2017-153 Exhibit A UWWD Extension No 6 Exhibit A Boundaries of Proposed Extension No. 6 (Tall Trees Extension)to United Wappinger Water District of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,New York SCHEDULE"A" ALLthat certain tract orparcel ofland situate inthe Town ofWappinger, CountyofDutchess andState ofNewYork, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING ata point onthe southerly line ofWheeler Hill Road, said point also being the northwesterly corner ofthelands nowor formerly of Town of Wappinger,said point also being the northwest corner of a map entitled,"Property realignment between Dr. Mahoud Kablaoui and the Town of Wappinger"said map filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office on August 19, 2003 as Map No. 3354A,thence in an easterly direction along the southerly line of Wheeler Hill Road, along the above referenced map and Amherst Lane, lots 36-40, Bowdoin Lane and lot 2, all as shown on a map entitled," Section One Subdivision Map of Tall Trees,"filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3250 on Oct. 30, 1964, the following bearings anddistances: North 43'02' 00r' East 433.00feet, North 42°21'00"East 347.97 feet,and North 43°41'50"East 3SS.00 feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of the lot 1 as shown on a Map No. 3250,thence turning and leaving the southerly side of Wheeler Hill Road and running, easterly along the division line between lots 1-15 inclusive as shown on Map No. 3250 and lands of Church of the Sacred Mirrors, the following bearings and distances: South 44°02'50" East 460.85 feet, South 44°34'00" East 603.46 feet, South 42°41'40" East 53.55 feet, and South 44°17'20" East 478.00 feet to a point that is the northeast corner of lot 64, as shown on a certain map entitled," Map of Tall Trees Sect 2"; Said map filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3354 on Oct. 11, 1965; thence continuing easterly along the division line of said map and the lands of Church of Sacred Mirrors, and partially along lands of Obercreek, the following bearings and distances: South 44°17'20" East 212.99 feet, South 42°31'20" East 120.34 feet, and -2- South 45°59'20" East 141.04 feet, to a point that is the northeasterly corner of lot 63; thence turning and running Southerly along the Easterly boundary of said subdivision along lots 59-63 inclusive and the recreation area lots, the following bearing and distance: South 41°02'20"West 1212.86 feet toa point,saidpoint being the corner ofsaid filed; thence turning and running westerly along the southerly boundary of said map and lots 45-58 inclusive,also being the division line between said map and lands now or formerly of CH G&E, Conn,Dohrenwend and Wayne,the following bearings and distances: North 34°23'30" West433.78 feet, North44°09'50" West750.14feet, North 44°25'40"West 492.33 feet,and North 44°23'10: West 445.99 feet to a point,said point being the point orplace of beginning.