2019-01-28Town of Wappinger Regular Meeting Minutes 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 townofwappinger.us Joseph Paoloni (845)297-5771 Monday, January 28, 2019 7:30 PM Town Hall Call to Order Attendee Name Organization Title Status Arrived Richard Thurston Town of Wappinger Supervisor Present 7:30 PM William H. Beale Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Angela Bettina Town of Wappinger Councilwoman Present 7:30 PM Robert Johnston Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Michael Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Joseph P. Paoloni Town of Wappinger Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Cooper M Leatherwood Town of Wappinger Deputy Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Jim Horan Consultant Attorney Present 7:30 PM Bob Gray Consultant Engineer Present 7:30 PM Salute to the Flag Agenda and Minutes 1. Motion To: Adopt Agenda RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Robert Johnston, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Acknowledge Minutes of January 14, 2019 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Robert Johnston, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz IV. Public Portion 1. Motion To: Open Public Portion Town of Wappinger Page 1 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Robert Johnston, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Close Public Portion V. 1. 2. 3. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Angela Bettina, Councilwoman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz Reports and Proposals for Consideration Report on Kent Road Study Mike Gallante from Fredrick Clark and Associates addressed a Kent Road study. He addressed the concerns on Kent Road including volume, speeding, and safety. Accident data was acquired from the NYSDOT. He agreed to the stop sign locations. The findings are that traffic calming should be implemented. It has 1,600 vehicles per day most who are short cutting between the County owned Myers Corners Road and All Angels Road. Peak hours are during commuter peak traffic. There are 120 to 140 vehicles per hour during peak periods. During a 3 year period there were 8 accidents. He re -iterated that he agreed with the stop sign locations. Speeds were anywhere from 30-34 mph. He doesn't recommend speed bumps. Net, net the recommendation is to keep things the way they are. He recommend clearing of vegetation near Central Avenue. Traffic lights on Myers and Kent are not recommended. Cheryl Haight/Justices Report on Justice Court Justices Kitchen and Wolfson appeared before the board to answer questions. Justice Kitchen pointed out that there were 4,000 less tickets issued than were issued in 2017 and thus a loss in revenues. Justice Wolfson mentioned that at $150-$200 per ticket it calculates to a loss of approximately 800,000K. They mentioned a proposed an enlargement of the court despite the downturn in tickets. Jessica Fulton on Recreation Department Activities Recreation Director Fulton handed out a document to the board but did not file a copy with the town clerk. She discussed activities such as the technology seminar. Chair of the Senior Fundraising Committee Constance Smith addressed fundraising activities such as bus trips, a dinner theater, and a 5K run. Their first fundraiser is on May 19 at Outback at a cost of $22. They plan on doing it once a month. Rhoda Sussman spoke of bus road trips. On April 26 they are going to Resorts Royal Catskill at a cost of $35. On July 26 they are going to the Sands in Pennsylvania at a cost of $40. On August 30th they're going to Empire in Yonkers at a cost of $30 cash or check. Anyone at age 21 or over can attend. The busses hold 56 attendees. Sign up is in person to Director Fulton, but the information is online. Connie asked about insurance. Attorney Horan promised to look into it, but said liability would be covered but not theft. In Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 summary Director Fulton explained the purpose of the fundraising committee is to help defray the cost of regular senior events. She gave an example that if the Valentines day event at a chosen restaurant were $30 per head, the cost to the seniors would be say $15 per head for members. Recreation Director Fulton pointed out the financial review in the pre -distributed report. She said all the athletic programs were self funding. She presented the reports that were generated by the new software package. She said that $10,1817 was collected for field fees due to better management of the Robinson lane Baseball fields. The increase from 2014 when she began as recreation director saw an increase of 130% without an increase in pricing, only better management of field usage. She addressed the pricing of summer camp. She proposed an increase to the fees of $50 to cover minimum wage increases for counselors. She offered to put on next agenda the justification for the need for an increase for the 7 week summer camp program. In the 2018 program, there were 9 non-residents and 156 children. The maximum capacity is 200 children at Martz field, but 175 would be more manageable. The ASCAP, BMI, and CSAK Licensing fees for music performances at Community Day are over $1,100. They will be looked at by the Attorney on whether the town should pay individual fees for each performance or collectively for all performances. See the summary below: Athletic Programs Program Expense Rev, enue t T"enni's S418 8 420 + Fishing S 1,363 S 1,345 -Sig Aerobics $2,240 ` 301 +61 Basketball' $788 5 I,4/0 ($800) + 682 (+$102) � astics $4,145 55,609 + I,464 Indoor Soccer $ 0 00 81 645 +52Y945 Totals $x,654 514190 ($14,210) +5,186 +x$4,,556) "Me school district had to bump our class from the school for the final three weeks and they were unable to proiride us, an alternate location. Amounts in 0 reflect the actual revenue and profit after refunds had been issued to thearticipwants, for the cancelled classes. Summer Camp Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 2/1/2019 Expense Revenue t/_ Staffing $56,322 Activities/' up-plies5/ Training $8,0/6 Income 551,611.00 Totals S65,298 550,611 -55,68 7 Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 Events 'Includes FrLnvorks and unreco%,ered deposit, to C&NAinusements Summer Concerts, Cloud Revenue Expense Estimated Attendance Easter, F�,- Hunt 5500 51871.45 412 Children :2OOO Total Memorial Day 5350 53,429.75 :z350 Communiw Day 52.X0 529P089..92 ? Halloween 5520 3,45 Children :Z 1,800 Total Craft Fair 503.25 5505.,08 ? N"eteran's Day S468.40 :z 200 Tree Lighting 51493.34 163 Children :Z 500 Total Total 52.X3,.25 537P883.02 'Includes FrLnvorks and unreco%,ered deposit, to C&NAinusements Summer Concerts, Cloud 5600 Hurley Mt Highway 5500 So., Dutches,s Concert 5500 Tracer Dqlu9�, .............................. 5600 Soul Purpose 5350 Licensing Fees, 51,123 Total S3,673 4. Susan Dao on Code Enforcement Code Enforcer Susan Dao handed out documents to the board. She explained the details of the Code Enforcement Department. In summary, the department replaced all positions that were vacated last year except for the fire inspector. Safety standards need to be updated. There were 1,150 applications, 32 new businesses, 1,339 building permits closed out which included 58 new homes. They have a backlog of over 2,055 expired building permits and did 55 fire inspections. The full report is as follows: Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 21112019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 0 Town of Wappinger Buil dingffire Department Summary lof our activides during 20,18 The Building Department started off the year 2018 with: '2 t`ull firrie Building Inspectors I. full finie Building (.Ierk I pail time Building, Clerk I full firma ]°"ire Inspector I part time Fire Inspec-tor Starting in February, one Building Inspector res),911cd. In May, the Fire, Inspm-tor retire after XO years, In June out full tisane Building Clerk refired after 18 years, In the same month ofJune, the part, firne Fire Inspector arid (fie plan time Building l mitgwd. In May,, two UMputy Building lasIx0ors worc hired and rquired total training. Including scn&ng, therm KA fiYr training, to IN: look cerl by NYS. In June, twct Building Ocrks were hired and reqj," complete training. In AuguM, one of the two Mild�in:g Clerks resigoed suddenly to take on a new Position in another town. Since May of 20118, the building dcparftnent has taken on the fire inspection duties while training, both Deputy Building InspecAms, a Building, Clerk while also whilc Icam, in:g the Fire Inspector aspxt of the vacant po5ition- We have continued to per�fonn all aspects of the building department and Fim, Impmtor del-driment duties througl'Out 201 9l, We process applications, collect and "ter fee review building jxmit applicadons, building inspecti(xis, explain. town & state CWCS to appliCM)tMs and MidenitS, inspect VjOj,Rtjo1n,,s,, jSque tickets, municipalsearchM collect well test dat.% meet with residents arid ,contra ctorah, MS4 I r-lrcments, 8W'PPP inspections, 1203 Fire inspel Fire plan review:, after hour fire call out8l maintain records and mspw drainage issues four highway, Al"lugh otw drpurtmcut has continued to do all jobl-vela ted dutics, we have been challenged With, (be turnover of =ployms and the training of the new employees wItHe trying to tn. aintain excellentservice to our residents, Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 21112019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 We have abacklog of expired blEilding permits. 1-1-ko Fire hispeolor's departaiment is behind by .1several, years" with 1203 inspcetions. Our shortage ofone Building Clerk has Created a slowd4mn of'prooessing", applications, fiffing", dela:Y 4)f updating onlinem fOrs, and a genciiii d0kily to the resider"Is and contractors which can polentiallyslow down on-going 11Tqjecls iM tfie towm,, As oftoday, we have a new Building, Clerk, beginning herjob Vn ourdepariment- IA%ile we are grateftil f6t this r0sition being fillIed, thisalso has it downside, as, ("Ji'll-Vurre fill Clerk now h4q to train her, thus slowing, down. he,]., own d'Utim. 1. have started working with the Iwo deptifies, whzreas, onewill he dedicated each week to i working sul ely an expired) pertni ts,while the other deputy will 1, do, i nspections. They wi III r0tat-c this proeQss unfil we begin to pick up lowardsprirtg, In addition, the building clerks will qatd OLAI CXpirafi(M,110fiCCS the first week of each i'mmith for the fiAlowing months perniiLq set to expire. Tids will help alleviatefuture expimd Permits fmm being" genesated, [ feeIl an overview (A the all c(3rnmemial town propefties anti multi-fiamily pirceB khoull(I be &,)ne this year in order to have as eornplete and coinprellensive list ofpwperlies that require a 1203 Permit, Ome (I'lis list is eomplete it ",ill N Qasior flor our departAnerit to keep track and to follow- up Yearly with all required saliety u1spectioris, therefore pmtecting, eaeli commercial property ITId ensuring - 11 pill; multi.-I'amily properties are rneefijig the striate requirement-5- Tbeiv arc over 300 if not a much larper numbcrof PrOperties that requirc inspc0ions yearly, but I [IRVe utast beciii able to find a com, prehens[ve list, lberefore my suggesticin of as complete pniperly by propeny invetnitory, I'lle plsitjon of Fire Inspector since beirW vacated over 8 months ago has ICA as JQQj(jQd Strain on our departnient, whille I 1mve been fbllowing, tip am 1203s, I'm frostrawd that EVERV4)NE that I have done has tiled, requiring subsequent fi ttlety.rbflow- Lip inspections. [ io,Mred to 61] thart rtill k1longwilh nlyllositiorl as Building I rmpeaor 11 as, a lot o,f 1201 hNspectionis alg� mquire Building bispecuor would be delegated to one: offfie Deputy Imspectors. IftheTown Board decides to )nitre as Deputy Fire Inspectur, to ami.st its in the scrious 1203 backlog as per tlw abavc inventory plans, pleasc keep in min(I that I will he the person who will nicecl ft) train that person in his/lierjob duties as I have the expefiCI)Ca Y)CCCmry fbr this IX)sJ601-1, as detnonstrated over Ifle lam & nionths, Town of Wappinger Page 6 Printed 21112019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 Applications received and iproc ssed — Totail 1.150 Permits issued _ Totid 1 39 0, Nem Homes �— 5, 8 fivired Plerrrmiits.— 2055 Change awl' uip rmcy — 32 CCY5/Ws-1096 Violations re v d — 86 Legatization Fee —1301 charged $,2510 = 32,500 Collected order to remedy iii5we4I 142 Fire.12013 Inspections As of December 2018, all deputies will be NY State certified. Councilman Beale has great concerns about the number of 1203s that had historically not being done. He asked for a schedule and recommended a replacement for the Fire Inspector that retired in 2018 with someone with experience. Enforcer Dao said the department is several "years" behind on 1203 inspections. A potential disaster was averted when during a 1203 inspection, all 70 carbon monoxide & smoke detectors were sounding at Village Crest apartments and subsequently replaced in October 2018 by Enforcer Dao. This past weekend there was a call out by Dutchess County Fire to those same Village Crest Apartments. A tragedy was averted because that "complete" 1203 inspection was done to better detect the odorless carbon monoxide. 5. Dick Thurtston - Proposal From MJM Promotions Supervisor Thurston introduced a proposal for media productions by an individual working in East Fishkill and Fishkill. The Attachment follows: Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 21112019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 MTM Television and Video Productions 16 1`. Division St. Peekskill / I 'Wendy Toad "N appin er'Faulls, NY 12590 845-206-1.977 'ropo,sall for Media and Production Services Supmisor Thurston, Thank you, for meeting nye last week to discuss a propos l to provide media services to the Town ofW ppiriger. I have nearly 30 years in broadcast and cable television and, also serve many municipalities of similar size in Dutcbess and, Westchester Counties,. 'ley proposal includes not only production, but needs assessment, installation, maintenance of equuipmnno erseeing content for your uuluni.cip, bmmnnet and websiteandsocial rnuedia that: tine 'Tow n may have. My proposal includes, all spices, listed below for a yearly contract. I sign on. with municipalities for yearly contracts and snot per job or 'hourly rates. All 'T'owrns,, villages, and cities sign on for a yearly or multi-year contract. Needs,Assessment With 30, years in the business, I am very farnihar with production equipment and needs assesstmrment. I also try to be budget conscious for the client, so, I do riot try to ordcm the "bust: of thel best"but try to acecss the cheapest: rates for nay clients based on their budgets. I have ar l do nsbips with vendors that arc on state contract so that eliminates the need for the procurement policy and bidding In-ocess. llauustallmaut;lon, l ainomutenauce, and Trouble Shooting n of E'qunipmeat and, Operation I"o save money for my clients,, I eliminate the need to hire outside contractors., I do the installation of equipm ent myself and I also, rnmaintai n a nd tmmuuble shoot any problems any of the equipment may have,, 'So if something gory down, I cantrouble sluoot and get it fixed right ammw ay.This is also includlcd in the budget and rate. ProductionCapturing and recording Meetings, in -Location action Produuuction, ,zidixtU& Uploading, aurid file management Public Meetings and 4 shows per month. N4JM Productions is a l wll media production service company, This means we prodmuucc content for clients especially mtmmmaeip litres. In this proposal, I will be responsible! f6r recorlmiall public meetings includingTown Board Meetings, Planning oaf Meetings, ZoningBo Meetings, uploading, din the to l h l , atom social nr�edta pages it necessary. �� l� Other towns have o nu:t ;ub paged foto content, as well: side from themeetings', I also propose producing (4), productions per month. which can include Shows with the Supervisor and Bow Member, Ribbon Cutfing4, Business Shows„ Recreatiou event ,and iaumformrnationall shows toshare programs with the .Public, Rmreation events,throughout ut thin year s ich as " I"reei,gutimun, s, Halloween Programmin& Odor Concerts11 in the park, infon nat.irmamua;l sbows with Public Works / High ay, Public Safety tipsitlm lire p fit,'Veterans and Memorial Da, ,rb�ula�r�uo,, of any other topics the'Town sees, eremonnics, Fown Community Dayua nd Parade on loication, Th County St. Patrick's 's a; Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 Parade (If this is part of the Town of Wap in,ger), and any other event, A total of (4) shows per month will be produced aired on the municipal channel, uploaded to youtube and the "fown,s facebodlr Page. For larger events, I would use my mobile video production truuck/vaun, to broadcast,. I also have the a>bi,lity to go live on location when warranted. I can also petro ide the Town Drone video to capture shows to promote pis and other assets, the Town can share with it's residents. 'The drone also helps with the engineering departments, of municipalities. to get that overhead view for land pm jfects. Rates and Contract,, Additional Crew Members 'The Town would enter into a, proressiomnal and technical agreement with MTM Television and video Productiamns. I am, insured andwould name the Town additional insured as I do with all other clients. I also have several crew members that corer for me when l 'have a conflict. Although the crew member "roi;glhit cover for me, I; am always involved in the editing, uptoading, airing, and managing the production. All crew memben am paid and insured by l ,I'l C 'Television, For a lfown the size of Wap ginger, l propose a rate of $l351,000 per year as a flat fere for all services li i d above for taping of all meetings and productions fuer month, managing channel, typing and posting in bol _" arnourmm rents and, uploliadi'my video to social media i a es. This rate is in line with nei,, hboring, town ° ast l°�ishlrill. Any additional programming requested over the iluee meetings, and 4 Productions) will be billed at a rate of, 0 per production., (If mobile: production gran is noeded thena negotiatedrate will be proposed). In closing,1 gum looking forward to discussing my proposal with you, 'p'lease reach out to me to discuss, any questions or concerns youmay have. I feel that the Town's municipal channel is under utilized and there needs to' more outreach on television as well as, the social media sites„ I have included several photos In this email and.'below, of my production vain which is a studio on wheels. I built and designed this van, installed equipment:, and produce larger events. Please reach out to me on trey cell phone at 845- 2064977. l look forward to hearing from you. VI. Resolutions RESOLUTION: 2019-40 Resolution Authorizing Refund Of Escrow For Rain Garden Installation WHEREAS, on or about July 24, 2018, Mid -Hudson Development Corporation (hereinafter "MHDC") made a deposit in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be held in escrow to insure the satisfactory installation of Rain Gardens for the property located at 17 Caliburn Court; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator has confirmed that the installation of the Rain Gardens was satisfactorily completed; and WHEREAS, MHDC has requested the Escrow be returned; and Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 WHEREAS, the Town Comptroller has audited the escrow account and has verified the amount due to MHDC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Town Board hereby authorizes a return of Escrow in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,0000) to Mid -Hudson Development Corporation. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-40 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent D Adopted ElAdopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑ El Defeated William H. Beale ..................... Voter 0...... ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled AnelaBettina Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WithdrawnRobert Johnston Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover D ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-41 Resolution Authorizing Execution An Agreement Between The Town Of Wappinger And The Town Of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. For Baseball Program WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that it is in the best interests of the Town to have the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. provide a program of softball and baseball activities for the boys and girls of the community; and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor, in consultation with the Chairman of the Recreation Committee, Director of Recreation, and the Supervisor of Buildings and grounds, has negotiated the terms of a proposed Service Agreement with the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, in accordance with the Town's Procurement Policy, has determined that the nature of services to be provided by the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. are classified as a "sole source"; and WHEREAS, the Town Board acknowledges the very successful program the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. has administered for the last 40 years or so and wishes to continue having the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. provide softball and baseball activities for the boys and girls of the Town of Wappinger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 The Town Board Members acknowledge they have reviewed the terms and conditions of the proposed "Service Agreement" attached hereto, and they find the terms contained therein reasonable and appropriate; 2. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute said Service Agreement with the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc. in accordance with the terms and conditions contained therein, The Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), to the Town of Wappinger Little League Association, Inc, as budgeted in the 2019 Final Budget. upon submission of a voucher as required by law. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: J Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-41 Yes/Aye Abstain Absent D Adopted ......No/Nay .. ❑ Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Bcale Voter .......................................... 0 ❑❑ ......................................... ❑ ❑ Tabled Angela Bettina Seconder D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn RobertJohnston Voter .............D........,........❑........,........❑........,.......❑..... D ❑ ❑ ❑ MichaelKuzmicz Mover Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-42 Resolution Appointing Full -Time Maintenance Mechanic In Buildings And Grounds Department WHEREAS, in its 2019 Budget, the Town Board funded a new position of Full -Time Maintenance Mechanic in the Buildings and Grounds Department to assist with the repairs of Town Buildings; and WHEREAS, under the Rules of the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources, the position of Maintenance Mechanic is in the Non -Competitive Civil Service Class; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of Buildings has interviewed candidates for the Maintenance Mechanic Position and determined that Walter Erickson meets the minimum qualifications for the position and is the best candidate for the position and he recommends that the Town Board appoint him to the position of Maintenance Mechanic for the Buildings & Grounds Department; and WHEREAS, the position of Full -Time Maintenance Mechanic is part of the Collective Bargaining Unit and is subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Town of Wappinger and Teamsters Local 445 ("CBA"). Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The Town Board hereby appoints Walter Erickson to the position of Full -Time Maintenance Mechanic in the Building & Grounds Department effective January 30, 2019. 2. Walter Erickson shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $24.73 which shall be paid out of the budget line appropriate for said position in the 2019 Final Budget in weekly installments in accordance with the CBA. 3. The appointment is subject to the approval of the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources and is further subject to Civil Service Law and the Rules of New York State and the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources. 4. The appointment is subject to a probationary term of not less than eight nor more than twenty-six weeks in accordance with the rules of the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources. All necessary documentation for the appointment shall be filed with the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: J Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-42 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent D Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter D ❑..,,.. ...,.... ❑ ..❑...... ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Mover.... ..... D .... ❑.. ❑ ... ❑ Tabled AngelaBettina ....................„. IIMichael Voter .................. D ................ ❑ ❑ ......,........ ❑ ........ ❑ Withdrawn Robert Johnston ...................... Votor ... .........E .... ❑ ......,...... ❑ .... ❑ ... Kuzmicz Seconder D E 0 ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-43 Resolution Adopting Town Of Wappinger Volunteer Policy WHEREAS, motivated citizens, students, and senior citizens, who wish to volunteer for service with the Town of Wappinger are vital assets for the Town and volunteerism should be promoted to foster a spirit of community within the Town; and WHEREAS, it is important for the Town to adopt a written policy with standards and procedures to assure suitable support, training, supervision and safety of the volunteers; and WHEREAS, a formal policy will help Town officers recruit and identify appropriate volunteers and match them to appropriate areas of need within the Town; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Town Board to establish a Volunteer Policy in the form annexed hereto NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 1. The Town Board hereby adopts the TOWN OF WAPPINGER VOLUNTEER POLICY dated January 28, 2019 which is annexed hereto and shall be made a part of the minutes of this Meeting. 2. The Town Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution together with the annexed Employee Identification Policy in the Records of the Town. 3. Every employee of the Town shall be provided with a copy of the Employee Identification Policy and they shall sign a form that they have received and reviewed a copy of said policy. The TOWN OF WAPPINGER VOLUNTEER POLICY shall take effect immediately. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-43 ❑ Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Elll Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0....... ❑ ❑ ❑ El Defeated William H. Beale ..................... Voter..... ....... D ....... . ...... ❑...... ❑ ...... ❑ ..... D Tabled Angela BettinaSeconder 0 ❑ 0 0 Withdrawn ElRobert Johnston ....................... Mover ............ D....... . ...... ❑........,........❑ ........,........❑ ..... Next: 2/11/19 7:30 PM Michael Kuzmicz Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Tabled. RESOLUTION: 2019-44 Resolution Authorizing Execution an Agreement Between the Town of Wappinger and the Wappinger Yankees Collegiate Baseball Club WHEREAS, the Wappinger Yankees Collegiate Baseball Club (hereinafter "Wappinger Yankees") participates in the Hudson Valley Collegiate Baseball League, which provides opportunities for baseball players from the Town of Wappinger to sharpen their baseball skills in a competitive environment; and WHEREAS, the Wappinger Yankees and the Town of Wappinger have negotiated an agreement which requires the Wappinger Yankees to provide certain services to the Town and authorizes them to use a Town Baseball field in return for a set fee; and WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of the Wappinger Yankees and the Hudson Valley Collegiate Baseball League permit the Wappinger Yankees to enter into the proposed agreement; and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that it is in the best interest of the Town to authorize the Wappinger Yankees to use the Town baseball field in accordance with the proposed Agreement; and Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The Town Board hereby agrees to enter into a written Agreement between the Town of Wappinger and The Wappinger Yankees Collegiate Baseball Club in the form attached hereto. 2. Supervisor Dr. Richard L. Thurston is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement between the Town of Wappinger and The Wappinger Yankees Collegiate Baseball Club in substantially the same form as attached hereto. The Wappinger Yankees shall pay Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for the use of the Brian Holt Memorial Field and the field lights for the 2019 season. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: J Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-44 Date/Time Facility Budget Line Egg Hunt 4/13/19 IPM Martz Field A7550.404 Memorial Day 5/27/19 2PM Yes/Aye A7550.402 Abstain Absent D Adopted A7550.403 Summer Movie- The Sandlot ......No/Nay .. A7140.415 Summer Movie -Night at the Museum ❑ Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Bcale Voter .......................................... 0 ❑❑ ......................................... ❑ ❑ Tabled Angela Bettina Seconder D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn RobertJohnston Voter .............D........,........❑........,........❑........,.......❑..... D ❑ ❑ ❑ MichaelKuzmicz Mover Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-45 Resolution Setting The Calendar Of Special Events For The Town Of Wappinger Recreation Department For 2019 WHEREAS, throughout the year, the Town of Wappinger Recreation Department schedules special events to provide recreation and entertainment that fosters a sense of community in the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, it is important to schedule events well in advance so that the Town may publicize events to Town residents to increase participation; and WHEREAS, the Recreation Director has prepared a tentative calendar of events for consideration by the Town Board_ Event Date/Time Facility Budget Line Egg Hunt 4/13/19 IPM Martz Field A7550.404 Memorial Day 5/27/19 2PM Schlathaus Park A7550.402 Community Day 7/5-7/7/19 TBD A7550.403 Summer Movie- The Sandlot 6/01/19 8:30 PM Robinson Lane A7140.415 Summer Movie -Night at the Museum 6/22/19 8:30 Sclathaus Park A7140.415 Summer Concert- Cruise Control 7/11/19 7pm Schlathaus Park A7140.406 Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 Summer Concert- Hurley Mt. Highway 7/18/19 7pm Schlathaus Park A7140.406 Summer Movie- Beauty and the Beast 7/20/19 7pm Martz Field A7140.415 Summer Concert- Midnite Image Band 7/25/19 7pm Schlathaus Park A7140.406 Summer Concert- Cloud Nyne 08/01/19 7pm Schlathaus Park A7140.406 Summer Concert- Southern Dutchess Concert Band 08/08/19 7pm Schlathaus Park A7140.406 Summer Movie- The Greatest Showman 08/10/19 8:30pm Schlathaus Park A7140.415 Summer Concert- Matt Jordan Pop Oldies 8/15/19 7pm Sclathaus Park A7140.406 Summer Movie- Field of Dreams 8/17/19 7pm Robinson Lane A7140.415 9/11 Service 9/11/19 8AM Sgt. Mark C. Palmateer Memorial Park A7550.402 Trunk or Treat 10/27/19 IPM Schlathaus Park A7550.404 Craft Fair 11/9/19 9AM Town of Wappinger Town Hall A7550.405 Veteran's Day 11/11/19 IPM Town of Wappinger Town Hall A7550.402 Tree Lighting 12/7/19 5PM Schlathaus Park A7550.404 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board has reviewed and considered the Calendar of Events attached hereto and adopts the same, subject to any future changes that may be made by further Resolution of the Town Board. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-45 Yes/Aye.. No/Nay.. Abstain.. Absent.. D Adopted El Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0 ................... El .................. ❑ ..... El Defeated William H. Beale ..................Voter D .. ❑ ......,........ ❑.... ❑ ❑ Tabled fteiaBettina Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn RobertJohnstonSeconder ...................... ...Mover ............. D .................. ❑ ................. ❑ ................. ❑ ....... Michael Kuzmicz D ❑ 0 El Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-46 Order Calling For Public Hearing For The Establishment of the Furnia Drainage District in Wappinger, Dutchess County WHEREAS, a written petition has been duly filed with the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in relation to the establishment of a proposed Drainage District, to be known as the Fumia Drainage District (hereinafter, the "District"), pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law, which petition, together with a map, plan and report accompanying the same and addendum thereto, have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and are available for public inspection; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report include a map showing the boundaries of the proposed Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 District, a general plan to serve said District, and a report of the proposed method of operation thereof, and were prepared by Clark Patterson & Lee, competent engineers duly licensed by the State of New York; and WHEREAS, the boundaries of said District shall be as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said District consist of the construction of a stormwater treatment pond and other associated drainage improvements, all as more fully described in the map, plan and report hereinbefore described; and WHEREAS, the maximum estimated cost of said improvements is $56,500; and WHEREAS, the cost of said improvements shall be paid by the owner of the properties therein and no serial bonds of said Town shall be issued therefor; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said District to the typical property therein is $150.00 in the first year in which operation, maintenance, debt service and other charges and expenses are to be paid and $150.00 to a one or two family house therein, the properties being single family houses; and WHEREAS, a detailed explanation of the manner by which were computed said estimated first- year costs to the typical property has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any person interested in the subject manner thereof; and WHEREAS, said capital project for said Extension and the establishment thereof has been determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the implementation of which as proposed, the Planning Board has determined will not result in a significant environmental effect; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Extension, the petition therefor, and the improvements proposed therefor, all pursuant to Section 193 of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, shall be held at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, in Wappingers Falls, New York, in said Town, on the 11th day of February, 2019, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of the Dist in said Town as described in the preambles hereof, to be known as the Fumia Drainage District, the petition therefor, and the improvements proposed therefor, and to consider the map, plan and report filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the official newspaper(s) of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign -board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. Section 3. This Order shall take effect immediately. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-46 0 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0,,,,,, El❑ ❑,,,,, El Defeated William H. Beale ...................Voter .... ........... D ...... ...... ❑...... ...... ❑ ...... . ......❑ ..... El Tabled Angela Bettina ........................ Voter..... ....... D....... . ...... ❑........,........❑ ........,........❑ ..... ElWithdrawn Robert Johnston ...................... Mover..........D...... ........EJ. .................. ......❑...... ...................❑..... Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 Michael Kuzmicz Seconder D ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2019-47 Correspondence Log Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-47 Correspondence Lag - 20, 9-01-28 Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman Plumber To From Date Date Ree" I Re: Agenda Date 011-28-881 Town Board Justice Court- Heather Kitchen 119019 1/10 21119 Notice: 20118 Annual Report V28019 81-28-882 Town Board R.J.A. HLB, INC. 111712819 111712819 All An els Hill Bus Stop Concerns 112812819 81.28-883 Town Board Richard Cantor 1/18!2819 1/2412819 Amed Shah And Sulk1!28!2819 Voter NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-47 ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Robert Johnston, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent D Adopted El Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter D ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale Voter 0...... ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled AnelaBettina Voter 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WithdrawnRobert Johnston Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover D ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. VII. Executive Session - Parks and Recreation Position 1. Motion To: Enter Executive Session RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Robert Johnston, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 2. Motion To: Return From Executive Session RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Robert Johnston, Councilman SECONDER: Angela Bettina, Councilwoman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz VIII. Items for Special Consideration/New Business 1. Motion To: Resignation Of Councilman Ward 3 Robert Johnston Town Board member, Bob Johnston, read a resignation statement to the board, but did not file it with the town clerk for publication in these minutes. He submitted his resignation letter which was placed in the Correspondence Log for the next meeting. The full statement is available on video on the town website. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Richard Thurston, William H. Beale, Angela Bettina, Michael Kuzmicz EXCUSED: Robert Johnston RESOLUTION: 2019-48 Appointment of Christopher Phillips to Councilman of Ward 3 By floor resolution, Christopher Phillips was appointed to the Town Board as Councilman Ward 3. He was sworn in by Joseph P. Paoloni, the Town Clerk, and was registered in the records of the town under the Oaths of Office. He submitted his resignation letter from the planning board which was placed in the Correspondence Log for the next meeting and was subsequntly Sworn in. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows Vote Record - Resolution RES -2019-48 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent.. D Adopted .. .. . ...,.. El Adopted as Amended Richard Thurston Voter 0 El ❑ ....... El Defeated William H. Beale ...................Voter ................ D........,...... ❑ .. ❑ .. ❑ El Tabled fteiaBettina Seconder 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn RobertJohnston ................. .. Voter .. ,.........D ❑ ........,........❑ ❑ ..... ❑ ....... Excused ,.........❑ ...... Michael Kuzmicz Mover ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York January 28, 2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 2/1/2019 Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 IX. Adjournment Motion To: Wappinger Adjournment & Signature The meeting adjourned at 11:51 PM. Joseph P. Paoloni Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Angela Bettina, Councilwoman SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Johnston, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 2/1/2019 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This class involves a variety of building maintenance and repair tasks of a generally skilled nature. Although employees in this class may, by reason of personal training and experience, devote more of their time to work of a single specialized field, they may be required to work along various building maintenance lines as the occasion demands. Employees are expected to be able to perform or learn to perform a wide variety of duties within the field of building maintenance and repair, and may also be required to perform grounds maintenance tasks when necessary. The duties of this class differ from Maintenance Worker by reason of the more skilled nature of the work involved. Incumbents perform their duties with wide latitude for independent planning or laying out of the working details. In those cases where supervisory responsibilities are involved, the Maintenance Mechanic acts as foreman over a number of workers who perform maintenance and repair j obs of a less skilled nature. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: The following is indicative of the level and types of activities performed by incumbents in this title. It is not meant to be all inclusive and does not preclude a supervisor from assigning activities not listed which could reasonably be expected to be performed by an employee in this title. 1. Supervises and/or performs skilled repairs to plumbing, steam lines, electric wiring and equipment, furniture, doors and windows, hardware and varied mechanical equipment and machinery; 2. Installs shelving, storage cabinets and new hardware, and performs other skilled carpentry tasks; 3. Does skilled painting work; 4. Maintains and repairs central heating systems; 5. Performs grounds maintenance and maintains athletic and playground facilities; 6. Makes inspections of property to ascertain repair needs; 7. Estimates material required for repairs; 8. Obtains necessary permits, including Health Department requirements; 9. Performs snow and ice control activities; 10. May keep daily time and material records; 11. May oversee seasonal help. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of various building construction trades sufficient to be able to perform a wide range of maintenance and repair activities on facilities; Knowledge of routine grounds maintenance sufficient to lead and participate in lawn and athletic field maintenance; Ability to learn new repair or installation procedures to perform non -routine repairs; Ability to plan and supervise the work of others; Ability to understand oral and written directions; Ability to work in adverse weather conditions; Personal characteristics necessary to perform the duties of the position; Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (Cont'd) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: EITHER: (A) One year of work experience as a journeyman in a skilled trade, such as plumbing, electrical, carpentry or steam -fitting; OR: (B) Four years of experience in either general building construction or in building maintenance work; OR: (C) An equivalent combination of training and experience as indicated in (A) and (B) above. TR1418 REVISED: 08/01/75 12/11/86 12/08/00 Town of Wappinger - Volunteer Policy Final Draft I. Policy Statement 1.1 MISSION: The goal of the Town of Wappinger ("TOW" or the "Town") Volunteer Policy (the "Policy") is to utilize motivated citizens, TOW youth, high school and college students, and TOW Senior citizens, to enhance and supplement the productive efforts of the Town and to improve the quality of life of the residents and the Town through the process of volunteering. 1.2 PURPOSE: The Supervisor and Town Board recognize and support the use of volunteers to assist Town government in providing services and programs. The Policy will establish standards and procedures for volunteer service. This policy contains responsibilities of both the Town and the volunteers. Written policies and procedures will assure volunteers are suitably oriented and trained and job duties are developed. Supervision of volunteers is appropriate to assigned duties and discussions regarding safety, liability to Town and accident and property damage is covered. Volunteerism is valuable to meet the needs of the Town and to utilize the skills and desires of citizens willing to participate and help. In an effort to match the Town with qualified pre- screened volunteers and persons with specific strengths, volunteer organizations may be utilized in conjunction with the Town for opportunities to enhance and more rapidly complete certain endeavors. Volunteers may also be involved as non -paid "Interns" who may receive school credits for their service(s) Volunteers are expected to adhere to the policies set forth by the Town of Wappinger. 1.3 SCOPE: To maximize the effectiveness of volunteers, yet limit risk exposure to both volunteers and the Town, this Policy will apply to all departments with volunteers. II. SELECTION PROCESS: 2.1 Volunteer Request Form. Departments should complete a Volunteer Request Form (TBD) and submit form to the Supervisor for review and approval prior to the recruitment of any volunteer. 2.2 Recruitment. Once the Volunteer Request Form has been approved, the Department may openly recruit volunteers. 1 Applicants will be required to fill out a Volunteer Application Form. This application will include information such as name, address, telephone number, driver's license, work or volunteer experience, education or training, interest, availability, references, specific program or project. Once the Volunteer Application Form is completed, the respective Department Director and/or designee will interview the applicant(s). Once a volunteer is selected, the Department Director will recommend the volunteer to the Supervisor for approval. A letter will be sent to the applicant notifying them of their acceptance pending any necessary background, credit and/or medical examination. 2.3 Waiver and Release. The Volunteer must complete and sign a Waiver/Release of Liability form. (TBD). Volunteers working with minors or the elderly will require a background check. Volunteers that will be required to drive, a copy of their driver's license will be placed on file as well as a copy of the volunteer's personal vehicle insurance. If the selection process discloses information that indicates the tentative volunteer would not fulfill department expectations, the Town is under no obligation to assign or retain that volunteer. III. ORIENTATION: 3.1 Orientation Process. Orientation will be conducted on the first day of volunteerism. In order for both the Town and volunteers to have a complete understanding of the conditions of volunteering, the following topics will be discussed during new volunteer orientation: a. Policy and Procedure. Policy and procedures regulating volunteer duties should be discussed. Specific emphasis should be given to working safely, conditions of driving (if applicable) and risk exposure to the Town. b. Training. Volunteers will receive an overview of their volunteer assignment and, as appropriate, a written list of duties and expectations, hours of service, supervision, necessary forms, approved financial expenditures and reimbursement procedures, accident reporting procedures, confidentiality, call in, dress code, performance, reviews, etc. Volunteers shall be directed to serve within their assigned duty assignment, c. Supervision. Volunteers will be supervised as to assignments, work performance, activity, use of equipment, etc. Performance problems will be corrected or the volunteer will be released from service. 3.2 Confidentiality Forms. The Town collects and maintains private and confidential information while carrying out its functions and operations. Volunteers working in a variety of areas will be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement (TBD) specific to a particular Department. These Departments include, but are not exclusive to: Justice Court, Clerk's Office, Supervisor's Office, Comptroller's Office, and Tax Assessors Office (we can add others specifically) 2 IV. RISK OF INJURY: 4.1 Town Volunteers are not "subject workers" as defined by the State Workers Compensation Act, therefore worker's compensation coverage will not be provided. 4.2 Town Volunteers are covered under the Town's Liability Policy but are required to sign a partial waiver of liability (TBD) for activities outside the course and scope of their volunteer duties. V. DAMAGE TO VOLUNTEER PROPERTY If a Volunteer's personal property is damaged while the Volunteer is serving in authorized volunteer status, the Department shall investigate the incident and report on whether the damage occurred while in connection with the performed duties. The Town has liability insurance coverage to protect employees and other covered persons in the area of Personal Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Volunteers and members of any other committees, boards or commissions are considered covered persons under this liability insurance coverage while acting for or on behalf of the Town and within the course and scope of their involvement. Certain exclusions apply. VI. DRIVING 6.1 Volunteers are not allowed to operate Town vehicles and may need to drive their own vehicle or ride with another volunteer to reach the project site. Volunteers should operate their vehicle on Town property appropriately by complying with all laws. As passengers, Volunteers should not distract drivers, throw anything from the vehicle, damage interior or exterior condition of driver's vehicles, or cause a disruption. 6.2 Volunteers operating their private vehicles must be insured as required by New York State law. Volunteer's auto insurance will be considered primary coverage. Procedures shall be developed by departments to assure that liability insurance coverage is maintained uninterrupted. VII. BACKGROUND VERIFICATION CHECKS Each Department shall indicate whether the volunteer position requires any of the following checks: criminal background check, driver's license record, and/or reference check. The requested checks will be conducted by the Town of Wappinger Office of the Supervisor prior to the volunteer beginning work at a Department. No Volunteer whose position requires any of these checks will be allowed to volunteer until all required checks are complete. a. Criminal/Background Checks. Criminal/background checks are required for volunteers who will be working with children or the elderly. A volunteer's application shall be DENIED if any check reveals that the applicant has been convicted of any crime. 3 b. Driver's License Record. A driver's license check will be completed for any volunteer who will use his/her own vehicle in the scope of volunteer activities, including driving to/from retail stores. VIII. COMPUTER USAGE 8.1 Computers, peripheral equipment (printers, faxes, modems, etc.) and other devices attached to a PC may provided by the Town and are Town -owned resources which should be used for Town business with which a volunteer may have access. Except in certain circumstances, all information transmitted or stored on Town equipment is public and subject to disclosure by law. 8.2 Volunteers are prohibited from storing any personal information on Town -owned computer equipment. Volunteers are not authorized to modify installed software on Town -owned computers or install new software for any reason. IX EXPENDITURES Volunteers are NOT authorized to incur any expenditure on behalf of the Town or to enter into any contracts on behalf of the Town. X. TERMINATION OF SERVICE A volunteer's service may be terminated at any time for any reason or no reason by the Town Supervisor or his designee. 21 DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF WAPPINGER AND WAPPINGER YANKEES COLLEGIATE BASEBALL CLUB THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2019, by and between TOWN OF WAPPINGER A Municipal Subdivision, having its offices at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York 12590, hereinafter referred to as the "TOWN" and WAPPINGER YANKEES COLLEGIATE BASEBALL CLUB A Not -For -Profit Corporation, with its principal offices at 11 Macintosh Lane, Wappingers Falls, New York 12590, hereinafter referred to as the "YANKEES". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the TOWN and the YANKEES have maintained a long standing relationship in providing collegiate baseball in the Town; and WHEREAS, the YANKEES are a member of the Collegiate Baseball League of the Hudson Valley, whose participants are young adults between the ages of 17 and 26; and WHEREAS, the YANKEES are the representative team of the TOWN in the Collegiate Baseball League of the Hudson Valley; and WHEREAS, the YANKEES recognize that all of the sports fields owned and maintained by the TOWN are located within public recreation lands, and, except as authorized by this Agreement, the YANKEES acknowledges that the ball fields are open to the general public for use as athletic fields, subject to approval by the Town Board and as administered by the Town of Wappinger Director of Recreation and the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee; and -1- DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT WHEREAS, the TOWN wishes to contract with the YANKEES to provide a collegiate baseball program and baseball instruction for all eligible local collegiate players as hereinafter specified; and WHEREAS, the YANKEES are willing to provide the baseball program in accordance with the rules of the Collegiate Baseball League of the Hudson Valley upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the TOWN and the YANKEES hereby agree as follows: 1. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. 2. Services Provided. 2.1. The YANKEES shall provide a baseball program for the collegiate young adults residing within the Town of Wappinger and Village of Wappingers Falls between the ages of 17 and 26. It is acknowledged that team members may consist of non-residents of the Town of Wappinger or the Village of Wappingers Falls. 2.2. The YANKEES shall provide all instruction, equipment, coaches and umpiring personnel, field maintenance and administrative activities that are necessary for operation of a collegiate level baseball club. The YANKEES shall provide such administrative personnel as necessary to provide for the smooth and efficient operation of the above-mentioned League, together with necessary coordination of such programs and use of TOWN fields as approved by the Town of Wappinger Recreation Director, in consultation with the Town of -2- DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT Wappinger Recreation Committee and the Chairman of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee. 3. Revocable License to Use Town Sports Field Facilities. 3.1. The TOWN shall provide sports field facilities for the baseball program herein set forth. 3.2 The TOWN hereby grants a revocable license to the YANKEES to use the Robinson Lane Recreation Facility in consultation with the Town of Wappinger Recreation Director in accordance with the Field Use Procedure as adopted by the Town Board. 3.3. No later than April 15,2019, the YANKEES shall submit a proposed use of the baseball fields necessary to provide the baseball program. The schedule of needed baseball fields shall be submitted to the Director of Recreation who shall review and approve the schedule of use of the fields, or make any necessary modifications thereto. Any changes to the scheduled use of the fields must be approved by the Director of Recreation. 3.4. The Wappinger Recreation Director may consult with the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds of the Town of Wappinger to the extent his input may be necessary in approving the use of the fields or other facilities authorized herein. The parties acknowledge that the following individuals are duly appointed to the positions following their names: Town of Wappinger Supervisor Dr. Richard L. Thurston Liaison to the Recreation Committee Michael Kuzmicz Wappinger Recreation Director Jessica Fulton Chairman of the Recreation Committee Ralph Holt Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds Steven Frazier Manager of the Wappinger Yankees Edward Roland Norris -3- DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT 3.5. The TOWN and the YANKEES will promptly notify the other party if there is any change in the above identified parties. 3.6. Only the League described above is permitted to use Town fields pursuant to this Agreement. Field reservations permitted under this Agreement can not be transferred to any other organization. 3.7. The use of the baseball fields and related facilities authorized by the TOWN shall include backstops, fencing, dugouts, and restrooms, all as they presently exist and as they may be maintained from time to time hereafter. 3.8. The TOWN shall be responsible for all maintenance and repairs of the fields and such custodial services as may be deemed necessary by the Town of Wappinger Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds and as approved by the Town Board, except as hereinafter set forth. The YANKEES shall promptly notify, in writing, the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds of any dangerous conditions on any of the facilities licensed hereunder or any needed repairs to the baseball fields or other facilities. Weather and field conditions permitting, the TOWN will provide weekly mowing of the outfields and common areas. The TOWN will also provide string trimming of the fences, buildings and bleachers on a bi-weekly basis. The TOWN will attend to clean up of storm debris including fallen trees or branches as soon as possible following the storm. The TOWN will twice during the period of Monday through Friday throughout the play season clean and supply the restrooms. The TOWN will also provide an outside contractor to clean and supply the restrooms on weekends during the play season. 3.9. Since Robinson Lane Recreation Facility is a locked -gate Town park, the Town's Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, after consultation with the Town Supervisor, will M DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT create a list of authorized key holders to open and close the park each day and shall so notify the YANKEES and the Town's Director of Recreation.(See Paragraph 4.4 regarding use of night lights) 3.10. The YANKEES may solicit advertisers to place signs along the fence on Brian Holt Memorial Field. Any revenue for this advertising will be under the management of the Wappinger Yankees. 4. TOWN Responsibilities. 4.1. The TOWN shall pay for the cost of a potable water supply at Robinson Lane Recreation Facility and shall supply general and routine maintenance to the parks' buildings, structures and grounds, except for those items specifically designated as the YANKEES responsibilities in paragraph 6 following. 4.2. The parties acknowledge that lights for night games have been constructed at the following fields at the Robinson Lane Recreation Facility: Holt Memorial Field Senior League Field 1 Melissa Bisaccia Memorial Field. Under no circumstances shall lights be permitted to operate beyond 11:00 p.m. 4.3. The TOWN shall maintain the night lights and keep them in proper working order and inspected as needed. 4.4. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, in consultation with the YANKEES, shall designate a person in writing to turn the night lights off after each night use by the YANKEES. -5- DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT 4.5. The TOWN shall pay for all utility charges to any of the sports fields and facilities. The TOWN shall supply porta johns, garbage removal and make sure bathrooms are in proper working order (except for routine maintenance). 4.5.1. The TOWN shall be responsible for cleaning of the bathrooms at the Robinson Lane Recreation Facility as follows: The TOWN shall provide for cleaning the bathroom facility based on a schedule, as determined by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds; such cleaning shall include sweeping the floor, picking up any debris to be found, wiping down and sanitizing by spraying sinks, toilets and partition walls, mopping the floor with sanitizing solution, checking and resupplying toilet paper, paper towels and hand soap as needed, and emptying the garbage. 4.5.2. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds shall be notified in the event emergency repairs are required and needed for any of the facilities licensed herein. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds will provide an emergency phone number at which he or another designated individual can be reached in the event emergency repairs are required. 5. YANKEES Responsibilities. 5.1. The YANKEES shall rake out the infield clay after each use of Brian Holt Memorial Field. 5.2. The YANKEES shall be responsible for routine cleaning of the dugouts, and trash pick up on and around Holt Field after use. 5.3. The YANKEES shall provide all sporting equipment necessary for the implementation of the baseball program to be provided herein, including, but not limited to, bases, balls, insurance, uniforms, league fees, players' equipment, pitching mound, etc. M DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT 5.4. The YANKEES shall no later than December 31,2019 provide a statement of all revenue received through the solicitation of advertisers who place advertising signs along the fence of Brian Holt Memorial Field. 6. Medical Insurance Coverage. The YANKEES shall provide medical/injury insurance equal to or greater than the standard insurance coverage covering the medical expenses for any of the participants in the baseball program. 7. Fee for the Use of TOWN facilities. 7.1. The YANKEES shall pay the TOWN the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the use of Town of Wappinger Facilities at the Robinson Lane Baseball complex. 7.2. The YANKEES shall be solely responsible for providing all additional financial support necessary to provide the baseball programs to be provided hereunder. 8. Liability Insurance. 8.1. The YANKEES shall indemnify and hold harmless the TOWN from all claims on account of injury, loss or damage arising or alleged to arise out of or in connection with the occupancy or use of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Fields; including all expenses incurred by the TOWN in the defense, settlement or satisfaction thereof including expenses of legal counsel. 8.2. In addition, the YANKEES agree to provide to the TOWN, a certificate of insurance, which indicates a current Commercial General Liability policy is in force with the YANKEES as a named insured written with an insurance company with an A. M. Best's rating of "A" or better. The occurrence limit must indicate a limit not less than $1,000,000. The -7- DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT TOWN shall be named as an additional insured and/or certificate holder on a primary, non- contributory basis. 8.3. No approval is granted or implied unless and until all requirements as outlined above have been submitted to, received and accepted by the TOWN. 9. Indemnification. The YANKEES save, indemnify and hold harmless the TOWN and its agents, servants and employees from against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from any claims, damages, disease, death or injury to any participants in the program conducted by the YANKEES, including the loss or destruction of tangible personal property, except, however, the YANKEES shall not responsible or assume any liability for any acts of negligence committed by or on behalf of the TOWN, its agents, servants and employees. 10. Worker's Compensation. The YANKEES shall provide Worker's Compensation coverage as required by General Municipal Law §108. 11. Mandatory Provision. Each and every provision required by law to be inserted in this Agreement shall be deemed to be inserted herein and the Agreement shall be read and enforced as though it were included herein and in the event any such provision is not inserted or is not correctly inserted, then, upon the application of either party, this Agreement shall forthwith be physically amended to make such insertions or corrections. 12. Non -Discrimination. The YANKEES will not discriminate because of race, color, national origin, ancestry, or religion. The YANKEES will commit to being a safe and civil environment for all players coaches, staff, volunteers, umpires, and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying. 13. Independent Contractor. The parties hereby agree that the YANKEES are DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT hereby deemed an "independent contractor" and shall not be considered an employee or agent of the Town of Wappinger. 14. Non -Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned. 15. Authorization. Each party, by execution of this Agreement, represents that it has duly obtained the authorization of its governing body to enter into this Agreement. The Town Supervisor or his duly designated Deputy Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute this Agreement pursuant to a Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger at a regular meeting thereof held on the day of , 2019. 16. Duplicate Originals. This instrument shall be executed in four (4) counterparts with at least one duplicate original permanently filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger. IN WITNESSETH THEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seal this day of January, 2019. TOWN OF WAPPINGER By: DR. RICHARD L. THURSTON, Supervisor EDWARD R. NORRIS, Manager Wappinger Yankees DRAFT OF 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER YANKEES CONTRACT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) On the day of , 2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared DR. RICHARD L. THURSTON known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) On the day of ,2019, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Edward Roland Norris known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public -10- OCTOBER 1, 2018 CPL#60307.00 1;jN4;rilN4lj:ys co C ii n E T�� ii b E DN�GHID�H PREPARED FOR TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN BOARD DR. RICHARD L. THURSTON - SUPERVISOR COUNCIL PEOPLE: FIRST WARD......................................WILLIAM H. BEALE SECOND WARD..................................ANGELA BETTINA THIRD WARD .................................... ROBERT JOHNSTON FOURTH WARD..................................MICHAEL KUZMICZ TOWN CLERK...................................JOSEPH P. PAOLONI ATTORNEY TO THE TOWN ................. STENGER, ROBERTS, DAVIS & DIAMOND, LLP HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT ...........VINCENT BETTINA TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose and Scope II. MAP OF THE DISTRICT AREA III. PROPOSED DRAINAGE FACILITIES IV. PROJECT COSTS 4.1 Proposed Method of Operation 4.2 Capital Costs 4.3 Annual Operating Costs APPENDICES APPENDIX A — Planning Board negative declaration for subdivision APPENDIX B — Subdivision Grading Plan APPENDIX C — Tax Map Plan of Existing Parcel APPENDIX D — Drainage District D.1 subdivision plat D.2 legal description of district D.3 legal description of drainage district easement on lot 6 APPENDIX E - Property Deed For Lands Of Furnia Subdivision Owned By Shane Furnia dba Hybrid Home Developers, LLC MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 1 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 The Town of Wappinger Planning Board received an application for subdivision of a parcel to be known as the Furnia Subdivision, located at 158 New Hackensack Road. The application included preliminary subdivision plans, an environmental assessment form (EAF), and other related documents. The Planning Board conducted a coordinated review pursuant to SEQRA, and issued a Negative Declaration of Significance for the proposed subdivision. The Negative Declaration is included in Appendix A of this report. 1.1.2 The subdivision plans proposed drainage facilities, including rain gardens, that were located on each of the individual lots in the subdivision, as well as stormwater facilities for management of stormwater quality and quantity, located within an easement on proposed lot 6. The proposed stormwater facilities for the subdivision, which are to be maintained by the Drainage District are shown on the subdivision Grading Plan, dated 08/9/10, last ur('vliii (D'd ...... (See Appendix B of this report.) 1.2 Purpose and Scope 1.2.1 The Map, Plan and Report has been prepared in accordance with Article 12 of Town Law and identifies the specific boundaries of the proposed Drainage District. This report provides a description of the proposed drainage facilities, their required maintenance, and a cost estimate per benefit unit for the first year of operation of the proposed Drainage District. 1.2.2 This Map, Plan and Report is for the creation of the Furnia Subdivision Drainage District to service the subdivided lot at 158 New Hackensack Road that will have nine (9) single family residential parcels upon subdivision approval. The developer will pay all of the capital costs associated with the construction of the drainage improvements, as well as the cost of preparation of this Map, Plan and Report. 1.2.3 Each new parcel will be assigned 1/9 of the actual Town annual Operation and Maintenance (O&M) expenses/costs each year in perpetuity. The first year O&M costs for the proposed Furnia Subdivision Drainage District are estimated to be $1350, which will FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER result in $150 per each benefit unit. II. MAP OF THE DISTRICT AREA PAGE 2 October 1, 2018 2.1 A total of nine (9) proposed single family residential parcels are included within the district. 2.2 The Map of the proposed district is attached as Appendix C. 2.3 A legal description is included in Appendix D. III. PROPOSED DRAINAGE FACILITIES 3.1 There are individual stormwater management facilities on individual lots and there are common stormwater management facilities located within an easement on lot 6. The common stormwater management facilities consist of a swale, a bioretention basin, a detention basin, culverts, outlet control structures, a level spreader, and grass filter strips. Refer to the approved Subdivision Grading Plan, in Appendix B. 3.2 The common stormwater management facilities are located on lot 6, within an easement, which is to be dedicated to the proposed drainage district. 3.3 Individual stormwater facilities, in the form of rain gardens, are to be constructed on each lot. The individual lot owner(s) will be required to maintain the rain gardens, and in the event the individual lot owners fail to maintain them, the Town (on behalf of the district) will be authorized to have access to the rain gardens for the purpose of performing the required maintenance. 3.4 There are no roadway curbs, catch basins or culverts proposed for the district. IV. COSTS OF OPERATION 4.1 Proposed Method of Operation 4.1.1 Since portions of the drainage facilities are privately owned but benefit all properly owners, an estimate of costs was prepared for the operation and maintenance by a drainage district that would be responsible to assure that the facilities on each lot are properly maintained and to maintain the stormwater management facilities on FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 3 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 Lot 6 for the benefit of all lot owners within The Furnia Subdivision 4.1.2 Each homeowner shall maintain the rain gardens on his or her respective lot. An agent of the Town, on behalf of the drainage district will inspect the rain gardens to assure they are maintained. The agent will notify the Stormwater Management Officer if a property owner fails to perform any required maintenance on his or her lot and the Stormwater Management Officer shall enforce the maintenance requirements on behalf of the drainage district. In the event of a failure of a homeowner to properly maintain the drainage facilities on his or her lot, as ordered by the Stormwater Management Officer, the district may either perform the required maintenance or contract to have the work done. All such maintenance costs will be a charge to the District. 4.1.3 The stormwater management facilities within the easement area on proposed Lot 6 will be maintained by the Furnia Subdivision Drainage District. 4.1.4 Each subdivision parcel will be assigned one benefit unit (B.U.) and each benefit unit will be billed 1/9 of the annual costs of the required maintenance for the District. 4.2 Initial Capital Costs 4.2.1 All of the initial capital improvement costs associated with construction of the drainage improvements will be paid by the developer. Therefore, none of the initial district capital costs will be paid by any of the homeowners in the subdivision. 4.2.2 In the event there are additional improvement costs in the future, such costs will be assessed annually on a benefit unit (B.U.) basis. 4.3 Annual Operating Costs 4.3.1 The estimated annual Operation and Maintenance Costs for the proposed Furnia Subdivision Drainage District are based upon the costs to inspect the common drainage facilities and to maintain the stormwater management facilities within the easement area on proposed Lot 6. The estimated operation and maintenance cost of the Drainage District shall be established annually by the Wappinger Town Board. The annual costs would include inspection and maintenance of the common drainage facilities, excluding the road FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 4 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 side swales. Additional costs may be incurred if the rain gardens are not properly maintained. 4.3.2 The estimated annual operation and maintenance cost (in the first year of operation) is $1350. 4.2.4 Each parcel will be assigned one benefit unit (B.U.) and each benefit unit will be billed 1/9 of the annual costs, or $150 in the first year. FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 5 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX PLANNING BOARD NEGATIVE DECLARATION FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 6 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX B SUBDIVISION GRADING PLAN AND SWALE DETAIL FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 7 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX C TAX MAP SHOWING EXISTING PARCEL FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 8 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX D.1 SUBDIVISION PLAT FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 9 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX D.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DRAINAGE DISTRICT FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 10 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX D.3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DRAINAGE DISTRICT EASEMENT ON LOT 6 FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx MAP, PLAN AND REPORT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PAGE 11 FURNIA SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF WAPPINGER October 1, 2018 APPENDIX E PROPERTY DEED FOR LANDS OF FURNIA SUBDIVISION OWNED BY SHANE FURNIA dba HYBRID HOME DEVELOPERS, LLC FAConservation - Easements - Special Districts\2018-10-08 rev MPR_Drainage.docx �wWe Vftig, 11 kMIP, r4e', 'Y&1k 1 26,03 1911111 October 18, 2018 PROPOSED STORMWATER DISTRICT FURNIA SUBDIVISION New Hackensack Road, CR 104 Town of Wappinger Dutchess County, New York Tax parcel 13568900-6158-02-948876-0000 Lot 5 Filed amp 7771 filed 10-15-+86 in office of Dutchess County Clerk Being a parcel shown as lot 5 on filed map 7771 filed in the office of the Dutchess County Clerk on 10-15- 86. Said point of beginning of said parcel being the southwest corner of the herein described District Boundary being tax parcel 13568900-6158-02-948876-0000, said point also being on the northerly right of way lien of New Hackensack Road and also being the SE corner of tax parcel 13568900-6158-02-942830, Thence along the westerly property line of the herein described parcel N 36 degrees 40 minutes 21 seconds W 705.39 feet to the Northwest corner of the herein described parcel Thence along the northerly property line of the herein described parcel N 41 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds E 484.73 feet To the northeast corner of the herein described parcel Thence along the easterly property line of the herein described parcel S 36 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds E 695.75feet To the southeast corner of the herein described parcel said point also being a point on the northerly right of way line of New Hackensack Road Thence along said right of way line S 39 degrees 18 minutes 01 West 92.40 feet S 70 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds W 44.20 feet S 38 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds W 91.88 feet S 34 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds W 74.36 feet And S 38 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds W 190.48 feet to the point of beginning containing 7.562 acres of land more or less BB BBRGBR ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING PLLC • 100 Fulton Avenue • Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Page I You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com) m rn rn rn p N N � N N N C T r T O H co m in L CD 04 CO m O O O E O 9? = co OO CU Z CV N N r T r O O O C 03 U a+ � °U C ifCL O U �5 W ro I ¢=a m v t C-0 ca O N _� cn Vr Q J Z Q Q U O � CA 0) 07 O N O N o N a N C O i i o J N N N Q T T O r T O Cl)v V W C co U CV ' r 0 Y a) CL E N L =U z c E LM -j" @ v O _� U Q f6 Q _U E O H co m in L CD 04 CO m O O O E O 9? = co OO CU Z CV N N r T r O O O TOWN JUSTICE HEATHER L. KITCHEN January 9, 2019 ao F,F/ TOWN OF WAPPINGER / JUSTICE COURT 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590-0324 (845) 297-6070 • (845) 297-0145 FAX: (845) 297-0145 COURT HOURS: Tuesday 5:30 P.M. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 5:30 PM. 1st and 3rd Thursdays 5:30 P.M. Supervisor Thurston and Members of the Town Board Town of Wappinger Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Re: 2018 Annual Report, Carl S. Wolfson, Town Justice TOWN JUSTICE CARL S. WOLFSON Dear Supervisor Thurston and Members of the Town Board: The Following cases were disposed of while I presided over the Justice Court during the year of 2018; 262 Penal Law matters resulting in $5,760.00 collected in fines and fees. 3,325 Vehicle and Traffic Law matters resulting in $308,396.00 collected in fines and fees. 29 Town Ordinance matters resulting in $975.00 collected in fines. 156 Civil matters resulting in $1,602.00 collected in fees. 1 Public Health Law matter resulting in $25.00 collected in fines. 1 Navigation Law matter resulting in no money collected. I NYCRR matter resulting in no money collected. 7 ENCON Law matters resulting in $370.00 collected in fines. p, pE 8 Transportation Law matter resulting in $700.00 collected in �Vf V 1 Tax Law matter resulting in no money collected. SAN 10 2019 11 DNA collection fees in the amount of $550.00. iroWN OF VVAPP'NGER 6.8.a 7 Bail Poundages resulting in $292.50 collected. 4 Bail Forfeitures resulting in $1,450.00 collected. 281 Termination of suspension fees resulting in $20,860.00 collected. I have forwarded to the Town of Wappinger a total of $340,980.50 during the year of 2018. R t 1 sub'tt , 2�- Carl S. Wolfson, Town Justice CSW/ch cc: Joseph Paoloni, Town Clerk ,�, / q / 0 1 /AP�Ea R.J.A. HLD, INC. Supervisor Richard Thurston Town of Wappingers 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 ($45)297-6256 Thursday 17`h January 2019 Dear Supervisor Thurston and Toren Board members, On November 15,h, Mr. Siena wrote a letter to the town's engineer, Mr. Gray. The tetter expresses the concerns of the parents in regard to the potential dangers of the bus stop on All Angels Hill Road. After many emails and meetings with members of the Town's administration, the consensus was that the Padasana Court needed a top coat of black top before it could be dedicated to the town. I have no problem finishing the blacktop on Padasana Court so that it will be acceptable for the Town's highway department. However, I have a $104,000.00 bond sitting in the Town as escrow for the completion of that road. So long as the money is retuned to me, I can finish the top coat of blacktop and complete it to the satisfaction of the town. Currently, the United States Post Office and Central Hudson utilize the roadway. The mailboxes at the entrance of Padasana have been moved to the front of each home. As far as Wappingers Central School District is concerned. they take issue with the fact that my insurance does not name them. That would not be necessary if the road could be completed and then dedicated. So long as the processes in motion, I do not see any reason as to why the buses cannot come in as well. If the concern remains the top coat of the blacktop, I will respectfully ask for the cost of $70,000 of my money returned to me so that I can perform this work and then dedicate the road to the Town. At that time, providing I have met all my obligations, I would then ask for the remainder of my escrow to be returned. At some point, we all need to move forward and finish this development so that the families can feel that their children are safely getting to and from school. Sincer nD Robert Mach , res. M.A. HLD, Inc. �.___. .... JAN 17 2019 TOWN OF WAPPI.NGER TOWN CLERK 51 Myers Corners Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 VINCENT L. TEAHAN JAMES P. QONSTANTINO EMIT. D. CONSiANTINO* RICHARA I. CANTOR STEPHEN Cf. DIAMOND ANN GIFFORD E1J0T D. HAWKINS COUNSEL -ALso Anw'rren 1K MAMAC HUS ES January 16, 2019 `T EAHAN & CONSTANTINO UP COUNSELLORS AT LAW 2780 SOUTH ROAD P. O. BOX 1969 POUGHKEEpSiE, NEW YORK 12601-0969 (845)452-1834 Fax (845) 452-1421 www.tenyl.aw.com Town Supervisor Richard Thurston of the Town Beard of and IVlembers Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 RE: ARMED SHAH AND SAZ LLC 6.8.a ,2o I I AV z , -c-, MILI.BROOK OFFICE 41 FRONT MWEr, SUITE A EO, BOX 1181 MRJ,M". NEW YORK 17a Tel (845) 677-2101 Fax (845) 677.1054 RECEIVED JAN 16 2019 SUPERVISOR OFFICE Dear Supervisor Thurston and Members of the Town of Wappinger Planning Board, I attach a copy of my email communication addressed to "Wappingers Falls News" in connection with a recitation and suggestion of an improper contribution to the Supervisor. I ask that this letter and the annexed communication be placed on your upcoming agenda as a communication so that the incorrect assertions are corrected. RIC:sec Enc. cc: CLIENT VIA EMAIL Respectfully submitted, RICHARD 1. ANTOR DED0V E ID JAN 2 4 2019 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK TO: FROM: FIL E Cap EMAIL MEMORANDUM TOWN OF WAPPINGERS u@ wappinger.info@gmaii.com RICHARD 1. CANTOR, Teahan & Constantino LLP, 2780 South Road, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 DATE: JANUARY 15, 2019 RE: AHMED SHAH AND SAZ LLC TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I am writing on behalf of Ahmed Shah and Saz LLC in connection with your December 2018 article concerning my clients (Vol I, Issue 1). Your recitation that Mr. Shah and/or Saz LLC (Mr. Shah is the principal of - ' Saz LLC) made a donation to the Town Supervisor after the Town Supervisor was elected is incorrect. Mr. Shah through Saz LLC made a campaign contribution to the Supervisor during the election campaign and prior to election day. There is nothing illegal, unethical, or in any way improper about this campaign donation. Mr. Shah's efforts to obtain municipal water and sewer service predate the election of the current Supervisor and continues. I don't know who you are and only have the email address in your publication. Please understand that there are consequences for defamation. RICHARD CANTOR, ESQ. JAN 2 4 2419 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK