002lu. a MCA 3. 13. NEWS DISPLAY AD11ERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET— WAPPINGERS FALLS buildings containing _ contain at .hast,'._ teM�7 IV AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ord,State of New York, ' kpoMrayent."N o "c 4- Fe isdKja4ront,t. County of Dutchess, emeses are not," u,n' t4 sewer -ark� IfriF;t."r,1,itrh,, .,Town of Wappinger. rage�wiuvM. ownership (�stallapplyl&ti626nln Dated: 'September '3,-1983 443.3 1 HU -PP-' d to t� theI f 'ovena a by the attorneys to the n.,f,h— C­ntv.Clerk's : accessory apartmertt. Thts-L)eciarauon shall be in favor of the Town -01 Wap- pingerand slate'that' (a) The Special -Permit for an 'cessory apartment or any renewal. of said -Special -Permit shall terminate OMe -j.oe p I delf�h of the undersigned or Tv h'eundersigned, or upon TheIransfer-of title to said,premises or no longer, oc ry -sof(), e cupping the premises as their pr I incipal S ;residence. . !ery bed ro a ­­_,4b)_7be new owner of the premises shall have to apply to the Zoning ,Board ferything..:;y of Appeal& for a Special Permit to a conti nue Ahe accessory apartment. I (d) These restrictions, covenants and iove,he -conditions shall run .with the land ,ve subject to the right of the Town of : Wappinger to amend, annual or repeal nd —, — n11 M The ­fri,fi­ ­..n.nt. Bertrice Osten .................... of the ................. double dharges� Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, lessIftel, satered.1 &e 4the:1 being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the )ftond,�;'A_ of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and Slated to ; Q- , m-,* . Rry';� published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of dow.ringi Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the stg annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said mitt- newspaper for .... 9;1P... weeks successively . =e h. day o f . Lpap in each week, commencing on the. 14. ,rlla�f Tr namely ­Mpahn; 19-83 . and on the following dates thereafter, on ....................................... and ending on the ..... 1.4th ... day of ...... 19-83. both days inclusive. Tj ......... .............. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 1.4-.-Lh ... day of... , :ap. 19. 8.3 ....... ............... Notary Public My commission expires ......................... L S T fA ' E N l"F,%1 YORK J Y "ic, i *! " ° "' "" e. IfNo- granting df a specter, times herelnatter was, [he ..LC- residence which is subordinat Crk athg owrterfthe prdpe principal one -family dwellt p * ShoulcRhere f arAolatlon ob Permitt�si dot entitle the owner or terms of size, location and local law oea change in:awnership, the any subsegpant gwner to seek a of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a and provides complete ho Special Permit use and the Certificate variance fopermit. occupancy of -one of. facilities for one family t: I of Occupancy for the accessory, tf7tAving units by a person unrelated to dependent cooking, bath,' .apartment shall then become null and an 6kwwoccupant. Any financial in- published every Wednesday in I sleeping facilities, physicialiyse ter void following a• hearing before the ves r4 itnpmvernents mne necesshasary access from anyother dwellin u = • * 9poutg Board of Appeals which shall to c accessary apart (b) In §220, amend the def�m cf^ determlrrattsuch violation orchangeof bed abefta*amortized,during . Wappinger, Dutchess County, l DWELLING, ONE FAMILY; to . as ownership tookvpiace unless by reason the term,p,.TAA6fthe a rdWjerrntt- annexed NOTICE was duly follows "DWELLING, ONE FAM1W - A of deatht in which lnsWee, the pe - follows: §A45 t� ordC s3talt not detached building containing - ,,one shall continue until -the expirattA, 01! 1 ttez - valid u a dsry Preexisting dwelling unit only or one pciptary term provided the remaining oc4tpanUs aeeessi units riot (mol, ming to a newspaper for .. O11Q wee': dwelling unit and one accessory are. related- Thereafter, thetena, applicatrfe 1avr. P Spertal Permit . . 940... apartment. have ninety (90) days . ec nessarjt for a pre n9 (c) Add a new §445, as follows sd=q�f.kWhen shaWb*fem #dd`by the and neMk9iecassory apartments 445 SPECIAL PERMITS FQf 'owner wkfilir sixty (60)1days after the §446.19 N6,0artificat kof Occupancy to each week, commencing On I CESSORY APART d'thehousesltatltMW%t haIIbeissue&unblthe.Town.Assessor 19-133and On the f011OWlrig 445.1 Accessory apartmantsa ' e family. status v t1a eWnotitfed m •WaitYn9.Tn the form costs of the permitted in altsingle-famliyr new d r i Wve" iiia of. an'affidaw�e6ffhe `linin districts where single-famllyham ues improv a 0j t et Assassor may a permitted use, upon issuance efr a und'e he re uir menat iomofcoets - on specials permit byrthe Zoning Boari7 of ffonsl p sed efthan e, This local law shall take Appealsi subject :tq.theconditions and na latef thart ruraefy (90) day prier to, -effect fr6mediately-upon fliing.with the limitations contained In this local law. gxpiratton off the-Specialfi Permit, or ifs Secretary-of,State .. • • • • ' ' 445.2 No accessory apartment: shall oveneushlp.. changes less -than ninetyr Elaine H. Snowden be stalied or -maintained except upon (90>xiiays prior to suah`expitation; then = Town Clerk mand ending on the . ......4rt h Special, Permit ggranted by the Zoning wit hiie ninety-(90)daya.otthe change in Tewmot*Wappinger Board' of` Appeals,,The, applicant shall ownership; he shall apply.to the,Zoning Dated; September 13, 1983 p file a, plan in such detail as, theZoningr SbardrofAppealsrfc�a_Speela! Permit` 19.33. both days inclusive. Boards of Appeals=shall prescribe witt _ (b) Should. ails, owner, ° vacate ` his" , then initial application for an accessory residence titerSpedahParrnetuse-ano apartment. The application fee for a.the° CertificaM of Occupancy for- the Sepcial Permit. ' for an accessory necessaryapartmantstlall become nuii apartment shalt be $10M Each such, arid. vold! Thereafter;, the -tenant st9ali 1 .. Special Permit, shall be two (2) years, in have• ninety (901_ days -to. -.,relocate; the duration, subject to earlier termination second kitchen*shall be rearoved`by the:. j as providedin�thls local law, and, also owner,, within sixty=(60) days after the subject, tmrenewal upon:application. tenantieaueszarrd_the:houseshalirevert and:after pubiiq= earing,, to,,wsin9Je farnflystatus, Subscribed and sworn to before (aW Beinre of 1p approval shall be 445:5 The aw.rav applicant€ shaffi, Board fat Appeals re reduto �ttla4pn the s),4b ct property{ Se hat aetermi$e .�xaddition• to�those �aatelarairnrmo& love`nan apPcoved 1 C}11S ....1�•I1 ... day Of.. . standardstsetfcrtl in §432 that; by the attorneys to the town ofz the' 1< Thatluhe use)will: not prevent the. Dutchess Courtty Clerk s.Offfca,prior ta° . • . � ,orderlyand.,reasonable use of. adjacent the+s'suancerol Specl�.Permlt€fortam-; properbes orrofl.#opertles-in adjacent accessoryt,agqaagirpentk ThisDec" larati'on , use:districts.r shalrbefinYavorO the.T`owat o, Wal` peGlaenrenma..jn .or ....,....:ar.e. de,rr..!nh theundersigned-Or. rstabl she&- uses in, adjace fistricts 3, That the, safety, the hes velia e; the. comfort; the cony district -and the- :pecullar=suitability, of ; said:ownerz000wners or.7tne ryrer'T'anb= t suchdistncts=for the location of any -of` hereirrr•. described 'ands sunh 'r[ghtt' or + ) suchxpermissivwuses; - privilege shWrJaefeff rhiagt fitbau.L*iM'ecp 2. The conservation of property, , of -ahya adjacerrtty an..'other i ;consents values and'the; encouragement oft this 'pwrlerskortiibierrrS f the paaper- of -land;, - = (d) Tb1st D`aefaiaflonr, pfr Cavananta - mostapproprtaFe-uses 3: The!effactthat the location of, the, . - shall rugt�rrtf tCfee taa!d% and shall baa: ' their proposed uses may haveupon the undue increases; aw binding upert� Cttaa ,owners;, drsMifiuteeste5fesuSsv?ti £; creation or• vehicular traffic :congestion on public, mini stratorsgissiicaessaestantffassi8ns §A4563lcnocauPani tf€attleasyone streeforhighway; ... 4, Tmthe>`necessity for paved surface o2tttiths�"(Yr vphri epT space forpurpose-of off-street parking sttailkt 5lfe>sf fie 1 ' s ofvehiclesr.urcidentaitothe, use,.andk 11 dauglttefi'(inclidfhg§1 golly adopted): ar+od,9f nil �I!Irbb dpsr whether such space is°- reasonably- adequate and: appropriate and can. be,,,ctrild at','sf 9C of+ttle dcrupanof the"acaessd and tkleTsameesball�,befthe- II -furnished bya'the- owner of the, plotapartment soughtto be uaed within_ocadjacent tom, +:, i, cLPslcresidenc�.afa'tpat ggersohs A may, e, ��«uhnrwle:thause-shalfbahad: athersmlaw�'orr.motfferirtlaw 5( Whether the -use, or the siruciure3 to be usedr.,tberefore, will- cause an , I death of#their-child §'445.7 Onlyi one accessory apart ` r overcrowdland. or undue.,, the- concentration of populailonl -,- 1l, mentZf=axtotal of, two.dwe(Il tg unrtg. perfbP6hall be permitteda ,r- .--" - 6, Whetherthe plot area -is sufffcienl appropTijam, and adequate for the use= §44&8*Anaccessoryapartment, :shall tie% permitted!, only within, the- male= and $: tire* reasorrably. . anticipated operation and -expansion thereof; and ' (c) The Zoning Board of Appeals° structurarancl notwlthimawy accessory. l buildingVor, upon, any separate, foun- stralf in authorizing, such• permissive imppose' such conditions and. dation: A�ddttions,tothe•Testdefxce-shall be, permissibioif theytdo not.increase uses; safeguardsiaseiumay, deem appropriates .4 thetbuWding perimeter: The character, necessaryaor�desirable�to preserve^arid.=. thesplrit-and objechvesofthtsr,a`shall –dag :ee and extent af.anle suchedsiftion trata-factor, to be;considered,by , protect, chapter. .� (d) 1. py,putslla hearing. shall be ITel&. the:Zoning.Board.of'Appeals In passing' uggawaSpeai f? 1"applicatlPrt "' for every application for a special, or -renewal thereof. The Zoning gM15.9aAn accessry apartmentshall have -separate- access-, not observable ' permit Board of Appeals shall fix a time and. give et,the expense^ ofrthe-applicant, from -the street, unless there "(s single access`�from^the^front, of the -building, public notice -thereof by the publication in the officiate newspaper of such with a splitaccess ihsidethe,building. §445.10 All building- code or, other hearing at,ldastlen'(10) days prior to° the date of the:public hearing. requirements: under local law or or - oinance and other applicable laws and 2. The subject property is to be , reg1u�lahons shall be,complied`with and Budding.permit as well as a Special posted,forarperiod of not less themten (10) days immediately preceding.: the a Permit obtained forany changes or requiring sucha-permit, and public hearing, or, an adjourned date thereof. Subject to rebuttal, the filing alterations a Certlflcate of Occupancy shall be , by the apPilcant reciting the facts of such posting shall be deemed suf- ootainecibeforeoccupancy. §445.11 An accessory apartment ficient proof of compliance herewith. , 3, The posting of signs on subject shall occupy minimum of 650 square feet to a. maximum of 35% of the property shallbemade in the following.. existing habitable floorspace of the .building in -which itIse :contained, the+ manner. A. The applicant shall erect on the .two dwelling; units shall not, contain than three d two affected property asign which must be obtained from the building inspector's more re)r- bedrooms or an agg. g ate total of five . office which' shall be prominently displayed on. the. premises facing each (5)bedrooms.: §445,12 The minimum lot .size for My commission expires ....... N0Tt}1U,y Qi:Al ! '.;Vl l