UntitledW. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N,Y, Legal "Not"ice PLEASE TAKE NOT IGEthat,the-following hce was ;adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinge Special Meeting on September.2$, 19 A9lSJRW AMENDING TH 1NG ' DLf�IAI .,,w HE TOWN OF ER. _ BE IT RE'SIL[+Ealj DAIN:ED by th ?ard of the Town of lWappiRger„''`>County, New 'Yo-9tsuent to the authority cogte j 1r6cof the Town he`State of. New York and gABe Article 9 of the T Law, -to the extent applica61ke ,# is The Town of W '"" i.ng Ordinance adopted .January 29, 1963, as amended, is hereby further amended as -follows Section 1: Section 416.031 is hereby amended to Tread as follows: "Section 416.031: A building or structure, theuseof which does not conform to the use -regulations for the district in -which it is situated, shall not be enlarged or extended unless -the use therein is changed to a conforming use; -except as permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals as. provided .in Section 544:” Section 2: Section -544 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 544. Variance or adjustment. Section 544.1 Where the strict 'application :of any of the requirements of the ,Ordinance<:in the case of an exceptionally irregular,narrow shallow or steelot, or other exceptional physical conditions, as a result of which stnct appTication wodi-d-resuTf'iri practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship that would deprive the owner of .the >reasonable use of land or'building=involved, and in ,such other instancesasprovided in this Ordinance,.but in no other case, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall haverthe power, upon appeal, -to van( or adjust the strict application :of -the regulations:or provisions df this Ordinance. 1 T e c se of an exsting legally.,non-conforming use in a residential area, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the power, upon ;appeal, to ,permit an ,existing 'non -conforming use to expand the size of the building or structure or enlarge the building or structureprovided that: a) The existing use is a permitted use in the Local Business (LB) district, as defined in the Zoning O,dinance. ,b) The use meets ,or Js <:made 'to meet the •Local 'Business .(•L.l#) dis,U510t ^standards;:' as defined in "Section =424, .and the , proposdd .exii ior+shall not'furthsr>violate_the yard or lot requirement of such district,' except that the front-ya'rd requirement maybe waived by,the Zoning'Board of Appeals. -e) T•he-use is .of a building or structure only, and any activity in relation to the use is to be conducted -solely within ,the building or structure. d) The proposed expansion is no greater than '50% of the square footage on the ground floor as the *building or structure existed as of the time the building or structure became non -conforming. e) Any non -conforming use so ;permitted shall require site plan approval in accordance with Section 440. Section 3. This amendment shall take effect immediately upon adoption, posting and publication as :prescribed by Town Law. STATE (YF4NM'VD'RK*) ! COUNT'OF,OUTCHESS) I, ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, Town Clerk of-tha'T�vm of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, do hereby cert.W.Ahat ithe„`-forsgoing ordinance was duly adopted at a Special meeing;ef the 'Town 'Board of the Town of Wappinger duly and regularlyicalied ®nd held on the 26th day of September, 1968, at which time a-quorucn was present and participated throughout, and that the same has aW been -an-any manner rescinded or annulled and that the same Is' ^stffl:rn force and effect and is duly entered in the minutes of said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Town of Wappinger this 30th day of September, 1968, SEAL Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. ,..,.,,Beauise.O;ten.......................ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says thatshe is, and i t the several times hereinafter was, the. Co zdito; ,&. Publisher , , , of W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ... ASW.... week successively... Q4Qe ... in each week, commencing on the.. 314 ..... day of... 9Fxvbei ...... 1968, and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................ and ending on the ... 3id.... day of ... Ociobet..... 1968, both days inclusive. .......................s.......... Subscribed arld6iworn to befor�&e I . this..... ....... y day of, .....� . t :�� .. � . , 19� Notary Public My commission expires ..1 ... ` f� -� ! �� W. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 — 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS, N,Y. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINW,-ZD - TICE that the Town B 'Town of Public hearing at the T ill Street, an or m, Ing the neer. nowden, Clerk SEAL. AN= ^ NGE AMENDING THE ZONING ORD1'NA+Nt3EtD.F'THETOWN OF WAPPINGER BE 1T RESOLveo AND ORDAINED by the'Town Board of the Town ;of Wappinger, ;Dutchess County, New York; -pursuant -to the authority conferred by Article 1.6.of the Town Law of:the'State:of Naw York :and :also ._pursuant to Article 9 .of the Town 'Law, to the extent applicable,las follows: The 'Town fof NNappinger .Zoning Ordinance =adopted January 29,1963, as,amended ,Whereby further amended as follows: Section 1::Section 41,6:031 4s hereby -amended -,to xead as follows; "Section 416:031: '1 Ibullding or structure, the'use ,of which does not1-1 tie disti let situated, shall riot bee a d; or:extended,unless:the,use therein is changed to ;q-cemiforirlirjg asl except as permitted :by the Zoning Board =of-APpeaisasdipnoyildad4 Sa ion 544" Section,2:'SecciOn SA4jia)harekx)1 rxrepded_,to=rsad.as'fdllows: I's ection.544.3Vianlariawaraicj1 ,Section '5441 hese,'cthe a<ppl•ication' of any of the requirements .of --the= neeAn ttha.-icase :ofi .an exceptionally ¢ ,ptiunal-Physical conditions, as ca trestAVdV,�kWhi6hptrict eipplicatAn would result in practical difficulty or .unnecesssri*9harclsh'ip athat would -deprive the owner �ofAlis »reasonable.use 46f*nid or=building irwdlved, and in such other instances .as :provided In °tlls'Ordinance, but -in no other case, the Zoning Board of .Appeals shall have the .power, upon appeal, to vary,or adjustthestrict<appiicativn of:theirsgulations•or,provlsions.of this OrcIinance." Section 5"A.1 to the icase of am existing legal)y+iron-conforming .use lin avesidentiaiarea, the<Zoning:Board-of Appeals shallhavethe power,'tupon appeal, 'to °permit �sn existing non -conforming wse to expandtheisize of:the building orstructure or enlargethe.building !or structure.provided that: -a) 'The aex`isting use •-is as :permitted use in the .Local Business +LB) district, as defined -in the,Zoning Ordinance. b) The .use .meets .or is ,made xto meet the -Local .Business I LB) district .standards, as defined in `Section -424, and the proposed extension shall not further violate the yard or lot requirement of such district, except that the front yard requirement, may be waived by the Zoning Board;.of,Appeals. c) The use is of as building or structure only, and any activity in relation to. the ,use is'to:be:conducted solely within the building or tu d) 'The 1praposed iexpansion :is no greater than 50% of the square footage on theglround Acores the building or structure existed as of the time-.the:bullding,or struet'ure"became non -conforming. -e) Any n;;4onforming .use -so ;:permitted shall require site Plan approval inaiccorlaritie with 'Section 440. "ff Section `3.,, This amendment shall take effect immediately upon adoption, posting5snd spublication as prescribed by Town'Law. Dated: Introduced July29, 1968, :n Special Meeting Introduced by: Councllman Florian Seconded by: Councilman Clausao: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Beatrice Osten of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is, rind 9t the several times hereinafter was, the.cio ;F�d , , , , , of W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for • ,one , , , , , week successively.. Pie ... in each week, commencing on the.....12th . , , day of ... SAXP vbei' .... 19.6A and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................ and ending on the.... IWi .. day of.5eprAnber ..... 194A both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to befor'b me j this...?'...... day of,.. �i Notary Public My commission expires....,.i,.41_...= • . • .�.