Daisy Lane December. 9th, 1963 Mr. John F. O'Neill* Marshall & Sterling„ Xnc., 50 Market 8t:: E�ry Poughbbep'sie�, X, Y. Dear Sirs Z am enclosing herewith a copy of the Resol- ution adopted by t#e Town Board of the ern of Wappinger at their recy.ilar meeting on December 5, 1963. Upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer and the Town Highway Superintendent and upon notion by Councilman Robinson seoonded by Councilman Hait, the following Resolution was unanimously adapted: RESpLVED,that the Town Board hereby: finds that Daisy Lane, Daisy Cdurt, emd an unnamed strip for ocr truction of future streets dedica- ted to the Town by resolution of this Board on October 4, 1962, have been completed in accord- ance with the provisions of said October 4, 1962 resolution and further RNSOLV'ED, that for a period of one. year from this date Vista Properties Corporation, Fred J, Lafko and David Alexander have offered to guarantee that said roads have been so com- pleted and have agreed to make any repairs to said streets at their cost and expense which may be necessary by reason of any failure to con- struct said roads to said Town's specifications a and further RrS.SOLV'ED, that this resolution shall be- come effective when, as and if the Town shall receive an amendment of Lumbermens Mutual Casu- alty Company*s Bond No. 2 E 35G 160 guarantee- ing that Vista Properties Corporation, Fred J. bafko and David ,Aloxand€r will ,perform the obli- gations specified above for the one year period beginning, this date. Signed m Clerk 4E i Ootdber 4j, 196 Marshall & Sterling lamp 50 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, ff. Y. Getn't�.et�n� The following resolution was presented b . Couonilman Halt and seconded by Coune3� nobin,eon at the Town. of Wappinger, Iowan Board meeting on Th:rusday e►ve►ning# October 4th, 1962s RESOLVED# that Daisy Lam, Dais y A rt and that strip of land � or construction of a future s tree t,# as shown on map of Vista v 3.ope- nte, dated February 1# 1962 be and they scams here» yare accepted as public Highways of the Town of ppingero such a0cepfence to be contingent upon and to became effect only when the following conditions are complied with: U A goad and sufficient full dovenant and warranty deers conveying ,such road or roads and WW dra uange or ether easements deemed x oessary by the Town Superintendent. of Highways b a Mtos and bounds description and �whioh shall doser said road or roads herebyAccepted by reference to the map filed In the Couny Olerk: s office is delivered to the Tarn, and 2# A performa.ncs bored issued by a surety Compaur euthorixod to dei business in Now York State in the amount of 14*'000„40 In forvu acceptable to the Town Attorney shall have been posted with the Town guaranteeing (a) that said road or roads shall be mom plated in accordance with applicable 'down Speaificeat. ions within two years from the date of the adoption of this resolution# but not sooner than eighteen months from said date, unless the Torn board shall Oons+ent to such sooner completion based on a, finding that the area served by said reed or roads has boon i i (2) substantially devolopadj, =4 (b) that pondine said oomplot on of said road or roads tho doveloper shall at his own.ooat and ex. pe nse maintain-said road or roads In a reasonably suitable eondition for use by the Viral public Ino'luding snow removal therorrom* Resolution was adopted sign Town Clark FORM 581X 1,T'Y.DEED—Full Covenant with Lien Covenant TUTBLANX ­..*.-D u.s,cnT OFricE 7 u7t/e Caw Print Pub/fishers Rul/andYL TWO i 010nbrafarr9 �Uade the 21st day of March Xineteen Hundred arz.d Sixty-eight, I WtUuinn FRED J. LAFKO, also known as FREDERICK J. LAFKO, residing at Pine Hill Road (no street number designated), in the Town of Pleasant Valley, Dutchess County, New York, party - of the first part, and TOWN OF WAPPINGER, a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and maintaining an office for the transaction of business on Mill Street (no street number designated), in the Village of Wappinger Falls, Dutchess County, New York, party of the second part, Wftaow# that the party of the first part,in consideration of ONE----------------------------------------------- Dollar lawful money of the United States, actual consideration paid by the party of the second part,do hereby Brant and release unto the party of the second part, and assi6ns forever,all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York more particually bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southwesterly line of lands of Carl Swenson, Jr., said point being the Northeast corner of Lot No. 17 as shown on a certain map entitled Meadow Heights and recorded in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office and running thence along Lot Nos, 17, 16 & 15 as shown on said map South 55 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds West 299. 97 feet and South 34 degrees 34 minutes 50 seconds East 143. 53 feet to a point, said point being the Northwest corner of Lot No, 24 as shown on a certain map entitled "Quiet Acres" and recorded in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot No. 24 South 47 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds West 157. 55 feet to a point; thence leaving said line and running through lands of Fred J. Lafko, along the Northeasterly line of Town of Wappinger Park, North 42 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 582. 00 feet to a point in the centerline of Wappingers Creek; thence along said line North 46 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds East 250.93 feet and North 56 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 290. 00 feet to a point, said point being on the Southwesterly line_ of lands of aforesaid Carl Swenson, Jr., thence along said line South 34 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 445. 00 feet to the point of beginning containing 5..80 acres of land be the same more or less. Subject to the rights of public utilities of record.. The subject premises is comprised in part of a portion of the premises con- veyed by Quiet Acres, Inc, to Fred J. Lafko by deed dated June 9, 1959 and record- ed inthe office of the Clerk of the County of Dutchess on July 22, 1959 in Liber 1002 of Deeds at page 62 and also the premises conveyed by Vista Properties Corp., by deed bearing an even date with the instant conveyance and intended to be recorded simultenously herewith. OUTCI'ES$ COUN7"Y CLERK'5 OF F► ¢Ct DEE® RECEIVED ,4t.DAY OF SUPPLE�MENTAIa �� EI 0' � E INSTRUMENT AT�i.r.,�rt ' M p M. RE('F, 0 .00 X03 �3 BOOK 140.. /2-V.....,O+i.. P� AT PAGE EXAMINE 244 753 \ ( @ , $ t � / qz j2 / » LID % m j } ) / } \ \ \ \ ; ` ¥ n j \ \ { [ - \ _ { . r © \ \ � V >a esti-- 9 Aftj r O r A d I m C Ci z M a o mo ° Z Z A L � p r G3 n 0 °' < it z r I 0*1 00 t f N")RM 6,S'IX N,Y.DEED—I`ull C—ent with Lion Covenant `9"UTBLANX rx—sxer+ly us war��r uc r= Tuft/e Lbw Prinl Pub/fishers'.To'utde3n[>VP ' Y "tru l e the day of ✓Vinctea'srr f.{rfardred and sixty- . dmon FWD)D) J. .E'.&i.t.9, a I so known as 'a _dE °��. res d, n" at Fine Hill Road (7'Yo street 3P,!,,„.r'it;ler designated) , in the „°(ownt i):% C, n i.u_ 'al�.�"E , Jd ).-. x"'tlf'ss &��t:�a,n,,":.f, �adG�w "aIot. ;mq party of the first, part, and CDF a 7 aun.1_a i pati. r.c.rl?���,c r� � �"r!aLiMsed v;7.nd Ce`::.r_s m;'.,61g auT.a"1C:$.e:". the e larws of Me SL,e3n o L,C'.4iY an office C, for the transaction 'of B..bFls,a.1.70.,WMs a,70L Mill Street (no strest, l.,twl)cr designated) in. the Village of Wappin3er Falls, D ?C.f"4, ..r 00s rnfy, Umv York, party of the second pearl, that the part y of ti elIrst,part,in eon.sidercation.of 1.11,, DOLLAR--w_-__._...,,.._--.....p-"..-_.,"._w....._....m._.."--...----.._-4)ollcar ( -0I'll w..__.._ lauyud,rnoatey of the TWitecd States, ac;.Lacal consideration paid l)md the party of the sec.on d part,do�S hereby lard gran,t arac'l release unto the part,',,' of the second part., and asci n.s forever, all t.t;t€a.t ca`!.,: ..a'"..l" lot, P..:_r"ce o)': k..r:A" la6-rid. in h,.' e Iova'c of Wa_,ap&Swa,", bit:u:n.f.:y o . .i) tche s and State Q TM York, more e i 1 _G_V..C,ad.al.w'_y bounded a:7.1a6 al4'sl„",1 a.blc-_cl ---Ls :f o k..E_orvrs m' E T1.r13;?IN4., at a point, said point °Grs:...S"k":; Lncca',.ori:L-vi-e a: coL nar Y i" .I...Ho r/,1f i71..CC '7 � ci. � . -ain riliaa") ent.::'D �..3_C ..1 a..PiC'.t. ..r'.ewy_es" 1"?wa/ .".9 _La4,e rmE in the a''f..:J.ce of t.'Ak„ CleJWae a:d:i: the ..irrlYW.i:ar of aha=a T.t.rass 1a a':. la .E'&ew'm 6; c?.1lae "L7T , ..a xs thence E mE'71r q,",�." .V_.,ndis of said .,ITre?' j. Y�orth 42' 19' 00" VIest 417.00 feet to the center line A: Wappingers Creek; thence along said line 39" (.l), m1' East 84.00 feet;t; h enc c North th 3f 0 00' 03" �West 125,00 feet; thence c�lr.f,l,.a 75.00 +..r,u_d_ LE➢a:E'La'4: UR-i.v:"tkl. a.aa"tsh._ . caes" and .i_"(,Yt"i..i:'7. ...da 04'00" Est 234.74 u"eC,.1; thence leaving 0..a"'„70.r„erl?.i"'e of saM JapriAlgers i e 'w and a1 l 1:'Cb it F4. 'I nd of adCC°ucesaid r eaa J. I,. 1 ifko Souta 4249'00" Zast 532,00 feet ,..r:i tf'aiC.. i^gn_. .ftr_:C"i J line a_r.;:'. !.ns" . ae 2 , Block the g office a certain 1 Aap en G �.,�_4 J f,Pf.d k f L r:,.0. �"µ OAJ c',h 6 :) is r ° r...f..�.ed '.. P ce of theClerk P::..he h+o4.Lrrt Sn iµ D-i-cLcriess as No. 2936 u..^U:"1"Lice ai..E..+:7'lg the northerly line XD, tt4a :, s1.c:'t.es S oult--, 1,.7'Z,.I" 00" West /.71:150 ..rug:.±:: to 'f.i.0 G.Ct:! '9.� of EI.,W al.wlL�k , LGrlifcW_ 8falr. 6.0 a.4::res Ca:a. nand be 0. o"?e samc, "a"i1 :"C o _4=:",sraa. 'a'(JF.aE.r.Fx,4.,D. V71.�.1, a 50 .;..5./cd" ,',E„,i,;y.hNv-o.f""••a..tlrt,^ 710rtt-]:erly :a71:a.d easterly from r-tL'len Drive "1..h..oa:?gh Q1.,'.:9..raL Acres c:'.1",-', a..i.k:�".6�1.1 ➢.'?. lc7;€"i,!.s a;,.,:. ls°red J. Ln,7# io :from Mimi Ac ve to t--hcc a.v.avc; clesr.rib:.cl S.1B.5EC�"".T: L'o a 5") :imc�o F. s::1" a.x.:u.w. ��.'m. rf�a�,r ove-,,: l.ILa,e parcel t.,'.!7: EE .Rwg 'P:1L11.Lr;.:k.".r.'.o te lU .w?.G.m the bolaEsC axy rc'-o the '19.?rrt::h4'?,c.o;.alm:.aw'`,E.ly 1:iG.)C"nd.a:3.::V.:`,! CS:Y,,a 4..F:a.e cub1J7J"e dt:.':sC:..'...:N....bed sd:; !"C,,,.£:�:.'�r� ,.-aa"a?CllC:i i-,c Su.uB,6 -C to e c, s a11e°'C. t s for wa:+.ter, sewer, r�,,as and e l e ct l.::P_,.". rt. i;^t n,, raA"aw.t 1";+:v,7o97K",7',»C.G:Iv. '1244 wE 1 @ 99#4#9r Fvith theappitrIenances and all the estate and r0h,ts of the part y of I hefirst,part ira and to 8aid pren'tises, Of a 39aur nub to Bulb the premises herein, dran,ted, unto the part,r of the second part, ts successors and assi_gns forever. Anh said 11-�a-r,,Ly o-E 1--he! JEL-st, parL, covenant as follows: Nral, That said, -i,-r,arlry of ffh.e fi-rst pa3.-..,t seized of said prendses in fee simple, and he:ve -dood right to coni cjj the ,same; *graub, That the party co the second part shall quielly e�ljoy 1he. said premises: il1 4lrb, That the said preiniw,,s are free jroilt ino(intbrances; e:,,.�,cept: as hC-,--e- 5-n'be'IIo-�,-c,,. sei,- -for'ch- ; jti�r'O, That the partY of th,e first part lvill execitte or proeare any lurthvr iiecessary, assurance of the title to said premises; NM4, That said parl-y ol' the HT.ostia pnr-t Frillforever Warrant the title to said prerlld8es. *W4, That, in Colnplianee with. Sec. /.� of the Lien Law, the <;raator will receive the eonsideration,for this conveltance and will hold the right to reoeivesaoh con,sideration.as a trzi.stfa.nd to he applied first Iar the prirpose of payin-d the cost oj 1he iinprorentent aud, ivill apply the solue first to tile payni.en.l of the coat of the before tesin_arty part of the total of the ;111 Mum w4pritur, the part y of the first part ha S herettrito set Tei s hand and seal the day and'year first above ivritten.. 3n Prese-na of —.-____. o -- --------- it Otate of New :gOrk On, this day of Tountg of D-utclacss spm Nineteen Hundred and before me, the subscriber, personally appeared F-RED J. LAFNY) to me personally knou;n,and known to nix to be the saine person described in,and who exacated the within Instrurnent, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the.same. Xotary Public NkIN -41 L I IBER,1244 PAu'759, (7 lid S jec,`d iS ba 1--n,,a .:ai b%, .➢o:4: the, pix j_JC;c of cc;.re fin- "k.n. e',,crox in "voile cl rcr r !';:C..i,.rs."?. 4..am'-a:%.nK.d . et deelcl from Frec] J, La.!_f'�c a, " 5.4 C .i.?. f,.: j. Lafko to t.'T.4 )'6JST. Of cl1R V,Vge , G�4:a:}.. :l deel _ C E„,¢ )' 6 1.963 a1-4.d we,.s :P.ecaPI:dec] "f..f'm, i,1Ce c ..k.Lc e c)f the, CN_e:u::k Of the cct:.rn r* O.c. Dutdhess on iCpten.fber 15 1i)6"'r =V_1). kuibo:v: 4 'E. D(..eclsi at Tpnge 3.34. r I"LO,r3GL'' � n ti 6^J 6 T JV). RECORDED IN 14,Y cAO,z_6v,7 flT PAM, 1 la"XP4114`)ED TP T ............. . f f F STATUTORY FORM D(CHAPTER 60, LAWS 1917)—FORM NO.228 THE CHISHOLM PRINTING COMPANY,225 VARICK ST..N.Y.6307 ,XV6WJif,� Dod—Individual Duli Covenants Afada the 2 6 tli. day of ","ovember nineteen hundred and si ixty­9::hreEs,- 11`RED J. 'A',10 C, a]_so 1known as FREDE'RICE' J. LJUPIKLO, of Road, Taleasant. c,co,)nty, New "york., party of the first part, and T0 �T OFW;APPINGER, L J.fjiajrr, cox-porat-ioti, organ-.L.zeid aKid un(.1er th.e mviaicipal laws ol- the State oi. New 0.1 DLitchess ("'Ounty, part y of the second part: MWICSMI), that the part y of the first part, in consideration of One Dollars, lawful money of the United States, actual paid by the, part y of the second part, dozy s hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the part y of the second part, and assi ­,�uccesscxrs _'ns forever, all Uaat certain piece ox, ".,arcel land and 1eirla4 1.Jn t h e Tfzal,,m, (,-,f Wapp.-inger, Dc�tx:,,hess, Couiri1 y, N(lw Yor-R, boundeld and des­­ cribecH as fc).Llows: BEGINNITNG, at. a 1,,K)int, sai.d. 1,,)cint "being Lae riarthvvest corner of 1,ot 4�,28, Blcm,_,k D, Quiud_ Z,\cr(os, ane.h runrling theaacc.-,.i throtigh_ laricis of saicl. J. Lafk:cN�r)rth 420 L")' GIC)" West 417,.00 feet- to Lhe center Line of WaI7�r)ingers Crer-ak; thence zilong sai(l LinNorth 19" 00' 00" East 84.00 feet; then::.,e North, 300 00' 00": West 125.010 feet., thenc.e Lluo.rth 26" 30' 00" East 75.00 feet, thence North 80'3 00' 00" Eazt 70,,00 feet and North 370 44' 00'' 234 .74 feet; thencle leaving cQntelin.e of said. T�,,7aTri jmr �ers Creek and, runiaing t1u,-ough 3-ands of afora scil.d 'Preci J. haf'.Ko SoLith 42' -1.9' 00" 13,ast 582.00 feet to tiae n<Drdaex,,1y lineof L,ot #-24, B, �,')IJIET ACRES; thence along tl..e noxt.'her.'Ly of Acxos o u 6 1 47" 41' ()0" West 470,,00 fect. tc� the point c)f beginning containi.rig 6.,0 acres of land be the saane niore or less. 1 0(3 a'ETILER with. 50 o fot rWlrainq nort!"ferly and F,,,astlerly " from Helen Drive throurgla Quiet All.z.-rej andhroug'h lands of Fxed J. Lz�fko from llel.en �,),xive to the above descritbcd i)arcel. STY13,JECT t.c as 50 foot right--of--way cIver Lbe above dosa.,,,.ri.bed parciel 'rljnnisouLlawester.'Ly bour.caryto the northeast- ng S erly boi.Tricla-ry of al,�ove descril.)ed parcnl , parcel_l,el LO the nox-t1herly line of Quiet Acres. SMB,JECT to eats en)erfts for water, sewer, gas ai-,,d eler,�tr.ic, existinq and prc,posed '1 up,i,�, L 334, 48 �� CoICtbCr with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the. part.`r' of the first part in and to the said premises. Co babe anD to boib the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, i t.a s a ct cn e s w a r s and assigns forever. XND a«a.vLdl party of th.c :FJ.lrs r part-k- evu',Dven aant s ;as :C c,?k..Laaws: F'kite I': 21'Laf as rad :r..)art.Yr, of viae first ya.a.r'L Ls rae.ia;r-d of sa.i.d y-aa:elirr.e ::.n, .-n fee sJ.. ap_L(,3 and has good rk-ght:. to C_^,o ave yi Lie a arwwe; SI,','i. SyD- SehaL LIie== ipTa:i.-t.y of t.h) := second part sl..aaa7 :I- cja,uiet:l.ir o-_tl,y} y the eaak..< iarc net e s Y "S'l:rac frac Saa:a.d prey rai:ases are free incumbrances e.xeaept as herei.n stated. t.°Ckt':1"R.:ikH': I''ka.a t;, 6_I';.cM aQar.t,��, w::»L. t:' party the fi.rst ypar.y_ AJ-1-L execute o:A: tarca(:a"e;aa:-e any fort-her n cessa.iri ass-L.i.r.arbc,,ee of the LLLI.eu1 c) U_ aai(d ipr.'c.;urd_sesm k I F TH a C`h.ats ,..a n.d pa.p:'ty of Lbe first i-eir.t f c-,rc,:a et.,., waraxr zat:at, the t i t.4.e to the 1.-.)remises. anb The grantor , in compliance with Section 13 of the .Lien Lazy, covenant a as follows: That lie=' will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be. applied forst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and that he will apply the same far•st to the payment of the cost of the t7nprove- ment before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. In Wftneo Oberrof, the part f" of the first part haat:, hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written n tot tttorinrt of f iT af7.c r f I @ ".itw E O NEW YORK, CG',aar.nt ; c_'wf 17s.aicdt ess, SS-. On the 26th =fey of C1luawerwber, 1-963 k)efore Yt.ew :Lae:a,:o nwaJ_:u.y ;:appear:•ea't :PRED J. Lf,h^TKO to me 7ano ra. and known to me to ?ac t..hie szii re person des-_ cribed i.n as°nd Vho executed the w ith.i n fnpl'x iraie nt and hewAuly= ackrnow: tledged � 't!s<) m2=" "Cd'Ycat he exea.:ut":ed, t.lne"x ¢aaSTte. sol , ;IUS c c y k:katytp'in a C , e Vot�kt Nly y;wrrn Lri=ir�,i, Nc.31, 79i,'3 ^u7 r�11y?7�t�e`�. °��r��:�"��a�„ ✓� . „� rP�;��w�!„a. ,^i���'`;�" �'�.a?�� �`�. ";ti�` ,�,"^,����?: .,����u�;�i� EXCEPTING AND Cf1_ftERrP1':N('. 1,°FIER;ElFtftF! 'title, to al], r .-apes and w, 'x'ter �: 3'n r,a,i l;ll,r 1V4)..'P.'.',",. . 6Sr::{ 'd.C.'�rf�r,.ia ,'�e r?C"lr"4.ld.�.EPTt"a�''n , a'an(J�, ifbk��:�.s now od. h�"'.7.e.r.ft�".'.r P���^dr'E..�f 1v14:� aa.N;tEXCEPTING AND RESERVING t",s,a %;h,k?„ par :5i successors a'.i~d a:z.aa°t.gns die a.`ight:, tc..> a._nL..er aril x.ea"-�uirs to the said pipes. water and sewerage, rr' J e "u j�rcc'nt and the ighato lay pipes l..r.r '=[.wr and :re r.. .aga, �W._a.a r a.,4.. �4 1E>t�i r��_r�t. and U.) u11rk1(RL:ck,7..11a operate and remove CJ"e ,.;a aid pipes, a.ep,...-„41: f?,9.nia s er'CFice `s r.'P` e' over and on the Lards, above si(a�(,,.r .i.,c�.rd, upon the �.aa:and.J..1',::i.o.n that inti) j,-1 t�h-D 7 ,c:,rru B yr :�a�aai of a7n.,y.° _m ,rc:Ct repaa_ .rs +.—) Lx,,r .ny aa.t c my of, aaa'ay Par t',._� at r2�"a, k,li6''^, ei-,.�.L .Ls nc D c ,ud.;r;"� ,a "�aa'. ss W Cale t,af.1 e. raa r_af,fryz t c.-, R':.1 r,� a the _ Part a k: on- j "q i 606 w ;z., 1 6.9.. a� li MUMS U M 3 ?tate of 'etv Park County of On the day of nineteen ;hundred and before me personally came i 1 to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foredoind instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. i r r 4, G�> � 3 e a �3N G9 0 r W 4JZOO a a CJ B w Y psi c� o �", �Y' 3 a� A.d � a ❑ a � a� Wz I D Z Ktil M i 1 n 0. Cc w Nail. z C) ¢ FR) 0 a PI W U 4 0 Z 0 Ix a 4# LYr LL, C7 VD a c! W v Q, 6 N1 4A W tl" 5 FORM 5SIX N_Y.DEED—Full Covenant with Lien Covenant TUTBIANX REGIS RED u.—TowicE Tuttle Law Pint Y/ 9 Alade the ta1st dad of March Xineteen Hundred and Sixty--eight, Vehnern DAVID ALEXANDER, residing at Didel Station Road (no street number designated), in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and FRED J. LAFKO, residing at Pine Hill Road..(no street number designated), in the Town of Pleasant Valley, Dutchess County, New York, parties of the first part, and TOWN OF WAPPINGER, a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and maintaining an office for the transaction of business at Mill Street (no street number designated), in the Village of.Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, party of the second part, Wthwo tf4 that the party of the first part,in consideration of ONE----------------------------------------------- Dollar ($1. 00-----) lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, do hereby Brant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and being known and designated as Lot. Block B, on a certain map entitled "Quiet Acres" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Dutchess as Map No. 2936. Subject to prior easements given herein and to the protective covenants recorded in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office in Liber 1035 of Deeds at page 554. DEEDSUPPLEEMENT.-U LL UTCNESS 4 Tft}VTl CLERKS t) INSTRUMEfr I RECEIVED oN THE FFK E � - RT $1 00 NO., AT qq, ,DAY OF 19iL R=RIIED IN F. ZT$y -, v BOOK AT PA s s� AIVA TO, L� bf CLERK LIBER1244 PAGE755 755 LMR1244 =756 lopjw with the appuNenanees and all the estate,and il�ljls of thepart of1he I!rs I part,in.a ad to said prentises, Ov v 3Aaur anb to 3jjaLb the 1"wridses herein, ;ranted un to the party of telae second part, its successors and a,Wons fore7,,er. Anh said parties of the first part cotwnaut (IS follou;s: Karst, That said parties of the first part are seized of said premises in fee siniple, and have fjood right to Ponrey the same; #rroub, That the party of the second part Mall quietly eRpy the said Prendaen 4M4kk what the said premi"x are free trona inca"Mranves; except as hereinbefore set forth; Anndk Mat the parties of the Awt part uWl mucute or procure any PuMer aeoeasary assurance of the title to said preuit_ses: NM4, That said parties of the first part willforecer Warrant the title to said premises. #Wq, Mat, in (Tompliauee ulth, See. bi of the Lieu Law. the; <;ranlor irill rev4re the e0naidentHou for this coni reyance and will hold the ri<;ht to recel"re such consideration as a, Crust fund to be applied first-jor the purpose of paying; the cost of the improtwoneitt and WH apply the same first to the pultment of Ilm cost of the in1provernent before uAng any part of the total of the sani,e for arab o(her parposr, 3tt 11itutas 91pred, the parties of the Ant part have heremn,to set their hands and seals the day and yearfirst abor.,e written. 31t Preseur? of .Otate of New IMA on. this (lay of QLAUdy of Dutchess Mneteenl Hundred and Sixty-eight. before me, the subscriber, personally appeared DAVID ALEXANDER and FRED J. LAFKO to me personally known,and known, to me to be the same persons described in,and who exe-eated the within Instru,inent, and t hey duly aedcnouledged to nte that they executed the same. L;7­ Xotary Public 1 W \ C7 [ , § g » \ ( \ § \ \ \ \ i > �m 2 . 215 > , » 700 \ ( / C-4 \ � 2 ` ` � 1 \ t w o r � " / \ � . \ � § § \ 2 \ § I ® ] ) . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED-FORM NO, 227 Statutory Form C-With Covenant against Grantor-individual THE CHISHOLM PRINTING COMPANY.409 PEARL ST.,N.Y. 6124 LIM10-93 PAU 170" Made the 4 LVi day of nineteen hundred and VISTA PROPERTIT CXht P a domestic corpuraHAxi organizer., ano existing unaer ]_,.i%vs cf Lhc ""t'ate of- Nw with its pxLi,cipI at 75 A art of the flrst part, and of POW wv c'�i� U"I't part y of the second part: tfinr that the part y of the ,first part, in conffration of Dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the part of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, ,i and agolfas forever, All r"hnsc t.xr of lana Siown te, lyimv and UK, in The vown K Wappingers, Dutah=2 County, New Yorl AnnOud and cWsmADwl as fallows: 00 j�OLOMZ�= 1 0 _U MW no r o Lu a pQinn; re m 2 0 Or 1 W! Q 01'�LL ,r= Lr_' C-E "o a cm' r"I C U, n2st 10b. 31 fest krwn UKI lmuUnastezQ mDrwn.,.- �'j_- c, co (2) Her= nCOLA 010 04' 13 Lz ".'n'_'�.'_ '! .,"in Owca tcy 2 an L cnry w 0u - �-i o JL c o:,` 02 f aat 0, 6 00int (5) Thence Westerly and Southerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 40.52 feet to a point on the Easterly side of I3elen Drive; (=5) Thence along the Easterly side of Helen Drive in a Northwesterly direction 95 feet more or less to a point; ' (7) Thence Southerly and' Easterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 32.74 feet to a point; (8) Thence North 56° 39' 15" East 152.71 feet to a point; (9) `hence Northeasterly on a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 3 .31 feet to a point; (10) Thence North 51' 04' 35" East 98.71 feet to a point; (11) Thence Easterly and Northerly on a-curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 37.18 feet to a point on the Wester- ly side of Daisy Lane; (12) Thence along the Westerly side of Daisy Lane South 34° 07' 40' East 100.35 feet to the place of beginning. To be known as Daisy Court. ALSO, .ALL that land in the County, Town and State aforesaid bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of Daisy Lane, said point being North 34' 07' 40" West 85.00 feet from the Southwesterly corner of Lot +23 and the Northwesterly corner of Lot -,-24 and running: (1) 'thence along the Easterly side of Daisy Lane North 34° 07' 40" west 100.00 feet to a point; (2) Thence Southerly and Easterly on a curve -to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 feet to a point; (3) Thence alone the Southerly line of Lot -}�22 North 55`' 52' 2011 - East 0" - East 100_00 feet to a point on the westerly line of lands of Carl Swenson, Jr.; (4) Thence along the Westerly line of lands of Carl Swenson Jr. South 340 07' 401� East 50.00 feet to the Northeasterly `corner of Lot #23; (5) Thence along the Northerly line of Lot #23 South 55' 52' 20" West 100.00 feet to a point; (6} Thence Westerly and Southerly on a curve to the left having a radius of 2:3.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 feet to the place of beginning. therefrom Reserving/utility easements for water, electricity and other s easement .that may be necessary and for the maintenance thereof. TOGETHER with. a drainage easement bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the bounds of a turnaround on Daisy Lane; said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot �rp16 and the southwesterly corner of loc 17 and running thence North 44° 51' West along the division line of lots 16 and 17 104.40 feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly cornier 'of lot 416 and the northwesterly corner of lot ;717; thence along the northerly bounds of lot -16 and other lands of Fred Lafko South 550 52' 20" West 20.33 feet to a point; thence South 440 51' ;East 112 feet more or less to a point on the northerly bounds of a turnaround on Daisy Lane said line to be parallel and 20 feet distant j from the first described course; thence easterly on a curve to the right J 'having a radius of 50' 21 feet more or less to the place of beginning. �.� EXCEPTING AND RESERVING title to all water pipes and water system equipment now or Later installed in the bed of the aforementioned prem- ises and EXCEPTING ANIS RESERVING to the party of the first part the right to enter upon and make repairs to the said pipes and related equipment with due regard to the rights of the public in the aforementioned premises, and ' upon the condition that upon the completion of any such repairs the party of the first part will restore the premises as nearly as possible to their ' original condition. Being part of the premises as shown on Pap of Suodl"v"1sinn of Meadow Heights being Map X3051 filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office 00 July 13, 1962. ,. Tugtthex with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y of the 77 first part in and to the said premises. vyli 4jjVjt Mtb x11 4111b the premiacs herein granted unto the part Y of C the second part, its successors and assigns forever. the said party of the first part covenant that Ae it has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been inoumbered in any way whatever The grantor , in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenant as follows: That it will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and that it will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. In Offness 180rent, the party of the first part has 2MNMWY9 caused its corporate sea]_ to bel ereunto affix h �ne� sents to oe signed by its duly Iit tht PrUritrr 11f authorized officer the day and year first above written. VISTA ,PROP LRT�uS.,.0 R,,, _ resit nt .............-........................-..__.. .✓f___.�.,.. _.-..............._......... ._... - Owe of Xrw Vark, Tauntg of ss: On the day of nineteen hundred and before me personally came to me known to be the individual described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. un' thc Uh da V of uctoo,o, 1962, bof ore me jams— U Y clac' jyFlo, to mu known, y 1� and say Mao bu rusiacs in Pteesunt W110Y, that ho is the uf VILT'A �ho Lhathelun— [to se& OIL Mok Lhe sm! affjxcd bD innh; Ansiammens is Jr., wa'- �-3c1 aFf-i"-�c'(1 �h e bo�zcC.,JE i'r and that: to Eignnd Ms mrm Lbor YLo m Like order. ---------- SA, 01 .% Mm", WS 10A UPS ii my A ` q' N; 7ttj W 0 1 j CO W cr 0 ==MIT 0 W Wz z RIP—) rv� "j D 13 0 11 04 04 4