2014-02-24Town of Wappinger Regular Meeting Minutes 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 townofwappinger.us Joseph Paoloni Town Clerk Monday, February 24, 2014 7:30 PM Town Hall I. Call to Order Attendee Name Organization Title Status Arrived Barbara Gutzler Town of Wappinger Supervisor Present William H. Beale Town of Wappinger Councilman Present Vincent Bettina Town of Wappinger Councilman Present Ismay Czarniecki Town of Wappinger Councilwoman Present Michael Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Councilman Present II. Salute to the Flag III. Adoption of Agenda Motion To: Adopt the Agenda as Amended Supervisor Gutzler proposed the removal of Resolution 2014-56 from the RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Barbara Gutzler, Supervisor SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz IV. Minutes Approval Monday, January 27, 2014 RESULT: ACCEPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz V. Correspondence Log RESOLUTION: 2014-73 Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-73 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarnecki Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 1 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 VI. Public Portion Motion To: Open the floor to the public RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Public Comment None Motion To: Close the floor to the public RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Public Hearings Motion To: Open the Floor RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz The Establishment of Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water Mike Aiello addressed the board as a representative of the four parcels owned by Chelsea Yacht Club. Mr. Aiello is not a resident. Mike asked if there a map available or presentation Supervisor Gutzler indicated that a map is available and people who were affected did participate in information meetings. Attorney to the town Al Roberts responded that we've had two public informational meetings on this project on Feb 11 and 12'h. The Supervisor explained that notices have been sent to those affected by this project. Mr. Aiello asked if the 4 parcels in question were included, and Supervisor Gutzler stated that being on the river side of the railroad tracks that they were not included. Mr. Aiello asked if there was any possibility of these parcels to be included. Supervisor stated that at this point it would seem not now. Al Roberts added that this is Phase II of a contract with the New York City's Department of Environmental protection which operates the NYC aqueduct. The contract that we have with DEP is to extend the water line. The intent was to provide the residents with town water defined as the area from the Chelsea pump station to Chelsea road with laterals to other public roads. The City's DEP is paying for this extension being all the fees associated with this, not only the construction costs and design but a number of fees associated with a water expansion. The Chelsea Yacht club was not considered in that expansion. Mike asked if they were'not' considered a resident! Al clarified that NY DEP did not consider them for this project as an eligible parcel for this project. Councilman Bettina asked if they could be added at their cost and questioned whether or not they would be required to pay capital costs. Al pointed out that as they would not incur any costs, but could petition the town board to become part of the district and then would have to pay associated buy in fees. William Gordon of 75 Edgehill drive, the Chelsea YC treasurer, asked why weren't they included noting that there are residents in some of the parcels. Al pointed out that NYC's DEP considered those that were most impacted by the project. Mr. Gordon asked if there was a way to appeal this decision. Al pointed out that at this point it's not a topic because it has been approved and registered only way is to petition to join later. Residents were not notified. Al said there was notification of the public hearing. Gordon noted that some parcels are occupied. Al pointed out that NYC appealed to residents not organizations. Mr. Gordon noted that as taxpayers, there was no notification that this happening in their back yard and they were left out of this decision. Al noted that this is a legislative action by the city and the town. It wasn't designed to supply water to vacant parcels or organizations. There were other residents that wanted in, but were excluded. There is a clause that states that if the project came in under budget that city would consider further extension. Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 RESULT: CLOSED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz VIII. Discussions V B. C. Calvary Chapel Barbara asked if we could defer discussions for Mr. Cantor who wanted to speak on behalf of the Calvary Chapel on route 376 and Diddell road. Environmental standards regarding Indiana bat reads that after March 30th, trees cannot be cut that could provide a habitat. Hopes the town board will accept this undertaking to expedite the process to cut trees before March 30th; and, should plan not be approved by the planning board, to replace trees in that area with no change to terrain. This would allow the church to get a jump start. Mr. Cantor identified the parcel on RT 376 as deposited $41,000 to accept undertaking to take down trees with minimal intrusion to the property with no change in grade, draining patterns, etc... One they receive site plan approval they would continue with project. Essentially to get a jump start with the protection of the town on the project to take down the trees in the next few weeks. If the project were not approved by the planning board then the $41,000 would be used to restore the site to its original condition. The alternative would have to wait till next year to begin the project. Councilman Beale asked why is this not a planning board project. Al noted that it is a planning board project, but that the town board would need to accept the bond associated with the project. Councilman Beale asked why are are we getting this now. Al noted that we got the request on Friday. Councilman Beale asked why did we get the request on Friday. Cantor explained that they did it as quickly as they could set the arrangement and get the funds ready, Councilman Beale asked how long did they know that this area would potentially be roosting Bats. Councilman Beale exclaimed that he just received it with no opportunity to do any research at all. Supervisor Gutzler noted that every now and then we have to tweak the agenda to extend some courtesy to people. Councilman Beale stated that according to the town board rules items can only be belatedly put on the agenda with a unanimous vote and deliberating on this is inconsistent with the town board rules requiring a unanimous vote to belatedly put an item on the agenda. Supervisor repeated that this was to extend courtesy. Afterwards she noted that the resolution will be considered later. Councilman Beale reiterated that he had no objection considering this under unanimous consent. Fire Hydrant Law Councilman Beale stated that we have no fire hydrant law for clearing snow from fire hydrants in front of their residents especially due to the increasing number of fire hydrants. Attorney to the town Al Roberts stated that a number of towns have such a law. Councilman Beale added that with the impending number of hydrants to be added as a result of the Chelsea water project, this will be even more necessary. He asked that the attorney move forward in preparing this law. Councilman Bettina added that under NY state maintenance code these should be cleared and we should have something on the books. Councilman Kuzmicz noted that we all are in agreement here. Councilman Bettina noted that in some towns within 24 hours they must be cleaned. Al Roberts asked for direction as to the fines and conditions. Councilman Kuzmicz added that the town attorney needs some guidance. Councilman Bettina asked to look at other local laws. Al agreed to get some example that the board could use as a template to deliberate and draft a law. Al added that we do have a snow removal code but that the only sidewalks are off RT 9 as part of the village the highway dept. Has been maintaining because we had no jurisdiction in addressing village residents. Zoning Administrator Barbara Roberti read the sidewalk code. Councilman Beale stated that we need to have a separate law from the sidewalk law. Councilman Bettina pointed out that the non -fire rated hydrants are not included in this law. Councilman Beale said that one cannot distinguish between the two. Councilman Beale wanted to start with hydrants that are in front of residences. Town Engineer Bob Gray noted village code sect 132 stating that hydrants should be clear within 24 hours. Highway Department Equipment Beale opened by expressing thanks to the highway department this past winter. This was echoed by Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz, and the Supervisor. Councilman Bettina noted that Pot holes are next to come. Motion To: Explore Pavillion at Martz field Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Councilman Kuzmicz asked the town engineer to explore the possibility to construct a pavilion to cover Martz field during times when not weather permitting or when it rains to accommodate children in the recreation program. He asked that the engineer speak with the recreation committee regarding various options and costs to put up such a structure. Additionally, he asked for something at the next meetino. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz IX. Resolutions RESOLUTION: 2014-56 Resolution Confirming Appointment of Secretary to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals WHEREAS, the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals have respectfully appointed Susan Rose to the position of Part -Time Secretary to the Planning Board and Part - Time Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals; and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to confirm the appointment of Susan Rose as Part - Time Secretary to the Planning Board and Part -Time Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby confirms Susan Rose's appointment to the position of Part -Time Secretary to the Planning Board and Part -Time Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Susan Rose shall be paid the annual salary of $30,436.00 effective January 1, 2014 to be paid in 52 weekly installments retroactive to and commencing on January 2, 2014, and in accordance with the Union Contract with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 445, as the same may be in effect for calendar year 2014. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-56 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted Barbara Gutzler ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Adopted as Amended William H. Beale ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q Withdrawn Ismay Czarnecki ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 RESOLUTION: 2014-74 Resolution Introducing Local Law No.� of the Year 2014, Designating a Stop Intersection of Edgehill Drive and Edgehill Spur Drive WHEREAS, at a recent Town Board meeting, a Council Member, in response to concerns raised by Town residents, inquired about the possibility of installing a new stop sign at the northwest intersection of Edgehill Drive and Edgehill Spur Drive; and WHEREAS, the matter was referred to the Engineer to the Town and to the Town Highway Superintendent for their investigation and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, after examination of the facts and circumstances, and the recommendation of Highway Superintendent, Graham Foster, and Engineer to the Town, Robert J. Gray, has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the Town of Wappinger to revise the Town's Vehicles and Traffic Code §230-43 "Schedule IX: Stop Intersections" and to designate a stop intersection at the northwest intersection of Edgehill Drive and Edgehill Spur Drive; and WHEREAS, this is a Type II action pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.5 (c) (20) and is otherwise exempt from environmental review pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) or pursuant to Local Law No. 6 of 1992. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: I. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby introduces for adoption Local Law No. of 2014 in the form annexed hereto. 3. The Town Board hereby determines that the enactment of the aforementioned Local Law is a Type II action as defined in 6 NYCRR 617.5 (c) (20) and, accordingly, the Town Board hereby expressly determines that this action is not an action that requires review pursuant to the provisions of New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) or pursuant to Local Law No. 6 of 1992 or pursuant to 6 NYCRR Parts (17). 4. The Town Board hereby schedules a Public Hearing on the Proposed Adoption of Local Law No. of the Year 2014 to be held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the day of , 2014, at 7:30 p.m., and that the Town Clerk be directed to post and publish Notice of the Public Hearing in the form annexed hereto. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-74 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 RESOLUTION: 2014-75 A Resolution Making Certain Determinations in Relation to and Approving the Establishment of Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, Pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, relating to the establishment of Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District of said Town (inadvertently referred to as Extension No. 3 in the Order Calling the Public Hearing in connection therewith); WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by a competent engineer, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof, WHEREAS, said Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District shall be bounded and described as hereinafter set forth as Appendix A attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, WHEREAS, the improvement proposed for said Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District consists of construction of a water distribution system, including approximately 15,000 linear feet of 8" water main, including valves, hydrants, services, and original equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, as more fully described in the aforesaid map, plan and report; WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvement is $5,180,000; WHEREAS, in connection with the extension of water service from the United Wappinger Water District to Extension No. 2 to benefit the New York City Department of Environmental Protection ("NYCDEP"), pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Town and the City of New York (the "City") acting by and through NYCDEP dated August 31, 2012, and in accordance with the terms thereof, the NYCDEP has agreed to pay the cost of the establishment of the Extension and the improvements therefor (excluding construction costs of connection from existing residences to water main); and WHEREAS, said establishment of the Extension and the capital project therefore have been determined to be a "Type I Action" pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), which, as proposed, it has been determined will not have a significant effect upon the environment and SEQRA compliance materials are on file in the office of the Town Clerk were they may be inspected during normal business hours; and WHEREAS, the average construction costs to connect a single family home to the water mains, being the typical property in Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District, is approximately $2,000, being a typical distance of 50 feet from the water mains to the point of connection at a single family home; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the establishment of Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District to the typical property therein, being a single- family home, is $425.75 in the first year in which operation, maintenance, debt service and other charges and expenses are to be paid; and WHEREAS, a detailed explanation of the manner by which such first-year costs to the typical property were computed, has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk at Town Hall in Wappinger Falls, New York, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any person interested in the subject manner thereof, and WHEREAS, an Order was duly adopted by said Town Board on January 27, 2014, reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvements, the fact that said map, plan and report were on file in the Town Clerk's office for public inspection and specifying the 241h day of February, 2014, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, in Wappingers Falls, New York, in said Town, as the time when and the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of said Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District and said map, plan and report filed in relation thereto and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same; and Town of Wappinger Page 6 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 WHEREAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearing was duly published and posted in the manner and within the time prescribed by Section 209-d of the Town Law, and proof of publication and posting has been duly presented to said Town Board; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and place in said order, as aforesaid, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard; and WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered said map, plan and report and the evidence given at said public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby found and determined as follows: a) The notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is otherwise sufficient; b) All the property and property owners within said proposed Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District are benefited thereby; C) All the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of said proposed Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District; and d) The establishment of said proposed Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District is in the public interest. Section 2. The establishment of Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, to be bounded and described as hereafter set forth, and the improvement therefor consisting of the construction of a water distribution system, including approximately 15,000 linear feet of 8" water main, including valves, hydrants, services, and original equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $5,180,000, are hereby approved. Section 3. Said Extension No. 4 (Chelsea Hamlet Extension) to the United Wappinger Water District shall be bounded and described as set forth in Appendix A as aforementioned. Section 4. The Town Clerk shall, within ten (10) days after the effective date of this resolution, file certified copies of this resolution in duplicate in the Office of the State Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York. Section 5. This resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-75 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION: 2014-76 Resolution Authorizing Entry into Intermunicipal Agreement for DC Rail Trail WHEREAS, the County of Dutchess ("the County") has conclude the construction of the Dutchess Rail Trail now known as the William R. Steinhaus Dutchess Rail Trail ("WRSDRT") which traverses through the Towns of Poughkeepsie, LaGrange, Wappinger and East Fishkill; and WHEREAS, the County has requested each of the above referenced Towns to assist in providing proper maintenance of a portion of the WRSDRT that traverses through the respective Towns; and WHEREAS, the Town and the County have negotiated an agreement for maintenance of the Trail entitled "Intermunicipal Agreement" ("Agreement"), a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A" and is made apart hereof, and Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that this is a Type II action pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.5 (c) (20) and is otherwise exempt from environmental review pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) or pursuant to Local Law No. 6 of 1992. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board Members acknowledge that they have read the terms and conditions set forth in the aforementioned "Intermunicipal Agreement" and hereby accepts the terms, conditions and obligations imposed upon the Town as set forth in said Agreement, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A". 3. The Supervisor, Barbara A. Gutzler, is hereby directed and authorized to execute "Intermunicipal Agreement" by and on behalf of the Town of Wappinger and to forward a copy thereof to the County of Dutchess to the attention of Marcus J. Molinaro, County Executive. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-76 ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent BettinaSeconder Q El El ElElWithdrawn Ismay Czarnecki_ Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Items for Special Consideration Motion To: Unanimous Consent RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2014-80 Resolution Accepting Undertaking Secured by Cash Deposit in Connection with Calvary Chapel of the Hudson Valley Site Plan WHEREAS, Calvary Chapel of the Hudson Valley, a Religious Corporation, with an address at 36 Fireman's Way, Poughkeepsie, New York 12603, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner", has made application for to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board for Site Development Plan Approval for the construction of a church on certain lands located on Diddell Road and NYS Route 376 that are designated as Tax Parcel 6359-03-176082 on the tax map of the Town of Wappinger (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2013, the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger adopted a Negative Determination of Significance pursuant to SEQRA indicating that the project would have no adverse environmental impact and authorized the issuance of a Negative Declaration.; and WHEREAS, on January 29, 2014, the Owner of the Property made a request to allow the cutting of trees on the Property prior to the issuance of a Resolution of Site Development Plan Approval since the US Army Corps of Engineers and the NYS DEC regulations require that the cutting of trees may only take place between October 1 and March 31 to minimize the possibility of disturbing the migration of Indiana Bats; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board adopted a Resolution on February 3, 2014 granting the Owner's request to cut the trees in the area of site plan disturbance on the express condition that the Owner agreed to re -plant trees in the event the Site Development Plan Approval was not Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 granted and said agreement was to be secured by a Bond, Letter of Credit or Cash Deposit in an amount to be fixed by the Engineer to the Town, specifically in the sum of $41,600.00; and WHEREAS, the Owner has delivered to the Town an Undertaking secured by a Cashier's Check issued by the Bank of America bearing No. 1369701119 in the amount of $41,600.00 paid to the order of the Town of Wappinger as security for the faithful performance of the obligations set forth in the Undertaking; and WHEREAS, the terms of the Undertaking authorized the Town of Wappinger to draw against the aforementioned cash security posted in the event the Owner does not restore the project site in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Planning Board Resolution of February 3, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby determines that the Undertaking executed by Calvary Chapel of the Hudson Valley and secured by a Cashier's Check in the sum of $41,600.00, is acceptable and sufficient as a guarantee to secure the obligation to restore the project site in the event the Owner does not fulfill the obligations to re- plant trees in the event Site Development Plan Approval is not granted all as set forth in the Planning Board Resolution of February 3, 2014. 3. The Town Board hereby accepts the Undertaking dated February 19, 2014, executed by Calvary Chapel of the Hudson Valley, a Religious Corporation, having an address at 36 Fireman's Way, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602, secured by a Cash Deposit in the total sum of $41,600.00, in the form of a Cashier's Check issued by the Bank of America bearing No. 1369701119 made payable to the the Town of Wappinger as security for the faithful performance for the completion of the obligations set forth in the Undertaking and in accordance with the Planning Board Resolution of February 3, 2014. 4. The Town Supervisor is directed to deposit the aforementioned Cashier's Check in a bank account maintained by the Town, to be held in escrow, pending compliance with the terms of the Undertaking. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-80 ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarnecki Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Motion To: Unanimous Consent RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2014-81 Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Backhoe for United Wappinger Water District WHEREAS, in order to maintain and operate its equipment in a functional condition, the United Wappinger Water District ("UWWD") requires a backhoe loader to clear snow, dirt and other materials from its hydrants, mains and other equipment; and WHEREAS, other Town Departments may use the backhoe when it is not being used by the UWWD and the costs of operation may be charged against those departments as provided by law; and Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 XI. WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways has obtained a competitive price quotation for a backhoe loader from H.O. Penn for purchase on a National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract; and WHEREAS, NJPA contracts for equipment purchase are contracts let by any state or other county or political subdivision in a manner that constitutes competitive bidding consistent with state law and are made available for use by other governmental entities such as the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, recently enacted section 16 of General Municipal Law § 103 authorizes the Town of Wappinger to utilize NJPA contracts for the purchase of equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby authorizes the appropriation of $115,000.00 from the unallocated fund balance of the United Wappinger Water District for the purchase of one backhoe loader; 3. The Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase of a new or used backhoe/loader on behalf of the United Wappinger Water District of the following type and price: Purchase Price not to Exceed (including delivery) $ 115,000.00 Manufacturer Capterpillar Model No: 430F* * (or equivalent Case model) 4. The purchase of said backhoe is authorized to be made in accordance with the terms of NJPA Contract: Category: Heavy & Utility Equipment, Sub Category: Heavy Construction Equipment, Contract 4: 060311 -CAT (Caterpillar) or Contract#: 060311 -CNH (Case). 5. Any claim for payment of shall be submitted upon the proper voucher for audit and approval. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-81 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. New Business Sidewalk cafes Beale: All questions answered by zoning officer. Bettina: would like an executive summary Al: when to introduce Vote to Introduce Public hearing to introduce on March 24th Motion To: Untable Resolution 2014-66 Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2014-66 Resolution Introducing "Local Law No. Of the Year 2014, Amendments to Town of Wappinger Zoning Code Establishing Standards for Outdoor Seating and Dimensional Requirement of Off- Street Parking." WHEREAS, the Town Board is considering the adoption of Local Law No. of the Year 2014 which would amend Chapter 240, Zoning, of the Town Code with respect to the requirements for outdoor seating associated with restaurants or other food service establishments and also amend the dimensional requirements for off-street parking facilities; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the proposed action is a Type I action pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 NYCRR (commonly known as "SEQRA") and pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Code of the Town of Wappinger (the Town's Environmental Quality Review Law) which establishes locally designated Type I actions; and WHEREAS, the proposed local law is an action for which there are no other involved agencies and that the Town Board is therefore by default the Lead Agency for this action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein.3 2. The Town Board hereby introduces for adoption Local Law No. of the Year 2014 in the form annexed hereto. 3. The Town Board determines that the enactment of the aforementioned Local Law is a Type I action pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 NYCRR (commonly known as "SEQRA") and pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Code of the Town of Wappinger (the Town's Environmental Quality Review Law) which establishes locally designated Type I actions. 4. The Town Board hereby schedules a Public Hearing on the proposed adoption of Local Law No. of the Year 2014 to be held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the day of , 2014, at 7:30 p.m., and the Town Clerk is directed to post the Notice of the Public Hearing in the form annexed hereto and to publish same in the Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal as required by law. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-66 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarnecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. XII. Executive Session Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 XIII. Town Board Review of Vouchers RESOLUTION: 2014-77 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board Claim Packet: 2013-000 Vendor A B DB HWN (General (General (Highway (Highway Town PartTown) Fund) Abstain wide) Q Adopted Bottoni Bottoni 13,212.50 11,166.20 $24,928.20 $0.00 Bottoni ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated 549.50 Voter Q Bottoni ❑ ❑ 13,212.50 Totals $11,715.70 $0.00 $13,212.50 $24,928.20 Vendor Town Board Hold Bottoni HWN (General 11,166.20 (Highway Bottoni Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain 549.50 Q Adopted Bottoni 13,212.50 Totals $24,928.20 $0.00 3 $24,928.20 I, Joseph P. Paoloni, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting February 24, 2014, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-77 A B DB HWN (General (General (Highway (Wappinger Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION: 2014-78 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board Claim Packet: 2014-F Vendor A B DB HWN (General (General (Highway (Wappinger Town wide) PartTown) Fund) Water Main Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 3/18/2014 Project) Camo 585.00 Camo 638.60 Camo Camo Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Central Hudson 260.67 Central Hudson 84.30 Central Hudson 81.70 Central Hudson 3,441.56 Chelsea Fire District 92,346.00 NYCOMCO 64.00 $1,496.00 NYCOMCO 98.00 NYS Assessor Assoc 175.00 Mid Hudson $160.50 Fasteners Kaman Ind Tech $229.49 West Law Highway $89.00 Safeguard Arkel Motors $6,174.70 Arkel Motors $271.93 Hud Riv Trk Equip 78.75 Hud Riv Trk Equip $88.00 Hud Riv Trk Equip $525.00 Global Translation 140.00 DC Supervisors Assoc 100.00 Town of Fishkill 71.81 Grainger 54.45 Staples 60.08 Staples 59.13 Staples 148.53 Wells Fargo 327.56 Wells Fargo 435.00 D&D Doors 150.00 W B Mason 37.97 Mike Krisko $205.92 R. Costa Electric Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Chelsea Fire District NYCOMCO NYCOMCO NYS Assessor Assoc $91.34 $1,034.96 $2,977.88 Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 3/18/2014 166.45 Allstate Don Kortright $255.00 Don Kortright $195.00 HV CEO Conference 900.00 Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater 75.00 Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Auto Zone $13.18 Auto Zone $527.88 Hannaford 7.98 Hannaford 7.78 Great America Fin 580.50 Delta Dental 346.98 1,349.28 Dutchess Proprint 28.80 Wapp Indians Football 500.00 Package Pavement $1,095.80 Roberts IT Consutling 5,886.25 JK Power Equip $56.00 W.M. Schultz Const $37,340.95 Ismail Borhan Hillyard 134.93 Eva Minet 60.00 Williams Lumber 164.16 Cellular Commun 300.00 American Printing 124.35 American Printing 59.18 Totals $104,534.22 $5,645.53 $11,383.40 $37,340.95 Vendor T14 LC (cameli LD (Chelsea LH (Allstate Lighting Lighting (Hughsonville insurance) District) District) Lighting District) Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Chelsea Fire District NYCOMCO NYCOMCO NYS Assessor Assoc $91.34 $1,034.96 $2,977.88 Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Mid Hudson Fasteners Kaman Ind Tech West Law Highway Safeguard Arkel Motors Arkel Motors Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Global Translation DC Supervisors Assoc Town of Fishkill Grainger Staples Staples Staples Wells Fargo Wells Fargo D&D Doors W B Mason Mike Krisko R. Costa Electric Allstate Don Kortright Don Kortright HV CEO Conference Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Auto Zone Auto Zone Hannaford Hannaford Great America Fin Delta Dental Dutchess Proprint Wapp Indians Football Package Pavement Roberts IT Consutling JK Power Equip W.M. Schultz Const Ismail Borhan Hillyard Eva Minet Williams Lumber Cellular Commun American Printing American Printing Totals Vendor Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo Camo $866.08 $91.34 $1,034.96 T92 (Planning SF (Fleetwood SM & Zoning Sewer fund) (Mid Point Escrows) Park Sewer fund) $8,168.33 $9,708.33 $2,977.88 SU (United Wapp. Sewer fund) $56,833.33 Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Chelsea Fire District NYCOMCO NYCOMCO NYS Assessor Assoc Mid Hudson Fasteners Kaman Ind Tech West Law Highway Safeguard Arkel Motors Arkel Motors Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Global Translation DC Supervisors Assoc Town of Fishkill Grainger Staples Staples Staples Wells Fargo Wells Fargo D&D Doors W B Mason Mike Krisko R. Costa Electric Allstate Don Kortright Don Kortright HV CEO Conference Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Auto Zone Auto Zone Hannaford Hannaford Great America Fin Delta Dental Dutchess Proprint Wapp Indians Football Package Pavement Roberts IT Consutling JK Power Equip W.M. Schultz Const Ismail Borhan Hillyard Eva Minet Williams Lumber Cellular Commun American Printing American Printing Totals Vendor $85.00 $225.00 $100.00 $825.00 $275.00 $325.00 $1,750.00 $8,168.33 $9,708.33 $56,918.33 SW WF WH WT (Wildwood (Fleetwood (Watchhill (Tall Trees Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Sewer fund) Camo Camo Camo $13,166.67 Camo Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Chelsea Fire District NYCOMCO NYCOMCO NYS Assessor Assoc Mid Hudson Fasteners Kaman Ind Tech West Law Highway Safeguard Arkel Motors Arkel Motors Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Hud Riv Trk Equip Global Translation DC Supervisors Assoc Town of Fishkill Grainger Staples Staples Staples Wells Fargo Wells Fargo D&D Doors W B Mason Mike Krisko R. Costa Electric Allstate Don Kortright Don Kortright HV CEO Conference Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Auto Zone Auto Zone Hannaford Hannaford Great America Fin Delta Dental Dutchess Proprint Wapp Indians Football Package Pavement Roberts IT Consutling JK Power Equip W.M. Schultz Const Ismail Borhan Hillyard Eva Minet Williams Lumber Water District) Water Water) District) $2,250.00 $1,541.67 $2,991.67 Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Cellular Commun American Printing American Printing Totals $13,166.67 $2,250.00 $1,541.67 $2,991.67 Vendor WU (United Wapp. Water Fund) Paid Town Board Hold Camo 585.00 Camo 638.60 Camo 87,876.66 Camo $73,995.83 80,779.17 Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Central Hudson 260.67 Central Hudson 84.30 Central Hudson 81.70 Central Hudson 7,545.74 Chelsea Fire District 92,346.00 NYCOMCO 1,560.00 NYCOMCO 98.00 NYS Assessor Assoc 175.00 Mid Hudson 160.50 Fasteners Kaman Ind Tech 229.49 West Law Highway 89.00 Safeguard $85.00 170.00 Arkel Motors 6,174.70 Arkel Motors 271.93 Hud Riv Trk Equip 78.75 Hud Riv Trk Equip 88.00 Hud Riv Trk Equip 525.00 Global Translation 140.00 DC Supervisors 100.00 Assoc Town of Fishkill 71.81 Grainger 54.45 Staples 60.08 Staples 59.13 Staples 148.53 Wells Fargo 327.56 Wells Fargo 435.00 D&D Doors 150.00 W B Mason 37.97 Mike Krisko 205.92 R. Costa Electric 166.45 Allstate 866.08 Don Kortright 255.00 Don Kortright 195.00 HV CEO Conference 900.00 Stormwater 225.00 Stormwater 100.00 Stormwater 75.00 Stormwater 825.00 Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Stormwater A B DB Stormwater (General (General Auto Zone (Challenger Yes/Aye No/Nay Auto Zone Absent Q Adopted Royal Carting Hannaford Hannaford ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Great America Fin ❑ ❑ ❑ Delta Dental William H. Beale Voter Q Dutchess Proprint ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Wapp Indians Voter Q ❑ Football ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Package Pavement Q ❑ ❑ Roberts IT Michael Kuzmicz Mover Consutling ❑ ❑ ❑ X Power Equip W.M. Schultz Const Ismail Borhan $189.19 Hillyard Eva Minet Williams Lumber Cellular Commun American Printing American Printing Totals $74,270.02 $0.00 0 $334,639.38 275.00 325.00 13.18 527.88 7.98 7.78 580.50 1,696.26 28.80 500.00 1,095.80 5,886.25 56.00 37,340.95 189.19 134.93 60.00 164.16 300.00 124.35 59.18 $240,796.57 $93,842.81 60 $334,639.38 I, Joseph P. Paoloni, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting February 10, 2014, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-78 A B DB CBG (General (General (Highway (Challenger Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted Royal Carting ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarniecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RESOLUTION: 2014-79 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board Claim Packet: 2014-G Vendor A B DB CBG (General (General (Highway (Challenger Town wide) PartTown) Fund) Field) Royal Carting 8,038.75 Signal Graphics Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Signal Graphics 214.51 DC Sheriff Dept 14,037.20 West Law 192.00 Carl Wolfson 248.50 Vincent Bettina 248.50 Robert Valdati 106.50 Joseph Paoloni 177.50 Heather Kitchen 248.50 William Beale 248.50 Fredrick Awino 106.50 Ismay Czarniecki 248.50 Mike Kuzmicz 177.50 Barbara Gutzler 248.50 Angela Bettina 177.50 Hudson Buick 1,686.09 GMC Comforts of $12,700.00 Home Totals $10,467.25 $15,937.80 $0.00 $12,700.00 Vendor WU (United Paid Wapp. Water Fund) Royal Carting Signal Graphics $456.80 Signal Graphics DC Sheriff Dept West Law Carl Wolfson Vincent Bettina Robert Valdati Joseph Paoloni Heather Kitchen William Beale Fredrick Awino Ismay Czarniecki 248.50 248.50 106.50 177.50 248.50 248.50 106.50 248.50 Town Board 8,038.75 456.80 214.51 14,037.20 192.00 On Hold Town of Wappinger Page 20 Printed 3/18/2014 Regular Meeting Minutes February 24, 2014 Mike Kuzmicz ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman 177.50 Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman Barbara Gutzler Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz 248.50 No/Nay Angela Bettina Absent Q Adopted 177.50 Hudson Buick GMC Barbara Gutzler 1,686.09 Comforts of ❑ ❑ Home ❑ Defeated 12,700.00 Totals $456.80 $2,236.50 $37,325.35 $0.00 ❑ ❑ 7 0 $39,561.85 Voter $39,561.85 I, Joseph P. Paoloni, Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting February 10, 2014, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2014-79 ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Barbara Gutzler Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled Vincent Bettina Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn Ismay Czarnecki Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 24, 2014 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. XIV. Adjournment Motion To: Wappinger Adjournment & Signature The meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM. Joseph P. Paoloni Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Ismay Czarnecki, Councilwoman AYES: Gutzler, Beale, Bettina, Czarnecki, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 21 Printed 3/18/2014