ResolutionRE SCLT'TI CT I The followinpResolution was introduced by who moved its adoption: VHLIU-AS, the Town of Wappinger has adopted an ordinance providing for the authorization of writes o` Chance, Pursuant to Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law, and ' 7RM?EAS, the adoption of such ordinance is subject to the ado-�)tioa o_;' a oandatcry referendum by the electors of the '"own Of Wappin er, and YyALREAS, the Town Clerk has transmitted to the Town Board a form of a proposition to be considered, +7 1, T 3.'� =u 'if iiE I"' P0,3OVMD that ti -le.. following proposi- tion, shall be submitted to the voters of the To,. -m 0 Wap7121ger at a Si-jeci..l lectio-4 to -e elc1 at the tzme of- t :e annual elec- tion or? i.'ov['_rlr;£`r ."Tl1:4, ! 976 - SHALL THE A77U(JN" 7 T7!? e'A- -17 rNl- e,,� TO BT: CnRMUCTED I'THE TO 1iT OF WAPPl ; ET T'URSUA ?"' TO Nt..'TIt; Of Ti .:> �" , s;' '_AI, ' 1A1I^?PAJ. ve s �?o the Toi-m 'lerk of the 'wo,!,n of Wappinger is here—b7 author:i.?(.: arid directed to submit the above proposition to the Board of Elections of the County of ')utchess so that said pronosit_io-) may be acte:j upon at the annual election to be held on November 2nd, 1976. Said election shall I)e Conducted upon machine ?)s.2 - lots, and the polling places shall be those Provided for at the annual Tovni election to be held on November 2nl, 1976, follows: POLLING? PLACE LOCATIO'N DISTRTCTI Mesier Park - Mesier Homestea,-! - Ulappin.crers Palls 1 Town Hall - Mill Street 9 Garner Engine West Academy St. 3 Wappinger Jr. fligh School Remsen Ave. 4 and 13 Ketcham high School - ."'Iyers Corners "Md. 5, 7 and 9 NeNv, 111,ac!.-c-nsac!C`Mrcli Christian Educational Center Route 376 6 an,-',- 21 II, T l: 77?C,r,cireo,r--rrs -CorTlers Rd. 9 and 20 "Myers Corner., -11 El (nicn t cry School - Myers Corners RJ 10, 17 and I.' "I ";I", Hopewell '71. 11, 12 and If Chelsea 'St. 14 and Mt. Hope (7,range 'orners The polls shall be oven ,1,P-n7t--cj,, I L !,--, a;,:0 Theelection inspectors and, T.-.1allot cler' ks sllvall be those des; mvatcd by tf-ie Town Loard pursuant to L'=ic, provision. of the Election Law to serve for the generall election for 1976. SECO'L'DED : DATED: