Dogwood Hill Road Me and entered into W s day of 0 a y, 1961 be b I een a I; VyorE Conner Road Wo stroot numbov), Town of fappW,rp Outchess County, 7ev Yu�r'k an�,'I ak §2261 Easel! Avenue, Borough and County oP Brunx, City and StwLe of Now York, parbles of the first part, ani MUM 0 . RAMER nnd PROT 1. RAWAR, his wife, at Knoll Crank Farm, Popowell junaVon, Dutchess Goa&7, NCW Yor"k, �'orv-i P� P. 0 2 PREY and MET M . 0 1 MY, his wife, resiNny ot Wyarn Gornor Road (no street number)p TuwD of happinger, Dahabess GounQj, 'Y"orlr, V� t''fd V � IREGORY and CATUEFIKI S. CREGURY, his ON, insiOng 01; 0608 South Ma, 01 0 of Fouvhhaeps5e, COWY of flim OWN Stute of M6w Yom, pnrtygn of the second part, and Till TOGS M? NAMPUR, a MUWQP"'J o"-i the laws of the Stnto of now Vork, havinp its princiral, ofilce at the mowr hall, happAnger Falls, Jhhchnnn Count& Raw York, party W the third port, [-,Le partles of We, Mot part are the crnopn of P ;areal of real property OWN in the Tomrf laid out b7 thom no a road bo yHO access to abutting lands nnd WTIRhAS the parties of We first part hovo herato— Care conveyed pnrnals of real property abutting upon smid, road to toe partinc A the necond part and have grantol &�), "rho Cis rtjaB of the Recond part Nghts of wey over wa roa(,i to and A= MW lan& to Me public 'fat , hwny and WaRMS thn partl as of w1jo f Arst part and tho Perhica of the socond part hove prownd [;o Lhe' of t'ht� third port Mat the varty of tne third part accept tho snid pnrcal hereinafter deocribed Rs n public road, toSother wOth drOnnge easements aopurtenant thereto, in cons!devab! on of ONE (11.00) DOLLAR and otbor gond Pnd VRIURble considerations tothezrC � n Twd pal d by the party or the third part, receipt whernot. is horoby acknowledged, the nartles of bhe first part We parhZes of the second lourt du Poroby romiss, release and forevep quAtalnim onto the perty of the third part, its successors and assigns for all shpoet varposes the following described oarcel, of real uraperby:-- ALL that cortain oloco ur parcel of Und HHOW, lyinn and WnE in the Town of Tapoinger, County of Outchess and State of low York bounded and described as folio-u :- FEWN& Y" at a point marked by a conarsts monmient r9h on the Nortkarly Eldo of Myers Gurner Road and diVant Sontii 83 B 011 East 77.501 and Marth 770 b 8 T East IRAren 502 from stone monument at the gortunrly oltie o of caid road; a Boubhenst oornar of lands of formerly P. %se, now or farroviy Chaunce-� Told und Monroe Gold ° t co'r"Cnr oJ"' Gregory end runninn thence along the Easterly line of now or Ponmavly 01proy and other lands of 31monetty, tin grantgr hereinp Nortl'-L 00 501 00" last W6.511 to a tarmb Carve,; on convex to the Northwest having a radiun of 500 Wnt, and a length Northerly 490041 to a point f AFMOVOY malBoyd" ba- fl, concrete monmnant; thence North 5 62 1), East 431.001 to a point orl a turnAng circle at the end Ci torwood Kill Boad, so called; bhence around saicl turning circle clockwise havinp a radius nf 50 fsei,-, and a length 251.801 to P noint diatunt nurmal 5Q frtangent at the poInt on the turninn,, alrele afavass3d; thence �57" 021 0011 Vst 431.801 to athence on a curve ,�os Laving a radius of WO feet nnd n. length Southerly 441.391 to P point of tInnre''ney- phence, South 00 501 001 %est 46S,071 e-W South 50 , 06 0 ) it I st 23.971 to n point an tno Northerly side of MUSH PyMrs Corner Road; hhance along WO road Soath 77 ' 5W Peot 70.30v to Wo point of beEinniIgo 3oW a strip of land no less Lhan 50 fnet in width dedicated for road purpoues. Land ont0do of too So foot ripht-of-muy lines extended Pnd rinWnr Wrou-�eb- t''n-" to :r'o'- vert tonbutbInF oxners if ana when the road is extended und accepted by bho ibwn of anoiryor as upublic ro,,.,,da Wnq a portfor of the 3yre tem arlays conveyed to tVa narhies of tbo f3rat part and P &C WDICH by dead dntc I d December 13,1946 and reenrded an the lith day of Wn"Ch I = 4n the officu of the co-UNY Clark of in Libor -3- Woujor Wth 0. drulympo easumunt fjftuej:� feet w! de, the SoutherIT It /"°. of said senament be- Yin! nq 2 1; a 6',4.x1 t Ki; Pill nWo rno oy Roua as above Uncribed ind MOM 501 00" Mot 200.001 from a conornto monwrent oet Pt We intersection nf ton 5esterly !Iis of said Snpood M! Hoad and He dorkhOJI-1- 1" 'nO, of Eyer,"", Ccrner Road and. rimidng SH-neTh 5"O"Aa 77v 01"t 00" NeNt M4*50 and North So 0 .1 00" Wost 77.501 to looperty Linz und netural divinage craxse. Toputber with a dgym afnase easement fifteen feet wide the medium iTua baQUning at a point on the Wtoyly 10M of EmpWood AMT hoal as W":Onve describod and MUM Torthorly 7P5 feet ns neanurru-1 Uorl M VusWriy 11nu M s0d ilognood hill fi'd oa. J'L fron P concrete munurent set at tin interHeMoia of the hectenly line of MO Dogwood Hill RoM with the Northerly 3 ' - -- " r 1 crN W 0 nod runyO np,, Q 0 ,# 1 V VUV_ uur_-� thence Nor", 5 1 on test 315.44T to rwoperMv line. Also anabher pao,ce'l of lorc',, for 9: o~'; n"rpawuL only Asa'ginning nt n noint on the tur& nr✓" circle first above deocribed and runrinw A North 570 CC' 00" Rest 21.011; thence Ar th 24" 00 20" East Rdo,177 to the Goatherly Jiro of landn nw,,, or Mmurly 006 ; thonce ployq s0d lins Wrth 020 391 10" Qst 50.321 ; thence loyoUr said Mnc nnd. 0 C11 (�, at .ands of nou or formerly Tmcnetty 300th 24 041 '2,0" Wt 2W.951 to n po:10 on the right-of-ray line within the Wyn" ry cirala; Wonce along suld Kin UQU 00021 00" neh 50.601 to the unG of the course first Warlbbd 2nd thunce on the saNe course Walk 570 021 00" toot 21.91f to the polnb of beginvinE. Waluded althin thin doEcriptlion is a part of M Northerly portion of thn turning of re le a TO FULD untc Me unrty of the Wrl�� pprt, TH successors Pad assi7ns fornVer" AND the parthoo of tho ".1..... (.'r vaK and the pvrties of tin second part, in complience w0b Sneblon 13 of thr',, Mr Law, covenant tnat the paKins of the first nart vnd the parties of the menond -not will receive tie acnSidess- tion for uhis cuxnnjnnco and WTI hold t 470 to receive such onrylVenotlop an a trust Ond to to WITed Virst TOr ne pnrponn of PaNing tho cant nf the Woraverent Prd will npyly the Nymu first to the vpTre& of the coob of bhS Irrovement Marc 'ang any jort of thn total of the sEme for arW otmer purpose. the rartW of the first, Vart nno one martial of the second pr§rt b"Ve nnt their hards and souls tho day and year first above written. L F V" T,T� 1""'m A QALRIJ J, -- ,, "" /' , 77� 7" m�" Spas OF vz ?Ux vr th("' du"-�'-,' 0V Nay, 1561, 00fora ro versona!V7 jOHN W , S11 CY02T, to as hnowp n& ymovn to ru to be tle Indl vai donarlbed 5 n and qyD exeautcd the f oreRol n,-� instrumouh and he ocknowledged to me Lhmt he execated the same. �'A'(�-3 -3u WT� �P �OHK 7 4'1"T"' -v ov WW� C9 f alku, 1961, beforu me prvHonviz,,,� lumc ORRIS 5. SM )AWN, bo me known and known toro to be Mo 7ndiv7dup! described " r and who executed t fore— golrF instrumunt and he acknowladqod to no Wt ne exoontej� trB same. Shun c( ! � % No.C1 51013"'(' QMHM 0 LMW Q"Q W" Q�,)'n �xpj'-,M"Idh J0, 191V I 1b7 A W,,,, Jt S?rv,e�, FAMm 61 Nm Ywk lvafhru ra personally 0n 0 "T """!1 AMY 14 �AQM, to nn Prown `,;tt rl'�v to bu tho indivinanis Wnribed in and who oyeouted Lhe Povegaing instrument a Wy acknoaledn& to me thvt Vey executed the sa"n' "tab -1UW, n Pa = J6 "! Sa air 1. n 5:1, 0 20.1 of MY, 1961, he corn me POPSOW ly come NIRTS) P. 0007 and J"W"T F - WXY, to me rcvn ard kn( 4yo re LP;) .r(. Vhe ondl viduuTs described in andII W vo ex e U at 0 d t h e `.`4::)"'r. 0 7 0�""' nSt'r',ev en 4 n 1 P1.a Y ac now!We,-, Lu me tnat Qny executed tin sumea Z' An the Wks, of son, 1961, buforc me ror- sonally came W13 All A. CRUM and GAYMAj L 6 . CANCORf, W no !mown) and Komi M me to bs the individuals dqvcribef+ in atl who c1;6cuted Me acknoaledyed to mc thaL Lhey execuboo Wo unreo it