08/12/1968TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING BLASTING AND THE USE OF EXPLOSIVES IN BLASTING OPERATIONS. --------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on Aug. 1, 1968, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an ordinance regulating blasting and the use of explosives in blasting operations, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of 'v�appingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. That such signboard is maintained by your deponent in compliance with the provisions of Article 3, Section 30, Subdivision 6 of the Town Law of the State of New York. Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk i Sworn to before me this/-7-cday a9 of u�i 19 8. Notary Public �� iNI A REsolution Setting a Public Hearing on an Ordinance Regu- lating Blasting and the Use of Explosives in Blasting Operations WHEREAS, there has been introduced to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, an ordinance regulating blastin, and the use of explosives in blasting opera- tions, NOW, therefore, be it resolved, that a public hearing be held thereon on the_day of , 1968,., at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Proposed by �hY_-�;���"� Seconded by Vote: Supervisor Diehl Councilman Clausen Councilman Finnan Councilman Heady Councilman Mills Legal oti.ces ease take notice t Pollok awn Board of Rhefiil�p ug. 12, 1968. 't "AN ORMNANQ+E REaJJLAT4 THE USE OF.t•OSMES ITl t "OF s action 1,di`State Iegislatiw This ornenoe� ed .in ow perations andsth+5 l�f3explos •e taking phwe 4n At*'fF nn +-C otential-public ivate-itflIffi id have=been �a oca jraa t3f potl@Ftt re of a "h7dMV'rodt*fft"rtetare'M hysical harm to 'residents `and afe and an hard rrdi nano he used iection4 This o ind the 'action' W Nene :6a} "S that it is injury -of '.(e) "_Bi pant as'a the on and S. D. NEWS rich le a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING jai AX 7 — 3724 ng S. - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. nd Town as a"a^dle:'"I'tss _ tnls dures-For th�rrequia and l �peratiolaa ger. i d ppeal6 .of the otate.bfMl vw York. of La6dfTdf the`State of=rvew `rr)rK. wder, powders used for blasting, high tonatingtfuses, detonators=anr+ other ,oder and.any chemical compound or lrlg.ariy;oxidi¢ing;combustible units, rpo rti o ns, =q uanfi ties, „or .padk ing-that cion, percussion <or detonation of -any d to cause an explosion;'but�shali not rhtha, tturpen£ine, ;benzine, �aeetone, ,,ammunition .and primers for small ridmatches shall notbe=deemed-to be :rmined l y the-.,board>in�rts-Tules, the of 'the'above=mentioned ..articles -or clsed. e an explosion of such units to the Jing regularly occupled Jn=wh`ole�orin oeings,:and any church,, school house, 14rtg aor. place; <where people are rriprle: k';person, ,partnershlpi "association or ransport or use rside the limits ;M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ............. Beatrice Osten .............................. ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says thatshe is, and 9t the several times hereinafter was, the......of W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ... PRP.... week successively .... 94Ge,.. in each week, commencing on the..22144 .... day of. Augusl......... 1944 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ......... .. ... ........... .......... ... .. ...... .. and ending on the. , .; nd . • , day of ... Augusl ... , . . 19H, both days inclusive. te�Q. . Subscribed ands orn to before -me -,, �.. / this.�::.�...:: ,day of,.�,.-�:�.': Notary Publik I My commission expires.:.,, t R:L°EASE TAKE N W. a n d S • D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. ;ICE that,a=public_hearing,will be held,by th$ 'rewn Hall, Mill Street, Wappir aday•:of,,August, 1968,.at7:45-P.,M `*n �ardlnance regulating Wasting operations. �ErJaine.Snew Town of Wapp AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten ..... ......................... ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yak; being duly sworn, says thatshe is, and ft the several times hereinafter was, , , , , , of W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for .. PW .... week successively. 979(;..... in each week, commencing on the..],sI...... day of.. ALi$us;........ 19,68, and on the following dates thereafter, namely on .................................... ........... > .. and ending on the.15... day of...�4Dgtnt....... 19BA both days inclusive. Subs sworn sworn to bef¢>?b me � y thio ltj/ . day Notary Public Jf My commission expires..