F"). (d) The factors which the Town Board considered in making its determination w 0 that the proposed District is in the public interest, are documented and set forth in full detail in the Map Plan and Report (Exhibit "F"). The cost of the improvements are to be assessed in whole against the benefitted property and all property upon as which the assessments are to be imposed will be benefitted by the improvements and CO CO as no benefitted property has been excluded. All properties being served by the Sewer C Facility are included in the proposed District. (e) The proposed method of financing the costs of the repairs shall be through the issuance of serial bonds in the approximate amount of$280,000 payable over 20 C 2 years at an anticipated interest rate of 4%. The total estimated annual bond E payments to be paid by the proposed District would be approximately $20,680. (See CO O Estimated Debt Service Schedule annexed hereto as Exhibit ("L").) This amount N L- 0 would be assessed against the 161 benefit units within the proposed District by an C annual benefit assessment of $127.97 ($128) per benefit unit. This proposed 0 financing is deemed reasonable under current market conditions. The Town Board presently has an AA bond rating by Standard and Poor and the Town's Financial CO e CD Advisor, Munistat Services Inc.,has advised the Board that it is reasonable to expect Cm COe Ui to issue the bonds required to fund this project at a rate not to exceed Four Percent W Cm (4%). A copy of the letter from Munistat Services Inc., is annexed hereto as Exhibit C (f) The current (2016) annual operating and maintenance (O&M) costs for a C 0 6 Packet Pg. 70 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM typical single-family residence is reported to be approximately $191.46 quarterly or as $765.84 ($766) annually. It is anticipated that the proposed improvements will not directly cause an increase in O &M charges after they are completed. w 0 (g) Debt Service for the proposed serial bonds shall be raised through assigned benefit units assessed against the individual residential units in accordance with the following benefit formula: as (i) all lands benefitted by the improvement will be assigned benefit CO CO as units; 0 (ii) all benefited parcels are residential properties (there are no industrial, institutional or commercial properties within the proposed District); (iii) residential properties will be assigned benefit units as follows: C 2 (1) a single family dwelling 1.0 benefit 0 and lot not to exceed 2 acres = unit E CO (2) vacant residential land 0.8 benefit not to exceed 2 acres = unit 'N L_ 0 (3) additional vacant residential = 0.2 benefit acreage within one parcel unit per additional C acre thereof* *(e.g. a house on a 3 acre parcel would be assigned 1.2 benefit units; 0 a house on a 5 acre parcel would be assigned 1.6 benefit units). (4) condominium, apartment or 1.0 benefit unit CO multi-family dwelling unit = per dwelling unit. CMe *(Note: This is the benefit formula for residential units in most other sewer districts in the CO Ui Town.) CM C (h) The aggregate assessed valuation of the taxable property within the District as shown on the latest completed assessment roll of said Town is $39,807,850. C (i) This application for permission to establish a sewer district is not being made E 7 Packet Pg. 71 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM under Section 54 or 209-q of Town Law. as (j) This application is not made pursuant to Sections 258, 268, 269, 280-I, 280-t, 299-o or 299-r of the County Law nor is it proposed to establish two or more zones w 0 of assessment within a County District. (k) The average full valuation of the taxable real property of the Town of Wappinger, computed pursuant to the first paragraph of subdivision seven-a of as section 2.00 of the Local Finance Law is $2,604,133,670. co co as (1) No Itemized Statement of Outstanding Indebtedness is attached. (m) No Statement of Appropriations made during the Current Fiscal Year for Repayment of Debt Principal, amounts of State or Federal aid available therefore and amounts excludable under Article VIII of the State Constitution is attached. (n) The Town has completed a debt statement in lieu of the statements required E under(1) and(m), a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit"N". co o (o) The current (2016) tax rates and assessments applicable to the taxable real N L- 0 property which will bear the cost of the proposed improvements are (per $1,000 of assessed valuation): 0 (i) Dutchess County: $3.60 (ii) Town,including highway: $2.10 00 e (iii) New Hamburg Fire District: $0.71 CM M co Uj (iv) United Wappinger Water District: $1.39 CM (v) Grinnell Library District: $0.26 (vi) Wappinger Central School District: $16.54 (p) The most frequently occurring assessed valuation (mode) of the proposed as 8 Packet Pg. 72 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM District is approximately $235,200. as @ It is estimated that the owners of a typical property in the proposed District will be required to pay the total shown below in the first year following approval of w 0 the application (calculated as set forth below): Debt Service(1 benefit unit): $128 0 a O&M: $766 Total: 894CO *(There are no hook-up fees because all property owners are connected to the C existing sewer system.) (r) The maximum amount any real property owner will be required to pay in the first year following approval of this application, if granted, calculated as set forth C below(5 unit apartment building),is as follows: E Debt Service(5 benefit units @ $128): $640 CO O O&M (5 benefit units @ $766): $3,830 N L_ 0 Total: $4,470 C (s) The area which will bear the cost of the proposed District improvements 0 contains no state lands. (t) No part of the area which will bear the cost of the proposed District is wholly CO e CD or partially within an existing or proposed agricultural district. CM M CO Ui (u) The population of the proposed District is estimated to be approximately CM 450. There are 156 single-family homes, one residence that was converted into five C apartments and two sewer facility parcels. The assessed valuation of a typical one or two family home in the proposed District is the same as for the "typical property". a E 9 Packet Pg. 73 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM The proposed District consists entirely of residential single- family homes except for as one residence that was converted into five apartments. (Two parcels which are used by the sewer facility have not been assigned benefit units.) UJ 0 (v) There are no parcels of vacant land within the proposed District. (w) It is not contemplated at this time that sewer service will be sold to users outside the proposed District. as (x) There are no orders issued by a State or Federal agency or court relating to co co as the proposed District other than the Order on Consent as set forth herein. (y) The Town of Wappinger has received no written objections from any of the 2 owners of the real property that will bear the cost of creating the District. WHEREFORE, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York by its Supervisor, Lori A. Jiava, respectfully prays and requests permission to establish the Mid E Point Park Sewer District in the said Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,New York. co o Dated: June , 2016 N L_ Wappingers Falls,NY 0 TOWN BOARD OF TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY,NEW YORK, Applicant 0 By: Lori A. Jiava, Supervisor 00 e M co UJ 10 Packet Pg. 74 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM VERIFICATION as LA STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS.: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) UJ 0 I, Lori A. Jiava, being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is the Supervisor of the Town 2 of Wappinger, the municipal corporation named in the within entitled action; that she has read the 0 foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to her own E knowledge, except as to those matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters, she believes is to be true. co Deponent further says that the reason this verification is made by deponent and not the Town of Wappinger is because the said Town of Wappinger is a municipal corporation and the grounds of deponent's belief as to all matters in the said application not stated upon her own knowledge, are investigations which deponent which has caused to be made concerning the subject matter of this application and information acquired by deponent in the course of her duties as Supervisor of said Town of Wappinger and from the books and records of said municipal CL corporation. LORI A. JIAVA Sworn hereto before me this 0 day of June,2016. 0 Notary Public 00 e CD CM M co CM cc CL CL 11 Packet Pg. 75 8.3.a Last Revised 6/9/2016 11:12 AM 8!i Co 8!i 0 0 CL CL cc 4— a 0 0 Mn Co 0 0 8!i Co CD e e Co ui a 0 CL CL 12 Packet Pg. 76 8.3.b LIST OF EXHIBITS T Exhibit "A" - Resolution Establishing the Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area dated June 10, 1974; Exhibit "B" - Engineer's Report for Mid-Point Park Sewer Improvement Area II 0 dated May 1978; CL 0 Exhibit "C" — Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $22,000 Serial Bonds dated June 20, 1978; co Exhibit "D" - Order on Consent dated April 13, 2016; 0 Exhibit "E" - Resolution Authorizing Entering into an Order on Consent in Connection with the Mid Point Park Sewer District dated March 14, 2016; Exhibit "F"- Map, Plan and Report for Establishment of Mid Point Park Sewer District dated February 23, 2016; Exhibit "G" - Resolution Accepting Map, Plan and Report for the Establishment of the Mid Point Park Sewer District for the Purpose of Making Capital Repairs to the co Mid Point Park Sewer Plant dated March 14, 2016; N Exhibit "H" - Order Calling a Public Hearing dated March 28, 2016; Exhibit "I" - Notice of Public Hearing with Affidavit of Publication dated April 6, 2016; 0 Exhibit "J" - Notice of Public Hearing and Affidavit of Mailing; Exhibit "K" - Resolution Making Certain Determinations and Approving the Establishment of the Mid Point Park Sewer District dated April 25, 2016; cm Exhibit "L" - Estimated Debt Service Schedule; co Ui Exhibit "M" - Letter from Munistat Services Inc. dated June 1, 2016; co Exhibit "N" - Debt Statement. co Packet Pg. 77